
Who Are You


06-29-2013, 12:24 AM
ooc: She is climbing pieces of the castle that are broken and laying around.

Dragneel had gone off to do his pack duties, and since her siblings were sleeping with mother Seraphine thought she would explore her new home. Hop, hop, hop she went down the small mountain. Little paws scrambling to keep her up, tripping every few feet but managing to keep herself up. At the bottom she finally stopped, shaking herself quickly before continuing on, trotting through the snow, crunching beneath her paws.

She moved through this new part of the land. Mismatched golden and ocean blue orbs running over each new thing to pop up before her. Everything was flat, a large pile of snow here and there, a small rock then a huge one.

When she finally came to a stop the young shewolf was standing before a cluster of large rocks, some were small enough for her to hop onto but most were huge, she wouldn't be able to get up them until she was older. Her head tilted to the side, ear perking up and stump of a tail wiggling behind her. With a deep breath she sat back on her haunches, only to launch herself up, paws scrambling to pull her up the cold stone.


Awesome image made by Spriggan. <3

Sand Striker

06-29-2013, 12:56 AM
OOC: Strikers joining a pack but i'm saying that this is before that.

Striker had been wandering the ruins for a day now, after-all he was in no rush to be anywhere and the stone walls offered some protection from the strong winds that sometimes swept the plains. Winter was coming to its end the snows that had made his life a misery where melting away revealing the first signs of spring. This had been his first winter alone and it had not been an easy one he had never realised how long it must have taken the alphas to catch all the game it took to feed him and his brothers, his skills had certainly received and overhaul. He let out a silent sigh then paused sniffing the air he frowned he could smell another wolf nearby, he had run into a few wolves in the previous months all had been present enough but something was different about this scent. He moved carefully not making a sound as he shifted between the rocks then he paused he could see movement up ahead and almost burst into laughter as the movement resolved into a pup fighting an awkward battle against gravity.

Grinning like a fool he moved a little closer waiting until the pup had found her footing on the stone before he spoke, the stone the pup had chosen put them almost eye to eye, her back was still to him and he gave a croaky cough ?your a little far from home aren?t you,? he croaked his voice was never his strong point broken from birth he had been told it caused him almost physical pain to speak but he had learned few wolves responded well to charades. He sat himself in the grass and snow a respectful distance from the pup, he did not want to scare her, he liked pups they where often less cruel and more respectful then the adults of their packs and often made him smile when he ran across them, though their mothers made it quiet clear that he was to look and not touch, or talk or smile at or really anything to them. The memory of this made him look around a frown on his face, ?where is your mother little one,? he grated out surely she was to young to be out on her own.


07-06-2013, 11:25 AM
ooc: Finally a post for you. xD Sorry for the wait. lol

It was harder than she thought, pulling herself up onto the rock after a few moments of struggling. When she was finally able to pull her whole body up the pup stood up with her head held high and a large grin on her face. She was proud of herself for not giving up, pushing herself to keep trying. It may not seem like a major thing but for her it was. As she stood there though a voice suddenly spoke behind her, causing the pup to jump with a small yelp.

Her body twisted around, mismatched eyes falling upon the figure standing right in front of her, the source of the voice. Her body had lowered, stub of a til pressed against her body, ears back on her head. The wolf scared her, sneaking up on her when she wasn't expecting it. As she watched him though it looked like he wasn't here to hurt her, he sat back in the grass and didn't make a move to attack her.

Slowly Seraphine lifted herself up, ears slowly coming forward as he spoke, asking where her mother was. She had rose to her full height, puffing out her chest and holding her head high but level. Mother is busy mister, she has babies now. She said in one of those puppy tones where they want to be tough but really aren't.

She turned her back on the man, sticking out her tail before hoping onto a nearby rock, glancing over her shoulder at him.


Awesome table by Spriggan. <3

Sand Striker

07-10-2013, 07:18 PM
He nodded offering a small smile ?so you decided to wander off and explore?? his voice was grating not as bad as it usually was but still painful to hear or to speak. He had never had younger siblings, at least as far as he knew, after all he had left the moment he could hunt for himself but still, ?wandering around in the unclaimed lands can be dangerous,? he said as gently as he could, this pup already had some injuries and he would hate for it to get hurt more ?where does your mother live little one,? he knew most of the packs in this area, by scent if not by sight, maybe he could help this girl do some exploring and get home safely, after all many dangerous things roamed the unclaimed lands least of all where stranger wolves.

((ooc: sorry for the length it should get better)


07-12-2013, 02:59 PM

As she hopped onto the other rock, Seraphine noticed something about the man that she didn't realize when he first spoke. His voice, was different than hers. Yes she knew boys had deeper voices but his was different. It sounded... like it hurt him. She didn't want to seem like she was staring though, only watching him from the corner of her eyes. She didn't want to seem rude. Why would he keep talking though? If it hurts him then he should be quiet... he shouldn't push himself to talk to me. She thought to herself, a light sigh escaping her lips as she stood there.

Seraphine gave a nod of her head to his question on her wondering off and exploring, she thought it was a good thing to do. The pup did not want to get in the way of Luce, and definitely didn't want to get in the way of the pups, taking away the love and care they needed from their mother.

Shaking her head the pup lowered herself slightly, stump tail wiggling behind her. Mismatched eyes focused on the rock in front of her, she would leap and make it for sure. So with a flick of her good ear she pounced. The black furball easily leaped the gap, only a single paw slipping on the edge, the rest making it. With a grin she picked herself up and turned around to the man when he spoke up again.

Head tilted to the side when he told her it was dangerous to roam the unclaimed lands alone, then asked where her mother was. Seraphine didn't want to go home yet, she wanted Mama Luce to have some more time with her babies. I don't wanna go yet Mister. She spoke up with a soft whine, giving him some puppy eyes. Could I stay here with you?You could watch me while I play, or maybe play with me. I won't be trouble, I always listen to mama Luce.

The little girl hopped to the edge of the rock with her stump tail wiggling behind her, so much that her rear even tarted to wiggle with it. Ears were up and her eyes were begging him to let her stay a bit longer.


Awesome table by Spriggan. <3

Sand Striker

07-13-2013, 10:09 PM

Striker frowned slightly it was strange for a wolf to not want to be with their pack, their family. He wondered why but he didn't ask, he knew what it was like to want to get away at least for a while. He smiled, a cuffing laugh falling from his mouth as he watched the girl wagging with a quick nod and a glance around he caught his bearings he leaping up onto a near by wall low to the ground but thick enough to bear his weight there was now a gap between him and the little girl and he grinned remembering a game he had loved as a pup, in fact some of his best times had been spent playing it on the boulders and logs around the pack den it did not rely on voices just on agility and balance which he had in spades so whilst they played no one bothered trying to 'teach him' to talk.

?the ground is made of larva,? he rasped quickly jumping to a new stone, it crumbled a bit and he lost his footing but quickly regained it his tail sticking out to balance him as best as he could, he could do this he thought jumping to a new stone and landing daintily , he could easily learn to like playing again, he had been alone for what felt like months it was good to finally see some one who would accept him and not probe or dismiss him.

He kept himself fairly close to the pup wanting to be in range to catch her should she fall, but he wasn't really worried. He wondered what they would look like to another wolf a pup and an adult leaping around atop the stones, then he shrugged it hardly mattered did it he was having fun he just hoped the little dame was. It was only then that he realised he didn't know her name, ?lass,? he called having temporarily lost sight of her, ?what?s your name, I?m san... striker, my names striker,? his voice had sounded clearer for a minute but then it returned to its former croak. What had come over him he had not called him self sandy for almost a year why was he stuffing up now, he had chosen his new name because he had no wish to be known by that childish name any more, so why now. He sobered slightly as he waited for the girls reply standing still on top of his stone, he had climbed quiet high as they played, though still near enough the ground that if he wanted he could leap down off his perch.



07-26-2013, 04:47 PM

Her head tilted to the side, waiting for the man to tell her she could stay. Golden and blue orbs wathed im as he jumped up onto a rock, confused as to what he was ding. But then it hit her. "The ground is made of lava." He didn't say she had to go, and he wanted to play a game! Seraphine grew so happy, bouncing up and down on the rock she stood on. "Lava! Watch out!"She yipped, turning and jumping onto another rock.

The pup laughed as she ran around on the stones, jumping and turning, climbing high then low. She would even bark excitedly, saying how some lava bubbled up by her. Even though they were just hopping around the stones pretending there was lava, this had to of been the most fun she had in a long time. She couldn't remember playing this much before meeting mama Luce.

Not long into their game though she heard the man's voice call her. Ears perked up, spinning around on her paws. There was a stone between her and him so she quickly made her way over, jumping carefully onto a stone and making her way around till she could see the other wolf. He asked what her name was then gave his. Striker, it was a little weird but she didn't mind.

Holding her head high the pup stuck her little stump tail out, wearing a toothy grin. "My name is Seraphine!" She told him, gazing up at him with those golden and blue eyes. "I like you Striker, your fun!" She spoke with a giggle, turning around in a full circle before looking back up at him. "We should play more. I don't have friends at home, they are all older wolves or they are too small to play with."She informed him.


Awesome table by Spriggan. <3

Sand Striker

08-09-2013, 07:26 PM
(sorry for the shortness)

Striker smiled, this was why he liked pups, they had yet to be corrupted by the world a simple show of kindness and fun meant the same to them as years of loyalty, fighting for recognition from adults. He gave a small nod as she continued the middle child then at least she wasn't being picked on, just bored. He was curious now, after his old pack had broken up he was in search of a new place to call home, maybe this could be it. He gave another smile shifting his wait slightly to steady his balance, ?ok then, I know another game we can play ? he croaked in replied, ?but you have to tell me about your home, what?s it like there, what is the alpha like, and do you like the other wolves,? he watched her for a few seconds waiting for and answer then reached out and tapped her on the shoulder with his nose, ?tag your it,? with that he turned leaping down from his perch, his claws dug into the ground as he landed creating small gashes in the soft earth, he watched over his shoulder keeping an eye on the pup even as he dashed a little further away from where she stood. He felt like a pup himself, let out of the den for the first time, it was a strange felling, and one he had not had in a long time.
