
A request and a meet


06-28-2013, 03:08 PM

Natsu bounded along in the frozen grass happily now. Valhalla was a great home, though he had been a bit alone since Epiphron left, he still played with Resnera when he could. Yet, Resnera too still had to stay with her parents leaving the three old trap master to his devices. His paws slipping as he started to get used to being on it, but spring was just around the corner. Natsu wanted to visit Seracia too, because he wanted to make as many friends as possible. They were his friends, and his family and he would protect them with all he had. The boy flicked his black tipped tail as his blue eyes watched over the plains. Was there perhaps a rabbit nearby that could have fallen into the hole trap he made? Sniffing he came close to it, where a small rabbit was struggling in the dirt, covered in leaves. A simply trick, and it had broken it's leg in the fall. Natsu was slightly proud of his work.
Reaching in he grabbed the rabbit and killed it quickly. It would stop suffering after all. Good thing he was hungry, he had hunted once when he wasn't hungry which was actually how he had met pip. Bounding a ways off, he started to eat the rabbit wagging his tail behind him. Natsu still wanted to meet the alpha, and speak to her about raising his rank to a gamma if possible. He knew it rude since he had not been here very long so he wouldn't be very disappointing if it was refused. After all either way he'd protect Valhallan and Sercians with his life, because they were the worlds worth to him. And some bonding time with the alphess, was more than he could ask for.




06-30-2013, 09:20 AM
Winter wouldn't last too much longer. Frost still held onto the ground as best it could, but there would be no more heavy snow or the worry of storms. All of the pups here seemed to have made it out of the coldest part of the year without any trouble, and for that the alpha was grateful. She worried for her members more than she let on, but that was to be expected of a new leader. It was the reason that she patrolled the borders so often, despite having Cormalin and Aislyn to do the same. The reason why she slowly stepped through the territory, making sure that those in their dens were safe and that those that were simply wandering had little to worry about.

She enjoyed it - the responsibility, perhaps even took it all a bit too seriously.

Doing her rounds, she paused, coming upon a scent that was Valhallan, but one that she wasn't as familiar with as she could have been. The woman's ears twitched, and she followed the scent, her tail swinging idly behind her. Now who was this? Socially, she would to well to get to know her packmates a bit better. If they were going to trust her, she had to trust them after all. Her blue gaze lingered on the male, watching him chew on his meal - and she couldn't help but faintly smile at the way his tail wagged as he did. It looked like he was rather proud of his little meal. As he should be - rabbits were slippery in the winter time.

"Enjoying your meal sir?" She asked, feeling a bit curious. Hopefully she wasn't disturbing the brute any. Yet he didn't strike her as the brooding type, or the type to really care whether he was eating alone. Some company would do her good, he seemed like he would be good company.


07-04-2013, 07:41 PM

Natsu lifted his head, speaking of the devil there she was. Bringing a smile to his face he looked down at his half eaten rabbit. He blinked a little and picked it up offering it to her. "If you'd like you can have the other half." Natsu set the rabbit down and giggled a bit. It was funny really, this was almost like he had met Epiphron all over again. Though it had been a full rabbit he had offered not a half of one. Yet, she was just as pretty as Epiphron no, maybe even more so. Her coat colors were more of a compliment to the white. "You must be Chrysanthe, from your scent and appearance. I'm Natsu." Natsu greeted with a tilt of his head looked back at his trap. "In case you fall in look out for those leaves I reset the trap just in case someone else who came along would be hungry and get a meal from it. Rabbits are nasty little things when it comes to hunting so simply traps like these are perfect for catching them." He boasted a bit, though it was innocent boasting after all.
Natsu sat down and smiled widely at the girl, wagging his tail. "I've only heard about you once from your sister before she left, and a few other members have mentioned that you took her place. It's a pleasure to meet a new friend." He mused. Not knowing weather or not she would accept the fact that he called her a friend. She was one after all, and always would be as long as he belonged to Valhalla. Everyone here were precious friends he was going to protect.
