
Heaven's On Fire [Birthing Thread]



08-02-2013, 08:12 PM

Ever since the collapse of Tortuga the young, and very much pregnant girl, had found herself wandering. Her father had disappeared for a time, but once she'd thought she'd caught a whiff of his scent. It pleased her, but she did not feel inclined to seek him out. A part of her wished to be alone and so she obeyed to its every whim. She sought solitude. A place in which she could have her children in peace and call home for a time being. Alias islands was not Tortuga, but they would do. Just until the children were old enough to travel. Then perhaps they could find another place to dwell. For now the island would make do. It'd been easy to cross on to. It connected to the mainland by a little strip making it simple for her to waddle her plump bodice onto. From then on it'd been simple to make a simple den.

Her spawn were late. Very very late. It had been to the point of being painful. Her belly was so swollen that her ankles and feet hurt. It made it difficult to walk and for the past day or so she'd done nothing but lay in her den damning them to hell and damning the damn brute she'd succumbed to.

And then finally the pain was gone.

Finally they rid themselves from her womb. It'd been a long and tiring process. One that left her so tired that she could do nothing but block the tiny entrance to her den and curl around them to let them nurse while she rested. It wasn't until later that the dilemma came up. At first it started as a slow whisper, and then a mid-toned chant, and finally worked its way up to a screaming in her head.

Golden eyes studied the four children with a hungry gaze. Almost as if she could see them through a red haze over her gaze. He screamed for her to eat them. Jaws parted tentatively as she slowly snaked her head forward to the closest one. So close. She could feel the tiny amount of body heat radiating from it. So close to just snapping it neck, and then she snapped out of it.

Shaking her head she let out a frustrated sigh. He hadn't bothered her in so long. Of course he'd pop up now and try and convince her to eat her own children. She shook the horrid feeling off and lay her head around them. Letting out a contented sigh she studied then. Beautiful creatures. They'd surely grow up to be interesting beasts. Already she loved them. If only her father and mother could see them. She could only imagine the scolding she'd get for being an idiot though.

"Speech" "He speaks"

[ooc: Alright guys. I'm sorry it took so long to write. Been having some issues. Regardless, this is the birthing thread, so feel free to reply. If you haven't made a profile you have two weeks to make them. If not I'll adopt the pups out again.]