
Nothing wrong with travelling everywhere...right?


07-03-2013, 10:19 PM

Golden yellow optics swivelled about in a chocolate and black coloured skull as a lone figure sat in the sun on the sand. Water murmured in her ears each time it came running up the sand to try and touch her, despite this she was immensely enjoying it here. Though she wouldn't live here long term, the cove was quite lovely to the femme. She supposed that in winter it would be extremely cold here, but as long as there was no bitingly cold wind it was alright.

The woman closed her eyes slowly, lifting her head up so that she was getting the most of the sun's warmth. A yawn made her maw open up for a moment, white teeth and a dark pink tongue that curled up a little at the end before the yawn ended and she closed her mouth again with an audible 'clack' of her weaponry. The young rogue advisor wasn't crazy or illogical....but one's usual logic might not have necessarily been hers.

She took in a deep breath, the salty tang of the water making a smile come to her maw before she opened her eyes again. Some wolves could get used to living, loving and dying here...but not her, she wanted something a little more hospitable. She couldn't freeze her tail off for all her life, that just wasn't her style.
"Nice cove...pity that the rest of the area's not as nice." She murmured with a slight laugh, talking back to the water for once. Though the water was nice for inanimate company, she wanted to talk to someone...just for a little.