
Chewing on Rabbit bones


06-24-2013, 07:06 PM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

Eren was more or less happy now, things had gone better than she has expected them to. Glaciem wasn't a bad place at all, she just wished it wasn't so cold. She had hunted to warm herself up, and now was near the borders chewing on a couple of rabbit bones from her kill. Flicking her tail in wonder to what kinds of wolves she would meet here and if they would like her. Not that it mattered if they were going to like her or not, but it was all on her own that she wanted to make some friends. The black wolf with sea green eyes looked at the clean bone as she crunched her teeth over it, when she scented another wolf. She wasn't stupid and knew that it wasn't a pack mate. It had a scent of a rogue, Eren herself didn't quiet have the smell of Glaciem as of yet, but it was there.

Eren got up though, if this wolf wanted to join she could keep her company. If not, it would be her duty to drive her off pack lands. It was her chance so soon to prove to the pack that she was as loyal as she said she had been. Excitement built up in her, but also the nervousness of a fight since she didn't want to use her energy like that. She knew how to fight mildly, but that was in jungle terrain. "Who's there, and what do you want with Glaciem?" she asked in a polite tone.

~but you take that to new extremes~


06-24-2013, 07:11 PM
Damn male, better yet that pack healer didn't do a good job of healing her wounds. Vriska was irritated as hell, she had escaped with her life just barely because he ripped off her ear and nearly maimed the back of her neck. It went to show that size could make all the difference. Now she needed to take a load off, and torture something anything. She had ended up at these borders, and there was a single wolf all alone. Oh perfect, this would be a great opportunity.

"Aye I want nothing with Glaciem, but you my dear, that's another story." Vriska smirked idly as she stepped forward to the young glaciem. She looked pretty, oh how much she wanted to ruin that pretty fur of hers. "Today just won't be your day will it" Vriska hopped over to Eren, and snapped at her ears that were perked. The perfect thing to cause pain. And the old girl wasn't in the mood to hold back, not with her already healing wounds along her ear and neck.


06-24-2013, 07:18 PM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

(little bit of 'powerplay' since I'll be controlling vriska here but she's my charrie after all xD)

Eren tilted her head at the girl, what was going on she was quiet sure, but sudden fear filled her. Stepping back, or rather tripping backwards she stepped on the rabbit bones as Vriska managed to latch onto her ears. Yelping the girl suddenly found herself pinned by the desert looking wolf, staring at her. Eren was on the ground, and not in a very good position. Eren wiggled her wind legs to try and kick Vriska off but the girl latched her jaws onto her shoulder. It wasn't like she was trying to kill her either, it was more of just trying to cause pain. Eren knew it because she had a sadistic part of her as well. Eren yelped in pain before trying to call out for help.

"Let GO OF ME" Eren cried as Vriska stepped on her tail and pulled it back. Eren let out another yelp of pain as she struggled against Vriska. She didn't want to die right after joining Glaciem no way. Eren raised her head and tried to bite onto Vriska's leg but teeth came down on her muzzle making her dodge them. She was stuck Eren howled out a distress signal, in hopes that someone would come soon.

~but you take that to new extremes~

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 07:35 PM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


It was Gargoyle's custom to keep a close eye on recruits after first letting them in. He had to make sure they weren't lost in a blizzard, or eaten by a bear, or trampled by caribou. Even the prey around here was dangerous. And of course, he wanted to make sure they fit in too. It was something Crusade had taught him - she'd been a far more sensitive Chief. She was a warrior of course, but she had such motherly instincts. Gargoyle - well, actually he'd developed a bit of a fatherly streak... ever since he'd had his pups.

Great. He was becoming a softie.

The male strode along the southern parts of the frozen wilderness, half patroling on his own time, half following the new girl Eren. He'd wanted to call her in for a hunting party - maybe match her up with some of the other young ladies. Everyone needed comrades they could count on.

That was when he heard it.

The shouts. The scream. The call for distress.

No. no. No! Not again! Gargoyle went from a stroll to an all out power sprint in the time between two heartbeats. Too many good wolves had died on his watch already! He wasn't the sort to be guiltridden - but it made him mad. Hellfire licked up in those usually blank, glassy eyes.

There's be no martyrs today.

He tore through the snow like a bullet. He didn't check his pace when he came within sight, no, if anything, it seemed to increase. He saw the sandy colored she-wolf tearing into his new packmate. He smelled the blood. He heard the cries of pain. Goaded beyond control, Gargoyle charged like a bull - straight into the rogue she-wolf. His full weight - and all the speed behind it - rammed straight into her.

A beast his size? It didn't even slow him down. He kept running forward, half pushing, half dragging the enemy she-wolf with him. His teeth found her flesh and they sank in - no they didn't just bite - they tore, they ripped. he didn't stop he til felt bone, and then he let his ivories come down with a crunch.

Only then did he skid a stop, his front and chest now stained with blood. The she-wolf fell away limply. Dead. Maybe it had been the bite to her neck - or maybe his impression of a runaway train had snapped her back at first contact. He didn't know.

But she was dead.

His ears pinned back, his muzzle creased in a pink and white snarl, he turned slighlty, glancing over his shoulder. All he'd known was that a rogue was hurting his pack mate. He'd had enough of killer rogues - he'd had the chance to kill another one, had shown mercy, and then found out it had gone on killing. He'd kill Sixx in the end too, but for now he'd at least gotten on. He licked his lips and then let his tongue loll out wearily.

He stepped back around to face his young packmate, leaving the carcuss where it had fallen.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-24-2013, 08:36 PM

The cry from the borders made Eria's ears perk in alarm. She had been exploring the landscape of Glaciem, trying to memorize all the places she could go. Every nook and cranny would be in her mind, a map that she had made from memory to keep track of, just in case. That certain map was incomplete when she heard the howls of pain, but her senses began to heighten and her mini-mission was set aside. Tomorrow will be another day, she thought.
Her paws hit the snow - hard - and the rest of her body followed. If she had been in her playful mood, it would have been a perfect chance to roll forward and land on her back. However, as this was not the case, she proceeded to race across the winter wonderland. Heart pounding, breathing long and providing the oxygen for her muscles and brain, and body tense with working muscles -- all of it propelled her through the thick terrain of snow and ice. Eria's pace increased as the sound of snarls and howls carried to her ears. She didn't want to be too late and her body fought for it, causing her tolerance barrier to be pushed.
Eria's light ocean blue eyes flashed with a fire as she saw Gargoyle tear into the rogue she-wolf. Blood and bone, teeth and fur...the rush of it all made her adrenaline rise within her chest. She knew that her Chief could handle the kill with one paw tied behin his back, so her focus moved from him to the lone wolf in the snow. Swift paws carried her to the stranger cloaked in fresh blood and fresh, frightful tremors from the attack. Eria's eyes roved over the body, looking for the source of the bleeding and any other injuries sustained.
Her gaze met Eren's and she said in gentle tones, "Don't worry. My name is Eria..I am here to help." The scent of Glaciem's pack filled Eria's fur, small strips of the different members surrounding her like an invisible cloud. She broke her gaze with Eren before looking at the shoulder that had been bitten by the rogue she-wolf. Bright red blood stained the fae's dark fur, but it had dried fast from the cold temperatures. Eria rubbed her paws in snow, cleaning their pads before she attempted to stop the blood from leaving her shoulder. Light pressure was applied and she looked over Eren's face for any puncture wounds from the teeth that had grabbed it.
After checking the rest of her body, Eria reclined to her haunches and met her gaze again. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me. I am here..." She was no healer, but she did the best she could. Looking up, she saw Gargoyle had fixed his gaze on the two and she watched him, wondering what he would do next. Eren had to be taken back to their cave as soon as possible. Who knew what complicatons could arise.


Gargoyle I


06-25-2013, 07:00 AM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle had to have just a moment. A moment to adjust to the rush of adrenaline. He wasn't safe when he got excited. It brought out the worst in him - as the rogue female had just discovered. Gods above- that hadn't even been a fight. That had been road kill plain and simple. He hadn't killed like that since the dark days. No warning. No hesitation. Just death. And he had enjoyed it way too much.

As the adrenaline wore off, the two parts of him mixed - elation and guilt, feeding off eachother. But it was an inner war he was used to fighting, and he kept it to himself, tucked away behind those cold, lizard's eyes. To all outward appearances he was just catching his breath after that death-sprint.

A few lungfulls of air and he was himself again.

"Eren," his voice was thick. "Eren? Are you alright?" He trailed his paws over to her side. The rogue had been going for pain - judging by the tracks it had been swift and uncalled for. Eren had wounds on her ears, shoulder and tail - and her fur probably hid some others. But nothing looked serious. So long as she could withstand the shock, she'd be just fine. Eria's presence was a welcome one. Gargoyle met her eyes and dipped his head slightly.

"Can you walk?" the Chief asked of the wounded fae. If not, well, it wouldn't be the first time he'd pack-saddled a hurt wolf. Their healing staff was a bit short at the moment, but they'd make do. Ideally, Gargoyle would get her to Soleil or Mahniya. He'd come away from the scene totally unscathed, he could carry the girl no problem.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-25-2013, 12:12 PM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

Bite wounds on her shoulder and her ears, soreness in her tail. The slight stinging pain from when she had dodged the girl trying to go for her muzzle. Eren was trying to gather everything together, she was a smart girl the attack had been fast but no fatal wounds had been dealt. The girl was a bit dizzy but as she began to slow her breathing she let it in and out. Joined by one other Eren looked over at her and then Gargoyle addressed her. Eren looked over at the dead body, there wasn't much of a wolf left there. Just a mangled mess of fur, well at least she hadn't had to defend herself. She didn't know weather to be thankful or feel stupid that she had caused such trouble already. The girl nodded her head to the chief before wiggling herself around into a standing position putting her weight on areas where it would not affect her wounds.

"Pain in the ass." She whispered to herself as she shook her head. This hadn't been a planned attack this had been one of sheer enjoyment. That female had the look in her eyes the same as her brother Neferiptou, there was no doubt about that. Judging by her scent, and the wounds that had been on her she had just come from a losing battle and wanted to cancel out that beating with a win. Though she had been stupid enough to pick a pack wolf. Eren's bleeding ear flicked as the silence dragged on as she tried to think. She didn't know what kind of herbs grew in this area. " Cobwebs, poppy seeds, a good cleaning." Eren could fight off the wounds easily, just a bit of cobwebs to stick to it like a bandage, a good cleaning to get any infection or blood off and poppy seeds would help the pain. The girl looked up at the other female who had joined them and gave a slight nod. Eren wiggled her tail a bit, good she hadn't tore anything and the wounds she had received would simply leave patches of fur missing in which could be gathered back through the days. So how should she have acted in this situation? Eren didn't know but she had spent her entire days on her survival, shock wasn't really a thing when it came to her. Not with the family she had lived with and what they had done to her but not dare ruin her fur. "Remind me to stay away from the borders from now on unless I need to be here." Eren chuckled a little bit walking in the direction of the camp. Half trying to avoid questions or help for that matter. She was feeling slightly alone again.

~but you take that to new extremes~


06-26-2013, 09:13 PM

The cry for help was unexpected, waking Soleil from her slumber. A cat nap that was well overdue. Her time in Glaciem was waning quickly and before long she would be back in Valhalla. Her job would remain the same, just less engaging in a pack where one wolf among so many was easily lost.

Here she felt important or rather like she was doing her job. Now, she felt alarm. She sprang up and in the direction of the sound without much thought on what she would do when she arrived. Everyone knew she was not a fighter, her skills were few to none. Never before had she engaged in a fight and she didn't know if she could now.

She ran like the wind until she came upon the scene. Blood was the first thing to hit her, eyes finding the victim. A dark wolf with wounds littering her body. Then her eyes cast to the motionless heap of fur on the ground. Gargoyle was there as well, standing over the injured she-wolf. Soleil's tail stood straight out behind her, tensed to show her unease.

"I heard you call! So I came but--I-- I am unprepared! I'll be right back! I'll be right back!" She pivoted and took off as quickly as she came. Back to her temporary housing where she tossed herbs left and right with no worry for the bitter cold that was waiting to bite at their delicate leaves and stems. Oregano was what she grabbed, as well as spider webs which she had laboriously sought out. It had also been a task for the healers she was training, making them learn through trial and error on the best locations to find webs here.

When she got back the situation had changed very little. Her personal condition though? Soleil wasn't a runner, either, and now she found herself panting heavily. Regardless of her state, the female crouched over the wolf. "Let me see." She bid, eyes on the female's ears. She pulled the cobweb wad toward her. "How is the pain? I'm going to have you chew some of this, it will help alleviate any pain you might be having." She dabbed at the female's ears, speaking again now but her words were for Gargoyle. "I have told the healers, but they will want to gather as much cobweb as they can when it is warm out. Also, this oregano is a local herb and does do okay despite the cold."

"I've tried my best to teach them to use herbs that are found here but with the winter, I don't know what is dormant right now. If you need me to come back when it warms up, I can." She paused, her breathing normal again, "After I have and wean these pups, of course." She glanced at him with a light smile. It was more than a little obvious that she was pregnant now, her due date growing closer and closer.

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06-26-2013, 10:02 PM

Eren did not respond, obviously she would not be able to avoid the help she was being given. Odd for a strange, and this one as not even of Glaciem smelling all over her Valhalla. The girl twitched her aching tail, yes she knew what these herbs did, she was not stupid. Eren had been trained in tracking, hunting, and healing because she had to fend for herself since she was young even though they had played the illusion of raising her as a child. Her parents, she meant. Eren did nothing though, there wasn't much she could do with everyone crowding her as they did. Caring so much about someone who could pretty much be a serial killer coming to spy on them. Yet she wasn't, but she could have been. Thus was the distrust that the young girl had. Yet Eren felt a sudden softness when the healer began speaking with the chief, pups was it? The scent of milk and the due date coming close. The girl smiled a little bit, lives that would be cared for far more than she had by it's parents.

"I'm fine, judging by the attacks none of these wounds will scar, but she did shake me around a bit so I'll be sore for some time." Eren responded to the healer turning back towards the chief for a moment. Caring for a stranger, who had just entered the back was strange. Even to her, it was weird. Perhaps even so the habit could rub off on her, but it was alienated in the feeling all together as she kept her happy emotions hidden. Despite feeling like she could break down into tears at any moment.

Gargoyle I


06-27-2013, 07:59 PM


Well it seemed that everything was being wrapped up in a nice little bow. Eria was fussing over Eren, Soliel came, shot back round to fetch herbs, and returned to heal. Apparently no one was giving the bleeding body over there a second glance. But that was good, right? They focused on the living. They assumed that whatever the danger had been, their leader had taken care of it and been correct in doing so. Whether they realized it or not, there was a level of acceptance and trust going on. Either that or Gargoyle had surrounded himself with blind wolves.

Surprise, surprise, we chose to go with the former. It made it easier for him to settle back down and carry on. Soliel was speaking to him now, talking of herbs and the lessons she'd given, and hinting at the fact that she would be leaving soon. Yes the agreed on time was almost up wasn't it.

"I am thankful for your coming, Soleil," rumbled the male, meaning the current situation, and her time in Glaciem as a whole. "and I do hope that you won't hesitate to pay a return vis- wait. Did you say pups?" His head was still a bit fluffed up with adrenaline. His body and brain were two steps ahead of his ears. He took a moment now to look the fae over. She was expecting. And here Gargoyle had just been thinking that the caribou steaks had been fattening her up. That wayward brother of his was going to be a father for the second time. So the mateship wasn't on the rocks then, as he'd been given the impression of in Valhalla. Well done for the both of them. "Perhaps I'll be able to get to know this litter," Gargoyle said, his words hanging just enough to denote a hopeful question.

Ah, but the big Chief left it at that. He returned his attention to his newest brave, though if anything Eren seemed a bit sick of the fuss. Gargoyle could certainly appreciate that. He hated it when it was him under the healer's paws. He preferred everyone to just back off and let him lick his own Dang-gum wounds. "Let's get you back to the pack cave, Eren. All you need is a bit of rest and then a long run. Those hen-scratches ought to heal up fine."
