
New to the bush


06-24-2013, 12:25 PM
Dark brown paws padded softly and curiously along the mangrove forest, stopping when ever a interesting scent captured the black leathery nose the paws belonged to. Lavender colored eyes were full of quiet curiosity of this strange new land as the earthy brown wolf explored, with not quite the cautiousness a older wolf would have presented. The wolf was a young female from her elegantly lean frame and softness of her face. Her fur resembled a porcupine with how disheveled and unkempt it stood out on her body but was obviously groomed to near obsessiveness from the healthy sheen and softness to it. Around the neck and chest area, the female's fur grew longer than the rest almost giving her a sort of mane and made her more imposing than a normal female would have been. The color of her fur resembled a coconut husk, in that rich brown color, and melted into a dark brown color on her legs, ears, belly, and tip of her tail.The natural expression she carried was calm, with a slightly sassy sparking in those lavender eyes. The slightly lighter brown fur around her eyes and cheeks only enhanced this expression and contradicted her imposing figure. She was a beautiful specimen in her own way but was not in the traditional way most females are.
Ramelia loved this new land she stumbled into, it was full of strange smells her keen nose had never experienced before. Every tree has a new scent that she had to stop and memorize before moving on to a new one. The feel of the ground, the air, the strange trees that grew here was almost overwhelming, but she loved it. Maybe i can make a home here. she mused as she walked along with her brown muzzle to the ground tracking a scent of a reptile of some sort. she picked up her pace till she saw a bright colored lizard in a tree looking down at her, wagging her tail at her find, she gave a small woof then continued on. A few moments later as the brown female pushed through a bush and the smells of a wolf pack captured her nose, causing her to freeze in place, her violet eyes darting around looking for any sign of other wolves. Seeing none, she relaxed slightly and raised her nose higher taking in the scents. At least 10 she thought as she shifted through each of the wolves scents curiously, before she started back back up through the bush she came. Suddenly the thud of paws sounded not far from her, making her jump and snap the dead branches under neath her, loud enough for the other being to hear. "oh crap" she muttered as she dropped her body to the ground, hoping her earthy fur would blend into the surrounding color of the forest.

Aria I


06-24-2013, 03:31 PM

It's a bit late to try hiding. A feminine voice spoke up, a bi colored woman stepping out from behind a push. The sandy and beige colored woman had been checking the borders when she caught this wolf's scent snake it's way across. So, to make sure this wolf wasn't trouble she had followed the scent for a bit until finally making her presence known.

She stood with her head held high, showing this stranger that she held a high rank, but she held it respectfully. Aria wasn't snobby, she liked to be friends with all her pack mates, and didn't want them to feel like they HAD to fear or respect her just because she was higher up. Could you follow me closer to the border ma'am, that way I don't have to force you. She asked in a kind and friendly tone, her stump of a tail wiggling behind her and a smile on her lips while forest green orbs looked into her gaze.



06-24-2013, 06:13 PM
"It's a bit late for hiding" a feminine voice called out to Ramelia from outside her bush. The brown wolf closed her eyes and pulled her dark ears back in embarrassment. Slowly she poked her head out from the bush to look at the bi-colored female who caught her near a pack border. From the female's stance, she was obviously a high rank among the pack that was located not to far off from where they were. The earthy brown wolf lowered her tail slightly to show respect to the high ranking wolf but kept her head at the level as before as she stepped out from the undergrowth, her wide lavender eyes watching the stranger carefully. "Yeah, I suppose it is a little to late. I apologize for coming so close to a pack's land. I mean no harm." she told the two toned wolf. " could you follow me closer to the border ma'am, that way I don't have to force you." came the reply causing the brown fea to stiffen momentary, the long man-like fur along the back of her neck raising, but then flattening as she saw the female stubby tail begin to wag. " I don't think I have much of a choice." laughed Ramelia as she moved closer to the female on long legs. Coming shoulder to shoulder with the female, the fea turned her head to look at wolf beside her and said "I'm Ramelia by the way." she smiled, her sassy lavender eyes dancing in excitement. Usually stand offish towards strangers, something about this wolf made her feel comfortable.

(sorry if my post are not that great, still trying to get back into the swing of things =)

Aria I


06-24-2013, 06:47 PM

She watched the woman move out of the undergrowth, stepping back to give her some room. The shewolf was large, taller than Aria. That didn't bother her though, not one bit. Yeah, larger wolves would have the upper hand but she would find a way to avoid their blows. She wasn't thinking this because she would force the woman to the border, it was just a good thing to have at the back of your mind when encounter strangers. Checking them out to have an idea as to what they can and can't do if a fight broke out.

When the woman looked to her Aria grinned, noticing her beautiful lavender eyes. Yeah, I suppose it is a little to late. I apologize for coming so close to a pack's land. I mean no harm. She was going to compliment her eyes then tell her it was alright, as long as she didn't hunt or harm anyone on this side of the border, but then the woman seemed to bristle at the mention of her not wanting to force her to the border.

She grew calm though, at least it seemed liked it, moving to stand shoulder to shoulder with Aria and giving her name. The name's Aria. I didn't meant to put you on edge with the forcing thing, it's just that you are on Ludicael territory. She brought up, motioning the woman to follow her. Paws began to move, carrying the shewolf forward, the grin not seeming to falter one moment. You have beautiful eyes, I've never seen that shade before. She finally complimented her, stopping at the border.

Were you hunting or looking to join? She asked curiously, head tilting to the side slightly. She wanted to know if the woman had accidentally crossed the border while hunting, or if she did to see the terrain before trying to join.



06-24-2013, 07:30 PM
The she wolf felt bad at the reaction she had given before as the female continued to talk. She lowered her dark ears and wagged her dark tipped tail more to show the other wolf that she had truly relaxed. No, no, not your fault, just some wolves are not as nice as you seem to be and I've run into a few a long the way. I am sorry for my reaction." the fea said her voice soft and easy going. Then Aria began to move in the direction of the pack's scent, motioning for her to follow. Pausing for a second as her purple orbs traveled around the landscape again before she bounded, almost puppy-like, after the she wolf. She slowed her pace as she caught up with the wolf and shook her wild disheveled fur, her mane sticking out like a porcupine even more. She was slightly embarrassment from the compliment of her eye color but replied "Thank you Aria" she paused, before continuing. "You have a beautiful name." and truly meant it. It was a lovely sounding name and Ramelia thought it fit the she wolf perfectly as her eyes met Aria's green ones. Though they quickly darted away from them and looked back her surroundings. Eye contact with a dominate wolf made her nervous, it was one of her quirks, the earthy wolf mused as her long dark brown legs slowed to match the smaller fea's. She smiled as she noticed the smaller she wolf taking in her size and made calculations on the best attack. She knew all too well this was what the fea was doing because she herself did it, it was in her nature."I'm hopefully here to find a home, if the pack is in need for a neutral tracker. she said as her black nose twitched as the scents got stronger the closer they got. Her dark point ears quivered slightly in apprehension of meeting more wolves than she ever had in her life...

Aria I


06-24-2013, 07:54 PM

The young woman apologized for her behavior, was even wagging her tail. It was okay though, Aria understood, and probably would have reacted the same way had she been in the others paws. She was happy though that the woman understood and didn't have any hard feelings about it, it would have been a shame to become enemies just moments after meeting. Aria wasn't one for enemies, she liked to get along with as many people as possible, would cause less problems.

Ramelia complimented her name too, causing the shewolf to give a dip of her head. Why Thank you, most people don't compliment it. She said with a light laugh, free, smooth, genuine. Yours is beautiful too, sounds kind of exotic. Is it alright if I call you Ram? Or maybe Elia? She asked curiously, green eyes bright as she sat back on her haunches. She was going to like this girl, she was friendly, had manners. She hoped she would take a liking to the pack's ways, then they could become friends.

I'm hopefully here to find a home, if the pack is in need for a neutral tracker. She answered, breaking eye contact. Aria turned her head away, the smile still there, green orbs looking over the terrain around them. A nice forest, a chill in the air, a bit of snow. It was a great place to be, both for the landscape and the wolves occupying it.

I will be straight up with you miss Ramelia. We are a neutral but friendly pack, we treat each other with respect and like family. As long as you don't bring danger to Ludicael, you will fit right in. She informed her, taking in a deep breath while closing her eyes. The cool air felt nice in the lungs, giving a wonderful sting. A tracker spot is open, we are always looking for hunters and warriors. If a tracker is what you would like then you my have it. But it would be good to go over our laws, don't you think? She asked i a friendly tone, her stump of a tail wiggling behind her.



06-24-2013, 08:37 PM
The earth toned she wolf smiled and sat down next to Aria at a respectable distance and thought over the nicknames she suggested. " I kind of like Ram, it sounds strong and a little hard headed, which I'm known to be sometimes according to my brother back home." she then laughed and remembered her days as a small cub before she left to see the world. Aria's voice and the chilly nip of the breeze brought her attention back to the two toned wolf as she informed her on the dealing of her soon to be home. Aria was straight forward with her, which Ramelia found it a quality she liked in the she wolf. She hated it when wolves tried to beat around the bush with her. She turned her head and observed the she wolf while her eyes were close and listened intently. " If it came too it, I am fast enough to be a hunter but I'll admit I'm not strong enough to bring large prey down, but I can find any prey or wolf and almost any condition. And I don't mean to come across as one of those arrogant fools and brag." she smiled shyly and lowered her body down the ground and stretched her front paws out before her. The breeze picked up again, its cool sting feeling wonderful on her body after her long trek here. "Yes, i think it would be a great idea to learn the laws of the land." she said as the brown wolf rested her head on her abnormally paws, her naturally sassy wide eyed expression full of curiosity and an eagerness to learn.

Aria I


06-25-2013, 06:52 PM

Aria couldn't help but chuckle at Ramela's response to her question on a nick name, choosing to be called Ram for strength and being hard-headed. That was good, Ludicael would love to have such a wolf within its ranks. Then she spoke up about the rank thing she had told her, she was a fast hunter but admitted to not being strong enough to bring down large prey. That was good. She liked a wolf who was honest instead of thinking they were the shit and could take down anything. She continued on to talk about how she could hunt prey in just about any condition, having some tracking skills. No no, you don't sound like one at all. She laughed lightly.

To start off, our alpha pair are called Sols. You are to respect and do as they say. They won't interfere with your personal life, which I like, as long as you don't endanger Ludicael. When it comes to taking mates, they don't mind if they are out of the pack but if the mother is here then they would like for her to raise the children here. The shewolf took a pause, taking in a long deep breath and smiling at the woman laying down. Ranks can be challenged, but when it comes to the fight then a Sol must be there to observe. When it comes to trespassers, pack members should escort the wolf to the border until a high ranking wolf comes to speak to them. And if they resist or give you trouble then you are allowed to use force.

Aria stopped once again but this time her head tilted to the side and she looked off into the distance in thought. She was trying to think about whether she missed a law or not, and after a few moments of silence she gave a nod of her head. That is all. Your not tied down with rules, and they are pretty simple so you can g about comfortably... Do you have any questions?



06-27-2013, 02:43 PM
Ramelia smiled as the she-wolf chuckled at her, liking the sound it if. It was different from the cold silence she heard on her lone wanderings, as she was not the type of soul to be lost in the wilderness by her self for long. She was quiet and stand-offish, yes. But she was not a loner. As the warm sun beams passed through the leaves onto her earthy coat, she enjoyed the difference in temperature between the air and the sun and listening to her new life. Her smile grew even more at the weird term they called their Alphas. "Sols." she whispered as she tried out the foreign word for her Alphas before bringing her attention back to Aria.
She liked all the laws that were placed on the pack, they were fair and not as invasive as some pack's laws seemed to be. She hoped that the pack members were just as fair and down to earth as the laws and Aria seemed to be. Her tail thumped softly on the ground as the bi-colored wolf finished up then asked if there were any questions. The brown wolf lifted her head, her purple orbs dancing with excitement, she asked "How is day to day pack life?" Her ears began quivering again in excitement and she sat up onto her rump. Her wild, disheveled fur stuck out in all directions making her look like a large fuzzy puppy.

(sorry for the wait, i got caught up with work =/)

Aria I


06-28-2013, 03:25 PM
ooc: That's fine love (: Sorry for crappiness.

Day to day pack life is pretty easy and calm. We are not in bad terms with other backs and have an alliance with Seracia in the South. That said, it is pretty calm. We go about our duties when needed and the rest of the time is spent doing whatever you like. She explained to the woman with a smile. She shewolf sat back on her haunches with a light sigh, green orbs looking off and into the distance for a few moments before returning back to Ram. You mentioned looking for a neutral tracker position, you wish to be a hunter then, am I correct?



06-28-2013, 07:53 PM
OOC: It's ok =)

The brown wolf nodded liking the calmness of the pack life, though she hoped that there will be some adventures to be had in this strange landscape along the way. Plus it sounded like she would get a lot of alone time which she liked, much of it would be practicing her tracking skills, relaxing in the sun, or patrolling. Her thoughts wondered off and she day dreamed about tracking a massive buck for the pack or scenting a rogue on the run. But soon Aria brought her attention back with a question of the rank she wanted. She paused lost in thought, she knew that being a hunter would be best for her kind of skill and be the most useful for the pack. She just wanted something more exciting, but she could not think of something else she would be good at. She was not a killer, so an assassin was not an option. She was a good fighter, but not great enough to be a warrior or a guard or some sort. The lavender eyed wolf gave a soft sigh and said " Yes, a hunter would be best for the sort of skills I have." She just hope something exciting would come along for her to track and give her a challenge. Ramelia just hope she would become important to the pack someday.

"See Right Through You Any Hour..."

Aria I


07-01-2013, 08:46 PM

With a smile Aria gave a dip of her head. Then a hunter you shall be Miss Ramelia, you will now be known as a Lunav. She took a step back and motioned towards the pack owned land. Welcome to Ludicael, you may explore your new home. If you wish to ask me anything just give a call and either I or our Sols, Jupiter and Deteste will come. She gave another dip of her had before turning and walking off, she would be doing her daily duties of making sure her pack members were doing well and properly fed, along with checking the borders and such.

