


06-27-2013, 01:04 PM
raii first please, then babehs

Hot breath cascaded from leathery lips gone awry in rapids as the pallid wraith teetered and tottered through the thinning slush, chest heaving with each bated breath. A snarl that told of the pain seething within her inflated abdomen racked her countenance, the vehement gurgles of misery slicing through the atmosphere and disturbing the once-placid wood with unavoidable cacophony. Fate had breached its untimely decision, pleading for that of which her womb contained to escape the confines of their creator?s interior and emerge into the outside world which awaited their impending presence that only their mother could permit ? so long as she could sustain the laborious process.

Involuntarily she would comply with destiny, maneuvering with lacking poise to the secluded bed of deer pelts that had been crafted during better days for the very purpose that had warranted her presence here today. The wraith thrust her distended form upon the threshold of the chosen birthing chamber, immaculate figure coiling and writhing with serpentine motions to express her pure agony as contractions surged throughout her petite body, forcing guttural snarl after snarl to vacate her throat. Forelimbs would snake forth, dulled nails grappling the coarse pelt as the barbaric wench pulled herself beneath the exposed roots of the willow tree and into the miniscule trench previously carved to obscure herself from the view of any bystanders; a tight fit but it would work for the early phases of her whelps? lives. A howl, broken by the pain unlike that she had ever experienced before, tore free from her jaws, the call an urgent summon for the brute that sired her ? their soon-to-be young, praying he would easily locate the birthing site with the help of her incessant growls.

Pain came in torrents as the wraith began to push her young from the premises of her womb, a permanent wince plastered to her contorted visage as she expelled the whelps one by one, piercing her own lips with her incisors until she withdrew her own blood and tasted the coppery liquid at her tongue. Once the grueling process was completed, metallic eyes ? now bloodshot ? flicked towards the new additions of her new family, examining their miniscule forms with care as if her pupils would decimate them, tongue then lapping gently at their pallid fur to rid it of the remnants of their womb days that had finally drawn to a closing. Cautiously, she nudged each in the direction of her teats, a brief smile flashing across her countenance as she observed them with evident intrigue.

?Elysius,? she branded them ? her family ? her blood.


06-28-2013, 09:08 AM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

The solitary brute was wandering alone through the southern portions of Alacritis when the call came. He stilled, ears perking as he listened at length. He hadn't spoken to or seen Morphine since the mating that had sent him spiraling into a darker place within himself. For the last several weeks, he had only tormented other creatures or been wholly unpleasant, his only desires to rip someone or something apart, and to see his offspring. Her call was the signal that one of his dreams would today be realized.

Seraphim's feet carried him swiftly through the trees, following the sound to its source. He came upon her as she was entering the most difficult part of her labor her face contorted in pain, her eyes becoming red with blood. His eyes scanned the area on which she lay, the ground coated in deer pelts beneath the large roots of the willow tree. She had created an impressive little birthing cave. The brute came to sit beside her shelter, verdant gaze narrowly focused on hers - the only comfort he felt that he could offer. Seraph felt some sympathy for the dame, recognizing that the physical pain she was enduring would be unlike any he would feel in his lifetime, but such was the curse of being a mother.

It seemed that it was over as soon as it had begun for him. The tiny forms had finally emerged from her womb into their little world beneath the roots, and Seraphim found himself smiling for the first time in weeks. He focused his gaze on the pups, seemingly unable to look away. Finally, something he had dreamed of had come to fruition. He had children to care for, with a mother who expected nothing from him. While it wasn't under ideal circumstances, it had still come to pass and that was enough for him. Sparing a glance at Morphine, he gave his little congratulations.

They're perfect.

Tagged: Morphine and babies <3


06-30-2013, 10:15 PM

i love shrap. for like a long time && then some.

ooc; what im not using an adult table for a newborn nope not me

Sharply, she inhaled the frigid winter air, screeches dominating the atmosphere to announce her arrival upon earth?s crust as her lungs were fueled by the newfound intake of oxygen. Everything was foreign to the pallid babe, from the feeling of the course fur of the deer pelt caressing her paw-pads to the numerous aromas lacing the stagnant air surrounding her, and would remain as such until her lids could peel back to reveal the world to her. Instinct would strike only one thing as familiar to the newborn whelp: the urge to feed; and so she would wriggle towards the sole supply of nutrients with the help of a foreign body ? massive in comparison to the minuscule canine ? nudging her tiny body in its direction while something warm and damp slathered her coat with saliva. Such a feeling was comforting to say the least, and at last the whelp breached her targeted destination, latching on to her mother?s teat and suckling greedily while bodies crowded around her.

She was immaculate, pure, for the first and the last time; she was a sitting duck to the hatred and brutality her mother wished to drive into her core ? blissfully unaware.


07-08-2013, 04:54 PM

The brute had manifested within the birthing chamber, drawing near to her side in silence while she writhed in pain, seizing the opportunity to witness the birth of their hellspawn. He had provided little to no comfort during the grievous process, and yet, she had suspected nothing more from him due to the fact that they had agreed upon a ?no strings attached? relationship, averting her gaze from his own as she pushed the young from her womb and cleansed their pallid fur, disregarding his presence entirely as she dealt with her motherly duties. Once all three whelps had attached themselves to her teats and had been titled accordingly, her mercury gaze drew level with the ideal sire, any emotions she had previously experienced detonated as a vagueness crept across her countenance, triangular ears peeling from their position pasted to her crown as he commented lightly. Pupils drifted back to the minuscule forms of their children as she contemplated his accusations, a frown caressing her features as she realized his claim had been false; they were not perfect ? not yet.

Digits flexed as she pondered what would make the whelps perfect, metallic eyes flashing with thrill as she breached her final decision, angling her jaws in towards her chest cavity and allowing them to slacken as her bleached incisors pierced beneath her flesh. Her self-mutilation caused blood to seep from the minor puncture wounds, tainting her otherwise pristine coat a deep crimson in the areas she had penetrated. She allowed the liquid to flow freely, then bringing her forepaw to press against the wounds until her pawpads had been dipped in her own blood, causing a coy grin to flicker across her visage as she observed the grotesque sight. Once she was satisfied with the amount of blood coating her paw, she gently caressed her children?s skulls with it, smearing the liquid across their foreheads in the shape of a jagged ?E? for their surname, visibly branding them. She succumbed to the eerie silence that had befallen the interior of their den, pupils never straying from the wriggling forms of her whelps with her fascination.

?Now they are perfect,? she muttered softly.


07-10-2013, 11:52 AM
Warmth was the only world he knew, a soft bubble of love and adoration, nothing more and nothing less. For now he would not be that cold hearted monstrosity that he would one day become, for now, he was happy and healthy and whole. But all good things must come to an end and suddenly his safe haven became a chamber of pain. Squishing and pulsing, moving and curling, the walls of her uterus would try to push him out and away. Desperately he clawed, snarling, snapping, attempting to recapture his home, but alas, all too soon the pup had lost all warmth and was dropped into the frigid chill of night. He sucked in a large breath and a cry tore itself from his larynx.

Something was nudging him, pushing him towards a warmth he could not yet see, greedily, his jaws splayed open, mouth latching onto a round and pert nipple before he began to suckle with determination. For the moment he was innocent, naive, unshapen, but in due time he would grow to be one of the most heartless souls that walked the face of the planet, it was only a matter of time.