
give me love


07-03-2013, 08:34 PM

He was moving almost automatically towards the snowfalls before he even thought about it. He had seen Maverick`s friend from Glaciem at the wedding but no one else and afterwards a strange desire to visit the desolate lands arose within him once more. So he moved through the melting snow slowly, head lifted as he continued scenting the winds in search for the pack boarder. But what he found wasn't what he had hoped. The boarder was deteriorated, old and unmarked for some time it seemed. What had happened? Confusion was evident on his features as he stopped at the faintly marked boarder and glanced around. No one... Had the pack disbanded? He didn't dare enter the boarders without permission, just approaching them last time had gotten him charged and almost gotten them into a fight. No, he couldn't represent Sercia like that... So the male paused and tipped his head back, calling for any Glaciem wolves. Maybe this would turn into more of a recon mission after all. What could he report to Gerhardt? Would he be returning to Sercia with grave news? There was no way that Gargoyle could be dead... Could there? The male would sit carefully to wait, he would stand when someone approached but for now he would wait. For how long he was unsure but he would wait none the less.



07-03-2013, 08:57 PM

Everything about her future seemed to be uncertain. Since the new reign of Eos had arrived, her pack world had fallen apart. The members of Glaciem - the Glaciem she knew - had disbanded, choosing to leave the new ruler and depart for better things. Her newfound family seemed so lost, so unsure of what was to come, and Eria felt the same way. Now, as they resided in the cave that once was known for housing the great pack, Eria tossed and turned. Sleep had left her around the time Gargoyle and Eos had begun their battle, making it difficult for her to have any rest. With a heavy heart, she rose from the cave floor and stepped out onto the snow.
Spring had arrived for all of Alacritis, but the results for the Northern region were only a slight increase in the freezing temperatures and longer incraments of sunlight. These things Eria appreciated, but nothing would be as wonderful as her birth season. Winter was her number one favorite, despite the change of scenery. Her paws stroked the snow beneath them as she padded further away from the safety of the occupied cave. Restless slumber was not normal for Eria; for this, she continued.
It wasn't until she had reached a good mile away from the Snowfalls that she heard a lone howl. Ears perked, paw froze in midstep, and body became stiff. Her ocean blue eyes ran the length of the snow-covered lands in front of her until both sight and hearing pinpointed the howl's source. A decision quickly made, Eria made her descending trot towards him. Snow lightly flew on either side of her as she left trails through the miniature piles. Eyes alight and tongue lolling from her mouth, she was the epitomy of focus while running (not really).
Eria's speed slowed as she reached the edge of the old borders. Heart beat rapidly and felt broken as her gaze automatically moved to the forgotten lines that kept her old home secure. A sad sigh escaped Eria's lips, forming into chrystal mist before evaporating completely. The male's scent reached her nose and pulled her back to the male's attention. Ocean blue eyes met his own and she cleared her throat before gently speaking. "Hello...I suspect you were the one who called?"



07-03-2013, 09:24 PM

ooc;; I swear he gets less formal after the initial meeting XDD

He was solemn, respectful and quiet as he waited, gaze remaining on the seemingly endless lands that had once held what seemed like so many wolves. His time in Glaciem had been a quiet one but good none the less. He had mostly spent it following Maverick around, occasionally speaking when spoken to but generally just doing his job and coaching Maverick through the whole thing when they were alone. He had come to care deeply for the red male in their time together, not in an in love sort of the way but the same way he had cared for his brother when Friction had been in line to rule Vacanse before the flooding. He of all people knew how quickly things could change in life, maybe that was part of the reason such a feeling of dread had settled in the pit of his stomach. He knew how easily a pack that was so strong could be destroyed. Not to say his birth pack had ever been especially strong, it had consisted of his very large group of siblings, is mother and a few other wolves he couldn't for the life of him remember. The pack had been larger when he had been younger and sometimes their mother had told them times of when Deiro and Diesel had ruled. Stories of their aunt Gossamer, of the lady Amour... All the wolves that had disappeared from the Vacanse ranks as time had passed.

Paw began to idly play with the snow, gaze shifting down thoughtfully as a sigh slid from his lips. Maybe no one would come? He felt his throat clench but after a while longer he stood, downcast gaze to the ground. He wouldn't trespass even if the lands were no longer claimed, he couldn't bring himself to do it. A deep respect had been placed within him after his very first meeting with Gargoyle and no matter the massive man's fate Cynrik just couldn't disrespect him. But just as he was about to leave paw falls caught his attention and regal crown turned. Golden gaze would fall upon the lady who approached, a wave of relief crashing over him. So Glaciem was still alive and flourishing? But who was this? He didn't recognize her from the higher ranking wolves he had met in his time here but he would give her the same respect none the less. He turned slowly as she cleared her throat, stretching a forepaw forward into a deep bow and curling his head to his chest so his forehead pressed to the ground.

No matter who it was he had been taught to greet them this way, at least from another pack as long as they were non hostile. This female seemed far from it. As he lifted himself he allowed a smile to creep across his features, exuberance for her arrival reined in. He wanted so badly to hop on her and cover her in kissed but his training kicked in and he remained a respectful distance, allowing her to close it if she wished. "I am, I wasn't sure if Glaciem was still around. I was here a few months back with Maverick from Sercia... I thought I'd take a side trip and visit on my way back from the wedding." Words came easily, probably speaking too much but he couldn't hold back. God sometimes he spoke way too much... "I apologize if its too much of an imposition... My name is Cynrik Sovari of Sercia." he said easily, another tip of his head given politely to the female standing before him.



07-03-2013, 10:20 PM

ooc: I can't wait to see how he is IC. ♥
It was the bow that made Eria blink a few times. She wasn't used to prim and proper introductions, let alone the gestures that went along with them. The way Cynrik acted left Eria speechless. Her rump found the ground, resulting with a muffled crunch, evidence of the snow being disturbed by her weight. Haunches didn't react to the brief and stinging touch of cold against her warmth; she had done it too many times since puppihood to really mind the coolness beneath her.
Then, the white-furred male began to speak. Where did he come from again? Seracia? She had no idea what or where Seracia existed. There was obvious evidence that she hadn't been properly exposed to the rest of Alacritis. Now, as she listened to him finish speaking, she raised an eyebrow. He asked of Glaciem and her heart hammered in her chest. The anger she had from the past realization of Gargoyle being replaced boiled within her chest, wanting to leave in the form of a growl. She restrained herself when ears perked to his name.
The name he told her made her want to say it over and over. 'Cynrik, Cynrik, Cynrik...' It was just the way she played with it in her mind that made her anger ebb away. The silence that followed him caught up with her and she blinked, regaining her focus. "Oh! Yes, Glaciem is still around, but, it's just..." A sigh escaped her again, forming temporary mist as she looked to the side and at the ground between them. Eria rose from where she sat and padded in his direction. "...the Glaciem you remember and I hold to my heart is no more. Gargoyle, our beloved Chief, was challenged for his rank....and he lost." Her gaze left the border, where it had rested, and rose to his own again. "Eos Adravendi was the challenger. She is now the lady-in-charge, as well as her brother, Syrinx." Eria's tail twitched in slight annoyance at his memory, but it faded just as fast as it had come. "A lot of the members have decided to depart, mainly the families that Glaciem provided homes for...Myself included."
Eria's heart ached for Crusade, the pups, and everyone else that mattered to the clan. She considered herself a part of them; that was one of the reasons she had been accepted into Glaciem. Now, she would leave with them, wherever they chose to go. "I am not sure how the new rulers will take care of Glaciem, but I know I will not be around long enough to find out." Then, manners kicked in and her face lost the sadness that had been etched upon it. "Forgive me, Cynrik. I did not tell you who I was." With a flourish, she took a few steps back, spun in the snow, and made a regal dip. One paw remained in front, the other scooped up and back, and her upper body dipped to form a straight downward angle. "I am Eria, former member of Glaciem." Eria hadn't attained a title during the short time she had been under Gargoyle's rule, but that didn't mean much now.
The dark black-and-blue pelted fae gently rose, shaking the snow free from her magnificent coat. Whatever light there was hit her form at the right spots, causing waves of black and bright navy blue to crash and flow across her slender form. With her ocean blue eyes alight, they stood out and made her more stunning. Eria was ignorant to this, however, despite what others would tell her. Silence was broken after her own intro as she walked back to Cynrik and said, "I hope that your side visit was not in vain, Cynrik. For if you think that meeting me was, then you are sadly mistaken." A playful glint appeared in her eyes.



07-03-2013, 11:08 PM

Her rump hit the ground with a soft crunch of the snow and his head snapped up to look at her. What was wrong? Had he done something wrong? Had he offended her? He was speechless for a moment, jaw working to try and form words to apologize for his actions or back peddle a bit but he was grasping at nothing. He had never had anyone react to him like this, never had someone stare at him blankly while he spoke. He actually felt kind of stupid while he spoke and she stared at him. And he felt especially nervous as she stared at him when he finally introduced himself. Had he done something wrong? Was there something on his face? God forbid his appearance be mussed in any way? That was probably his biggest fear, to show up somewhere and try and have a nice conversation only to have something on his face or fur and have them laugh at him. He had always been rather self-conscious about his appearance but as the silence lengthened between them he found himself fidgeting and glancing around to see if there was anything reflective to look at himself in.

But finally she spoke, an easy smile settled over his maw as he visibly relaxed, the tension fleeing his shoulders. Her explanation though? It didn?t put his heart or mind in the right place. Gargoyle had been defeated? Obviously it must have been by a much larger opponent, someone like his sister or his sister?s queen perhaps? But as she continued on with her story a familiar name came up. Advarendi? Wasn?t that the name of the Valhallan rulers? The last name of their new princess? Shoulders rolled back to regain his composure as rage arched through him. He would have a lot to speak to Gerhardt about? At least the new leader wasn?t forcing the pack to remain together. What of Crusade, Cifer, Oceana? So many questions to ask but he couldn?t bring himself to ask them. He couldn?t bring himself to go down that road and start that conversation. He had just come from a wedding god damn it, this was supposed to be a happy side trip to visit friends!

Take care of Glaciem? Did this Eos plan to wipe them out? His brow furrowed as he joined her in her seated position, haunches lowering to the ground. He was about to ask about it more, press for details but she seemed to snap out of it all of a sudden, jerking up and seeming to remember that he was talking to some unknown female. Not that it was unpleasant in the least but it was nice to be able to put a name to the face. She backed up and bowed politely, his smile kicking it up a notch as he chuckled at her bow. Not that it was bad, actually it was great, but she had seemed so stunned when he had done it. Eria? A pretty name, it rolled off the tongue nicely. It suited her, a pretty name to suite a pretty lady. A soft smile played on the older male?s lips as he watched her, studied the way the light danced on her coat. He stood in return, not liking that he was sitting and she was standing. It just seemed rude to him. He mimicked the gesture, shaking out his own golden pelt, though it was out of habit rather then him being rude. It would be terrible to have a twig sticking from his rump or something?

He laughed, actually laughed at her words. It was a whole hearted, humorous laugh that came from somewhere deep in his belly. ?I would never say it was a waste. Meeting new wolves could never be considered that? he said easily, smile turning sly as his tail waved behind him. ?Especially meeting one as pretty as yourself? he said with a chuckle, head tipping to the side curiously as he looked past her. So what was to happen to her and her pack? Where would they go? ?So? Gonna invite me in? Show me around? Tell me a bit about yourself? This is my first time here not on business? he said , tail continuing to wave behind him. He still wasn?t sure the extent of her friendliness but so far she seemed pretty open and easy to get along with. He would have to keep testing and see just how far he could get. He wasn?t nearly as much of a womanizer or tail chaser as he had been in his younger years but that wasn?t to say that he didn?t enjoy flirting with or enjoying the company of pretty women.



07-03-2013, 11:34 PM

Eria noticed the change in his actions as the silence had been prolonged. She didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, especially after just meeting the guy. Sometimes, she knew that she wasn't the most approaching person, but she was getting better at it each time. Even if the progress was bit-by-bit, she wasn't upset with it. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know!
Talking about Glaciem and the past events that hurt her heart was not an easy task. She hadn't met anybody outside of her claimed 'family', so the chance to do something like that didn't come up very often. Now, as she told a complete stranger - who caught her eye without trying - about the recent goings-on with her and the members of Gargoyle's family, it felt better to get the worries off of her chest. This said chest rose and fell with a gentle inhale/exhale, calming her angered nerves and letting the same emotions leave her face.
After she bowed and rose from the gesture, she met his gaze and shyly wagged her tail. It had been her first time bowing with such grace. She usually tripped and rolled in the snow, causing a collision or avalanche (who knew with her?). Ears happily perked as Cynrik spoke and she listened with a nice level of focus. His compliment swept around her and a light flush crept into her cheeks. Even though she had dark fur, the warmth from her blushing could be felt in the wintery air. "You're not so bad-looking yourself, sah," she playfully emphasized the 'sir', tail wagging once more to the nature she displayed.
Eria tossed her dark head and allowed the fur to flow once again. Her manners appeared again and she took the required steps to walk towards Cynrik. When she got close enough, she turned to be beside him and faced the same direction - up to the sparkling, untouched, snowy lands. "I would be more than happy to walk and talk, if you wouldn't mind my company." An eyebrow rose and she smirked. "And business isn't always fun, I bet. I find myself a more playful person at times, considering the situation and what it calls for." She began to walk across the old border, heart still lightly racing from the memory of the importance of such a landmark.



08-19-2013, 12:47 AM

The male was fairly used to dealing with different wolves of different personalities, whether they be shy over overly flamboyant like he himself usually was he generally had no issues communicating with them. He was pretty skilled in matching his energy level to that of his company but yes, there were defiantly days that he found himself back peddling, worrying and doubting himself. They were never the best days but he had learned at a young age that you couldn?t be best friends with everyone?He noticed her relax visibly and in return a smile spread across his features. He knew how good it felt to talk about your problems, even if it was with a complete stranger. He would remember to offer his services again some time if they got along well enough. He had always liked listening to other peoples problems and troubles, he got a strange sense of gratification from helping them sort through them. It probably wasn?t the healthiest hobby to have but hey, if it worked it worked right?

He had to applaud her bow, most wolves weren?t nearly as graceful as she, though he ended up simply grinning at her as she straightened herself and looked at him again. He chuckled as she returned his compliment, raising a forepaw and pressing it to his chest in mock bashfulness. In truth he loved being complimented, but then again who didn?t? Her tail waved easily above her back, a friendly and inviting gesture if he did say so himself, and he returned the motion with a tail wave of his own though his remained licking at his heels. This was her home still and he was just a visitor, he had to show some respect still. She moved closer to him until she was directly at his side and he could feel the heat of her body against his. Her words though were a bit shocking and he couldn?t help but allow the surprise to spread across his features. ?Who would dare willingly dismiss you from their company?? He asked, tone appalled almost. He listened to her, the ear closest to her turned in her direction so she would know that she had his full attention. ?Well Gargoyle almost tried to eat us last time we came here? That was pretty fun!? He said with a chuckle, remembering seeing the beast of a man charging at them and ready for battle. Maverick had responded admirably?

?I find myself the same though I was groomed to be an ambassador from a young age so I can put on a serious face when needed.? This time his words were followed by a wink. She was cute, and thus far a pleasure to speak to so he was already quite glad that he had felt it was time to speak with Glaciem once more. Of course he would have to go back eventually and tell Maverick about what had happened to their once ally but for now he would enjoy the company of this beautiful woman until she was tired of him and they were forced to part ways. ?So, Eria, Tell me about yourself. Are you from these lands originally? And what brought you to Glaciem?? He asked conversationally, head tipped and turned slightly towards her so he could still watch where he was going



08-28-2013, 12:27 PM

Where Cynrik was used to meeting other wolves with various personalities, Eria had yet to be in that place of life. She had seen two kinds of wolves so far: good and evil. If she hadn't had the attack of Rogues on her old pack, then she would have been far more sheltered than she was now. Come to think of it, the only one she had met that seemed to have a mixture of both was Gargoyle. He was a great leader, but there was something from his past that had evil and negativity written on it. Eria was only assuming, though. She hadn't talked to her alpha long enough to know the details that say, Ocena, would know about.
As she looked at Cynrik, she took in his personality and how he carried himself. Perhaps, this was a male who fit the 'good' category. After all, he had manners, knew how to flirt, and was rather open at speaking to a complete stranger. She enjoyed this as he playfully asked if anyone crazy would dismiss her. Eria laughed, obviously amused and she wagged her tail in alliance with her response. "Surely, the most obnoxious people who couldn't handle someone's personality such as mine." She smiled and eagerly stepped a few steps ahead of Cynrik, looking over her shoulder. "Shall we?" She coyly asked.
As the white male made his way to stand beside her, they began to walk the familiar path that led to the old Glaciem grounds. He spoke of Gargoyle wanting to consume him and his Prince at the last meeting, which made her snort in humor. "That must have been hilarious after awhile, Cynrik." She laughed again and continued to walk alongside him as they padded through the snow. "I bet that Gargoyle will not hesitate to welcome you the next time he sees you, then."
His inquiries of how she came to be at the place of Alacritis she called home were nice conversation starters. She thought about telling him of her past, for she hadn't told many people. However, because he had been open of how he was raised in the royal world of Seracia, she figured it would be all right if she revealed a bit of her past self. "I came from Alacritis just by pure coincidence. I've been on my own since I was a year old, but only because of dire circumstances beyond my control." Her eyes became misty as she continued with her story. "My pack was attacked by a band of Rogue wolves. They wiped out everyone who was a part of it, including my parents. Lucky for me, they were able to shut me out of the danger and I was the only survivor...I have been on the run ever since, hoping they won't find me." A sigh escaped Eria's lips and she looked up to the grand, icy wonderland that surrounded them. "If it wasn't for me running into Crusade, I would have never found such a wonderful place to call home. Wherever my pack goes, I intend to follow."
It was then that Eria looked back to Cynrik, meeting his gaze. "I do hope that I haven't bored you with my tale," she said in a genuine tone. "I don't tell many people about my heartbreaking past, only because I am afraid of how it may affect them...and it's not a light topic to cover." She offered a wane smile and then said, "But please...tell me. What is it like in Seracia?"
