
Keep Holding On While I Break Your FACE


07-13-2013, 10:19 PM

Sunlight beamed, radiating from his multi-coloured coat, the light refracting and reflecting from his shiny pelt, as he lumbered through the forest. The aging brute meandered lazily throught he territories, having yet to find a true home here, and having only made a few friends he wasn?t overly expecting to run into any familiar face. He knew the wolves he had met each had their own lives, and were most likely busy doing something with their packs, though that didn?t stop his slight longing to connect. The aging brute had seen war-fare devastate lands, tear families apart and rip innocent lives to shreds. He didn?t want to be a part of that- a pawn in war. He wanted a peaceful life, though that didn?t mean that he would hesitate to defend himself or an innocent wolf if need arose.

Dually coloured oculars observed the land around him, audits flicking at every chirp and noise that the various wood-land animals made. He moved like a soldier, each step carefully measured, each breath even- everything about him predictable. The perfect specimen, the perfect soldier. Coming to the edge of a small stream, he paused, lowering his head down to take a long drink from the cool and refreshing water. The life sustaining liquid seeped down his throat, soothing his need- soothing the desire that burned in his throat. Raising his broad head, he took a deep breath scenting the air, finding himself pleasantly surprised to scent a familiar friend. Curiously, he turned his head towards the area from which the smell emanated, his jaws parting. The tone leaving them curious, and warm, as his question caressed the air, his baritone voice soothing.

?Lady Evelette??



07-13-2013, 11:23 PM

She had risked the wrath of Valhalla to seek out her dear friend, the only one, or so it seemed she had left in this wide world. The galloping of her pads matched the frantic war drum of her heart. Never had she defied such an order, such a command, she had been raised in a militant pack, a pack where rules were simply not broken. So why had she defied the ruler of Valhalla the Queen of all bitches herself Chrysanthe? Setting aside the fact that she was no ones slave, the dame had grown a fondness in her heart for this gentle brute and here she would find him.

She would screech to a halt before him, dirt and debris catching beneath her quicks as she skid to a frantic stop, she had perhaps an hour before they realized she was gone, and she had much to say, so very much to stay. She panted, chest heaving, she had sprinted the entire way here and her bones are not what they were once cracked up to be.

"Adonis, that woman you saw me maim... her name was Morgan. When I was young she stole my mate... I never took revenge, I never saw her again, at the time she was close enough to be my sister, and then when I ran into her again... I could think of nothing but the pain she caused me, I couldn't live knowing she got away with it scott free. I took her womb because such a punishment was fair. Chrysanthe, the Alpha of Valhalla, has deemed me a slave, I have no rights, no right to a mate or a family... I wont live the rest of my life chained in shackles. I know we have only known each other half a year, but I feel like I've known you forever... runaway with me Adonis, away from Alacritis, away from this island! We can start our own pack, a new home! One comprised of peace, plenty and happiness... I... I love you Adonis... wont you come with me?" She waited with baited breath for his response.
