



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-25-2013, 07:47 PM

Home. This is what these lands would be to her. Eventually -- Epiphron knew it would take time to grow accustomed to living here, from living away from her family. And yet the excitement far outweighed the slight worry that still lingered in her belly. Each and every day, she knew she would be faced with something new, whether it be a new face, or something else entirely.

On this particular morning, she awoke to an empty space beside her. It wasn't entirely uncommon; Maverick seemed unwilling to disturb her when she was resting well, which she appreciated, for she never seemed to sleep terribly long. Jaws unhinged as a yawn escaped her throat, her forelimbs stretching before her as she rolled over onto her belly. Nostrils flared as she took in what remained of Maverick's scent, nosing the upturned dirt beside her. He hadn't departed long ago, but it was long enough to make her crave her presence. No, it was certainly not an infatuation, but her love for the man was undeniable and seemed to grow each day she spent at his side.

It took no longer than a few moments for the girl to go from half-asleep and disheveled to standing upright and stepping from the den, wondering where her husband had gone off to. As she slid from the entrance of the den, she was nothing short of the picturesque Princess -- not lacking the slightest in confident, but rather self-assured, remarkably comfortable in her own skin for someone who's entire life had changed literally overnight. She began to wander deeper into the pack territory, ambling lazily, in no particular hurry to get anywhere quickly.



3 Years
06-26-2013, 02:07 PM

Kamala truly had taken to wandering by herself a lot recently. It wasn't so much that she wanted to be alone as it was that she wanted to think and reflect. But she missed her brother all the same, and now that Valkis had vanished, she clung that much more tightly to Maverick, wandering by to check on him every now and then. Other than that, however, she had mostly kept to herself, avoiding the wolf that she was promised to and the rest of her pack as well. She adored them, but her quiet nature had made a large resurgence in the recent months with the loss of her mother and the disappearance of her brother.

When her paws carried her towards the den of her brother, Kamala was unsurprised to find her green gaze settling upon the pretty figure of the female that her brother had married. Epiphron, her mind supplied the name and Kamala felt a smile flicker across her features. The female was gorgeous, though Kamala had seen her before, seen her at the wedding. But they hadn't spoken, and if she was going to be Kamala's future Queen, perhaps she ought to speak to the female. It would probably do her good as well. It wasn't proper to mourn so much two wolves who had clearly not wanted her around. And even that, Kamala knew wasn't true. They had loved her. It just felt like they didn't sometimes.

Shrugging slightly, Kamala shook her head irritably and padded forward, pricking her ears in the female's direction. "Greetings, Lady Epiphron." Kamala inclined her head slightly, examining the wolfess thoughtfully all the while.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-02-2013, 04:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2013, 04:01 PM by Epiphron.)

It was not terribly abnormal to wake up by herself in the den she shared with Maverick, but she usually found him nearby. Often if he went far, he would nuzzle her awake, as though he couldn't bear a moment without her company. And she, too, felt wrong being without his presence for long. Maverick, quite simply, completed her, in a way she never knew was possible. Curiosity brought her further from the den, her paws carrying her slender form away from familiarity. She was not uncomfortable being alone; no, she would never be fully dependent on another. But Epiphron Adravendi knew she did need to adapt to life here, and spend time with members of Seracia when not in her husband's presence. So they would grow to trust her, fully, not merely as a wife to their Prince.

The sight of Kamala brought a genuine smile to her face, tail waving proudly behind her back. Her sister-in-law seemed a decent woman, but she hadn't gotten to speak to her alone yet; in fact, she hadn't given her much more than a few glances. Epiphron's blue gaze wandered over her red markings, hoping desperately she was nothing like their other sibling that she'd had the misfortune of meeting.

"Kamala, it is a pleasure to see my sister-in-law," she greeted her with a smile, head dipping in respect. She truly did want to get to know Kamala, for regardless of the fact that Kamala was merely family by marriage, she was still family. Epiphron didn't know entirely how Seracia functioned, but despite the indisputable knowledge that their beliefs would grow on her, family still was more important to her than nearly everything else. It was strange, though, as she gazed at this woman -- who was nearly her age, and no less lovely -- to realize she would soon rule above her. She could only hope she was not envious, nor spiteful in any way. How could she not be, though, she wondered? Perhaps Kamala was far more humble than she could ever envision being. "How goes it on this fine spring morning?" Ears swiveled atop her skull, eagerly awaiting her answer.

(Hope you're okay with me assuming it's spring. :D)



3 Years
07-03-2013, 01:10 PM
ooc: that's fine, of course! <3

Epiphron's polite mannerisms were met by an inclination of Kamala's head. The female seemed pleasant enough; she couldn't be that bad, if her brother had married her, after all. No, Gerhardt would never have allowed his children to marry anyone horrible. She needed to remember that, when the thought of marrying Gideon made her heart thud violently in her chest. She would never be good enough for him. He was an experienced wolf, experienced with women and with life, and Kamala would not be enough to satisfy him. And he would be able to look elsewhere, but she would be limited to him. The thought rankled slightly, but the female shrugged it off after a moment, turning her attention towards Epiphron once more.

Twitching her tail slightly, Kamala inclined her head in Epiphron's direction. "And it is a pleasure to meet you as well." Her voice held a highly formal note to it, but that was nothing particularly rare. It was only around wolves like Maverick that her voice and mannerisms relaxed and she became less formal. But around strangers, even sisters-in-law, she was a formal creature. It was something that Gerhardt had taught her from the day that he found her.

Ears flicking, Kamala glanced in Epiphron's direction slightly, admiration flickering in her thoughts for the quiet formality of this female as well. She seemed like she would fit in with Seracia well enough. She was respectful of Kamala, at least, and that was a good sign. Kamala was ranked beneath her, after all. Maybe not far, but it was always a good gauge of a wolf to see how they treated those beneath her. "I am well. And how has Seracia treated you, Lady Epiphron?" She was truly curious about that. What did the lovely Adravendi think of her new home? Did she think Seracia was a terrible place, or did she like it? In time, would she come to love these lands as Kamala did? The female was curious. And it distracted her from thoughts of Spring and what Spring would bring in terms of marriage.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-04-2013, 09:30 AM

Epiphron was not nervous, persay, but it was somewhat strange talking to Kamala alone. She knew the feeling would fade quickly, as she was never really one to feel awkward around new faces for very long, so long as both parties were pleasant and relaxed.

Being one who was familiar with formalities, often seeing them as necessary, she was content to interact with Kamala as such, especially since it was one of the first times they'd ever spoken. A gentle smile painted her features; though she was growing to be an expert at masking her emotions when need be, this expression was a genuine one -- but it almost seemed so perfectly placed that it could easily be doubted as a valid picture of her emotions. "So far, it is as wonderful as Valhalla." Still she spoke of her former home, the place she had been brought up in, with great pride. It was obvious she was content here, at the very least, if she compared it to Valhalla. "I am happy here. Though I am still growing used to being away from my family. I think a visit is due soon." The Princess paused then, as though considering. "Perhaps you could accompany me, Kamala?" She would likely have invited Maverick instead, had he not been off with his father for the next few weeks -- but she would never admit that.



3 Years
07-09-2013, 06:49 PM
Kamala listened to Epiphron's words with a twitch of her ears, inclining her head slightly. "I am glad to hear that you enjoy Seracia." Kamala smiled in the other's direction, examining the female as she spoke. "If there is anything at all that I can do to make you feel more at home, just let me know." The offer was a genuine one. Kamala truly meant it. She wanted this female to be happy, if her brother loved her. Sharing her brother was a new thing to her, though she supposed that technically it had been going on for a while. It was just new to have the lovely lady sitting right there.

Head tilting slightly, Kamala examined the female thoughtfully. Was she being . . . invited to Valhalla? That was a new one. But it wasn't a bad idea. They were now closely entwined with Valhalla and perhaps it would be best if Kamala met the wolves there. "I would be honored to accompany you," Kamala responded swiftly, twitching her tail slightly in the air behind her, "It would be lovely to truly meet your family." she had seen them at the wedding, of course, but she had not exactly talked to them.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-12-2013, 06:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2013, 06:01 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's gaze swept over the slightly younger female, watching her with slight interest. She wondered vaguely what their birth parents had looked like; surely they were quite the lookers, to produce such a handsome son and a daughter as lovely as Kamala. 'If there is anything at all that I can do to make you feel more at home, just let me know.' Her smile widened, ever so slightly. "I don't think that will be necessary," she answered, her tones gentle. No -- Maverick had done more than enough to make her feel at home here. The duo had nearly been inseparable since the wedding, up until his departure to spend time with Gerhardt.

A trip to Valhalla would certainly be necessary soon. How was Chrysanthe dealing with the newly acquired leadership position? How was her father doing? "We will have to go soon, then." It would be nicer to get to know her, in a somewhat private sense, and attempt to cast all formalities aside. "Anyway, it was nice seeing you, Kamala. I hope you have a nice day," once again she smiled, bowing slightly, before turning and heading in the other direction.