
goodbye my friends


06-15-2013, 12:09 PM

It was the probably the last time the woman would ever be at Valhalla. She was leaving to live with her husband Lovatt. Her future had already been torn apart by Evelette and the scar was left on her stomach as a reminder for life that she would never again be able to have children of her own. She had yet to tell her love of the incident yet as she feared what he might say.

Rumble and Pepper had already left Valhalla she would see them again...Rum anyway. Pepper seemed to hate her and Rumble had dissapeared. All she could do was hope that they would come when she called them. She had already spoken to her brother hoping he would come with her, sadly he was reluctant to leave the great pack. A goodbye was passed between the two early that morning.

The old alpha, Cairo entered her thoughts for a breif moment. The man had been in her heart since she had met first because he reminded her of Lovatt and later just a good friend. She refused to stay here and watch her friend die. Most of her bits and prices of her memories had come back and as a result Morgan had decided she had already seen enough death for her lifetime.

Finally it was time for her to leave. The woman had walked the boarder the day before and had sat at the boarder where she would take her leave all day, from lite till dark. If she didn't leave now more problems would arise between herself and the other white woman. It mattered not that she was one of Valhalla's warriors as it was her job to protect the pack. Her leaving would be the last thing she did for her friends..her family.

Morgan found her feet an hour after dark. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she stepped across the boarder. Silently she hoped that the pack Lovatt chose wouldn't go to war with Valhalla. Opening her eyes she was across the boarder and leaving. The only thing that could stop her was one of the highly ranked Valhalla wolves.

(Exit Morgan from Valhalla unless stopped by highly ranked wolf)




06-17-2013, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2013, 01:11 PM by Chrysanthe.)
It was a strangely quiet winter night. There was little that could be heard other than the crunching of snow beneath the alphas feet. She was doing a quick glance over of the borders, many predators were nocturnal and she didn't want anything sneaking into Valhalla without her notice. Yet imagine the woman's surprise when someone wasn't sneaking in - but sneaking out. She paused, before quickening her pace and running to catch up with the wolf that seemed to be leaving. They could be doing anything, going for a hunt, a drink, a walk - but she was curious. There was something off about sneaking off alone at this hour, and she wanted to know why it was happening.

When she found the other, they were just barely on Valhalla lands anymore. At first, she didn't recognize the woman, but after a bit of sifting through her memory she knew that she had seen her before in the pack during meetings and get together. Morgan... she hadn't seen her since becoming alpha of this pack. Had something happened to her? Why was she leaving in such a quiet state. As much as the young leader hated to admit it, between the atmosphere and the somber quality to her gait, she didn't feel like this woman was coming back.

Had she failed her? Chrysanthe cleared her throat, letting her know that she had been caught - but made no threatening movements. If Valhalla was not her home any longer, there was little that she could do about it. But she wanted to know why it wasn't a place that she could consider home - was it something that she as alpha could have fixed? Or was it simply a matter of finding a new place to belong? "Morgan... just a moment?" She asked, her voice slowly melding with the frigid air. "You don't plan to come back, do you." It was a question yes, but a statement as well.

"Did something happen for you to make this decision?" Did she even know that Chrysanthe was alpha now? Did it matter that she was? "I hate to see you leave this way." She needed to get a sense of why she had left, and would like to know where she was going but that wasn't necessary. So long as she hadn't a vengeful attitude toward the pack as a whole, she was free to leave without trouble.


06-18-2013, 10:22 AM

The alpha had stopped the ivory woman in her tracks. She hadn't expected to be stopped but it was quite alright in her mind. The woman turned icy blue eyes on the other. "Chrysanthe, what can I do for you my lady?" she may have been leaving...but she would still do just about anything for Valhalla. Soon after the woman had gotten her attention she half stated half asked if she hadn't planned on returning.

"No, I hadn't planned on returning." her face was a mixture of emotions. Sadness, happiness and anger. Sad and angry because she felt as though no matter what she did she was betraying some one and hapiness because she was in love. A few moments passed and another question was asked. Morgan was more than willing to answer "Yes and no. There are two reasons for my decision. One my mate, Lovatt, wishes to live in Amenti. Two, Evelette and I don't get I am leaving so no problems will be caused for Valhalla"

Icy blue eyes searched the face of the alpha as the alpha spoke her last few words. She hadn't meant to upset anyone, Valhalla was the only home she had and could fully remember so hurting the pack was deffinetly not on her to do list. "My lady, Valhalla is the only home I have had in years. This pack is my family, and my friends. I would sooner die than harm this pack. she paused for a moment to think of what else to say and when the thought reached her mind she voiced it Chrysanthe, I swear to you, as a warrior and protector of Valhalla, if there is any kind of fight, argument or scuffle between Valhalla and the pack I join I will stay out of it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt any of my friends or family...I made that mistake once and ill never make it again.




06-20-2013, 01:38 PM
Ah, so her mate wanted to live elsewhere. So she was leaving for love - something that she could understand herself. Yet the second statement hit her strangely - disputes between members were not something that should chase said members away. A part of her wanted to solve the problem, to fix things between she and the little white warriess that her brother seemed to be so fond of. But with Morgan leaving, it seemed to be something that she couldn't do anything about - it would be placed in the past. "I only want you happy Morgan, I want that for everyone here. If you love being here, then why don't you stay? I want to protect you as you wish to protect this pack - loyalty like what you have is indispensable." Morgan was older, perhaps even more experienced a lupine, but Chrysanthe was her alpha and she wanted more than anything to provide a place where she could feel safe. She wasn't replaceable, no member that loved Valhalla as she did was. Her leaving would be a loss - but if that was what she truly wanted...

"Why would you staying cause so much harm to Valhalla?" Did something happen? For her to sneak off into the night like this, for her to feel so strongly for the pack that she was leaving behind, it seemed like something had gone wrong. What it was though? She had no idea how to place a paw on it. "You can trust me. I... will not hold you here against your will, Morgan. I will also not forget you, despite you no longer living on Valhallan grounds. Should you ever need anything, you can come to me." She didn't turn her back on those that loved this pack. There was a difference between being a deserter, bailing when things were unstable - running at the first signs of disarray - and moving on because it's what you truly felt you should do. One was based on cowardice, the other on a seemingly subtle inner strength. "Did you hurt someone Morgan?" She paused, looking the warriess over. "Did someone hurt you?"



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-24-2013, 10:31 AM

She padded along the border, looking for winter growing herbs. Now that she could gather, she was making up for lost time. There weren?t many herbs that grew in snow at the edges, but it gave her time to think about her family and her pack. So she didn?t see the two wolves in front of her until she hard the words ?Hurt you.? Hurt the members of her pack? Deep blue eyes chilled and sought out who was speaking. Chrysanthe, and Morgan.

One sweep of her eyes over Chrysanthe found no injury, nor any sign of illness. Morgan however? Erani?s eyes fell on the new scar that had barely healed. When had this happened, who had done this, and why hadn?t she been there to shred the one who had done this and fix the wound? A low rumble threaded it?s way through her chest as the healer snarled.

The snarl died away, but not the ice in her eyes as she approached. ?Whoever did that to you should think about heading for the hills and never looking back. Who did this, Morgan?? A midnight voice no louder than her regular speaking volume. The ice and anger wasn?t meant for the female, nor Chrysanthe. It wanted a name to zero in on.

No one hurt her family.


06-24-2013, 12:19 PM

The ivory woman listened silently until it came time for her to answer, and when that time came she gave the best answer she could. With a gentle smile on her face she spoke "That is all any good alpha could hope for, for their pack members." her voice paused for a moment as she thought of how to place her answer into words and as the smile on her face left "My mate does not live here nor, as far as I know, wishes to."

Another question called for another answer. "I don't know that my staying would cause any problems further than the...issues between Evelette and I. I would just rather be safe than sorry." she was careful with her word choice and even more so with the tone of her voice. She wasn't trying to get Eve into trouble with anyone...her only goal was to stay away from her. Then more fell from her alpha, she knew that she could trust the woman and she also knew that the woman would not hold her against her will. The surprise was that Chrysanthe would still do anything to help her. A grateful smile planted itself on her maw "Thank you, Chrysanthe."

She thought that the smile would stay in place until she fell asleep, but the alpha's next line of questions proved her wrong. Again she was reminded of the stupidity in her choice a little more than three years ago and the punishment of that choice that took place only a few weeks ago. "The answer to both questions is a yes my lady." she looked at the ground with a hatred filled expression for no one but herself.

Her expression only changed when Erani's icy voice reached her ears. The expression became a mask with small cracks leaking the hatred for herself. She couldn't hide the truth from Erani as she had seen the scar...she would tell the truth but she had earned that scar. She wouldn't let them punish the woman who had once been like a sister to her "Evelette placed the scar on me. But I can't let you punish her for it." her voice was serious when she stated she couldn't let them punish the woman. "I deserved every inch of this scar, and the story behind it is one I hate myself for. If you ask either of us, will will give you similar stories. From Evelette betrayal and from me a moment of my stupidity." her voice was and face were full of the hate for herself




06-27-2013, 03:30 AM
Erani's appearance was what made her realize that Morgan had scars other than the obvious injury to her ear. The alpha looked her over, taking a moment to take in the details, and was honestly shocked at the damage that seemed to have been dealt recently but healed up since then. Someone in Valhalla had done this to her? Evelette couldn't have been the one to do this. Syrinx liked her enough to make her this pack's beta right off the bat! The woman hid her surprise, not flinching outwardly even though she had definitely done so inwardly. Erani's underlying threat hung in the air before Morgan spoke again, admitting that she had been harmed by Evelette.

The scar was deep, and Chrysanthe couldn't help but wonder what affects that it had on the ivory woman. "No living creature injurs a member of mine that way and goes unpunished - let alone another Valhallan." She was seething, but her voice remained calm. Morgan's serious tone was one that she took into consideration. For some reason, she felt that she deserved that scar... "Morgan - I must know what happened." It would decide so much of Evelette's future. It would not be an issue that the young female would push under a rug.

Banishment was an option, and various punishments were now in consideration, but the harshness would all depend on what Morgan told her. "For Evelette's sake as well as yours." If she chose not to tell her, then she would have to take things into her own judgement, despite her missing pieces from Morgan's point of view.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-27-2013, 01:43 PM

Erani narrowed her eyes as she read Morgan?s expressions. Self hatred? Deep blue pools studied the female as she spoke, before she voiced her own words. ?And just what did you do to deserve having your womb ripped from you? Kill her pups? Kill her mate? Kill a member of her family? I can think of nothing else that would deserve having your ability to have children ripped from you.? She could smell that there would be no more children for Morgan.

Chrysanthe spoke up, and Erani?s eyes flickered to the young alpha, approval swelling her heart. She added her own words. ?Particularly when you are a senior member of Valhalla, Morgan. You were here before I became a member.? Deep blue gaze pinned the female. ?If you feel she is a danger to Valhalla if you stay, then she is a liability that cannot be ignored. We can?t have a member that is willing to harm her own packmates. No matter what you say.?

Erani finished her words as Chrysanthe spoke, begging Morgan?s story behind what had happened. A memory, recent, was rising to the surface. Surreal bursting into the den, muzzle bloody, but not with her own blood, sobbing that the white lady needed help, and the monster wouldn?t help her make it better. Now that she thought of it, the blood had smelled of Morgan. Surreal had led Erani to the borders, and she?d followed her daughter?s trail to the Battlefield. Morgan?s blood had been there, but no wolf. Erani couldn?t tell how bad the injuries had been, and with a wailing pup to soothe, she?d been forced to choose her child. There had been another scent there, masked by the bloodscent. Evelette.

Erani growled, low, fury building. ?My daughter, Surreal, witnessed this. She came back to the den, begging me to help the white female. That the monster wouldn?t help. She had nightmares for a week.? Her voice was low, words directed to Chrysanthe, as she waited to hear what Morgan had to tell them. Even if they weren?t to punish Evelette for her actions against Morgan, Erani would demand a price for her child?s distress.


06-27-2013, 09:29 PM

Both women one right after the other told her that this couldn't go unpunished. Both also wanted to know why, and that was the question she was afraid they would ask. Erani already knew she couldn't have pups. Morgan should have known the healer would pick up on that bit of information, but she had still found herself hoping she wouldn't all the way up until she voiced the fact. She already knew she couldn't have pups but she hadn't wanted anyone else to know...not yet anyway.

Morgan stayed silent for a moment, debating on telling them or not. She knew it would determine whether or not Evelette was punished or not and how badly. Sadly if she got punished it would just give the lass another reason to hate her, but if she told Erani and Chrysanthe what had happened...all of what had happened, would their opinion of her change. The last thing she wanted was for them to hate her too.

Just before the woman opened her mouth to say something Erani spoke of her daughter having witnessed her stomach torn open she almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. Surreal had been the girl to nudge her, the one who tried to get Eve to help her make Morgan better. The girl she hadn't reacted to in fear of scarring her even more than what she was sure she already was. The words that were going to fall from her mouth before the comment about the pup changed immediately. "Erani, I had no idea that was your daughter. I was too busy trying not to scare her anymore than what I knew she already was...I never wanted her to see that. I'm sorry I was the cause of her nightmares." she had meant every word, sadly it was another reason for her to be mad at herself.

Her face and voice went from apologetic to serious again as the topic changed from Surreal to Eve. "As for what goes back to before Evelette was even part of Valhalla, and not to long after I became part of Valhalla. My mind was a bit of a mess and Cairo and Evelette were the first two friends I made. Eve told me of the man she was falling for, and I told her of the one I was falling for. So we talked one another into telling them we liked them, I was rejected and she wasn't. I met Freak, the father of Pepper and Rumble, a few days after that on the first day of my birth season."

She paused for a moment to take a breath and and try to read their facial reactions before finishing the story. "I knew who he was the moment he told me his name. The man was Evelette's new mate, and I let him talk me into my children. I should have said no, should have just walked away...but I didn't. Shes hated me since and I have hated myself since the moment Freak left me there. I regretted every moment I spent with that man. And don't get me wrong, I love my children and wouldn't trade them for the world...but if I could change who their father was I would do it in a heart beat.

The moment words stopped falling from her maw she looked away from them both. She wanted to know what they were thinking but then again she just wanted to run away. To just forget any of it ever happened like she had her child hood...she wished that the wolf that made her for get before would come and make her forget everything but Lovatt, her children and Valhalla but she knew that wouldn't happen the memories she wanted she would never have and the ones she wanted to go away never would. With her jaw clenched and her emotionless mask firmly in place Morgan finally looked back at the two women to get her final judgment from the two.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-27-2013, 09:45 PM

Erani listened to Morgan?s story, and with every word, felt her liking for the female grow. When the story was finished, Erani huffed. ?It seems to me that it?s the male that she should be shredding. He approached you, and talked you into it. You were young, in heat, and he took advantage of that. Don?t hate yourself for your body?s taking precedent over better judgment. Evelette is the fool for hating you for her mate?s wrongdoings. You did not deserve this injury.

?As for you being the cause of Surreal?s nightmares, it wasn?t you that frightened her. It was ?the monster? that walked in her dreams.?
She growled the two words with controlled venom. Then her gaze turned to Chrysanthe. ?The final verdict is yours. I know what I choose for Evelette.? That female deserved the omega position, maiming, and banishment.



06-30-2013, 09:40 AM
And so she would explain what had happened to her. It was strange, how even though she seemed to be one of two wolves fighting, she spoke as if she was alone in being harmed. Taking the blame onto herself, even though it was her blood that was spilled according to Erani. Chrysanthe had a lot to take into consideration - especially when Erani pointed out the depth of Morgan's scars. She could no longer have children, no longer build a life around making a family, the young woman couldn't imagine the pain in that, in having that option ripped from her body.

How the hell had she convinced herself that it was a deserving punishment?

She had expected her explaination to be a story of sadness, of deception, of murder and travesty that would amount to the crimes that had been committed. Yet as Morgan spoke, as she told her side of the story, it was apparent that she was taking responsibility for things that weren't completely her fault. A male had taken advantage of her first heat, and he just happened to be a two timing bastard to add to the action. Chrysanthe hated how she considered herself the only one that had done anything wrong - when the blame was on this bastard, this Freak as well. Evelette was a fool for blaming Morgan alone.

She wanted to ask where Freak was now, but the topic seemed to have so much weight with the ivory woman. "Erani is right Morgan, that isn't something you can take the blame for alone." Chrysanthe spoke up, gentle but completely serious about the matter. It seemed the last thing that Morgan wanted or needed was to be coddled - but listened to. "You were young, you made a mistake - but he pulled the strings to Evelette being deceived. He is who hurt you both. I am sorry this happened to you." Nothing could make up for this, no punishment done to Evelette would return to Morgan the little sliver of freedom that had been forcefully removed from her.

That wasn't to say though, that Evelette wouldn't be punished.

"I will not physically harm her, solely because you have requested that she not be punished at all ... But she will be punished for what she has done." If she thought that she could maim one of Valhalla's members to make up for old bitter feelings and get away with it, she had another thing coming. Chrysanthe knew what would be done to the woman - essentially the same that had been done to Morgan. "Morgan, you have been here longer than I've been alive, I can never make up to you the time and love you have given to Valhalla." If she ever needed anything, she could come to Chrysanthe personally.

She hoped that she could be happy with her mate in Amenti. It was a pack that Chrysanthe knew little of herself. "You are free to go, and more than welcome to stay." She had the alpha's support, no matter what she chose to do.


07-11-2013, 05:07 PM

It was Erani who spoke first, and Morgan listened. She thought that it was Freak who deserved all of the punishment. The woman only half disagreed as it takes to to tango. However she didn't voice that opinion as it would have been a loosing battle on her she simply continued to listen as the healer spoke. Still she felt terrible that Surreal had seen and had dreams about it. "Please know that both of you still hold my apologies for that, Erani, as it was at least partially my fault the incident even occurred."

Shortly after Erani spoke to Chrysanthe and then the alpha turned to Morgan and sided with Erani on the fact that she hadn't deserved to have what Eve did to her done. Again Morgan did not argue and simply listened. At the the mention of Evelette still receiving punishment her ears lay flat against her head. She did not agree but her plea had already been made, and Chrysanthe had at least taken it into consideration. That she could be grateful for and she was, so her ears came back up and she nodded in response. Physical harm would not be her punishment but she would still be punished...she decided she could live with that even though she didn't completely agree. "Though I do not agree with your decision, I will still respect it as you are the alpha of Valhalla, and my friend. You will never have to make it up as it was my pleasure to serve and love this pack." She wondered silently what Evelette's punishment would be but she didn't ask.

The white woman bowed respectfully to both the alpha and the healer before turning to leave.

(Exit Morgan...unless stopped again)




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-12-2013, 11:25 PM

Morgan listened to their words. Erani could see that Morgan didn?t agree completely with what they had to said. The apology was accepted with a faint nod. The words Chrysanthe had, about Evelette having to be punished gave Erani satisfaction. Chrysanthe would deal fair justice in this matter. Morgan might not like it, but Evelette had acted wrongly.

Morgan made ready to leave. They would be losing one of their higher warriors because of Evelette. ?Walk safely, Morgan.? Erani watched the female go, settling onto her haunches and curling her tail around her paws. After a moment, she turned her gaze to Chrysanthe. ?Evelette has a great deal of explaining to do. I don?t want her near the children.? The request was voiced as a quiet statement. Then her gaze returned to the retreating Morgan. ?I hope she finds happiness in her life. Perhaps children to adopt.? She sat for a moment, before rising to her paws and moving to nuzzle Chrysanthe?s shoulder in passing.

?I have herbs to gather. Be safe, Chrysanthe.? She smiled to her daughter, then padded away, tail swaying quietly behind her.

-Exit Erani-