
Simple Man


06-21-2013, 04:37 PM

He'd never asked for much from his life. Just that he always be healthy, always have his family and that one day he would be graced with his own wife and family. He was still healthy, so that was a plus, but his family was no longer around. His family would never be around again and that was something that he would have to live with for the rest of his life. Never would his parents be able to meet their grandchildren, to feel their tiny tongues licking their noses or hear their first words as they called him poppa. They would never get to meet the amazing woman that was Desdemona, his wife and beautiful woman who was to be the mother of his children. Luna would never meet her sister in law, never meet her nieces and nephews. He would never hear her tease him about love struck he was or how much of a good father he was going to be. He would never be able to share everything that was amazing about his life now with his family because they were gone. Gone. Forever. And it was all his fault. It would always be his fault. Until the day he died and ever after, their deaths would always weigh down on his conscious.

But he couldn't think about that right now. Desdemona was pregnant and she would soon begin to swell with the seed of their love. Her belly would begin to expand with the life growing inside of her. Soon, she would not be able to leave the den because he would not allow her to. For a time, the affairs of the pack would have to be put on hold for hers and the pups safety and well being. He knew it would be hard for her to not be able to participate in the pack for a while, she was a queen after all and had a pack to tend to, but Nnoitra was ruling beside her. He could take care of things for a bit. And even if the elder white king couldn't, then Demonio would step up and take care of things for her. He would do whatever she needed him to do in order to keep the pack running smoothly and to keep her from stressing herself out. He would take care of things. Everything would be alright.

The ivory knight was wandering today, his wife off attending to more pack business. Something with alliances or other, he wasn't too sure. It wasn't any of his business, so he wouldn't worry about it for the moment. There wasn't much to do in Tortuga, so he'd wandered outside of his home turf. Not too far, just around the area, trying to get to know Alacritis just a bit better. He was a new place today, a place whose name was unknown to him for now, but a place he knew he had never been to before. It was a rather secluded area, trees circling it, keeping prying eyes, or at least those who weren't too interested in putting in the effort to spy, out while keeping in the springs. It was a very quiet, very peaceful place and Demonio couldn't think of anywhere to spend his time away from his wife. He wasn't a fan of being away from her at all, but duty called and he wasn't to just sit home and twiddle his claws. Ivory limbs carried the knight towards the closest spring, lowering him towards the earth. A quiet sigh slipped from his pale lips as he lied before the clear water, forelimbs acting a resting place for his crown, mismatched gaze on the clear water, audits twitching as he enjoyed some peaceful time to himself.

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06-21-2013, 04:56 PM

The territory she walked on was, like many others, unfamiliar to her. Her paws crossed ground that was unusual and new, yet there was nothing bad about it. Every time she walked to another part of Alacritis, she was surprised and nervous. Aeil's lack of navigation for the different areas of this new continent sometimes shook her confidence to the core. She wished that already knew the layout of all four regions, yet the adventure was a plus to not knowing most of it. With that in mind, she carried on.
Aeil, with her stormy-gray fur and blue eyes, could be picked out of a crowd, no problem. She knew that when she was by herself, the chances of being caught up in conversations of other wolves were high. The possibilities of those wolves being good or bad were equal in numbers. So far, she had met more nice wolves than mean, and that gave her peace in her heart. It showed her that the good outweighed the bad, and she hoped it would stay that way.
As her paws caressed the unknown ground beneath her, she began to take in her surroundings. From the South, she had wandered away from the safe borders of Seracia, reasons unknown. Her heart yearned to seek out what else there was to see, yet another part of her wanted to go back to her future home. For the moment, Aeil was content with where she was. The details of the place - the trees and how they stood over her, the quiet that hung in the atmosphere, and the lack of many scents - made her feel a tiny bit attached to it. Wherever you go in life, you leave a bit of yourself there.
It wasn't until she had ventured into the large set of trees that she caught a new scent. A lone scent, definitely male, reached her nose and caught her offguard. She blinked a couple of times, and her tail slipped between her hind legs. Aeil's cycle had come back around, due to the winter season, causing her to have all senses heighten. Not looking for a male's company hadn't driven her crazy yet, but she knew it would happen near the end. Thank God she wasn't wrapped up in hormones just yet. With this in mind, she continued into the brush. Aeil then saw him, resting near the springs. A gentle, cold breeze whisked past her and she knew he would smell her, too. Taking a nervous intake of breath, she walked through the last line of trees and revealed herself in the clearing.



06-21-2013, 06:23 PM

He wasn't really expecting to run into anyone. He hardly did now a days. Even before he'd become a part of Tortuga, his meetings with others had been limited. He could only remember running into Chrysanthe, his best friend, the shy woman Midnight and the ex-king Collision. He found it rather odd that in a place as big as Alacritis, he hardly new anyone. He didn't even know his own pack, save for his wife and the elderly king Nnoitra. That was pretty pathetic. Maybe he just never tried hard enough to meet other people. After having met Desdemona and made her his wife, he hadn't really had the urge to roam around and meet others. It wasn't that he was anti-social or anything, he just preferred being by his wife's side. But since her ascension in the pack, he had found that he was beginning to have more and more time to himself, like today for example. With no duties to tend to in Tortuga, the alabaster brute found himself wandering around, trying to find something to do.

It seemed like his luck with meeting others was changing. An incoming breeze ruffled his pale fur, sending it twisting this way and that, bringing a strange breeze with it. It smelled female, yet was untainted by that of any pack, as well as heavy with the headiness of a woman in her heat. This did not stir anything in the brute, merely curiosity. Ivory crown was lifted from his forepaws, mismatched gaze following the origin of the scent to a dark grey woman who was standing several feet from him, at the edge of the little spring clearing. Is there something I can help you with miss? came his gentle tones, plume whipping softly beneath porcelain haunches, wondering what the woman was doing around these parts. Was she looking for someone?

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06-21-2013, 07:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 08:32 PM by Aeil.)
ooc: -inserts post here that was already written, but was accidentally edited wrong- XD

Sorry! Aeil was surprised, she told him so, apologized for interrupting him, and asked where they were. >< Ack. -lame-


06-21-2013, 07:56 PM

He didn't wish to startle the woman or frighten her in any way, but his having spoke to her nearly right away was obviously something she hadn't been expecting. He didn't want to come off as unapproachable and just laying there and staring at her probably would've given off that vibe, given his looks weren't exactly the friendliest. It wasn't on purpose, that's just the way he looked. Which is why he spoke up, breaching the distance between them with his words, trying to deflect any threatening suspicions she might have had upon having seen him. Frame remained relaxed, muscles loose, heart beat steady, plume wagging gently as he watched her slowly recover from her shock.

The smoky woman shrugged as she spoke.I don't think you can. To be completely honest, I wasn't really looking for anything or anyone, for that matter. I was only wandering around the East, just to see what all I could see. If I interrupted you, then I apologize first-hand. Where are we, anyway? He shook his head gently, dismissing her apology and her assumption that she had intruded. You needn't worry miss, you didn't intrude on anything. She gave him a slight bow of her head, questioning where exactly they were. Not one to forget his manners, the pale man allowed his muzzle to dip towards the earth as he returned her bow before allowing his two-toned eyes to settle back on the woman. I'm not exactly sure what this specific area is called, but I can tell you its close to my home Tortuga. I myself have never been here. Today is my first time gracing this spot.

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06-21-2013, 08:33 PM

This male didn't seem to pose any threat toward Aeil. As she took in more details of how he laid across the ground, she realized it. His relaxed form and gentle tones, matching his eyes, made her own body relax. Aeil's heart rate decreased in its rapid rate and she felt her muscles let go of the previous tension. A gentle smile crossed her features as Demonio revealed his own lack of knowledge of the springs. She was glad she wasn't alone in that.
"I'm glad I didn't intrude, sir," she said, gentle tones fluent with a soft tremor of light. "That's one more thing I don't have to worry about now." Her tail moved from between her hind legs and wagged side to side behind her. Aeil's ears perked as he spoke of his home and she took a couple of steps forward. "Tortuga? I have never heard of it before...same as I haven't been around this place until now." Dark blue eyes roved to the springs nearby and a brow raised in a curious manner. "Those look strange, indeed...I wonder what they are..." Voice faded as she looked back to the white-pelted male in front of her. "I apologize for my rudeness. My name is Aeil, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Mister...?"



06-21-2013, 11:46 PM

A gentle smile curled the ivory man's lips as he watched the smoky woman slowly relax, answering one to the one that had curled her own. The tenseness from her frame dissipated and he could physically feel her become more relaxed in his presence. He considered keeping the position he was currently in, given that it was extremely comfortable, but his manners dictated that he stand and at least sit, be a bit more proper towards the woman. And so Demonio lifted himself from his stomach, forelimbs pushing the brute up to recline against his haunches, plume curling around his toes, audits twitching forward with attention as she spoke up, glad that she hadn't intruded on anything he'd been a doing. A gentle chuckle rumbled in his chest at her comment. Even if I had been doing something, I wouldn't have minded the interruption.

She approached him, adding a couple of steps to close the gap between them, apparently curious about his home, yet having no knowledge about it nor the land surrounding it. Tortuga is one of the many packs that reside in this huge place. My wife is the queen. Welcome to Alacritis ma'am. That's the name of this here continent of sorts. He allowed his mismatched gaze to follow hers, gazing at the springs that seemed to scattered about the place before turning back to glance at her, an answering already falling from his lips. I could be wrong, but I suspect these to be springs. Though they do like quite relaxing to sink into, I would advise caution. Their depths can be quite deceiving. And no no, I must excuse myself for not having introduced myself from the start miss Aeil. It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Demonio. He gave her a slight tip of the head, a half smile curling his pale kissers. You are more than welcome to join if you'd like. I promise I don't bite.

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06-22-2013, 12:04 AM

Her smile widened at Demonio's words. She felt the good-natured vibes from his voice and aura as she listened to him speak. Watching him talk and hold his relaxed body signs indicated he was perfectly at ease. This made it easier for Aeil to open up and talk more, given that usually, she would be awkward and not speak much after brief introductions. "Well, at least it wouldn't have been in vain if I had," she said.
Ears continued to remain perked as he explained the springs that graced their presence. She imagined curling up in the hot water and relaxing during the very cold winter seasons, especially if a storm found its way there. "I would certainly hope I could swim well enough to avoid plunking right through the bottom," she said thoughtfully, smile still dancing as she spoke. "The only way to figure out their depths would be to try each one...but even then, they might change after not being used for a time."
Aeil dipped her maw towards him at his introduction, followed by, "It is a pleasure to know your name, Demonio. That is a nice name, by the way." She accepted his invite by taking a couple more steps forward and then reclining to her haunches. Her thick-plumed tail wrapped itself around her hind paws as she brought up the subject of Tortuga and his welcoming her. "Thank you, it has been a nice experience so far on Alacritis. I hope that my adventures continue wherever I go." She leaned her head to the side and blinked twice. "Tortuga.." she let the pack's name leave her mouth and her eyebrows rose as she brought her head back to its normal stance. I will be honest, I have never heard of your pack, Demonio. I bet it is a lovely place to be, considering you're married to the Queen." Her smile held warmth as she asked, "If you don't mind me asking, what is your pack life like? I know so little about any of them...except Seracia." Her face flushed slightly at the mention of the regal pack and the temporary thought of Gerhardt.



06-22-2013, 01:08 PM

She was completely comfortable now, at least it appeared that way, and the ivory knight was glad that she didn't feel threatened by his presence in any manner. He didn't mean her harm if she needed help with something, he would be more than willing to help. Very well said. he chuckled, smiling genuinely towards Aeil as she processed his explanation of the springs, which wasn't really much of explanation so much as an observation he'd taken while having lied before the clear water. Like I said, caution is to be heavily exercised. Water does keep us alive, but at times it can also be the death of us.

A gentle wag of his tail was all that was seen by the smoky woman in response to her comment about his name. Thank you, but I think your name is much nicer. He countered good-naturedly, watching as she significantly closed the gap between them, leaving only a few feet between before she settled down on her haunches before bring up the subject of his family, curious as to how it worked since she had never really heard about them. You're very welcome Aeil. And well I don't blame you, since you appear to just have arrived in Alacritis, I would expect you to know all the packs. Being with her is what makes it lovely. Pale kissers upturned in a returning warm smile as he continued. There's really nothing special about Tortuga. My pack is really a band of misfits. Composed of the kind of wolves who wouldn't normally be considered to be the pack type. Don't get me wrong, we're not dangerous or anything, we've just somehow acquired a bad reputation that doesn't necessarily hold true. We're not bad at all, we're actually a pretty neutral pack. Everyone leaves everyone else alone and no one gets hurt. That's pretty much it. He shrugged, hoping his description of Tortuga hadn't brought on any negative assumptions.

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06-22-2013, 06:04 PM

She listened as he spoke of his pack. Tortuga sounded like the perfect place to go if you didn't know where you belonged in the world. "Does it bother you and your Queen that the pack has a bad reputation?" she curiously asked. "I bet that she wants to prove those rumors wrong and show the world how great it is." Her tail tightened its grip on her hind paws, warming them up considerably as they continued to talk. "I haven't heard of your Queen, Demonio...what is she like as a ruler?"
Aeil wondered what it would be like to have the responsibilities as a leader. Her mother had been the Beta for her first pack and had carried her duties well. She never thought about herself being in such a position, but she knew that she would try to do her best. Maybe, when she became a member of Seracia, she would have duties that would be on her own shoulders. A faint memory of her mother came dancing in her mind's eye and she embraced it with a feeling of nostalgia.



06-25-2013, 11:33 PM

He didn't often talk about Tortuga to others, since he didn't really run into others to begin with, but talking about it now with the woman Aeil made him feel extremely proud of his pack. They were obviously the one who apparently had the most trouble keeping itself together, but they were doing better now, thanks to Desdemona. She was doing an absolutely amazing job with forming alliances and treaties with the other Alacritia packs. His pack was flourishing under the new rule of his wife. Things happened for a reason and her challenging of Kaien had perhaps been a good thing for the pack after all.

Does it bother you and your Queen that the pack has a bad reputation? I bet that she wants to prove those rumors wrong and show the world how great it is. I haven't heard of your Queen, Demonio...what is she like as a ruler? She was certainly a curious one for a stranger. No, not really. Others can make whatever assumptions they want about me and my wife's pack, but as long we know they're not true, then I don't really worry about it. He shrugged nonchalantly. She's already doing that and she's only just come to power. My queen...My wife, her name Desdemona, is the most amazing woman in the world. Then again, my opinion might be a tad bit biased being her husband, but that's how I see her. As a queen, she is fair and just, never to take action brashly or prematurely. She looks for the betterment of the pack. She wants to see Tortuga flourish, to become great. It has become our family. The pride and love he held for Desdemona was thick in his words. She was his life, the absolutely most perfect woman in the entire universe and all of existence. And under her rule, Tortuga would become a flourishing pack, one that would soon become respected instead of feared.

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06-26-2013, 12:58 AM

Aeil listened with rapture as Demonio spoke of his pack and his beloved wife. The happiness, love, and positive energy that was melted into his voice made Aeil want to meet her. Having a mate, who was also a great leader and cared for her pack and its future, was a blessing in her eyes. If she had known Demonio longer, she would have voiced how proud she was for him being with such a caring and determined fae. However, they had just given introductions and pleasantries; it was definitely too soon for that kind of conversation.
She nodded as Demonio continued to talk, taking in his information and letting it process in her mind. "I can tell from the way you speak of both your pack and mate that you are a proud ruler, Demonio. Having that kind of responsibility and open mind to your pack becoming a better place are good signs of a warm-hearted wolf." Her eyes gently twinkled and changed from navy blue to a slightly dark shade of ocean blue. "If I ever have the chance to meet her, I hope it will be a good day." A soft 'bloop' from nearby caught her ears and she turned her gaze to the hot springs. One close to her had its bubbles increasing in size and rhythm and the temptation to try it out came over her. "Would it be rude to try out one of those hot springs, Demonio?" A slight shiver ran down her spine as a gust of cold wind swept around the two wolves. Weird coincidence? Maybe.



06-26-2013, 01:25 AM

A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest at her words, plume flickering in amusement behind ivory haunches. I can tell from the way you speak of both your pack and mate that you are a proud ruler, Demonio. Having that kind of responsibility and open mind to your pack becoming a better place are good signs of a warm-hearted wolf. A pleased smile curled his pale kissers as he spoke. Thank you Aeil, but I do not rule beside my wife. She has taken the throne alone, re-appointing the alpha male position to an elderly past ruler. I take no offense. I am not the kind of man who wishes to lead others. But thank you for your observation. You seem to kind a very kind, and might I add curious, heart yourself. A gentle wag stirred his tail into action, audits flickering forward as she continued on to say that meeting Desdemona would surely be a good day for her. He nodded in agreement, the smile widening across his kissers. I am certain it will be.

Not even a moment after he'd spoken a bubbling sound from a spring beside Aeil caught both wolves' attentions. The pair turned simultaneously, mismatched and ocean blue gems focusing on the clear liquid as bubbles began to surface all across it. He stared at the water curiously, crown tilting to the right questioningly before his attention was retaken by Aeil, her question overriding the sound of the bubbling from the spring. Oh by all means go ahead Aeil. I myself have not tried them yet, but they do seem quite inviting. Right forelimb was raised, paw extending in a gesture for her to proceed. A chilled breeze ran through the area, rustling his fur, making the spring look just a bit more inviting. He wasn't terribly cold, but some warm water didn't sound like a bad idea.

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06-29-2013, 09:10 PM

There were a few hot springs near the two wolves, bubbling in their own tunes like chorus girls. Aeil felt pulled in at the sight of the hot spring in front of her. An ear perked in Demonio's direction and her hypnotic gaze broke away to see him gesture an invitation. Her smile widened, she said, "Thanks, Demonio, don't mind if I do!", and then turned her gaze back to her chosen spring. Rising from her haunches, she padded to the group of springs and looked down into the bubbling water.
It was inviting, welcoming her curious gaze and body with the steam that rose into the air and near her. She wasn't too sure about it at first, due to the way it moved and danced. However, the cold breeze stroked her fur again and she couldn't stand it. One front paw rose and lightly touched the surface, testing its warmth and hoping it wasn't scorching hot. To her surprise, it wasn't that bad, making her fully convinced. Aeil's reaction was like a pup's: all three paws quickly followed and she lowered herself into the spring's depths.
She had closed her eyes, expecting to have her whole body dowsed by the water. Her paws found the bottom, however, causing her head to remain above the surface. Aeil opened her eyes and looked down. Her eyebrows rose and saw that the water stopped at the base of her neck. Warmth had spread all over and she sighed happily. Her euphoria temporarily broke and she looked at Demonio with her excited blue eyes. "This is great!" she happily exclaimed, wagging her tail beneath the water and causing ripples on the surface to appear. With ears perked and her maw halfway wet from small splashes when she stepped in, she looked like a pup to match her actions. "You should try it, Demonio." Her eyes moved to the hot springs next door, inviting just as hers had been.



06-29-2013, 11:27 PM

The springs had been pretty quiet when he had first arrived, but apparently now they were awake, bubbling and gurgling like there was no tomorrow, tempting the two wolves to submerge themselves within their warm depths. A warm smile cured his kissers as Aeil excused herself to move into one of the springs. Rather curious himself, the ivory man watched with rap attention as the dark woman gently tested the water, at first tapping it with the toes of a paw before deciding it was safe, allowing the rest of her body to quickly follow suit. It was only moments before the warm water had consumed her entire form, reaching only the base of her neck, lapping at the still dry fur higher up on her neck. She looked pretty comfortable, relaxed even in the bubbling water and Demonio couldn?t help but want to try it out, her encouraging words pushing him to do it.

Ivory stilts unscrambled from beneath the white man, lifting his sizeable mass back onto all fours, forfeiting the usual shake to clear away debri. It would wash away anyway once he got inside the spring. The brute approached the closest spring to him, repeating the same process the darker woman had done just moments ago. Right foreleg was extended, the toes of his paw brushing against the bubbling surface of the spring. The water was warm, but not hot enough to be uncomfortable. Settled, he dipped his entire leg into the water, enjoying the warmth that spread out from him before allowing the rest of his limbs to follow suit, bringing his massive body to breach the threshold of the water, the clear liquid rushing over his pelt, reaching only to his shoulders. Relaxation was instantaneous, any hidden tension in his muscles completely evaporated. The knight sighed. He?d never felt so relaxed in his life. With slow movements he turned around to face Aeil, the tip of his tail wagging atop the surface of the water like a sail. You were right about the water.

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06-30-2013, 01:50 PM

Aeil watched the warm water work its magic. All tension and worries that might have plagued Demonio were washed away by the hot spring. His relaxed expression made her happy and her tail wagged underneath the water again, recreating ripples. "I'm glad I didn't steer you wrong," she admitted, making her heart feel good that she did something nice for someone else. "I felt as if all my problems were swept away...even though I don't have very many problems to start with." Her facial expression became thoughtful with furrowed eyebrows as she thought about what potential life-altering problems she may have had...but it didn't last long.
The dark-furred fae's mind became like jello as she sank lower into the water, letting it stop beneath her chin. Her neck, now wrapped up in the singing bubbles, relaxed its muscles and the pathway that led to her brain. She closed her eyes and let her head float above the surface, like a leaf in a stream. As she breathed in, she took in the smells of the springs, the air around her and Demonio, and the signs of slight changes of the weather. Criss-crossing one paw over the other, she opened her eyes and looked over at Demonio. "Spring is on the move, I can just feel it!"



07-04-2013, 01:45 AM

A smile creased the ivory man's lips, but before he could answer his seemingly new companion, a howl burst into the quiet atmosphere, catching Demonio's attention. Frame froze, audits twitching with attention, realizing that the call was coming from someone in Tortuga. Someone needed help. The white man was quick to leap from the hot springs, water flying everywhere as he paused before Aeil's spring. Please excuse my sudden departure Aeil, but it seems there is trouble brewing in my home. It was a pleasure to meet you and I do hope to see you around soon! And with that Demonio was off, limbs a blur beneath his massive frame as he sped on back towards his home, the organ in his chest hammering away as dread filled him. What could be going on?


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07-04-2013, 03:14 AM

"Of course!" Aeil said, before Demonio took his exit. "I do hope we see each other again in the future." After she watched him leave, Aeil looked around her. She sniffed the air and listened for any unusual sounds that could indicate another wolf nearby. Nothing but silence met her ears and the scents she caught were from the hot springs, the now absent Demonio, and faint trails of flowers from another part of Alacritis. Spring was evidently on its way and Aeil was eager to see it. But for now...she closed her eyes and sank deeper into the springs. Dipping her head beneath the bubbling water, she poked it back out to be greeted by a cool wind. Aeil was immune to it as she rested her head against the rim of the springs. Eyes closed and a nap soon followed.-EXIT Aeil-
