
Estranged Lupa


06-24-2013, 03:24 PM
The past few weeks or so had been exhausting, the ivory stranger had managed to keep herself well fed scavenging just about anything she could whatever the danger. But luckily for her no harm came with it. Navigating west a sudden urge came upon her, not romance, nor hunger, it was thirst, thirst for companionship. She had been wandering alone for several weeks meaning her social skills lapsed, and now she wanted someone to talk to. Someone she could trust, who would be there for her whatever the case. A friend. Watchful eyes briefly looked over the area in which had driven her to this very place, there was no sign of intrusion nor was there a soul in sight, but Esmerelda was not stopping here, there was much more of the forest waiting for her to explore.

Yet it came to her. There was no way she would briefly meet or encounter another wolf if she were to carry on being so quiet. Now was the time to announce her arrival, She thought it over a few times and then; Cast her gaze upwards towards the winter skies before gaping her maw she emitted a long, melodic song. Surely someone would have heard her calling, now all she had to do was wait, wait and hope that someone would answer her.



7 Years
06-24-2013, 07:02 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia crouched silently, golden eyes fixed pointedly ahead. Her breathing came in slowly to her lungs and exited at a quiet, whispering speed, barely fogging the air before her nose. Though she remained still and silent, her tail only just twitching aloft behind her expectantly, the russet and black she-wolf was tense. Every part of her being longed to leap forward, to jump out of hiding and take back her meal, the small hare she had managed to catch by chance through a walk in the woods surrounding her den. Currently someone fed from it, a creature that was not of her pack and altogether unwelcome as far as she was concerned. The dark fox's back was to her, far too busy eating what it could of her meal, and not of a mind to share Tahlia intended to stop it from taking what wasn't rightfully its own.

Feeling its attention was well enough away from her, the full figured wolf made her leap out into the open, striding quickly and silently forward to pounce on the unsuspecting creature. Still with its mouth full, the fox turned, jumping at the sudden sound of movement, and rolled in attempt to defend itself. Tahlia snapped uselessly at a leg as she nearly pinned the wriggling creature beneath her paws, lips peeled back with a growl rumbling in the back of her throat. Easy, so easy, it would have been to end things there, with the fox still scrambling frantically to get an upper hand and escape.

But it wasn't. A sound resounded through the woods nearby, a strange, unfamiliar voice that Tahlia could not place. For a fraction of a second, her attention shifted, and that was all the fox needed to take its small advantage and get away. The wolf growled once more, snapped quickly at the retreating creature as she pushed herself hurriedly upright, but by the time she was fully standing again, ready to leap forward in pursuit, the creature was disappearing into the brush, its meal forgotten. Tahlia breathed heavily for a moment, irritation getting the better of her. It was an easy kill. She shouldn't have let herself get distracted. But what was done was done. There was nothing she could do about it now. Almost absently she turned her attention to the hare that remained, not enough for a meal but perhaps a light snack, and turned away from it with disinterest.

She left the half eaten hare behind as she trailed off into the woods, determined to find out who it was who had called and interrupted her near kill. Part of her was still upset by having lost the little weaselly fox, but she was curious too of who the stranger was and whether their intent at the border was important. And being so close, why not answer? As the other came within sight, her mottled frame appearing through the wintry undergrowth, Tahlia banished any sense of irritation or unpleasantness from her expression, turning it unsmiling but friendly. Her tail gave the briefest of wags behind her as she slowed her gait from a trot to a walk and strolled the last few steps toward the stranger, tone of voice pleasant and companionable, "Greetings. My name is Tahlia Carlier. What brings you to the borders of Seracia?"

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


06-25-2013, 06:48 AM
As she suspected, it was not long before a figure approached, and thankfully it was another wolf. A female who wore a pelt of earthen colours. At first Esme was weary about the stranger?s arrival, but it was her call she had answered. She was here to see just why Esme had called out. Before long the earthen female closed the gap between the pair, soon speaking forth towards her. She told her of her name and questioned as to why she was at the boarders of Seracia. Nodding her head in respect of the females answers she replied softly;?Lovely name, for a lovely young lady alike yourself. My name is Esmerelda Dermotio and I seek acceptance within your pack. My only wish it to become part of a family once again for I have been travelling alone for several weeks now. Forgive me if I am trespassing, but something seemed to have driven me towards these woods, and I think I found the reason.? A hidden smile revealed itself followed by the curious and friendly wag of her tail.



7 Years
06-25-2013, 05:29 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Try as she might to not react to the flattering words of the stranger, Tahlia's vanity seemed to have a mind of its own. Minutely did her lips begin to curve, an appreciation there that the other female should concede to her company being both lovely and young. From the look of her, the russet and black she-wolf was sure she out-aged the other by at least a year if not more, her small stature lending an air of innocence and youth to her that Tahlia could not boast of. It often grated on her that she was no small, dainty little thing, but to see one who was admit that even Tahlia had some beauty was a perfect win in her book. It made the interruption to her near kill earlier considerably more tolerable.

With impeccable decorum, she introduced herself, even presenting a full name by which to address her, and Tahlia was immediately impressed. Even among the Seracians, a pack led as a kingdom with formality and a peculiar etiquette, not all of those who resided there could boast the same. Many only held singular names, names that the wolf often thought simple and inexpressive. Here was another who lived by the old ways, who chose to carry their lineage with them as if a badge, and it only earned the wolf more favor.

She would have stopped her then to express a pleasure in having met her, but rather than give pause the wolf continued to speak, admitting next to having taken an interest in the pack of Seracia. Tahlia's ears perked at this news, her expression brightening. Well, that was certainly good news! Another who knew how to conduct herself, and she was wishing to join the pack. "I do think you could make a good addition to our ranks, too," the multi-hued she-wolf offered with a pleased smile, certain that, had she power to do so, she would have accepted the woman on the spot. She conducted herself far too well to give the impression of one prone to causing a fuss.

But, alas, Tahlia was not so highly ranked. Practically new herself, just finishing her second full season as a member of Seracia, she was still earning a name for herself. There was much she still needed to do before such a privilege would be bestowed on her. "I regret to inform you that I do not have that power." Her tone was sincerely apologetic, her smile rueful yet kind. "But I could possibly sit with you until someone who does arrives?" It was the best she could offer, and truthfully Tahlia hoped that she might agree. Her mingling among her pack mates had been rather weak, not many friends made quite yet, and she did wish to have others who shared her home that she might visit and gossip with when free time came around.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


06-25-2013, 06:14 PM

It might have been safe to say that the Prince had been just a tad bit distracted lately. Just coming off of his marriage and subsequent honeymoon, the russet fellow was beginning to think that his life could simply not get any better. He knew that he needed to remain productive, however, or whispers would begin that he wasn't fit for his rank. He trusted Seracia enough to give him the benefit of the doubt for a short while, but no one could stay in the honeymoon phase of life forever. And so, when the call rang out the Prince slithered from the confines of his den and into the wintery wonderland of Seracia.

Unluckily enough for him, the caller was located almost as far as you could get from where his den could be found, but he would get there in enough time to intercept them. Briskly he trotted, allowing the snow to crunch and fold beneath his paws. Tail flagged out behind him proudly as he puffed his chest and raised his head for added measure. To say that he had never been more proud to be a Prince would be an understatement. Ears twitched, and as he neared the location he heard voices clearly speaking. The beauty of winter was that the snow and cool temperatures somehow managed to amplify sound - or perhaps it was just that their presence dulled noise. Whatever the case, he noted Tahlia's voice among those voices.

Tail sashayed behind him as he took in her words 'but I could possibly sit with you until someone who does arrives?' He let a light, feigned chuckle escape from airily from his jaws as he spoke. "Someone like me?" He sidled up alongside Tahlia, leaving just a bit of room between them for comfort sake, though still very visibly offering his support to she and she alone. Lime eyes appraised the woman brusquely as she sat there before them. "Tahlia," he purred with a note of affection, "who is your friend?" An ear flickered to hear her response when it came, whilst the majority of his attention remained on the female at their borders. It seemed Seracia had a knack for attracting females, of course.. how could they resist a prince such as he?



06-26-2013, 07:47 AM
Upon the multicoloured females reply she inquired that Esme's will to be apart of the Seracia ranks would indeed be beneficial and welcomed, Though she did not have the power to provide the answer she wanted."Waiting with me would be lovely, I could do with a little company" Perching herself upon the frozen grounds she watched and waited, waited for someone with that power to approach and soon enough, One did. A crimson male soon announced his presence and with it power. Power to choose whether or not Esme was able to join the packs rankings. He was young, No more than a year old by the looks of him. But he was big with two piercing emerald eyes."Greetings.. Me and Tahlia were just discussing my arrival, And how I wish to join the Seracia ranks. My name is Esmerelda Dermotio and I seek refuge and a place within your pack. Might I ask of your calling?" She paused awaiting the male 's response.



7 Years
07-01-2013, 08:15 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

No sooner had the russet and black she-wolf mentioned the higher ranked wolves, one of them appeared, a familiar face she had not been anticipating. "Maverick!" she greeted delightedly as she turned to look toward the young Seracian prince, tail wagging a few beats behind her. The self-same wolf to have admitted her into the pack, Tahlia had the utmost respect for the next-in-line monarch and was even more excited to see him now in the aftermath of his more than eventful wedding. A sense of wistfulness had stolen over her knowing that even one as young as him had a family in the works, while she remained single and alone, but he was such a well behaved boy, so polite and generous, her jealousy was only trivial. He was the prince, and rightfully so; he deserved this happiness.

The Seracian Prince took things over then, all words from the stranger on their border now directed at him. Tahlia seated herself beside them with a smile, content to listen and watch and be there for the outcome so long as it was allowed. She had been very close to possibly making a friend through the she-wolf Esmerelda and if she did get to join she thought the prospect of hosting a quick tour to be rather enjoyable. She was more or less knowledgable about the territory now, so it seemed right that she share that knowledge with another.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


07-01-2013, 08:27 PM

To say that he effervesced confidence was not an understatement. And to say that he disapproved of the figure before him would be a bold faced lie. Esmerelda, as he would come to know her, was a fine she-wolf if he ever saw one. As Tahlia greeted him he offered her a smile before turning his ears back upon the newcomer. She was asking to join, and by her tone he saw no immediate reason to deny her. Tahlia seemed pleased with her too, which only furthered his interest in bringing her into the Kingdom. "Apologies, I am Maverick Mathias, Prince of Seracia." He accented the word Prince as it fell from his lips, his pride had only been bolstered since his wedding.

"Esmerelda, what makes you want to join Seracia, and what qualities do you bring to the Kingdom?" He needed to know just a bit more, though his mind was very much made up. A vague smile lingered on his lips as he finished speaking, allowing his plush tail to sweep around his hips comfortably.



07-07-2013, 09:12 AM
As she listened intently to the male whom announced his name, Soon enough came the questions as to what grasped her interest within the pack, and how she would benefit its ranks."I am experienced in both hunting and fighting, though I prefer a debate rather than bloodshed." She stated bluntly all the while keeping her gaze entwined with the males own. "I cant pin point what exactly drew me here, but first impressions have made a big impact on my interest in joining your ranks." Esme lowered her crown towards Maverick. He was a prince, royalty and of high stature. Although she had briefly met him, She respected him.

(Sorry Its so short!)


07-07-2013, 05:09 PM

Tail twisted and writhed behind him, moving like a snake. He didn?t take much notice of this, and instead focused upon the woman in front of him, and the one at his side. Tahlia was remaining respectfully quiet as the Prince went about his business, but as these were rather droll meetings, he decided to try and spice things up. But before he could do that, he needed this pretty little lady?s answer. It soon came. She could hunt and fish, but she preferred debate. That was intriguing, and not an answer he had heard very often ? or at all, to be honest. A smile cracked his lips as she dipped his head to him and ceased her speaking. With a declarative tone he would turn his attention to Tahlia.

?I hereby give you permission to accept or deny this woman as you see fit. Should you accept her ? feel free to lead her around and get her acquainted with her new home. Should you deny her ? well, I trust you don?t need instructions on running her off.?

The last part was more in jest than anything else, for he already had an idea that Tahlia would accept the woman. If she didn?t it would be a real shame, but he trusted Tahila?s judgment and wouldn?t question it. Besides, Maverick firmly believed in spreading out the workload as much as possible. He?d accepted a few on his own, why not give Tahlia the pleasure of doing so herself? He switched his tail one final time and stood to his paws.

?Enjoy the rest of your day, ladies. I must be off now.? He directed the last part to Esmerelda. ?It was a pleasure meeting you, I do hope we see each other again.? With that open-ended finale to his speech, Maverick sauntered off into his kingdom, bent on finding his wife or someone else to occupy his time and attention. A Prince could do as he pleased, after all.

Exit Maverick




7 Years
07-13-2013, 05:32 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

There was nothing but a glance her way to signify that Maverick intended to address her, and she was grateful that she had been actively paying attention. Still, she was surprised at his statement, her golden eyes widening in reaction. She was going to get to decide? But...but she didn't do these sorts of things! Tahlia was nothing more than a member of the pack, doing what she could when she could for those that she regarded as part of her kingdom. This - this was outside of her domain. But Maverick seemed very adamant about his decision, instructing her accordingly, and the look about him as he answered seemed to take off some of the pressure. Maybe he had heard her admission of thinking the lady a decent addition to their pack? Perhaps this was merely a test from him, the next-in-line for the throne?

Not wanting to disappoint or wilt under the pressure, she nodded her head slowly and humbly, smiling all the while. "Thank you for the privilege, Prince Maverick," she responded genially, and with a warm farewell the prince was gone. The russet and black female stared after him a moment, still curious over his decision but at the same time elated to be given such a chance as this. Never mind if it was only an attempt for him to get out of having to conduct his duties as he was supposed to, Tahlia was far too inclined to think it a compliment to her character and did.

"Well then," she stated matter-of-factly as she turned to set her gaze upon Esmerelda with a sudden touch of authority, "if this is to be left to me, then I would like to say welcome to Seracia." No sense evading the truth of the matter. She had already decided the she-wolf to be a welcome addition, so it was only right to let her know it and not drag things out and cause unnecessary suspense. "Would you care for a tour?" Tahlia offered, a cheerful smile about her face as her tail gave a few slow, dignified wags behind her.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier