
To the Sky [MEETING / FUN TIME] :D

Aria I


07-01-2013, 09:19 PM
ooc: Alright, so I'm assuming the pack doesn't know what is going on with Jupiter so this is part of the reason Aria is calling them together. To make them aware and to give ranks to Orbitas and just get everyone together to have a good time. (:

Viv I was going to ask you about this but just missed you. /: Hope you don't mind.

Also sorry for crappy post lol I suck at first posts.

It had been some time now since Ludicael had a meeting, so Aria was standing atop a tree stump, head held high with a grin on her face. She wanted to bring the pack together, to let them know what was going on with Jupiter, announce the arrival of her pups, introduce wolves she accepted and just get them to have a good time.

So she raised her head to the beautiful blue sky, jaws parting slightly before allowing a long and beautiful call to escape her jaws. It was a friendly call to her packmates, asking for them to come to her, a meeting. She held her note for a few moments before bringing it to an end, ears twitching as she listened to it echo through the lands.

In no time they would appear, crawling out of their dens or coming from a hunt.



07-02-2013, 12:13 PM

The howl that summoned the pack members was a familiar one. It took Angeal a moment to put a name to that voice. Aria. She was the female who had welcomed himself and Liste to the pack. Ears twitching, the male breathed a soft sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. Maybe he could get away with skipping this meeting. But Angeal knew that he shouldn't. And that he needed to return from his habitual wanderings and make an appearance, considering how much he had been avoiding any members of the pack that weren't Liste. Even the thought of her made a smile cross Angeal's features and gave him the motivation to turn and pad in the direction of the howl.

He picked up his pace enough as he moved along that when he padded up to Aria, Angeal was one of the first arrivals. Lowering his head slightly, the male approached the Borealis with a flick of his tail. "Greetings, madam. What brings you to summon us here?" He kept his voice formal and light as he approached, settling back on his haunches to examine the female.

To be quite honest, Angeal had avoided most of the other wolves of Ludicael. It wasn't that he didn't like them, no, to be quite honest, Angeal just wasn't up to make friends like an ordinary wolf. He wasn't sure he was capable of it, no anymore. There was little normal about the black male any longer, and what kind of wolf other than Liste would want to deal with him? He wasn't sure why even Liste was willing to deal with him, but he wasn't going to force himself on anyone else. So Angeal had kept to himself and he had kept quiet. But maybe today would be the day that things changed.



07-02-2013, 12:28 PM

Frino wasn't much of a wolf for pack meetings. But he would make his appearance anyways, stirring when the howl rang out across the spring air, strong and confident. Aria. Hmm. She was the pretty one, right? Not that that meant much. But she did have those sexy battle scars on her eyes. He wasn't sure what had happened to her eye, nor did he particularly care to ask, but he had to admit that he liked 'em. Not that that meant much. Everything about everyone was attractive. Frino was far from picky.

Snorting, the gray male rose to his dainty paws and set off in direction of Aria, padding along swiftly. He wasn't in a huge hurry (why arrive early when one could show up fashionably late), but he seemed to arrive early all the same. Damn. Frino heaved a dissappointed sigh ears twitching as he flopped dramatically onto his haunches. Where, oh where, was Marvel? Hmm. The white male hadn't yet shown, but neither had many others. There was a strange (but handsome enough) black male who seemed to have been a member for a little while judging from his smell.

And yet Frino hadn't seen him around. Not that he cared. He just wanted to see Marvel. Heaving another sigh, Frino waited for Aria to say why she wanted them there. It had better involve a giant orgy.



07-02-2013, 03:03 PM

Winter had just passed giving way toward warmer weather and new growth of the foliage and animal life in the Ludiceal territory. A brown she-wolf with dark brown points like a maned wolf slid silently through the under brush, her black leathery nose twitching as she scented her prey to its hiding place. Her lavender eyes caught a twitch of a twig and her keen, dark tipped ears caught the scuffle of a small rabbit, shedding its winter fur for its spring pelt. It nibbled on new grass growth oblivious to the ivory cage that would keep it from seeing summer. With a flash of purple orbs and brown fur, Ramelia caught and killed the rabbit just as howl sounded through the trees. Pricking her ears, she knew the note belong to Aria, the Borealis of the pack. Must be a pack meeting. she thought as she quickly scarfed down most of the rabbit before she started heading toward the howl carrying a leg to munch on during the meeting.

As she pushed through the bush of the meeting area, she saw two other wolves she hadn't met in her few days here. Another black wolf with pretty blue eyes, and a grey wolf with teal eyes. Her nose twitched as she caught their musky scent; both where males. She moved herself slightly away from them, her elegant frame carried on long legs and the longer fur around her neck and down her chest gave an imposing appearance to her wolf. Her fur, though, had a disheveled look with the way it stuck out in all directions, like she stuck her nose in a light socket. But was kept clean and had a wonderful luster with it was caught by the sun. The she-beast settled herself down and began finishing her leg as her lavender orbs looked curiously over the two males before her naturally sassy, wide eyed expression turned towards Aria sitting on the stump. "Hello Aria... and others." she greeted before she began cleaning her paws of succulent rabbit juices.

"See Right Through You Any Hour..."


07-03-2013, 11:51 AM


Haiti heard the howl and responded eagerly. It was his dear Aria' s summoning for a pack meeting. His first since joining his home of Ludicael. It was exciting, his heart pumping Haku ran to his home, sliding to a walk as he arrived in front of Aria. Three others were already present, do he wasn't too late. He let out a deep breath and a small weight lifted off his shoulders. He sat a few wolf-lengths away and looked into her emerald gaze. The familiar fuzzy feeling buzzed at the bottom of his stomach, the one that only happened when Aria was present.

Hello, dear Aria. What brings you to call this meeting? He asked humbly and with a smile, a happy glint in his eye. Haku let his behind fall so he sat with his paws neatly in front of him.


07-03-2013, 01:30 PM

An ivory woman's tall ears perked to the sound of a long, friendly summons. Long legs began to trot towards the camp, where a meeting was no doubt being called. Realizing her distance from the camp and the lack of speed, she released pent up energy with a long sprint, legs taking two and a half metre strides through the slowly melting snow. Her silver eyes glimmered as she approached the heart of the pack, the camp. As she approached the fringes of the clearing, she slowed down and caught her breath before entering.

Fading from the shadows of the forest came an angelic furred giantess, gliding from the tree trunks like a ghost. She glanced around the camp, having never really been within it before, spending most of her time familiarizing herself with the territory and the lands around it. It was a nice site though, she liked it. Moonstone orbs caught Aria standing atop a tree stump, surveying the clearing calmly with light green eyes. Aurora found her to be unique, and beautiful in her own way, with all her scars and stump of a tail. The dame nodded to the superior wolf respectfully, deceptively delicate tiara dipping between her petite shoulders.

The snowy temptress? long, silky banner swept across her tall heels slowly, rhythmically as she walked towards a shadowy corner of the clearing, feminine hips swaying attractively and lithe muscles rippling a strong undertow beneath the river of her pelt. She laid down in the darker niche, preferring not to make herself known easily, not wanting to be in plain sight within the large space. Wrapping her tail around her lean, rather large frame, she watched the twin ravens feathers dance until they settled, curious as to why she had been summoned, but not wanting to ask. She knew her question would be answered as soon as the pack arrived, so she simply made herself comfortable in the growing heat of the spring, and waited silently, like a porcelain statue.



07-04-2013, 10:43 AM

Its about time that the brute would arise to seek out the others, to remember the faces of the members present. Not only out of respect but its what was expected. A sigh would exhale from parted lips before each muscled limb would pound the floor,making the way over to the call of Aria soothing voice. Was something the matter? Was an event taking place. Siarvon did not no. Only time would tell until it was announced, if it would be announced. A smile would form upon the sealed lips as the small figures would become present to the twin pools, drinking in each and everones appearance.

"Aria..", The name would fall of the italic tounge with ease, to be able to say it over and over again. It was then the sandstone brute would dip the large cranium, before standing along side Aurora. The winter had died out, just like all the seasons do, the spring starting to appear, new life and beginnings arising. The plants beginning to claw there way through to grasp the bitter air. Only to find death a few months later.

What caught the autumn males attention was the two feathers on the pale mistresses tail, why where they there? Was it some kind a tradition that she still holds? Or is it just a preference. Either way it grabbed Siarvons attention for a moment. Aurora was the first wolf he had met, actually she arrived at the borders with him. Being accepted together.

ooc: Im in Ludicael but it doesn't show as iwas placed as inactive-.-]


07-04-2013, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2013, 07:15 PM by Deteste.)

Deteste slipped quietly from the mangroves to the stump that Aria rested on. This was the first Ludicael meeting he had attended and it felt a bit strange that he would be attending it as Sol. His stride ceased a foot or two behind Aria's stump and he set himself carefully on the ground beside her. He did not greet her verbally but dipped his crown in hello once he caught her gaze. It was only appropriate that Aria would call the meeting. She was a friendly, spirited woman and this affect made her well known in the Ludicael. Deteste knew Aria would be announcing his promotion to Sol and the tick of his heart was just slightly quicker than normal in anticipation of the announcement.

He remained silent as pack members began to accumulate. Each greeting the Borealis in their arrival. He recognized many by name but knew only a couple personally. Deteste had made a point of knowing every Ludicael member by name, even if he did not get the chance to greet them face to face and the expanse of his memory impressed him. Being familiar in some way with each new arrival helped the Sol to be at ease. His shoulders relaxed and he contented himself with studying the spring weather and softening snow that surrounded them.



07-08-2013, 12:37 AM

Song looked behind her happily, Cherokee was padding behind her silently. His presence was more precious to her than she ever thought possible. For the most part they had spent the day walking through the territory, searching for small prey. Their game of who can stack the most chipmunks was about to be judged when Song was alerted to the sound of Aria. Her howl was one that beckoned, everyone. A meeting perhaps? She stopped walking, sad they would have to leave their catch. They would only be able to carry a few.
She looked to Cherokee her face painted with excitement, Come on, we can try and carry them to the meeting! She giggled excitedly and started gathering the tails of the creatures in her mouth, stuffing it as full as she could. With a quick look to her love, hoping he would get some amusement from her stuffed face, she leaped away surging towards her beta.
It had taken them longer than she thought, there were many wolves already gathered in front of the two high ranking wolves that sat before them. Song lowered her ears and relaxed her posture, keeping her head low as she placed the bouquet of chipmunks. With the offering at the feet of her superiors she let her tail wag and her greeting come forth, Greetings, Deteste and Aria. It's good to see you again. Her memories flashing back to the acceptance of Cherokee not so very long ago.
As she went to place herself to await the speech that would come her eyes caught the form of Aurora. She resisted the urge to sit in the shadows with her, taking instead a seat closer to Aria.



07-08-2013, 01:26 AM

Ludi was absolutely beautiful. Much more exotic than anything he was used to back at home and certainly fitting for his new home where he was to spend the rest of his days with his new wife. Today they had spent their time hunting around, exploring his new home, their adventures reaping in the reward of chipmunks. Although instead of actually eating chipmunks, the pair was playing of game of who could stack the most, but right as they were about to judge the winner, a call rang out across the land. He recognized that voice. Aria. The borealis of his new pack. She was calling a pack meeting apparently. His first of many he supposed. He could see the sad look cross his wife's face as she looked to the chipmunks that they would have to leave behind. Audits perked forward, catching her words as she giggled about carrying them to meeting. You carry some and I'll grab the rest. He chuckled to himself, watching as Song picked up as many tails as she could, filling her jaws to the brim before smiling at him, making him nearly tumble over in laugher before he regained his composure, picking up the rest of their catch, limbs stirring into action beneath as he trailed after his wife, heading towards his first pack meeting.

They obviously were not the first one there, the figures of several other wolves already decorating the scene. Cherokee trotted in after Song, nodding politely to his new pack members, flashing each one a cheeky grin full of chipmunk tail before coming to stop before Aria and his lord Deteste, dropping their catches before his superiors. Miss Aria, lord Deteste. Crown was dipped towards the lady first before bowing to his king, taking his leave as he wandered to a safer distance, haunches folding beneath him as she sat himself beside his little dove, mismatched gems attentive on the two superior ranking wolves at the head of the meeting.

Talk like this


07-09-2013, 01:38 PM

Luana heard the call to order and without another word, the dame was off, catapulting across the terrain and sliding into place at the call of another. She had never been to a pack meeting before and there were so many wolves here that she had never met! Her plume drifted back and forth, golden eyes bright and wide with excitement, wondering what Aria had to say! But where was Jupiter? Wasn't she supposed to be leading these kinds of things? Luana frowned slightly, she hoped nothing serious had happened to her. She didn't want for her dear friend to be hurt! Worry settled in her gut as she anxiously awaited the news.



07-09-2013, 01:39 PM

Harlequin grunted, the hyena rising to the apex of her paws and shaking off any dust or debris that had settled on her pelt. She had yet to really socialize with the wolves of Ludicael but damn it a meeting wasn't the way she had intended to be social for the first time. Lumbering forward the bizarre creature slunk through the territory and to the place of meeting, broad paws making indents in the dirt as she sauntered forward. She came upon the meeting in full swing, clearly one of the last to make an appearance. Her gaze drifted about the gathering before unceremoniously she fell back to land on her rump with a soft grunt. Hopefully this would be over with soon.




07-09-2013, 02:27 PM
Four months old and more than ready to see the world - Ananke had wandered out of her den when she noticed that there were many wolves heading toward one general area. Ananke followed suit of course, wondering just where her pack mates were headed. The girl was small in stature, about a foot and a half tall at her age, but she had a lot of growing to do yet. Her fur was short, and her tail still more slender than fluffy, but she was no longer a rolly little pup anymore - she showed promise of blossoming quite well once she hit her first year.

She was naive to fear just yet, following after the much larger members of Ludicael with a skip to her step. Silver lined amethyst eyes peered curiously at the gathered wolves, she couldn't help but feel excited about all of this. She had never attended a meeting, she and her siblings were normally supposed to stay in their dens. But Ananke was growing, and she needed to stretch her muscles lest she grow bored and somewhat lethargic. The girl grinned at the nearest wolf to her, or rather, wolves. There seemed to be two of them, one white and another mainly black. "Hello there!" She yipped, her tail wagging behind her as she stared up at the couple.

The buzzing excitement already made her feel quite bright, yellow seemed to dance in the corners of her vision, sharp and quaking, and the feeling was welcome compared to the dullness of being cramped in her den. Her nostrils flared as she smelled the small fresh kill they had brought along with them, and her spirits instantly brightened further and her stomach gave a quiet grumble. "Can I have one?" She questioned, oblivious to the act of waiting until the meeting's leader had spoken to do the same.


07-09-2013, 04:26 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

The call woke Liste from a lonely nap beside the water. She had been lost in yet another nightmare, and was glad to be woken up. She rose as quickly as possible in her groggy state and made her way slowly to the meeting, quite late compared to many others. She found Angeal in the crowd and sauntered to his side, greeting him with a nudge. I see you made it here quickly, she said with a grin. She then turned her attention to Aria, giving her a friendly nod of acknowledgement. She knew a few of the other wolves here, but most she did not know by name. She hoped perhaps that she would meet some others in the meeting.


Tagged: name | Word Count: ###



07-10-2013, 12:02 AM

The howl rang out but it wasn't from Jupiter. Who was calling them together and what was going on? He was so out of the loop. He'd ventured off on his own for a while. He needed some away time. Some time to think and some time away from others to do as he pleased. Too many thoughts ran through his head at once and it certainly wasn't healthy for him to have other things to distract him. As much as he had hated leaving Luana it was a necessity. Now he was back and confused once again.

Slowly he made his way to the meeting to see others gathered there. Finally he spotted Luana's sandy form and he scurried to her and sat by her side. He gave her a friendly nudge to her side before turning his attention to the wolf that called the meeting. It was Aria.
