
conniving minds


06-18-2013, 06:14 PM

dark and dank, the female was that of nightmares. insanity lingered in every step she took, her form and bodice ragged and lank. bi-colored oculars stared out of her tawny frame, observing the world around her in childlike manner, with the darkness of a monster. her pace was lazy, no rush needed as she strolled around the forest that her new pack called home. she had yet to meet any of her pack-mates and found herself to be curious as to what these other wolves brought to the plate that supposedly made amenti so great. she hadn?t been a member long enough to get caught up on the politics but the spy, was just that- a spy. a sponge who soaked up as much information as possible, and dealt it out as she pleased, always making sure that she was doing well, in whatever deal the bitch made.

a snort of laughter peeled from her jaws, valkan had taught her many things, and though she had grown used to him spoiling her, and making sure she had food, she was conniving in her own means. the cold winter night, met with it thick snowfall that laid thick on the forest floor. her trail left wide a paw-print trail veering here and there. her breath left her in a frozen vapor cloud, drifting in and out of the snowflakes that slowly coated her, blanketing her in a winter wonder-land. cold wind billowed gently, against her thick but patchy fur. a quiet burst of laughter escaped her, as she paced deeper into the forest, wondering what the wonders of the night might bring.




06-22-2013, 06:57 AM

The forest was an appropriate place for the scrawny male to live. The darkness taunted him, shadows whispering to him, spreading their tantalizing fingers toward him and beckoning. Tempting him. The creature obliged, barely any kind of muscle rippling beneath his tattered coat as he slide gladly into the darkness, letting it consume him and subdue him. A low growl bubbled up from within the beast's chest as the unfamiliar scent of another impinged on his nostrils. If it was not Newt, or her children, he couldn't be bothered today.

And yet slender limbs carried him forth with startling speed, as though he was being pulled by an invisible force, one even he could not see nor control. Still the vicious sound poured from ashen lips, much less threatening than he realized, the voice hardly recognizable from that of a woman, or young boy's. He was once again growing fairly emaciated, finding it difficult to hunt for himself in the midst of winter, when prey was scarce -- and Newt seemed gone more often than not. Where was his beloved brother when he needed him? No! He shook his head, shaking his memories of the grey beast from his mind. Ears remained pinned flat against his skull as he crept, tail curled as usual beneath his hind legs, pressed tightly against his belly. His stance was peculiar, thoroughly submissive while also being fairly aggressive.

... especially as the sight of another creature passed into his vision. Eyelids narrowed over green eyes, his facade a mask of confusion and annoyance. "Intruder!" he snapped rather suddenly, slinking low to the earth and keeping himself a safe distance away, dare she try to strike him. But upon further inspect, and a gently twitch of his nose and he inhaled, he noted she smelled oddly of... Newt. Stance slackened ever so slightly, but he remained carefully guarded. "Nevermind," he spat then, tail flicking from its position against his stomach


06-23-2013, 05:50 PM

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Daring the forest taunted her, the shadows slithering around her tawny legs. Her pace was easy, slinking across the land with ease, and grace. The tall redwood trees dwarfed her small stature, making her seem even more out of place than her dauntingly random eyes. Smell intruded her lungs, another wolf, another wolf? Ears pricked forward, head lifting to stare ahead of her. ?Intruder?[/b], the words cut across the air, and her head turned, eyes locking on the male who spoke. [i]?Nevermind?, He said, barely moments later, and she felt a smile grow on her jaws. The smile wasn?t welcoming, or friendly, rather a sinister object- a warning of her insanity.

?Intruder, you say? Then disregard my status? I myself, could call you, and intruder. Seeing as you intruded on my night like a fly intruding on my dinner.? Her words eased slowly from her jaws, whimsical and light, though rather ramblingly. Her pace drew closer to the male, and she?d draw herself to her haunches, plopping over onto her right side, lazily. Her tail thumped against the ground, restlessly, and she spoke again. ?Who are you, white wolf?? Her question wasn?t demanding, rather seemingly conversational. Lolling about on the ground, she idly wondered where this conversation would go- and what it would bring.




07-02-2013, 10:31 AM

From one insane wolf to another, this female seemed fairly normal -- albeit a bit too happy to see him. His own features danced from what seemed like one emotion to another in a matter of minutes, from irritation to curiosity to confusion. Was she a fellow pack member? Had Newt claimed another? Eyes narrowed, briefly hiding his vivid green gaze, head bowing towards the earth. But just as quickly his eyes widened, snapping back to her instantaneously.

"I am no intruder," he corrected her abruptly, his lips curling in a snarl. It wasn't a particularly angry expression, no.. it seemed rather fitting to the scrawny, scarred-up male. "I belong to Newt," he explained, figuring if she smelled so strongly of his master, that this woman knew her well enough. "My name is Domovei. And you are...?" He relaxed a bit, though maintained his defensive stature, unsure who this woman was and if he could trust her at all.


07-11-2013, 03:15 PM

Belonged to Newt? He belonged? Those words stuck out to Jezzy, more-so the word ?belonged?. She had belonged to Valkan? Valkan, she remembered how he taught her to eat her kills, he took care of her. She didn?t dine on maggots under his hand. A bit of a whine escaped her, longing his touch- longing his care. Flopping over on the ground, she looked up at the scrawny white male, and heard his final question. Who was she? He didn?t know? Hell, she didn?t really know. Sparring him a long, confused look- the silence stretching on for moments she thought- fighting to re-call- Oh, Jezebel.

?Jezebel , my Name is Jez- Domovei?? A giggle escaped her. ?Dommy? I like it.? Like that, she had settled on his nick-name. Jumping to her feet suddenly, she asked with a happy yip, ?So Dommy-Wommy, what do? Maggots run through here a plenty and make good foo-? She stopped suddenly her tongue lolling from the side of her jaws, as she looked up at the moon wildly. They needed to do?. Something fun, like terrorize bunnies. Yes? that would be very fun. The potential excitement only enticed her giddiness.




07-18-2013, 07:37 PM

Domovei expected anything but a whine from her. Silently he watched her, wrinkling his nose in confusion and wonder. She lowered herself to the ground then, rolling over -- almost playfully. There was no awkwardness from his end, despite how odd it must have seemed, two wolves standing in stark silence and eying one another. One looked simply mad, while he looked... well, not much better. Tongue slid from his previously clasped jaws to wet his lips, and his snarl subsided a bit as he realized she meant no harm.

"Then I call you Jezzy." He said more loudly than usual. As though he didn't like the name Dommy, and as a form of revenge, would call her an equally silly name. His own gaze shifted to the sky as hers did, and he frowned. What on earth was she doing? She leapt up quickly, as though she were ready to play. "You seem restless," he said simply, a low growl barely sliding from his lips, though he struggled to contain it.