
This Doesn't Look Like New Orleans


09-27-2014, 08:28 PM

Ah, of course her travels would land her in a place of filth. Dirtied water with decaying trees blossoming from the liquefied surface. Serpents floating across muddied water as birds float across the heavens. A thick fog painted the land, consuming it with its opaque embrace. It was hot and the air was simply hard to breathe. Pesky mosquitoes took over the land in vast swarms. Definitely no place for the queen of seduction. The tainted water sloshed against her limbs as she carried forward to who knows where - it seemed like she was headed to hell. Ah, that is where she belonged after all, was it not? To be Hades personal harlot. She found herself bumping into a log on occasion, her vision was limited by the thick surrounding clouds. A growl of irritation emitted from her throat and even though this place was beyond repugnant, she could not help but feel as if she were not alone in this place.

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09-27-2014, 08:46 PM

Massive beast had slipped into the swamplands in a moment of reminiscing, slipping through his sisters old pack lands that now lay unclaimed. He missed his sister, it had been quite some time since her sudden disappearance. It had been quite some time since he had been able to just sit down and hang out with her as siblings rather then wolves in allied packs. Since his return he had come to find out this his sister had done exactly as he had asked and ripped the pack from the Valhallans. But why did he feel so empty? Maybe it was because he himself had not exacted the revenge on that wretched pack. Maybe it was because even though they had lost their home the wolf who had killed his son was still out there, still breathing when his son wasn't. No, he was not done with his revenge, he would make sure that no Adravendi ever ruled again until he or the wolf who killed this son was dead. That much he could promise himself. A sickly sneer would curl up the edges of his lips as he lifted his head and allowed verdant gaze to slither over the surrounding area. Was someone here? Head would tip back as he inhaled, testing the air. A scent, feminine at that, reached him and he would turn in that direction. Massive paws squelched in the mud, making a silent approach impossible so he didn't bother hiding himself. She appeared before him like a vision and he would pause, head tipping and regarding her. "I can't imagine you're here of your own accord?" His voice was a low rumble, rough sounding as it rolled up his throat.



09-27-2014, 08:58 PM

Soon the truth would poor out into the open - the truth that she had not been alone. Something about the air that surrounded her told her that another stalked in the shadows even though she could not gather the aroma. And this man could, in fact, be the shadows themselves - painted in different shades of grey ranging from onyx to smoke. Patterns claimed his body in unusual stripes and swirls, though, it really should not be that unusual seeing her own color was otherworldly.

She slithered flirtatiously closer to the stranger, head parallel to the tainted water and eyes narrowed seductively. Maybe you unconsciously summoned a succubus to accompany you. . . Perhaps it really was not my choice, but yours. Marbled eyes would play with his gaze - meeting it momentarily then shifting off to absorb his body and then back to his eyes again. Seductively she slithered around his frame, her hairs touching his slightly and then stopping in front of him so that they were face-to-face. My name is Venus. Words would poor out in such a way that would make angels envious. Ah, it did not matter what kind of disgusting terrain she tread to, she still craved the touch of man. And at this season, she craved it all the more.

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10-02-2014, 10:47 PM

She was a temptress, a goddess in the flesh and she knew it. Her paws were but a whisper on the ground as she slithered towards him. There was no harm in looking right? Her words would drip from her lips like liquid velvet, forming like a blanket to slip through his ears. "Maybe I did summon you, maybe not?" His words were nonchalant, noncommittal followed by a languid lift of his shoulders as he closed his eyes for a moment and smirked. Acidic green eyes would open again as she introduced herself and a slow smile would slither it's way across his lips. "Venus?" Her name would roll off his tongue like an earthquake, a rumble starting from somewhere deep in his chest and reverberating up. He couldn't lie and say he was no tempted by her, he was in fact quite attracted to her but beauty only go you so far. Did she have the brawn to back up that beauty? A quick tongue to whip others into shape? He loved women who were nice to look at but it was what was on the inside that kept him around and won him over. "I am Kylar, King of Arcanum. What brings a damsel such as yourself to this neck of the woods? You smell of a pack, tired of home? Need some? More exciting company?" His words were a soft throaty rumble, verdant gaze never leaving her even as she circled and examined him. He would not move, standing tall and statuesque above her. Blackened pelt moved as muscles rippled beneath his skin, shifting as skull turned to follow her though paws would remain planted. Yes? She would do nicely.



10-04-2014, 07:15 PM

The regal beauty listened careful to each syllable that would fall from his onyx lips. A sort of darkness tainted his words and she was quite skilled at unmasking the wicked. More exciting company? Perhaps her inner masochist would crave a different company; however, her regal blood did not. She was dedicated to her king - being his Kashkar and, perhaps, soon his Naharar. A voice in her mind whispered "caution", though, she just could not resist flirting with danger.

Limbs flexed slowly to maintain a posture of a royal figure - shoulders squared and weight placed evenly between each stilt to produce a perfect stance. Head tossed itself into a majestic setting, held high with a serious facial expression - lips returning to default position and eyebrows rising only slightly. Tail was draped loosely, careful to not display dominance over the man.

Kylar. . . I am Kashkar of Abaven. The king's leading warrior. Ah, but why does the King of Arcanum desire to know why I have carried myself to these parts? Perhaps it is I who should be wondering why a king would venture to a place of filth. Tired of home? Why would I be? I have plenty to keep me entertained. As you probably can tell, entertainment for me comes rather easy. They flock to me like pigeons. What kind of excitement are you offering, Kylar?

Marbled eyes stayed focused on the man's gaze, careful to not display the slightest sign of submission. No. She would rather bleed her last drop before cowering before another. Would she willing join his pack? No. If he threatened her? Mm, no. She would, of course, put up a fight. An undying dedication to her king - to help him build his empire with unimaginable strength. What kind of exciting company was the man offering was unknown to her. Perhaps he, like most others, wanted to combine his body with hers. . . or perhaps it was an alliance? Though, such an alliance would have to be taken up with King Bass. If it were her, she would trust him no more than the ecru lady, Anzehlika.

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10-05-2014, 12:58 AM

She seemed to take on a colder tone, a slightly more cautious one as he announced himself and his rank to her. A sly smile would slither across his lips as he lifted his head slightly, though tail would remain limp behind him in a show of non dominance. He wasn't here to fight her, or pick a fight with another pack. He was simply feeling nostalgic and company had seemed nice. She would speak, presenting her name and title to him as well as the pack she belonged to. Why was he curious of her placement here? A low chuckle would roll up his throat before rolling his shoulders back a bit. He would listen to her words with mild curiosity. She did have a quick wit to match her looks, he was beginning to like her more and more. "A simple curiosity. Not even the pack that used to live here ventured here often. I am here for personal reasons. A search for someone near and dear to me, someone who shares my blood. As for entertainment I offer none other then the fleeting conversation and company of a stranger." His words were a low rumble as his tail slithered like a snake behind him. There was something devious in his smile as it slithered across inky lips, a light that danced in acidic eyes as he studied her. He could tell she wanted something from him, one thing only it seemed and it was like a punch in the face added to the punch in the nuts he felt thanks to the scent of her heat.

If Cat could see him now, what would she say? After all the carp he had given her for her actions with Lekan and Basilisk. Though he was refraining himself from touching her better then she ever had, he was almost proud of himself. "I have to ask. You are a lead warrior, obviously you have talent. What would you say to a friendly spar? Hmm? Something maybe to pass the time, vent some? Frustrations?" Last word would drop off his tongue like a stone. Was she feeling as frustrated as he was? Maybe a wager could even be arrange. He didn't know why but he had been in a fighting mood lately, angry and frustrated at everything and her scent was helping nothing.



10-05-2014, 01:24 AM

Though, she was cautious, she did not fear this bastard before her. He was merely a helpless pup in her mind - seemingly controlled by some dark force pretending to be worth more than what he was. We are all slaves. Our minds and desires being held prison by personal beliefs of what is right and what is wrong. Though, right and wrong was no more than a simple point of view. The typical wolf, he was, holding back his hidden cravings - masking the truth. Although she was no angel, she was indeed honest. . . brutally honest sometimes, but honest nevertheless.

Ears would flick backwards momentarily in agitation from his disturbing chuckle. Unspoken thoughts had passed through his mind that would never be known to her and how she despised not knowing! It gnawed at her soul as if it were a lion charging at the last fleck of flesh and bone left in all the world. He spoke of a creature of his own blood. Though, she was not sure to believe he held this creature dear to him. There was this undying aura of darkness shielding the man. It was not wise to believe any of his words; however, it really did not matter either way. What she wanted from him was a temporary pleasure.

The man did not display any obvious signs of lust; however, she knew it had to be there lurking inside of his soul. Craving to press his body against hers in an inescapable hold. Mm, but my best talent does not lie there. You see, ridding your frustrations can be done in a much more pleasurable way. As I am sure you know. Allow me to be your succubus and everyone else will seem like mere spark compared to my flame. Ah, will you not ravage me? We can combine the two entertainments into a single barbaric act. Her tone was seductive and lyrics ended with a wink of the right eye. Ah, how could he deny such an offer?

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10-05-2014, 01:43 AM

Even in all his time away, he had never left the plains or the moor. So when he ventured off, she was curious. She didn't follow right away, lingering behind before trailing after him. Nose would crinkle in distaste as they entered the swamps. This place was worse than the moor. Her steps were slow, lazy, though each one calculated. She was at ease until voice drifted her way. Feminine seduction was not something that was foreign to the Queen. Eyes would narrow to dangerous slits, her lips twitching in a faint snarl. Drifting towards the source, her eyes would land first on the woman speaking.

A throaty growl would rattle in her throat, hackles bristling. Her gaze would shift to Kylar, dark enough to kill. "You, my dear, will never be anything more than a spark." Words dripped like toxic honey from her lips as she would glare cooly at the woman.

Unbridled irritation shot through her like lightning. The urge to draw blood was overwhelming. But who's, she wasn't entirely sure yet. The woman was smaller than herself, even if only by a few inches. Her crown would lift above her shoulders, her tail beginning to twitch. Hackles remained upright, her lips unfurling even more. Ears fell flat against her crown. She had attempted to approach so that she stood beside Kylar. Despite the fact that she wanted nothing more than to put him in the ground, she would brush against his side possessively.



10-05-2014, 12:26 PM

Beautiful girl and yet so very stupid... Even as she begun speaking he would sigh, it was not the answer he wanted nor the outcome he desired. He would be lying if he told himself that she wasn't attractive of that her scent wasn't affecting him but it was and more then anything it made him want to rip her to shreds rather then spend a few fleeting moments with her. But at the same time all this just left him exhausted, his eyes would slacken as he gave her a rather bored look. Lower jaw unhinged and he drew in a breath to turn her down. Again. But another voice would snake forward, this one all to familiar and dripping with venom. His eyes would roll skyward as he sighed and flopped back into a seated position.

"If I'm not allowed to talk to women. Your not allowed to talk to men." He would grumble, voice low enough so only Cat would hear, maw tipped towards her so he would feed them directly to her ear. But after a moment he would look back to Venus, expression slack as he tipped his massive skull. What would happen now? Part of him wanted Cat to start a fight, he had wanted to throw down for some time now. Fighting with his wife would be better then fighting against her at least. Cat, meet harlot. Venus, meet wife." His smile was threatening now, daring. Ah, the childish endeavour of name calling for the win.



10-05-2014, 03:56 PM

It seemed as if danger was attracted to her, but who or what was not attracted to such a divine creature such as herself? Her fun would end seemingly as quickly as it had began - interrupted by an annoying feminine timbre and the one that possessed it quickly brushed up next to the man she was trying to woo. Ah, but immediately she understood that the gal was the man's mate. What a sad pair they seemed to make. If she were capable of laughter, there would have been an endless chorus of it. But no man was worth having if he would slither off to another woman - if that was her concern; however, the bastard was, to her own dismay, loyal. This was clear from the man's vacant expressions.

Eyes drifted slowly to the female, careful to lock onto her gaze without a single hint of fear or concern. Indeed, if needed, she could leave them both in a pile of remains. A simple reminded of who the two of them used to be; however, she was not hungering the taste of blood. She simply wanted no more than a ravaging embrace from a willing male. Mm, but you are mistaken. You should not blame me for any ill intentions - it your mate who is guilty of any forbidden actions. He spoke not a word of you, my friend. Perhaps, that is questionable especially with my obvious advances.

Ah, she would speak the truth and nothing less. She had no reason to deny her actions. Besides, the man deserved it since he dared to dub her harlot. It was the truth, and she knew that. Though, none other would taint her name with such disgraceful terms. No, only she could do that. Ah, but only you wish I could be your harlot. What an interesting way to introduce me to your wife. Alone. . . with a harlot. Eyes would shift slowly to the man before her - a coldness overcoming her flirtatious gaze. Perhaps, hopefully, his mate would find it undesirable as well.

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10-05-2014, 05:21 PM

His breath was at her ear as soon as she came to stand between him. Her face gave nothing away. The anger that flared was hidden behind her mask. Her attention was on the woman. Tension would roll over her, crashing down like a wave. But this needed to be played carefully. A slow grin would pull at her lips, despite that she wanted to rip her mates balls from his body. "I am very rarely mistaken." Words were soft, spoken as though she was seducing this woman. She didn't let on whether or not she believed the woman. If the woman had any sense then she would have taken note of her own scent that clung to every inch of him.

When the woman spoke again, all bets were off. Leaving Kylars side she would step forward in an attempt close some of the distance between them. "Well my little harlot, you may just get what you want." Words left her lips in a throaty growl. Hackles bristled along her back as her ears pinned and eyes narrowed. Her tail would curl above her hips as her crown fell level with her spine and her chin tucked. Defenses were held loosely in place, though she had no intentions of needing them. Yet.

She would move to attempt to brush against the woman's side so that she could walk in a small circle around her. Her gaze would rake over the woman, coral pools hungry. It was bound to be an enjoyable day, whether or not this harlot chose to play along. And no matter what, she would not soon forget this day. He gaze would flicker only briefly to Kylars, darkening with a heady cocktail of desire, blood lust and anger. If successful in her positioning, she would aim to nip at the woman's hips, curious know if she open to anyones company, or just her husbands.