
come what may [Kaios]


07-01-2013, 02:56 PM
Fading, it was how she felt the world was falling around her. She had found purpose. She had found love. Yet everything was threating to break it all to pieces. Her heart sank at the thought. Dark ears pulled back with forlorn at what she wanted so desperately to hold on to. Lothair. He had been the first. The first male to ever touch her so deep would have killed for him. Would have broken the world if he ordered it. now she was queen, no longer the simpleton that everyone saw her to be, she was much much more then she had ever dreamed to be and everything her father had saw for her.

Soft rain descended from the heavens. Killing any urge for tears to silently fall to kiss the ground beneath her. Instead her heart simply ached. It was feverous and painful. Her tail curled around her legs in false comfort as she pushed against one of her red sentinels. Always they watched and always they cared for her. She was in heat again, and she wondered for one fleeting moment, would Cerberus allow them to have children again? Could they have just one more thing that belonged to them before? Before the world ripped everything from her or someone did. so many threats lingered in the wind. So many fangs searching to score that final blow to her mate. When all she wanted was to lock him up in Amenti and throw away the key.
ncus semper nec viverra turpis. Sed blandit ullamcorper leo ac placerat.


07-01-2013, 07:23 PM

The lord sighed heavily as he made his way through the soft rain, water droplets sprinkling across his ebony frame. Rain wasn't his favorite thing to deal with, but he couldn't avoid it, so he learned to deal with it. He was in search of his wife, the one woman he cared deeply for. Well, Secret was always itching in the back of his mind, but she was a forbidden fruit locked behind the gates or Tortuga. He doubted he would ever see her again, and right now he didn't give a shit. He had Newt and Amenti, and that's all that mattered. As he drew closer her scent drew stronger. It was mixed with rain, some sort of herby smell, and blood? He stopped, inhaling her mixed scent deeply. The scent was something unmistakable, it was something he used to extensively hunt for less than a few months ago. She was in heat. Powerful legs drove him to her, and when she came into view, he could instantly tell something was wrong. She had a troublesome look on her face, which was unusual for the strong woman he was so used to seeing. "Newt?" He called to her as he drew closer, amethyst eyes looking her over. He tried to keep his attention of her sickening perfume, but it was difficult, especially since pussy was the only thing on his mind half the time.


07-20-2013, 09:04 AM
Words, they were pointless. She wanted nothing but to simply act. His voice was soothing. So comforting. She loved him. Her tail flicked behind her as she walked towards him. Her violet eyes filled with so much raw emotion. She wanted to simply show him the world. Show him what was lingering in the depths of her heart while she still was able. She pushed against his coat. Allowing theirs to mingle. Her nose pushed into his as she drew in a deep breath of his scent. She closed her eyes and savored the memories that flooded with that smell. All the while she pushed herself against him. Steading herself. She felt fragile and she made her feel whole.

Her tail swayed back and forth. Pushing the aromas of her desire into the air for him to snatch. Her ears fell back as she growled gently. A loving sound rather then a warning. Her fangs gently tugged at his fur. No pain was delivered, no tuffs ripped free, just an invitation to take what was his and enjoy their moment of solitude.

Ooc: its so short D: but, LETS DO THIS


07-27-2013, 02:54 PM

She didn't say a word. Instead she came to him, and he steadied himself for whatever was coming. At first she looked troubled, but now all he saw in her eyes was raw emotion. He felt her flesh burn against his, and he pushed himself against her as she pushed against him. He felt her nose push into his thick pelt, and by now he had already begun trailing his along her flesh. He inhaled her perfume as deeply as he could, letting a sigh roll off the end of his breath. He wanted to forever remember her scent, because if something went wrong in the near future she would be the one to rescue him. At least he believed so.

He couldn't see her tail swishing behind her, but he could smell her tempting musk becoming stronger. She was indeed in heat, and before long it would drive the king mad. He did not see her ears fall back, but he could hear the low growl bubbling within her chest. It wasn't a warning, no, he knew his wife all too well. It was permission for him to take what was rightfully his. He felt a tug on his flesh, but it wasn't painful, just tantalizing. He wanted her so badly, and when she played little games like this it made him wild. He pulled himself away from her, noting they were head on, and that he was still far from his target. He trailed his moist noise along her neck, giving her sensual kisses and nips as he did so. When he reached her ribs he tugged a bit more forcefully on her pelt. He wanted her to know how truly vulnerable she was when it came to him. Zara may have been her master before, but now he held the reins. She was his.

He released her flesh and gave her a gentle lick, and continued trailing down her side. When his nose reached her hips he sighed heavily, allowing his warm breath to sway her thick fur. The sweet scent was almost unbearable now that he was so close to her precious gem. He wasted no time. With a step to his right he was behind her now, and without hesitation he rose onto his back legs, curving his front paws around her thighs for stability. His breath was heavy on her neck, and with a quick movement he grabbed her scruff into his mouth. He may be tuning into an armature romantic, but nothing would change his blood lust and desire to hurt others. Scrunching his neck he pulled her scruff back, which also gave him stability while he was balancing himself on his back legs and her. With a forceful push he fell deeply into the one woman he could truly say he loved.

-fade- WOOOOOO 8D