
heart is barely beating


06-19-2013, 01:54 AM

Twisting and contorting stretches of muscle transmit the russet banshee at unassailable speed, the eerie glow of dawn bouncing between heavy sheets of fog, captivating in its inflamed mystery and openhearted in its birth of light. Swift and yet silent; the lady sweeps the moisture-soaked bogs with competitive stealth, brain constantly ticking, ever-aiding in its precise suggestions of paw-placement and fluctuating hustle. She focused, training her body and mind to work in unison, nerves and muscles prudently avoiding the disturbance of muddy pools and excess vapour. Though it was short lived; eyesight handicapped by the heavy fog, Eos hadn?t noticed the deep stretch of bubbling marsh-land until two paws sent uncouth splashes rippling the surface and disturbing the hovering silence. She stopped abruptly, freezing, motionless. Something stirred within the depths of the grungy waters, a barely-audible shifting of life beneath the surface. She shivered, paws slowly reversing her body from the edge of the daunting pool. But it seemed she had company, the invasive stench of wolf threatening to distract her from feeble ambitions.


06-19-2013, 02:31 AM

The hyena wasn't sure what had drawn her to this land of muck, filth and fog, it was a murky place of death and disease that reminded her far too much of the insanity that had speared the first pack of crazies she had foolishly run with. Sacrifices, religious ceremonies, so many things had torn that pack asunder, so set in its old ways that it was unable to look to the future. They were annihilated as the volcano took the land for its own. Harlequin had not waited on baited breath for her supposed companions too return, the life of a rogue suited the dame, she was tempted to find a more permanent residence but she would never be accepted lest she return to Africa and fat chance of that happening. A rather undignified snort erupted from her nostrils when dual splashes graces her spinning audits and her cranium lifted. Piercing onyx eyes as black as a starless sky, resting on the wolf ankle deep in the bog.

A twisted grin, revealing rows of wickedly sharp teeth gleamed in the misty fog as she approached. Her muzzle was a great deal different, more compact, her musculature was contained in her neck and chest, a powerhouse for pure, raw, energy, she was built to bring down zebra, gazelle... most had a problem with her at first glance, Harlequin was more than used to the attention. Wolves were such finicky creatures, she stopped only a few feet away, head tilted almost curiously to the left. "Ya know love, if its fish you be after, there are plenty of other lakes that don't reek of death." The words would rumble through her vocals with a deep chuckle her voice a deep baritone that rumbled as she spoke. Laughter would dance within her gaze... she was bemused by...something.



06-19-2013, 05:53 PM
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06-20-2013, 03:09 AM

The unfamiliar and unknowing had never been something that frightened the russet fiend, in fact she had always regarded inimitable beings with an appreciative sagacity of inquisitiveness. Though the eerie parting of heavy fog was somewhat unwelcomed, the movement of a being causing humid clouds to whirl and fluctuate in previously void spaces. Eos had been prepared for her company, as canine hovered the passageways of her naires; though as vision strained and worlds combined, the beast that swayed with ghostly oddity before her was enough to encourage features to tense, ears brushing against her scalp in warning as pea-green pools anxiously studied the bizarre individual with hesitant curiosity. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, and yet Eos was still undecided on how wary she should be of the diminutive stranger. A warped grin twisted the lips of the dog?s compact face, surprisingly wolf-like vocals clutching the stagnant air that enveloped them.

So the creature had a clever tongue? Eos almost groaned; scrutinizing gape still held unwaveringly to the beasts own, ?The tang of death doesn?t worry me,? feminine tones ceased momentarily, ?It?s the pesky scavengers that are attracted to its smell that are the problem.? Brow twitched slightly, gaze dropping to the beast?s feet and then returning to her skull; suggestion lurking within the backdrop of her pupils. What was this awkward creature that so confidently presented itself? Though it seemed it wasn?t just the pair who had presented themselves into mutual company, the undoubtable aroma of female wolf still tickling the ladies mind. ?And death isn?t the only thing I can smell-? wary eyes threatened to leave the mortal, to stroll the area in search of their new company; though distrust encouraged the discomfited being to hold the youth?s attentions, emerald gaze still pinned to the beasts own.


06-20-2013, 01:22 PM
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07-10-2013, 03:38 PM

The hyena's black eyes sparkled with something akin to hidden mischief. Her tail, thin, short, and near hairless swung perpetually behind her. Her dark eyes were bemused by this oddly colored female. Her limber legs lifted into the air making imprints into the dirt as her bodice weaseled its way back and forth. She wasn't anxious, merely bored, wolves, or at least the ones she had met, were fairly near sighted. They didn't offer a challenge in the realm of intelligence, very near sighted and short circuited. Harlequin was a watcher, an observer, she saw the picture for what it was, not just the wolf. She hummed at the dames response, amusement coloring her maw as the second wolf made herself known. Harlequin glared, could they never travel alone? Must they ever bite at others business?

?The scavengers may bring grief now, but eventually when one is warm and safe, death will linger in every corner, every crevice, every nightmare, its icy talons should frighten you. None can escape, we all must welcome that torrid embrace eventually.? Her voice was a deep rumble, that rattled up through her rib cage, it was spoken both with respect and with a hint of warning. Her words rung true even now. She shifted, paws sinking into the muck to face the ivory dame. Neither frightened nor intimidated the hyena.

"Tell me child, do you compliment every creature with half a brain? Who uses the senses bestowed upon them at birth? Or do you just come from a lower class family who could not string two sentences together if their life depended upon it.? Vile and venomous, Harlequin's words would deliver, insulting her for her foolish compliment. "The world no longer spins to the tune of common decency, its every creature for themselves, you would be wise to remember that.? Her head lowered, level with the rest of her body as she awaited the womans lashing that was sure to come.
