
silent whispers silent tears



06-16-2013, 09:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Small, dainty paws cut through the snow in a purposeful line, the three grey and one white appendages moving in a rhythmic pattern as they carried her toward the heart of the Valhallan territory. Each movement was made with confidence, a surety that had been absent for some time, and the limp that had hindered their synchronicity for so long had all but vanished. The slim grey wolf breathed heavily from her exertions, her body energized much more than it had been for what felt like forever, and within her jaws, set inside a satisfied smile, was a wintry hare: the prize for her efforts.

She carried her kill to the central area of the pack and deposited the small meal amongst what remained of the pack's stockpiles. It had been too long since she had contributed to those she considered close enough to be called an extended family. It had been too long since she had been able to hunt. The time that it had taken for her leg to heal itself had been torturous, trying, difficult in every sense of the word. She had often prided herself on her patience in a hunt, capable of waiting out prey in order to make things easier on herself, but after confining herself to her new den, knowing that it would benefit her in the long run, she wondered how she had managed to find that patience at all.

Still smiling in satisfaction, Ashtoreth traveled away from the center of the pack's camp, making her way toward her den. Or, rather, what used to be Leon's den. Seasons ago he had disappeared without a trace, without a word, and at the time she had sought his preferred of sleeping places for comfort. Now it was more out of habit. It was true, it was far more spacious than she needed, being a small, petite wolf, but she had grown attached to it and still enjoyed being able to sprawl out inside, even if then there was still more room than was necessary.

She cast a surreptitious glance over one shoulder as she came upon it, the three precariously situated boulders marking the entrance. A small sigh left her lips as her trotting gait eased into a casual walk, noting that her injured leg no longer even protested that movement. It was been too long since her last hunt, and she was sad to realize that she was somewhat out of shape for her lack of real exercise during her time of recuperation. A little rest seemed in order.

Leon I


11 Years
06-16-2013, 10:36 PM

He moves, between the trees, across the lands, and swims across the occasional stream or river. His journey is fresh and new, his mind decided, yearning, for the family he has yet again been delivered from. His life. His Valhalla. His sweet, sweet, Ashtoreth. With easy breath, he flies over the final hills, his muscles quivering beneath the cold, shaking in the snowy wonderland. Valhalla: he is home, reconciled with the place he has yearned for so long, and in his solemn hour he finds the grace, the strength, and now, the knowledge to stand for, and beside, what he so longing loves. His family.

Head would rock backwards and he would refuse to pay attention to the Valhallan borders, this place, was his home, and he would not be driven out, he would not abandon it as though he once had. Blue gaze locks onto the Earth, devouring it's luscious endeavors, and the king presses his bulk forward, shifting between a gait and a slow trot. His summons, his daunting song, a summons for her- for Ash, and it comes without relent. It comes with passion and song, with loving devotion. While, his future, with or without her, is undecided, he puts faith in something more, in their bond, and he prays she answers, prays she remembers. -has it been so long? am I past forgiveness?



06-16-2013, 11:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She paused within the entryway of the den, peering inside at the large space that was all her own. It had long since stopped feeling strange to stay here, but still thoughts of its previous owner would sometimes coast through her mind, bringing forth memories of the time the den had once been shared for a short stay. Even then the den had been large, allowing for both she and Leon to sprawl comfortably close to each other with room to spare. At times like this it felt rather excessive. But it was home, more so than her own den had been to her of late, and she had no intention of wandering off to see if those old sleeping quarters of hers were still free. This one was open. It only made sense to stay.

Ashtoreth drew in a breath, leading into a sigh, when the call rang across the territory and then drifted into the den to echo there, rounding back and hitting her ears a second time. Even then it was hard for her to acknowledge who it was that called, the voice familiar but so long gone that she had never truly expected to hear it again. It was as if the wolf's ghost still haunted the lands and called for her - only her - and perhaps it was only she who could hear it. It couldn't really... The lean, grey wolf stood stock still, gold and purple eyes staring rather widely into the den as the surprise of the call caught her off guard, causing her heart to race and her mind to struggle to function. Leon?

Quite suddenly it felt as if there was only one option available to her. The wolf, alive or otherwise, had called her - only her. She needed to answer.

Forgetting to be grateful that her leg was so newly healed, the petite grey she-wolf turned on her heel there at the den's entrance and raced off away from it, tearing across the territory toward the border that she was sure the call had been made near. There was almost no telling where the wolf could have been now if he still retained free access to the pack lands, but it was her best shot at finding him. And surely if she reached a place he had once been she could locate his scent - could she still remember it? - to follow his trail and track him down. But he called for me. If he was going to seek her out, she doubted he would make it difficult to find him.

And it wasn't. By the time she spotted him, he was halfway across the field that sat beside their borders, traipsing about in the open. A part of her shied from him, at first keeping her well within the shadows and using her hunting skills to meld into the surroundings so that she could see him without being seen. He looked the same as ever, his tawny coat a mix of pale and dark shades of brown. Even from a distance she could see the mesmerizing blue of his eyes. It would have been easy to disappear back within the woods, to wander and stay well out of his way so that she didn't have to face him even though she had no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed or worried about standing before him, face to face. If anything, she thought he was the one who should have been worried. Disappearing without a word, to anyone let alone her, and all while she had been under the impression they were really good friends. She had thought herself more important than that, to have been forgotten just as easily as everyone else.

Indignant thoughts offered support that she had been lacking, emboldening her to ditch the cover she had been using to wander out into the open, her expression straight and unsmiling, her gait relaxed but her posture wary. She moved to cut him off, to intercede his travels and make him stop, and when she thought she had, she stopped as well. The resolve that had been building from her earlier thoughts faltered slightly now that she was here before him, her two-toned eyes seeking his. She swallowed before attempting to speak, praying her voice wouldn't betray her. "Long time, no see," Ashtoreth stated by way of greeting, much of her good humor lacking from it. It was all she could get out for a moment, her tongue seeming to swell inside of her mouth and prevent her from speech until she parted her jaws and asked of him, irritated to hear her voice drop in both defensiveness and volume, "Where have you been?"

Leon I


11 Years
07-02-2013, 10:42 AM

Truthfully he did not expect to be forgiven for what he had done, he had promised her he would stay and take care of her and then he had turned tail and abandoned her faster than the promise had been made. In all truth, it was a pathetic thing to have done and the fact remained that he was truly losing himself in those words. Honestly, he had left to figure out what had happened to his siblings, but, he had been left without success and now he had to face her hoping that the explanation would be enough. If it was, good, then he would have a home yet again, and a friend, if she wanted to turn him away, such was her business and he could not act as though she were in the wrong. A sigh would drift from his lips as she came, and for once, and almost immediately, he realized how perfectly beautiful she truly was.

Her limber legs, her captivating eyes, o those striking eyes. a smile drafted over his features and he stared at her in silence, wandering what he was supposed to say. Likely, a simple 'hello' would just upset the situation, would find itself provoking her, and to be honest, he felt as though if he let her say everything he would lose her forever. Leon was quite lost as to what the 'right' thing to do was, but he had a feeling that if he just listened and told her the truth there would be no undoing. His ears turned on her words, and there was a sharpness to them that he hadn't really been looking forward to, but he knew would no doubt come.

"I...had to go find my siblings, which I didn't," he would clear his throat and look at her offering any ounce of sincerity his gaze was able to offer, he didn't want to harm her and standing there as an oaf would only do just that, "I thought they had drifted through here and I took off, I should have said something to someone, and I'm sorry I didn't I truly, truly am," The man would clear his throat and watch her, hoping that his words would be enough to spark some kind of understanding in her. Watching her with some kind of wanting and needing he waited, silent and calculating, wondering if he could be enough to assuage whatever pain and turmoil he had left her in, " have things been?" Did you fall in love? Did you make new friends? What have I missed? Tell me! Tell me everything. His thoughts were a raging storm, questioning, demanding almost. He wanted to be sure that no one else had taken his place, taken the place that he had left wide open and available. What a fool he was. What a fool he would always be.



07-02-2013, 01:37 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Even as she stared at him, watched the ghost of a smile that she remembered slip across his face, she was conflicted. A part of her was inexplicably angry at him for leaving, particularly for doing so without first telling her that he was going to go. She might have understood, if the reasons had been just, but considering herself somewhat special to him, at least in the best friends sense, and then having him vanish without a word hurt more than she could fathom. But she was also so incredibly relieved to see him, to know that he was safe. Had she not been so angry she might have rushed right up to him - pride be damned - and embrace him to express how happy she was to have him back. And through all the tumultuous emotions, Ashtoreth continued to try and remind herself that this was all normal between friends. The worry, the anger, the relief, the need to embrace him, the way his mere presence sent her reeling in every which way. But she couldn't remember ever feeling this way before, and still reluctant to admit that it might not be normal just made her all the more jittery.

Thankfully, he distracted her with an answer, though it didn't quite do any good to alleviate her frustrations. His family. That seemed a good enough reason as any to leave. The pack she was a part of was heavily family-based; it only made sense that he might drop everything and bring those of his kin to live with him if he could. She couldn't condemn him for that. She averted her gold and purple eyes guiltily down and away from his sincere blue gaze, considering his answer as he elaborated about the family he had thought to be near, the chase he had given after them that failed, and a heartfelt apology that he had been careless to say nothing about any of it.

Almost, just almost, her anger subsided. Had he left things at that, she might have been able to let it all slide, to move past it in her own time and let the conversation move on from there without a hitch. It was hard to say exactly how she might have reacted if that had been the given scenario, but it wasn't. Rather than give her time to adjust, to let these new revelations and his presence sink into her mind, he pressed things, inquiring about what had happened in his absence, and quite suddenly she was bombarded with all the happenings since she had last seen him. Her attack, the wound she had suffered, her slow and agonizing recovery, returning to his den to find him gone, staking out a claim to it in his absence, the chaotic events of the pack and their very public meetings, the aftermath, her own promotion. So much had happened, so much he had missed, but only one part stuck out to her most. She had sought his comfort after her attack, choosing to go to his den rather than her own, but had been welcomed only by the remnants of his scent and the empty hollow that had been his. Again, a touch of pain stabbed her, but she swallowed to force it away, knowing she still needed to answer.

She had a sudden compulsion to rush forward and shove him for no good reason other than to watch him fall on his backside but resisted, instead turning her ears moodily against her head as she curled her legs and seated herself upon the ground before Leon with an almost scowl. "Better," Ashtoreth answered shortly, curtly, though she sighed after the word had left her lips. She was horrible at being angry with him. "Chrys is in charge now," she started, deciding to work her way backwards with her storytelling and start with the easiest subjects, the pack changes. "Epiphron offered to take her place in the betrothal, so she's going to be off to Seracia here soon. Syrinx was about ready to take over, too, but..." She paused, a touch of worry racing visibly across her face before she pressed on with reluctance, "Cairo fell ill. He's been doing better since, from what I've heard, but it was a scary moment." Minutely the corners of her lips rose into a little smile and her two-toned eyes sought his before glancing away. "Thane's been promoted too, which...means so have I. Lead Hunter after all."

The little grey wolf was running out of things to say before she needed to get on about the difficult part, her moment of embarrassment and shame. Her expression darkened as she thought about it, her near smile disappearing into a thin line while her eyes stared downward between them. Best just to get it over with. "I...I also had a...bit of an accident." She shifted, obvious embarrassment settling around her as she leaned to rest against her hip and somewhat extend her once-injured leg, revealing the healing scars that remained. She doubted Leon would be happy about them, even partially expected some anger at her for letting it happen, but she continued without giving him much time to interject. "I don't know who he was. He seemed fine enough, but something snapped and, well, you can see. Won't go asking strangers for help again." The last phrase was intoned with a touch of her old humor, finding herself more and more easily falling back into that role with him. Now that she had been reunited with him, now that she knew him safe and still in favor of her company if he sought her out first and foremost upon his return, she wished more than anything for things to go back to the way they were.

"By the way, you're going to have to find another den," Ash added, daring at last to meet his gaze fully, "I'm not giving yours back."

Leon I


11 Years
07-12-2013, 07:30 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2013, 07:30 PM by Leon I.)

Ashtoreth was positively stunning and beautiful and everything that Leon wanted in a girl. She was down to earth and refined, she fit the perfect wife card to a 'T', bt was that what he wanted from her? to make her his own? Yes, it was, more than anything, and Leon wouldn't admit it directly, both out of slight fear of rejection, and also out of the worry that he wouldn't be enough for her. He wanted her to have everything perfect in life, to never miss anything, if he was busy tying her down she would never have anything and chances were her life would end up being something she regretted, never would he do that to the woman he loved so, she needed a king, or a prince, or anyone that wasn't him. Someone capable of handing her the world on a silver platter.

Clearing his throat with audible ease the man would listen to every word that hung from her lips, that allowed him to understand her and hear what all had happened with her in the past few months. please tell me you fell in love so I don't have to break you. it was the solemn thought coursing through his mind, running rampant, he was such a selfish man to ask something so bold, to want something else entirely. Why can't you just know what I'm thinking? Even in his inner turmoil he was locked, stuck in a constant means of neutrality so that she could never know.

"Lead hunter? that's amazing Ash, I'm so proud of you, congratulations," he was happy that she had been able to find herself a spot in society, that Valhalla was offering her enough happiness to want to live and stay and breath and run and just exist in absolute perfection. A lead hunter, how fitting for her, how perfect. How marvelous! He was honestly elated for the woman, and the thoughts would not simply die down no matter the constant repetition. Happiness suited her well.

though, some other information would come and Leon would visibly freeze. In her time of happiness she had also experienced pain, "Did he...hurt you?" Honestly, the man didn't have the courage to ask her if the boy had raped her, and God forbid he had because then Leon would have to leave again, because he would be on a man hunt, and it would be one that could never stop. He would not let anyone get away with hurting her. Thoughts were stopped quickly as she brought up an entirely different subject. Letting the thoughts of the attacker go away a smile planted itself on his muzzle and offered a wry grin, "And if I don't want a new one?" the words were spoken without much direct thinking, hopefully, they hadn't been to glossed with his true meaning, however.



07-13-2013, 01:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It took a fraction of a moment and a partially confused stare for Ashtoreth to catch on to what it was Leon was actually asking. The seriousness of the topic was nearly too much for her, and quietly, her eyes shifting away from his, she drew her leg back, righting herself so that she could sit straight and naturally. "No," she answered simply, her tone a little quieter, "no, he didn't." It hardly made things any better though. In the moment, she had been too frightened for her life to give thought to the other sort of damages that the male wolf could have done to her. He was foe enough merely trying to tear a chunk of her leg off let alone completely taking advantage of her in the way only a male could. It was only after the fact that the thought had arisen, and she had set it aside quickly, though she knew it was one surely everyone would have wondered had they heard the story.

Leon was ever perceptive though. Perhaps for his own emotional stability as well as hers, he willingly went along with her change in subject, grinning wryly as she mentioned his den. My den, she thought stubbornly, though her possessiveness was only for play. Even when she thought of it it was still Leon's den, not hers. Time couldn't erase that fact as easily as it could others, particularly because of the significance he played in her life and how difficult his absence had been. But he was here now, she reminded herself, and would be, she hoped, for a long while yet.

When he answered her, still grinning, her brow quirked and her lips pulled easily into their own answering, curious smirk. Not want a new one? What exactly was he playing at there? Maybe her mind was working a little funny today, or maybe she was just too happy to see him, but it almost sounded like he may have intended to share. But that couldn't be right, could it? She had to be misreading his words somewhere, pulling from them a meaning that he did not intend. He had mentioned before having many other dens situated at random positions throughout the territory. Maybe he intended to go to one of those instead. "Then it's going to get awfully cold sleeping out in the snow," she answered mirthfully, joking about the whole thing since trying to make sense of it, and dealing with the truth he may have just suggested, only made her more confused.

A little moment of smiling hesitation lingered before she spoke, provoked somehow to when she otherwise might have left her statement as it was. "Though I guess I could share. For a night or so," she added, feigning reluctance about the offer. "You shared with me once, after all." And she remembered that day well. The storm, her pathetic attempt at hunting in it, Leon's perfect timing as he stole her away into the self same den that they currently discussed, sharing its closeness and warmth with her. It wasn't the fact she missed that moment that made her offer - no, it couldn't possibly be. She was merely trying to do a nice thing for her best friend. Yep. That's it.

Leon I


11 Years
07-27-2013, 11:31 PM

Leon was more than relieved to hear that the beast she spoke of had left her alone. It relieved him to know that she had not been harmed, but it definitely did not help the possessive part of him that was so underlying. He wanted that part of him to remain dormant but...would that happen? Would he ever try to possess her? No, he wouldn't. And that was why he refused to tell her how he felt. It would ultimately lead to things they both didn't need in their life. He offered her a warm smile and moved forward to lightly touch his nose to her shoulder, "I'm sorry, y'know. I should have been here to keep you safe," that much he was wrong for. Ashtoreth was never meant to be alone. To fight for herself.

a laugh frothed from beyond the man's inked lips and he nodded to her all in good jest. he was moving to fast and it was past time he digress a bit. Letting the words totter off and her joke warm the air he didn't intend on going any more into anything than was needed, "Or perhaps it'll be perfectly warm by a the edge of the waters...just watching the stars, hm?" the smooth words fell off his tongue with ease and he retreated to his silence, his understanding and the place that was always good for him to be in. After all, being around others was still foreign to him given the recent months.

he laughed lightly thinking about the time they had shared. the memory was not something hard for him to recall, nor was it unpleasant. he dearly enjoyed it...dearly wanted it more...dearly needed to stop. He cleared his throat and sped their conversation onward as was meant to be, "Perhaps, as I gave you one night, you'll give me one. Then I'll find my own to go to?" he offered a firm and easy resolution to their problems without allowing himself any more pleasure than was absolutely necessary. what was he getting himself into?



07-28-2013, 12:51 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had been so easy to keep up her strong, comfortable appearance around him when he didn't bother asking questions. She could pretend that everything she said, the way she acted alone, was the truth of it and that there was nothing at all wrong, nothing at all that weighed on her mind and ate up her thoughts. But he knew her too well. Or perhaps his thoughts surprisingly mirrored her own. Ashtoreth tried not think either were likely as Leon ventured a step closer and offered her shoulder a gentle consolate nudge, acknowledging that he should have been there for her. No, she wanted to counter as she resisted the urge to turn her face and brush her cheek against the fur of his neck, even though she had felt the same sting of those thoughts herself at the time she had returned to find his den empty. He had no responsibility to her she had had to remind herself, no real reason for her to be angry at him for seeking his family. But if even he acknowledged it himself, if he felt the same...could there have been some soundness to it after all?

The conversation was already moving, however, rolled along by Leon's quick witted answer. Under the stars, huh? That was how he thought it would be? Or was this another loaded suggestion that she had yet to figure out? It puzzled her, but in a rather pleasant way, easily drawing back her playful smile that mimicked his own. "Better hope the weather holds up," she answered only to be a pest. It was far too fun to tease him than just let things go. And it felt good to get back to how things were between them, playful banter and all.

Eventually the suggestion was made that one night be offered for the one she had been given so long ago, the refuge she had brought up. The lithe grey wolf nodded her head though the single night seemed so unfair. He was her best friend; she would have been happy to let him stay with her as long as he liked. But she couldn't bring herself to say it, couldn't bring herself to think that it might have been something that she wanted. But she could think about the time prior, and how enjoyable that had been. "Sounds like a plan," she answered, smiling. "Think you can find your way back to it?" It was as much an honest question as it was a gentle taunt. He had been gone for some time; it seemed reasonable that he might be capable of losing his bearings now that he had finally returned. And if he did, she planned on being there to help. She was glad to have him back and couldn't quite bring herself to be okay with parting from him just yet.