
Exploring the Colors


06-15-2013, 08:58 PM

The day hadn't even started with Aeil woke from her slumber. Eyes blinked sleepily and she slowly raised her head, releasing a yawn in the process. She stretched her front limbs before pushing herself up to stand. As she stretched her hind legs and tail, she looked in front of and around her. Aeil's surroundings were completely doused in darkness, although it was evident that the night sky was becoming a bit lighter. The dark fae shook all over and got rid of the last lingering affects of sleep.
Aeil's mind was on catching what she wanted to see the past couple of days: the sun rise. She hadn't witnessed such a sight since she was young and the thought of seeing it made her feel giddy. Hunger and thirst were pushed out of her mind. The dark fae was on a mission and she wanted to complete it before it was too late. Although the darkness was around her, she knew the path through the exotic trees and flowers to reach her perch. Before she knew it, the forest had seemingly swallowed her up as she continued to trek through the underbrush. Silently, in the back of her mind, she wondered if there was anyone else around her neck of the woods.



06-15-2013, 09:36 PM

Mornings had never been Irin's favorite thing. But sometimes, the magic of a sunrise drew the little white wolf from wherever she was sleeping and out into the wilds. But right then, Irin was still dozing, trying to catch up on her sleep after a long day of travelling across the lands of this continent. She had moved like she had a purpose the previous day, and it had left the dainty female exhausted - but not so exhausted that she didn't notice the scent of another wolf as it curled beneath her nose.

Irin awakened immediately, silvery-blue eyes snapping open as she inhaled deeply, ensuring that this was not a ghost of a scent that she had detected. No, a wolf was padding by her den even as she thought this. Irin had to wonder why, however. It was still dark, though as Irin slipped from her hiding place as the black female passed her by, she noted that the sun was slowly rising, lightening the sky just slightly.

Maybe the female lived near here. Were there any packs in the area? Irin hadn't noticed any scent markers. But maybe this female was a wanderer like Irin, heading wherever her paws would take her. Perhaps she was chasing the trail of the massive pawprints that Irin had seen not so long ago. Or maybe she was just here, drifting like a leaf on the wind, and wandering where ever she desired. Curiousity flared in Irin's mind and she slipped after the black female, padding quietly through the thick underbrush.

She had not been walking for long when she cleared her throat slightly, trying to quietly alert the other female to her presence. Irin was many things, but a stalker wasn't one of them, and while she was curious, she didn't intend to follow the other through the forest until her intentions were revealed.



06-15-2013, 10:07 PM

Aeil had been lost in her own world, as usual. The sleepiness that had left her body was temporary, for it returned and had her in a shallow daze. Her eyes had become droopy and her self-made tempo for her steps slowed. The dark fae wasn't used to being up so early. Normally, she would snooze until the sun hit her fur and woke her up. Nature's own alarm clock was beaten this morning, however, so she decided to deal with it until night came again.
The winter breezes had found their way to this majestic piece of Southern land, so she felt a quick nip across her nose and face every now and then. Aeil thought it felt nice, but it wasn't enough to help her wake up. It wasn't until she heard a soft throat clear nearby that caused her to mentally stir. Her temporarily slow pace came to a halt and she silently stood.
Aeil wasn't sure if she should run or turn, but either way could result in a fight or a simple surprise. She decided to do the brave thing and, closing her eyes, she slowly turned on the spot. After making the required one-eighty, Aeil opened her dark blue eyes and looked. She was met with a small form of a white wolf, one that looked innocent and young. Aeil took in the general details of the stranger's face before saying, "Erm...hello." She leaned her head to the side curiously, meeting the she-wolf's gaze with a dancing set of her own eyes. "Good evening, or--good morning, I suppose." What else could be said this early in the morning?



06-20-2013, 10:06 PM

The other wolfess seemed startled by Irin's appearance, the female noted with a twitch of her tail, tilting her head slightly as she smiled at the black female. Oddly enough, it seemed like she had seen many more black wolves in her travels than she had wolves of any other color. There had been that one in the north, with his orange fur, and now this wolfess, with her dark blue eyes. That were actually rather pretty. Irin twitched her tail slightly at the thought, dipping her head slightly in the other wolf's direction. "Hello!" Irin returned the greeting softly, yawning sleepily in the moments that followed her words.

It took Irin a moment to formulate a response to the female's next words, "Good morning to you too," Irin spoke thoughtfully, "If it's even morning yet." Irin glanced in the direction of the still dark sky, light blue eyes picking up where the horizon had begun to grow lighter. Hmm. Perhaps it was morning after all.

Or maybe it was something else altogether. Maybe the glowing ice from the North had a companion of sorts somewhere in these woods. Maybe it was a crystal, one that glowed to summon the wolves that were chosen to be its guardians from far and wide. Irin grinned a little at the thought, tail twitching slightly as she turned and glanced back at the other female. "What brings you out here?" Irin's voice was curious, and grew slightly louder as she examined the female. She couldn't bring herself to be scared of this wolf, honestly. The males that she had found while wandering these lands had easily intimidated her, but this female seemed much less scary. Maybe it was because this time, it was Irin who had approached her instead of being approached.



06-20-2013, 10:40 PM

The sleepiness that seeped from the stranger's face and tones made Aeil smile. She figured that she was the reason for this fae to come out so early before the dawn. Maybe she had passed her den, wherever that was in this jungle. Aeil couldn't help but chuckle at the response she received from Irin and that made her facial features all the more brighter against the sky that was slowly starting to lighten. A trickle of warmth crept across Aeil's tail and her heart began to pace faster. She was afraid that she would miss the joyous sunrise and so she answered Irin's question without hesitating.
"Just trying to reach the perfect place in time to watch the sun rise." Aeil softly sighed at the thought and her tail swayed behind her. "Have you ever seen the sun come over the hills to start the day? It really is quite something to see, and I haven't seen one in awhile. I hoped I would catch it this morning, otherwise, I'd be asleep." There was a light in Aeil's eyes that shined against the darkness that still swept around the two females. It was evidence that she was more than eager to see it. "Would you like to join me in watching it, since you're awake?"



06-25-2013, 08:24 PM

There was something properly romantic about watching the sun rise, Irin thought with a slight smile. Her blue eyes focused on the other figure and Irin flicked her tail just a little, still too tired to be properly imaginative. For once, maybe she would appreciate the world as it was. "That sounds wonderful," There was a genuine note to Irin's voice as she stepped forward cautiously, still keeping her gaze locked on the other wolf. Would she attack Irin? It was possible. Maybe she was an evil creature, waiting to catch Irin off her guard. If so, she was going to be waiting a long time!

Or at least until the other wolf continued speaking. Irin was promptly distracted by thoughts of the sunrise, head tilting slightly. "I can't say that I have..." The female spoke thoughtfully, though she perked up immediately, ears pricking and her gaze brightening as soon as the female offered to allow Irin to join her on this adventure. "I'd love to!" Irin enthused, her tail wagging joyously as she spoke.

"Oh, uh, my name's Irin!" The female added a moment later, flicking her tail happily. Oh, this was grand! Clearly this female wasn't particularly evil, after all. Maybe she was a loving princess who had left her home pack because she wanted to see the world! Maybe she was a proper rebel princess, wandering far from her home.



06-25-2013, 09:26 PM

Aeil's tail swayed behind her as a result of Irin's acception to her offer. Her smile couldn't help but widen as she saw the excitement dancing in the white fae's eyes. If she eager now, just wait until she got to see the actual sun rising for the day to begin. "All right then," she said. Aeil turned back the way she had been walking and took a few steps forward. She looked over her shoulder to see if Irin had started walking with her.
When she felt Irin stepping up beside her, she began her leisurely pace towards the location she had mentioned. Aeil had only been to these luxurious woods a couple of times, but her paws acted as if they knew where to take her. She kept an eye out for any signs of unusual movements, of unfamiliar wolves or animals. You could never be too sure of what - or whom - would spring out from the nearby bushes. While keeping up her guard, Aeil began to wonder about Irin. Just where had the fae come from? Was she journeying around Alacritis, like her? (Well, not as much journeying in her past.) Curiosity got the best of Aeil after only a few thoughts, so she innocently asked, "So, Irin...what brings you here to Fern Gulley? I haven't seen you the past few times I have ventured here."



07-03-2013, 12:34 PM

She was surprisingly content in Aeil's company for such a quiet creature as herself. Typically inclined to keep to herself, it was rare for Irin to find herself so relaxed in the company of a stranger. In fact, it was rare for strangers to make such an effort with her. Most tended to write her off and ignore her once they realized how strange and quiet she was. But Aeil didn't seem to mind going the extra mile. It was nice, and Irin did appreciate it. She swished her tail in the air behind her as they padded along.

Aeil's questioning words were met by a blink on Irin's part. It took her a moment to answer, though she hardly missed a beat in her careful steps. "Oh, I'm just spending the night here." The female explained with a twitch of her ears, "I'm just trying to explore as much of this place as I can." It wasn't anything interesting in all honesty. Irin didn't delude herself there. "What about you?" she was curious to know what had brought the pretty older wolf to these lands as well. And why she spoke as if she had visited these lands many times before. Was there anything special about them?

Irin had to rein her imagination in to keep it from taking off. For once, she just wanted to hear what the other female had to say.


07-04-2013, 02:27 AM

"Ah," Aeil replied, nodding her head to Irin's explanation. She figured that it was indeed a nice place to choose for a one evening doze. "I don't blame you for choosing this place. The forest is serene, there are quiet places to claim for your own, and the view from your den is lovely in the spring and summer." Imagining the brilliant colors of the flowers and trees in warmer weather brought a bigger smile to Aeil's face. "You're a traveller, too? That sounds like a new adventure everyday." Her eyes changed color, now revealing the usual dark navy blue.
"Me?" She mused to herself and the white fae walking next to her for a few seconds. As she did, she took note of how Irin had become more relaxed since their first meet-and-greet. It made her happy to see her walking companion more at ease than before. With this in mind, she answered Irin's question. "I came out here to see the sunrise, but also because I know the scenery here is worth the time." Her tail lightly swept behind her as they neared their destination. "I am also a member of the nearby pack, Seracia. I'm still fairly new, but I hope that I become well adjusted to their customs and meet a lot more members." Aeil's heart lightly skipped a beat as memories of Gerhardt and Bane's chance meetings came across her mind. "The ones I have met so far are good wolves, meant to be a part of my family."



07-06-2013, 05:41 AM

Ears pricked in Aeil's direction as the other responded to her, and Irin nodded her head thoughtfully. "It's a gorgeous place." Irin responded with a twitch of her tail. It was far warmer than the cold expanses of northern Alacritia, which had not been Irin's favorite place to be. "I've only seen the view from my den once, though. But I bet it is gorgeous." Irin could feel her thoughts taking off, spinning a wild picture of flowers that bloomed, their brilliant colors igniting the world around them. It was gorgeous, in her mind. And it made her sure that she wanted to come back and explore this place later, when plants had stirred beneath the frozen ground.

Irin smiled a little, tail wagging slightly behind her as Aeil spoke. "It's a lot of fun," The white female responded with a happy nod, "There's always something to see. Not too long ago, I saw a lake with stars trapped under the ice!" There was a note of wonder to Irin's voice as she spoke brightly, grinning happily at the memories of Domovei and the lake that they had met upon. The white male had been quite the mysterious creature, if not the ghost that she would have expected.

A pack? Irin's ears perked up at that, pricking in Aeil's direction once more. "What is Seracia like?" The question spilled from Irin's maw before she could think twice about it. "I bet it's wonderful!" It was full of righteous wolves, she was sure, wolves who obeyed the laws of the land and protected the weak. That had to be it. Though Irin was curious to see if the idea that she had formed for Seracia was accurate.


07-08-2013, 08:19 PM

She listened with interest as Irin spoke of her adventures. "It really does sound like you are enjoying yourself, Irin," she lightly chuckled. Tail continued to sweep behind her as they walked, ears still perked to Irin's gentle tones. Her eyebrows rose in surprise to the discovered lake in the North. "Stars under the frozen surface?" she asked. "My goodness, I wonder how they got under there...I haven't ventured that far North to know that it existed." Aeil's eye twinkled and she warmly said, "You are lucky to see such a phenomonal sight."
Irin asked about Seracia and Aeil had a faraway look in her gaze. She looked ahead as she spoke of her pack. "It is a wonderful place, Irin. Wide, open spaces and green fields every which way you look. There is a peaceful aura about how much room you have to roam, live, and explore." The trail changed to a slight incline, causing the two wolves to increase their paces to get over it. Once it leveled out, Aeil took a panting breath and continued to speak. "I find myself alone more than often, though, but that is all right. The large areas of Seracia offer plenty of places to meet other wolves."
Around that time, the trail came to an end. Bushes were the sign of the faded trail and a light appeared from the bottom of the shrubs. Aeil stepped forward and nosed her way through the unseen opening. She shielded her eyes with a paw and then lowered it once her eyes became accustomed to the brightness. Stepping to the side, she spoke to Irin and said, "It's coming...come on, you'll miss it!"



07-10-2013, 08:33 PM

The quiet female wagged her tail in the air behind her as Aeil spoke. "I do enjoy myself. But it does get a little lonely sometimes." There was a sheepish note to her voice as she spoke, but in truth, Irin found that she met far more interesting wolves wandering than she ever had back at home.

She could have talked about the frozen lake for an eternity, however. "It was gorgeous!" Irin enthused happily, "With every step you took, the ice lit up. It was like walking across the sky." Was that it would be like to wander the expanses of the sky? Did every step make stars twinkle and glow? Was that why some stars twinkled? The thought interested Irin greatly. She knew so little about the far away expanses of the sky that it made her wonder. Her pack had taught her that dead wolves roamed the stars, and maybe that would explain the twinkling. It was the steps of her ancestors as they watched over the world!

It seemed that Aeil felt the way about Seracia as Irin had felt about that lake. She seemed to love the place, and she spoke of it with a loving note to her voice. "It sounds lovely," There was a hint of awe in Irin's voice. "I bet the wolves are great too." She couldn't imagine a pretty land with evil wolves. Well, actually, she probably could; her imagination seemed to have no limits. But right then, Irin wanted to paint the world as a happy place. Aeil made her feel happy and so the world would be happy. Or at the very least, the world Irin created would be.

And then the trail ended. And there it was. The sun was creeping up over the horizon, and Irin slunk forward carefully, gaze focusing on the ground until her eyes had adjusted and she could attempt to look up. "Wow." That was all she had to say. It was truly beautiful.


07-19-2013, 10:43 PM

The sunrise was definitely a sight to behold. Light grays, pinks, and a splash of yellow appeared in layers as the sun started to pull itself up. The colors from the night before were slowly disappearing from the sky, letting the new day's brightness shine and streak across its open space. Aeil watched the sky brighten, welcoming everything beneath it into the light that would be promised. Her heart swelled as she shielded her eyes to see the beauty unfold.
After the sun had fully risen and the light was warming both of their bodies, Aeil turned to look at Irin. "Wasn't it beautiful?" Aeil asked in an awed voice, tail wagging behind her sitting frame. She knew she would never be disappointed in a sunrise if she found the right places to watch it. New days meant new beginnings, clean slates for that fresh day, and opportunities that may not be around again. Sunrises were symbols of hope, that the days would come again and bring new things for people who didn't expect those things to happen to them.
A happy sigh escaped Aeil and she turned her back to the sun, taking in its warmth before speaking to Irin again. "I could sure use something to eat right now, Irin...would an early morning hunt be out of the question for you?" Her mind had been so swept away from Nature's awakening that she had completely forgotten about her own waking stomach.
