
Maybe Tonight. (acceptance)



06-18-2013, 01:41 AM
"So maybe tonight we'll start all over. Like it's the first day of our lives. Right here and now, no second chances. Maybe we'll finally get it right. Maybe tonight, Maybe tonight." Chayton hummed softly as he approached the border slowly. His pawsteps were soft and sure, his gaze trained on the warmth ahead of him that was Valhalla. He had missed it. Even though his stay there hadn't been long, maybe a few weeks, he had been gone long enough that his heart had grown fonder. He needed this pack. He felt it was the one place he could finally learn to live and love again. Slowing down, he stopped at the edge of the territory, the strong-scented border line. Lifting his muzzle to the sky, he parted his maw slightly, eyes fluttering shut, and letting loose a loud and strong howl. I wish to join. His hope floated on the breeze, quieting down until her was looking straight ahead, eyes searching for anywolf who could come and greet him.

Sitting down and leaning back carefully on his haunches, Chayton surveyed the terra in front of him. Ear pricked high atop his head, banner splayed over his paws, and sitting tall and proud. He sat still, his body relazing, but also regal looking. He had his head angled enough downward to show obedience to anywolf whom passed by, yet showed enough strength that he wouldn't take any shit. He would wait however long need be until some ranked wolf could come and accept him, or at least escort him into the territory and lead him to the higher ranked wolves who could accept him. He made this promise to himself, that he would wait and then that he would do anything to prove he was worthy of a place in the pack.


Characters: 1670 / Words: 305


06-19-2013, 05:16 PM
White lined ears perked up as a howl had reached the wolf's ears. Thane picked up his head from taking his drink in a small stream, which was almost fully frozen. There was only a small trickle of water running through the stream now but Thane managed to get a nice cold drink. Water trickled down the male's chin as he turned his audits this way and that. The howl had come from the border; so with his powerful dark gray legs the brute jumped from the bank of the stream onto the harder ground covered in the thicker layer of snow.

Thane made his way to the border as he looked this way and that. Aqua blue eyes surveyed the area as the brute smiled. He loved winter; he couldn't say how much he loved this season. But he could say he loved Valhalla, Ookami, and their pups more than winter; way more than winter. But this cold season brought more joy to the brought back fond memories. Memories which he held close to his heart and in the back of his mind.

With a flick of his tail the male came upon the border. His aqua blue gaze landed on a brute. He seemed to be sitting there on his haunches quite calmly. A friendly smile appeared on the brute's maw as he looked at the male across the border.

"Hello,my name is Thane Tsarev. May I help you?" he said before siting on his haunches himself before the other brute.

White lined ears perked up once more as Thane waited for a reply. He was here and ready to listen to each and every word this male had to say. Perhaps he is seeking acceptance to the pack. Whatever the reason Thane still sat ready to listen. He looked at the male with his aqua blue eyes and gave another calming smile.

This male seemed sort of familiar. Or maybe Thane had seen so many faces that all of them were starting to look alike.

"And if i must also say you look rather familiar." he said with a small light chuckle.



07-14-2013, 10:42 PM
Lifting his head as he heard footsteps approach, the large male spared a brief smile as he was addressed. Nodding with respect to the brute, Chayton lifted himself a little higher, ears swiveling to face the other male, perked high atop his crown. "My name is Chayton, and I was a member of this pack, before I left on family business. I seek re-acceptance."

He blinked, as he took in the other wolf's appearance, and then nodded, "We met before. I remember you. There was a female there as well, it was when we were originally regrouping after the volcano erupted." He shook his head softly, chuckling slightly, and a placid smile fell upon his muzzle.

Shifting slightly on his haunches, his tail tip twitched slightly with happiness. His paws flexed into the dirt, as he stretched his spine up slightly, feeling tense after sitting for a while, since he had been on the move for so long to get back.



07-23-2013, 05:24 AM
Chrysanthe heard the male's call, but she was not the first to get there. Thane had been the first, and she smiled as she came across him, tipping her head to him before her blue gaze settled on the male that had called for someone's attention. She was a bit late, and missed her chance at introductions, but she was just in time to catch his. Chayton... Chrysanthe did not remember the male very well. If it was before the volcano erupted, then it was quite some time ago that he was a member of Valhalla. A part of her was curious as to why he had gone, yet many old members had been scattered at that point. Collision had called them together after they found these lands, yet before then they were all loners and all on their own.

When he stopped, she watched him, noting that he seemed to be glad to return. The woman was pleased with his happiness at seeing Valhalla, and hoped that he would be just as eager to stay here and help the pack grow with her leading it opposed to Cairo or Aislyn. "Greetings Chayton. I am Chrysanthe, Valhalla's alpha. It is a pleasure to see an old member, although I was quite young the last time you were tied to this pack." Much had changed, most likely. Yet hopefully he would find it easy to become a part of it once more. "Did you have a rank before you left?" If he was trained or experienced in a certain field, she would place him accordingly.


07-23-2013, 01:16 PM
The brute stood on all fours as he perked up his white lined ears.the brute before him introduced himself as Chayton and said he had been a member of the pack before. With a smile and a nod the brute also heard Chayton say he sought re-acceptance. Then soon enough another wolf entered the scene, Chrysanthe. Thane returned the smile and nodded to her as she entered. The dame introduced er self to Chayton and asked him of his old rank.

Thane sat quietly and watched. Perhaps by watching this he would know what to ask next time an old member came to the borders. Either or, the man would still learn from it. Aqua blue eyes watched on calmly as Chrysanthe awaited a reply from Chayton. It was nice that this brute came back; Thane wondered if there were still more members out there that sought their old pack. White lines ears perked up once more. The wolf swayed his tail back and forth casually as he silently waited and watched on.

OOC: sorry for crappy shirt phone post/ignore phone errors