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06-20-2013, 06:45 PM

A child of winter, Eos had never been particularly bothered by the cold; it?s biting jaws clutching desperately onto all saunters of life, homicidal palms strangling weakened flora and fauna alike. Some struggled beneath its grasp, allowing their bodies to be dragged down into a never-ending decline of poverty. But the agile lady enjoyed its eternal challenges, snow and chill brought forth so many fresh and novel opportunities for the body and mind; the youths endless craving for mental and physical challenges enough to persuade her onwards, indomitable and ruthless. She had found welcomed solitude beneath the sparse fingers of a pine, haunches resting upon the snow-dusted plane as she allowed her body the momentary rest from training it so yearned. Though as seemed to be habitual, seclusion wouldn?t last; nostrils quivering as the invasive scent of another clawed her senses.



06-21-2013, 04:51 PM

Where in the hell was he going? It was freezing outside, and here he was, crunching through the snow instead of being curled up inside a warm den. The winter chilled him to the bone, especially when the snow on his body melted and soaked him. He couldn't help wanting to leave Seracia for a while, he knew no one in that pack besides his cousins. He wanted some adventure, he wanted to do something with his life, he wanted to be on that carefree streak he was so used to. Being in Gerhartd's pack was great and all, but he felt distressed even though he had everything he needed. Well not everything. He was missing a sense of adventure in his life, friends, a love affair, and a family of his own. He wanted nothing more than to meet a gorgeous woman who loved exploring the unknown. He would praise her for the rest of his life, as long as she did the same. His life was so utterly boring when he stayed in Seracia. That's why he left, and somehow ended up out here, all alone. Or so he thought. As he made his way through what he thought was unclaimed territory, the scent of another stung his nostrils. His head swept to the right, and before him a few yards away was a woman. His lips curled into a smile as he stopped and turned to face her. Waiting to catch your death as well? His tone wasn't threatening or sarcastic, he was merely trying to be funny.

Italian Accent Speech


06-25-2013, 02:30 AM

Barely moments later and the beast that had decided to interrupt her peace had already meandered into view, charcoal and pale russet stopping a small way from the lady. A warm smile danced eagerly upon ebony lips, Eos almost groaned. No doubt another excessively blissful individual to poke and prod at her being, taunt her with intimate questions and drag pointless conversation painfully across her tongue. His somewhat playful words only confirmed the ladies presumptions, at least he wasn?t entirely drab; but the humour skimmed effortlessly past the russet and tan banshee, her gaze remaining emotionless and void of expression as she looked him over, ?No. Are you?? Feminine voice fled stained lips, evidence of a recent kill tainting their grimy surface, ?The cold has never bothered me, if that is what you are so comically trying to suggest.?



06-25-2013, 08:03 PM

Something about her seemed off, because when he offered her a warm smile she didn't give one back. In fact, she got a look on her face that was displeasing. She obviously wasn't a social creature, and he didn't understand why. She was beautiful, with eyes that could kill, and a body worth taunting with. In fact, the overly bored look on her face was a killer itself, and the way she held herself when he spoke only confirmed his accusations. She wasn't a social creature at all, and even seemed annoyed with his presence. What a charming lady. "The cold only bothers me when I'm wet. I'm sure you don't enjoy being drenched while winters chill is nipping at your shivering skin." He came closer, his head lifting high as it turned slightly toward the right. "Not a fan of humor? Or company in general?" He looked over toward the large wall a few yards away from them. He wondered what it was, and how exactly did it get there? He studied it for a moment, but turned back to the lady. Her face was emotionless despite his friendly body language and smile. Typical chicks. "Come on babe, smile for once! It wont kill you." His right eye blinked quickly as he winked at her. She needed to lighten up!

Italian Accent Speech


06-28-2013, 02:10 AM

She regarded the beast with inadequate interest, turning lime-green gaze away from his own fiery oculars; perhaps a show of carelessness as he continued to speak, voice lingering within her towers as she studied the strange wall that loomed before the pair. She allowed him to sit in silence for a few moments, russet cranium turning barely in time to catch his playful wink. A slow blink parted eye contact, tail flicking lightly as it coiled elegantly about her haunches, his light-hearted attempts at raising her spirits proving somewhat unsuccessful. ?One learns to deal with it,? voice trailed, the lack of heed towards the male?s attendance only growing increasingly obvious. ?Humour, it?s a misuse of time,? blatantly, Eos didn?t care if all the wolves in the world wished to share comical jokes, but if they were going to bother her with it, they could at least make it relevant or worth her interests. Babe? Ears flicked with unease, scrutinizing eyes held unwaveringly to his own, ?I don?t smile unless there?s something to beam about, some day you might learn to appreciate those who don?t smother their fa?ade?s with bitter-sweet lies. Unless of course, you?re a fan of plastic- I for one, am not.?



07-03-2013, 08:27 AM

Unsurprisingly the dame turned her attention on something else, showing almost no interest in him at all. She seemed to stuck up it made him want to puke. Who had shoved a stick up her ass? Even with his playful attitude she still seemed sour and cold. His wink practically went unnoticed, and besides the slight movement she made he could have passed her off as a statue. Misuse of time eh? What exactly do you think is worthy of your time then?" His ears twitched from the annoyance he was starting to feel with this girl. Why did she have to be so difficult? She needed to lighten up, see the better things in life. "Oh, there's nothing to smile about? How about the fact that you are alive?" Did she see absolutely nothing positive in her life? He wasn't used to dealing with such sour company, especially when it was a pretty girl sitting before him. Usually he met fun spirited wolves and tended to surround himself with them. But this girl, she was a challenge. Was that why she interesting him so much? "I believe plastics only surround themselves with other plastics, and i'm here with you, so..." His voice trailed off toward the end as he waiting for some snappy reply from the woman.

Italian Accent Speech


07-09-2013, 12:45 AM

And so he would engage his mind in the splendours of prying, expressing a sudden interest in her morals and her opinions. A part of the youthful fae wanted to be surprised, to scowl with distaste and push the male from her mind, though the abundance of his kind were making such actions far too tiring; almost every soul she crossed paths with seemed intent on digging about her essence, asking her fickle questions regarding why she behaved the way she did. It should not have been in their interest, as what they did with their lives were of no interest to her. Eos was but a nascent blossom amongst a grassland of billions of others, what made her of such significance to society and their imprudence? ?Smiling is but the expression of a feeble emotion, I feel no joy for the mere air I breathe, male. When accomplishments are made, even then it is in my expectation for them to occur, I do not give gratitude to anything other than the hard work and determination that got me there,? lyrics would pause, a sigh of unnecessary efforts trailing from glossy lips as the banshee?s gaze wavered from the beasts gaze to his paws and back again, ?I don?t care for openly sharing my sentiment to foreigners, let alone observing such feeble exhibitions, it is simply not of my concern.? Haunches would raise as the babe concluded, tail swaying as if attempting to rediscover some form of comfort. If he were so intent on quarrelling, the russet lady would be hasty to move on. She had no fortitude for such outspoken characters.