
sons of the snow gods



06-24-2013, 12:03 PM

Oh and all those things you dreamed of

the visions that you saw

Well the time is drawing near now,

It's yours to claim it all:


Cross struggled from beneath his mother's gainormous tail fluff and loped over the cave floor. Despite the winter chill, the cavern managed to retain some level of warmth thanks to the two dozen fuzzy, snoozing bodies. The rest of the packmates would be out on night patrols - scouring Glaciem's snowy fringes for any signs of trouble.

The coast was clear.

Cross scuffled back to the nest of pine needles that the mother and boys shared, and with a little black foot, pawed at his youngest brother's shoulder. "Cruci," he hissed. "Come on!" He'd gotten quite good at sneaking out, Creed too. (Well, at least they thought they had, half the times they thought they were alone they still had eyes one them from somewhere) This morning, Cross wanted to bring Crucible along.

With cat-like tread, he made his way around the sleeping wolves and out into the cold, white world. The sky was clear, but still black and starry - only a grey haze off to the east beyond the unseen lake told the world that dawn was arriving. With the winds dying away and the snow muffling the world, the wilderness seemed to have lulled itself to sleep. It was that rare moment when the night creatures found their homes, and the day ones still refused to wake up. It was like having the whole world to yourself.

Cross tagged his tail happily. A pink tongue lolled out. "Let's go to the Lake!" he said, still half whispering. He'd been there before, but only with adult supervision. Not that he needed it! Cross was a Glaciem Brave! He'd watched plenty of hunts by now - and once, he'd gone into the start of a snowstorm to rescue his little black cousin (well, nephew technically...). He knew what he was doing.


Son of Man, look to the skies

Lift your spirit, set it free

One day you'll walk tall with pride

Son of Man a man in time You'll be