
Xhen's twin brother



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-21-2013, 03:00 PM (This post was last modified: 06-26-2013, 03:12 PM by Epiphron.)

Name: Hoven

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Birth Month: Spring

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Size: Large (36")

So, this boy is Xhen's twin brother. They look almost identical; they're both rather large wolves, with black fur that holds flecks of white and grey around their muzzles and bellies. The two of them are both littered with scars, mainly along their limbs and sides. They really do look identical, unless one gets to know them -- and they would nearly be indistinguishable if it wasn't for their drastically different personalities.

Xhen's profile can be viewed HERE

Xhen is the logical, realistic half of the pair -- she is very independent and fierce, but very intelligent and loyal. She devotes her entire existence to caring for her brother, Hoven. His personality is certainly not set in stone, but he is certainly mentally unstable. He has the tendency to be cruel and will kill anything that disturbs him, lest Xhen commands him not to. He loves and listens to only her, and nobody else -- thus far. He grows steadily more violent as he spends time away from her, so she often seeks to console him with her presence, which soothes him. He also is nearly mute, except around her, never finding much need to speak -- rather his fangs do the talking.

His history isn't too complicated, but I will elaborate if anyone is interested!!

Also, he is the cousin of Bronze (who I play here on Ala).

All I ask for is a brief appearance, personality, and a roleplay example in any situation. Hopefully you can be active with him, since he & his sister are quite inseparable! And if you'd like to make any drastic changes to his personality, please let me know; I'm flexible!

Thanks. :)

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06-21-2013, 03:19 PM
I am tempted because I love rping with you.

I am not sure whether that is good or bad. but consider me interested.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-21-2013, 09:35 PM
Seren, this pleases me~ but no pressure <3



06-21-2013, 10:48 PM
To play another sibling with nyx?! AND THIS TIME THE EVIL IS OKAY? OMGOSH WHAT THE FEELS.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-23-2013, 05:19 PM
Hehee! I hope someone is interested enough to post a sample of him. :)


06-26-2013, 06:36 PM
Appearance: Hoven is definitely an intimidating figure. He easily reaches 36 inches in height, and has a powerful, bulky build. This combined with a thick coat of black fur makes him appear to be even larger than he is, and there is clearly a lot of strength packed into his frame. His thick black fur varies little in shade across his body, with only a smattering of white on his muzzle and stomach adding color to his body. Bold golden eyes stand out sharply from black fur, but those are typically only noticed for a few short moments before a wolf notices the scars that riddle Hoven's form. These scars boast of surviving many battles, and though to some they may appear to hint at weakness, at a wolf easily injured, Hoven will be quick to set them straight if they voice this opinion.

Personality: In a word, unstable. Hoven is a difficult to predict wolf, and that's mostly because he's off his rocker. At first, he may seem to be calm and cool, only to be snarling and growling a moment later, and within seconds progress to a killing rage. His moods are a vicious see-saw, and the only one safe from them is his sister, Xhen. His moods grow steadily worse the more time that he spends away from Xhen, and if he's spent more than a few days at most apart from her, he's all but murderous almost all of the time. So far, she is the only wolf who can calm him down. Unless Xhen is around, the only remedy for his vicious moods is time, and he often calms down as suddenly as he grows angry.

But even when calm, Hoven posses a vicious streak a mile wide. And it is when he is at his most calm that he is at his most dangerous. For at that point, he can lash out at other wolves and attack them without warning, for no reason other than he felt like it at the time. After all, this is the wolf that, when hunting, takes his sweet time in killing his prey, drawing out their pained noises for as long as possible, and Hoven isn't above doing the exact same thing to a wolf. For the most part, he contents himself with prey animals, largely as an attempt to placate his sister, who is far less vicious than he.

As he is extremely quiet unless around Xhen, it's often very difficult to read Hoven - unless, of course, he's attacking you. He speaks little unless his sister is around. His sister seems to draw out the best in him (well, comparatively, at least. It's still not particularly 'good'), and around her, he'll say whatever is on his mind, without filter. Of course, that's generally not particularly nice unless he's talking about his sister. She is the only one in this world that he is purely devoted to, and it's clear when he chooses to open his mouth around her. She is also the only one who can tell him what to do without finding their life span shortened significantly. Xhen can tell him to do something, and Hoven will do it without complaint. But the same can generally be said for her. They share an extremely close bond, and that's evident in the fact that she is the only wolf he opens up to or around.

Hoven cares little for laws or morals. To him, the only things that matters are looking out for his sister and himself. It doesn't matter how he achieves those ends. He will trample wolves left, right, and center if he must, and will not hesitate do so. Hoven looks out for number one and his sister, and to him, that is all that matters. If it will benefit either one of them, he'll do it, regardless of how deplorable it may seem to others. He simply doesn't care about the silly laws that other wolves obey, however.

Sample: The muscular black creature was on the hunt, though he wasn't particularly hungry. No, he had eaten pretty recently. But that didn't mean that Hoven wasn't hungry for something else. What he really wanted, what he needed, to distract him from his sister's absence, was to hear the squeals of an animal that was completely and utterly at his mercy. It would make the time that seemed to stretch onwards into infinity without Xhen that much more bearable. If he could just distract himself for a little while, maybe he could handle it.

A snarl tore itself from his chest at the thought of his twin sister, and Hoven broke into a run, racing across the ground as the scent of a rabbit twisted under his nostrils. It wasn't his first choice, but beggars couldn't be chosers. A rabbit would do. And so Hoven tore after it, closing the distance between himself and the panicked creature. It made it only a few panicked hops after Hoven scented it and then he was upon it, teeth crunching down on one leg.

From there he moved slowly along, crunching on each leg in turn, before a careful claw sliced the stomach open. The pained noises soothed his ears, made tension melt from his frame, until by the time the rabbit had faded into silence, Hoven was more relaxed than he had been in a long while. The mangled corpse was abandoned almost as soon as its life faded, and Hoven shook himself vigorously, turning away from it and padding off in the direction that he had least seen Xhen in. He could handle waiting until the next time he saw her, right? Maybe.

She hadn't been gone long, though. Maybe a day or so, but Hoven missed her already. His ears flattened against his skull, and it took the male a conscious effort to relax. He couldn't very well turn around and kill something else, if only because he would be in the area for a little while and didn't want every animal within travelling distance to clear out. That would be a pain in the butt. And what if Xhen came back while he was off trying to hunt down something? The male shuddered at the thought. He would not allow that to happen. He needed to be around for when his sister came back.