
Love and Hush


06-21-2013, 11:26 AM

Luce was returning from a short hunt, three rabbits hung awkwardly in her jaws, swinging animatedly as she slowly paced her way back to her den. She rose long before the sun erupted when her pups were still sleeping, and returned before they awoke, they still enjoyed her milk, but she was slowly weaning them, bringing them all kinds of meat, beaver, duck, hare, deer, if she could procure it, she brought it, she wanted them to adapt to all kinds of tastes, to develop their own palette. She was a fierce mother and she guarded them nothing short of a hound from the depths of hell. Nothing and no one came between her pups and her. They were her life, she had built her entire world around their happiness, not a single poppy had been touched in well over a year.

As she returned, cerulean blues blinked as she watched one of her babes pad forward, obviously awake with a curious gleam in her eyes, Luce watched bemused, standing off to the side as the child batted the tiny trickling waterfall before the mouth of her den, she felt such an overwhelming bout of love and adoration as the child teetered unsteadily near the water. Luce's mouth curled up in a grin and slowly, she padded forward. Setting the rabbits down and out of sight, she made purposeful noise as she approached, she didn't wish to startle the child. " Bonjour mon Silana, ce qui est des entraves vous de vos r?ves mon amour ?" (Good morning my Silana, whats drags you from your dreams my love?) Lowering her maw, she nuzzled her babe affectionately, bathing her in a soft kiss, they would know their mother loved unconditionally.



06-24-2013, 07:03 PM
Silence. It was always quiet at this time of night, when the sun had long since set and the moon was up to watch over its nocturnal children. A hush had settled over her sleeping siblings, slumber coming easily to them this night, even as their mother lifted herself from her position behind them. Luce had always hunted at night when she had more then enough time to leave her precious bundles of joy and return long before she was missed. Nine times out of ten her brothers never noticed, they simply snuggled closer together to make up for the missing body heat and carried on in their slumber. Only one small form stirred as nails clicked along the stone floor, marking their mothers departure.

She counted her breaths, waiting quite some time before she dared stir. Small head lifted slowly, overly large ears pricking and flipping forwards to listen for any movement. Gaze would slide over the still forms of her brothers, gaze softening as it lingered for a moment on Aeron. She had always had quite the soft spot for him, not to say that she didn?t love Jacques or her mother any less, but often she found herself following Aeron around without conscious thought. Sometimes he didn?t like it and sometimes he allowed her to tag along with him. Jacques lay with his back pressed against hers, Aeron more stretched out but with his head lying comfortably on her hip. Not daring disturb him she lay her head back down, pressing her cheek against the tops of her paws as she closed her eyes and allowed sleep to drag her under once more.

Silana jerked awake, how many hours later she didn?t know, head snapping up and gaze darting about. Why wasn?t her mother home yet? The young girl lifted herself up, sliding away from her brothers who had since repositioned to make her escape easier. She was careful not to wake them, movements slow and easy until she was far enough away that there was no chance to wake them. She moved towards the mouth of the cave, the function of her legs discovered some time ago but sleep seeming to leaden her limbs as she teetered towards the waterfall. A paw extended slowly to touch the cool wetness before she placed it back to the earth and stretched her neck out to poke at the water with her nose.

A soft smile slid over her features as she wet her head and the back of her neck, completely oblivious to her mother?s watchful gaze. It wasn?t until Luce made a noise to alert her that her head snapped around, graze attentive to the woman who had birthed her. Words drifted from the beautiful she world as she approached, lyrics sweet and lovely. Not for the first time the young female wondered if she could ever have a voice like her mothers or be as beautiful as she. But their mother?s pure white coat was so much different then hers and her brothers, Silana?s tan coat the only hint that she had of what her father might have looked at.

Loving kisses and nuzzles showered her and her grin widened, shoulders shaking with a silent giggle as she returned the kisses with equal affection. No response was given to her mothers question, just a motion towards the full moon shining brightly through the mouth of their den. It was so pretty and bright out tonight! She remained silent as she turned and padded closer to the entrance, tail licking at her heels as she gazed in wonder up at the globe suspended in the night sky. She hoped her mother would tell her a story this night as she did most when they were alone ti fill the silence. Since her birth Silana had net even attempted to use her vocals. Not a word was spoken or a sound made. Her life was silent but full of love and for now she was content with that. Content with her brothers and her mother and her life, there was nothing she had to say and no sounds to make because there was nothing she wanted to change.


07-09-2013, 01:33 PM

Luce had never intended to become a mother, she had never had an interest in kids, her only childhood was so hateful and bitter... why would she wish such suffering upon anyone else? She might be a bitch, but she wasn't cruel... but then of course she had grown swollen with Neo's seed and suddenly she understood why everyone wanted pups why they wanted a family, someone to care for and love. Luce had forever been a survivor, caring little for anyone but herself, she did what she had too to survive, but now... now she only cared for the small bundles of life that she was solely responsible for. Her entire dynamic had shifted, they were all that mattered in her world. She didn't mind that she only got a few scarce hours of sleep a night, she didn't mind the redness of her belly from her teething youth. If they needed her to be a friend she would be there, if they wished for a soldier, she would become as such, her children, would never be absent of her love, she was certain of nothing but this.

The rabbits had been a challenge, night making her have to dig them out, which only caused the small mammals to panic, but she had succeeded and they would make more than a sufficient meal for her family. It had taken longer than she would have liked but it couldn't be helped. Her pups didn't have a father to help her, Luce, as always, was on her own, she had to make due with what she could make work, and she had succeeded in catching breakfast, accomplished she quickly carried herself back to her den.

Exhaustion made itself known in the ivory goddess and she slid up towards her den, her eyes were heavy laden with a lack of sleep and her gait was somewhat scattered, perhaps her pups would be willing for a nap this afternoon. She stepped between the trees and as her soft crystalline gaze fell upon her youth, instantaneous rejuvenation shot through her system. All of this difficulty, all of this strain, it was worth it to see her pups. Her plume drifted from side to side as she took a moment to merely observe, to watch one of her reasons for existence, bat playfully at the tiny waterfall. Finally she could take it no more, she had to press closer, had to remind her how entirely much she meant to her.

Silana had never offered up her voice, but Luce had never pushed her, laving her in loving kisses, soft nuzzles and gentle nudges her tiny ball of fluff and life would return Luce's affection and the mother would melt, heart cracking only to be reshapen by this tiny miracle before her. Padding away from the water, she allowed her daughter to observe the moon, before gently Luce coiled around her, keeping her safe and warm, pressed against her bodice, but making sure her daughter had ample room to peer up at the moon. ?Dois-je vous raconter une histoire bien-aim?e? Peut-?tre sur le Dragon de la Gargouille?? (Shall I tell you a story beloved? Perhaps about the Dragon of Gargouille?)

speech !