
We Meet Again


06-26-2013, 10:02 PM
ooc: Short post is short from tired Azzy.

Dragneel had gone off to do his pack duties, and since her siblings were sleeping with mother Seraphine thought she would explore her new home. Hop, hop, hop she went down the small mountain. Little paws scrambling to keep her up, tripping every few feet but managing to keep herself up. At the bottom she finally stopped, shaking herself quickly before continuing on, trotting through the snow, crunching beneath her paws.

She moved through this new part of the land. Mismatched golden and ocean blue orbs running over each new thing to pop up before her. Everything was flat, a large pile of snow here and there, a small rock then a huge one.

When she finally came to a stop the young shewolf was standing before a cluster of large rocks, some were small enough for her to hop onto but most were huge, she wouldn't be able to get up them until she was older. Her head tilted to the side, ear perking up and stump of a tail wiggling behind her. With a deep breath she sat back on her haunches, only to launch herself up, paws scrambling to pull her up the cold stone.


Awesome image made by Spriggan. <3


06-28-2013, 09:45 AM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

The Rock Garden had proven to be the perfect place for Seraphim to make his more permanent shelter. The ledge he had claimed offered protection from the weather and was in a spot where he could only be noticed by wolves who knew of his hiding spot or whom he presented himself to, not that many wolves ventured into the area during the winter months anyway. Today he was perched atop the ledge, head resting on his fore-paws as he scanned the area before him, mind lost in the joy of his offspring finally having been born. He simply waited now for the day that he could begin teaching them the basics of survival and helping to mold them into the leaders they would become.

His thoughts were broken by a sight that seemed familiar, and yet didn't. He narrowed his verdant gaze on the tiny black shape below, watching it maneuver between the rocks that were scattered across the landscape, clearly new to this particular area. Something told Seraph that he knew this child, but he was unsure from this distance from where. He leaped quietly from his perch, padding softly up toward the small wolf.

As he neared, the realization finally hit him. This pup was the unnamed one he had met shortly after his mating, but things had clearly changed since their meeting. The girl had lost her ear and tail,and several patches of fur. And again she was without a mother. Seraphim felt a pang in his chest, a deep feeling of hurt for the child. He ensured that his face revealed nothing before clearing his throat to speak.

So we meet again, little one.

Tagged: name | Word Count: ###


06-29-2013, 12:31 AM

So we meet again, little one. A voice caused the pup to jump, little paws releasing their grip on the rock. Seraphine lipped off the edge of the rock and hit the snow covered ground with a light thump, snow spraying up into the air. She did not even notice the wolf approach! Quickly she scrambled to her paws, eyes wide, carefully peeking around the corner of the rock.

Mismatched eyes looked up to the wolf, looking for any familiarity. He spoke as though they had met already but she couldn't remember where or who he was. So she stood there in silence, staring at him, trying to remember. After a few moments it slowly came to her, causing the youngster to take a step away from the rock. I know you... at least I think I do! She spoke up, taking a few more steps out, looking up to him with a small smile. Your name had Sera in it, like mine does now!


Awesome image made by Spriggan. <3


08-07-2013, 08:44 PM

ooc;; TADAA All the snow is gone and its summer wooooo!

The look of recognition that finally crossed her face after a few moments of confusion caused a small smile to cross his lips. He felt a twinge of guilt for surprising her, but she seemed not to mind anymore. As she spoke of what she remember, he tilted his head slightly to the side and sat back on his haunches, curious about this new name of hers. So you finally have a name, I'm glad, he murmured quietly. What is it, if I may ask? I would assume it isn't Seraphim, like mine.

He had to force a grin as he spoke, distracted by the horrible losses and scarring she had endured. He wasn't sure how to address it, but he wanted to know what had happened to her and he wanted to make sure that everything was okay. While Seraph obviously didn't know this pup well, and she wasn't his child, he felt the urge to protect her as much as any other. With this young one, he was able to act on such an urge, unlike with his own offspring who had been born into a world that they would be taught to hate. Their mother's decision in raising them was a regrettable one, but he wasn't in any place to dispute it.

By the way, he began nonchalantly, having decided how to address the girl's current state, Where is your mother today?



08-09-2013, 07:10 PM

Her little tail wiggled behind her, ears up, eyes wide with excitement, tongue hanging out the side of her jaws. This man, she had met him awhile ago, he helped her get flowers for mother! Pretty flowers, maybe he could help again for her new parent! She beamed as he said how he was glad that she had a name now, asking what hers was and saying how he thought it wasn't Seraphim like his. She shook her head with a small laugh, of course that wasn't her name, it would be weird to have the same names.

But then he asked where her mother was, the girl's tail stopped wiggling, her brows coming together. That was right, he didn't know about her mother, her second mother or her new father, and her new home. How could she keep up that happy attitude when his question had answer that only caused pain and sadness?

With a heavy sigh the young girl plopped back onto her rear, head held low and ears back. ?There was a fire and mama told me to run. I was alone for a few days, scared and hungry when a nice lady found me. I told her what happened and she said my momma wouldn't be able to find me, that her name was Luce and that she would take care of me. She named me Seraphine, a pretty name.? She looked up at him slightly, a tiny smile on her lips. ?She had babies and I wanted to protect them but then everyone vanished. I was alone and fell in a river where this nice man saved me, Demonio. Now he is my daddy, and we have a new home too.?

Her voice had been soft and sad when she spoke, but towards the end it picked up a little but not by much. It was clear she was happy to have a new home but also unhappy for it being the second time she had to find something else. She stared at the ground, her little paw tipping a single flower.


Awesome table by Spriggan. <3


08-21-2013, 03:33 PM

The excitement was evident when she recognized him fully. He watched her face light up and her tiny tail wag, and felt a pang for her again. It was so sad that the poor girl had endured such hardship, and it pained him to think of what she must have gone through. Of course, his questions about that were answered momentarily. Her face fell suddenly at his inquiry about her mother, and he understood even before her words came.

Her story was complicated, and terrible, but he followed it with a neutral face. He didn't want her to see his pain for her, because for the time being she seemed unfazed by her own damages. Seraphim could barely fathom the difficulties she had to go through as a child - losing two mothers was far worse than losing one. At least now she had someone to care for her, but at what cost?

Hey, he began as he moved slowly toward the pup, crouching to be level with her. He nudged her lightly with his nose, hoping that she would look up from the ground to meet his gaze. I wish things had been easier on you. But I am a little jealous that you have had so many people who have loved you. Most wolves will never experience that. He offered her a small smile, hoping she would cheer a little.



08-24-2013, 01:31 PM

Ears perked up at the man's voice, mismatched eyes pulling away from the flower, slowly rising to look up at him. She watched as he lay on the ground to be at her height, closing her eyes briefly at his touch, reopening them when he pulled away. At first she dd not understand what he meant but as he continued a small smile formed, her stump tail wiggling behind her. She was lucky then, to have so many people love her, to care about her. She knew other kids had two parents but then left when they could, but in her short life she had three adults look after and care about her.

"My new dad loves me a lot, he helps me learn things." She said in a bit of a happier tone. "You should come visit me in my new home, we moved to this pack called Valhalla!" She suddenly yipped, jumping up so she was on all four, a large grin on her face and stump tail wiggling like mad. "There are so many wolves there!"


Awesome table by Spriggan. <3