
The Butterflies


06-30-2013, 03:44 PM

Aeil was lost. She had been travelling on Seracia's lands since she had woken up before the sunrise, not being able to sleep from her excitement. Being a part of a pack still felt weird, but it also felt right for the middle-aged fae. After she had stretched her legs and shook herself all over, hunger and restless paws had taken her to the western borders. She had left the comfort of the kingdom without even realizing it.
Now, as she looked around at her surroundings, Aeil found herself in unknown territory. New scents and sounds reached her and she had quite a time taking all of them in. Tail flicked behind her in silent annoyance as she tried to think of how she had ended up in such a beautiful piece of land. Her thoughts were then pushed to the side as she saw a lovely sight: a group of butterflies, flying in and out of their small cloud.
Her eyes widened as she watched the colorful beings flutter up and down, wings carrying them in many different air patterns. It wasn't until they began to move away from her that she followed. Her heart was lightly beating from the breathtaking motions and brightly colored wings. She had to follow them, and that was exactly what she did. A part of her mind told her to be on the watch for anything unusual as she walked across the unknown soil. Keeping that thought as one of her priorities, she continued to follow the butterflies, as if in a trance.
