
Formal Training



1 Year
09-27-2014, 06:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Purposeful, the young wolf's large paws carried her at a steady pace through the rustling grasses and across the verdant plains. Her gaze, such a bright green that it rivaled even the stems below her feet, was set resolutely ahead upon an invisible border that she drew herself closer and closer to, determination apparent within the set of her jaw and the upward, confident lift of her head. This was no aimless wandering that brought her to these parts, no boredom that could only be cured with a little curious adventure. No, the brown, bear-like wolf was here to train.

Ever since the festival, Bera's determination to prove herself as a warrior had intensified. She had watched Thor participate in fights hosted by the woman who had ruled the pack known as Ebony, met with the patchwork male who had sparred against her brother and learned from him, and had her own dreams fueled by knowing she could have been a part of it all. She had been too young at the time, still round with puppy-like cuteness, but now she was nearing the end of her first year upon this earth, moving into the graceless stage of a yearling, and with it she hoped to move into formal training for the profession she had already deemed hers.

She had not met the woman who had put on the festival though Thor had told her about the Drottning. She had not sounded like an exceptionally large wolf as compared to the brawny vision her brother gave, but she had sounded strong and sure nonetheless, and the fact she had offered the spars in the manner she had was enough to pique Bera's interest. Of course, word traveled incredibly fast in these lands, and no sooner had Bera put it in her head that she wished to seek out packs around her that might offer the training she required, preferably in some sort of apprenticeship, she had heard of the masked woman's victory in her bid for a pack, and the news was met with excitement. This! This was her chance!

The border's scent, still fresh and new, gave the young brown wolf pause as she stopped clear of it, feeling just the slightest bit of nerves. She drew in a deep breath and released it slowly, quietly out of her muzzle. This was what she wanted; there was no reason to feel anxious about it. Everything was going to work out in the end. Comforting herself with her promising thoughts, Bera parted her jaws and called to the newly established pack, unsure who would come greet her but hoping they would be open to listening, and perhaps making an offer, for her request.

Katja the First


8 Years
09-28-2014, 08:37 AM

She had been rather popular lately. Between death threats and threats of war and vague undefined threats, and wolves wanting to join Yfir, Katja was managing to draw more attention to herself in the first days of Yfir than the very private wolf had drawn her whole time in Ebony even despite holding a festival and a blot.

So, when another call came from the borders for her it was not wholly unexpected. What was, however, was the obvious youth of the caller, and Katja's brows lowered thoughtfully. Why was a child, alone, calling for her? Were she accompanied by a full adult would not they have called for her? Or perhaps the child's voice was meant to lull her into complacency, to draw her recklessly into an ambush before her wounds had healed from her last battle.

It was with a healthy dose of caution that she ghosted toward the sepia-toned female. The pup was clearly less than a year old but appeared to be coming up on it fast if Katja was any sort of judge. "Are you lost?" was the viking's blunt question.




1 Year
09-30-2014, 10:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Bera made herself wait as still and quietly as she could, resisting the itch in her legs that continued to fill her with the need to pace or shift about anxiously. No matter what she told herself, this was still a big step in her life, her first move to actually do something for herself that would help her get to the point where she wished to be. It was a sad thing as well - made on impulse, she had not gotten a chance to say her goodbyes to her sisters or her brother - but maybe, if this woman was nice, she could go visit them still. She could keep those familial ties in her life somehow, and she only hoped they would understand.

It took the sight of the black-masked woman to finally give her ability to hold still, and her bright green eyes watched her progress as she came forward to greet her. Despite her brother's description, she hardly seemed prepared for meeting the newly instated pack leader. And though the woman approached with apparent caution, she thought there was still more to her than what her brother had made it sound in his telling.

Bera made herself take in another deep breath and released it as slowly as the first, giving the alpha woman time enough to come closer and address her first before she would say anything herself. The question she was asked, however, was not at all what she had anticipated. Her green eyes blinked with a touch of surprise, and a little she needed to set her thoughts straight again before she could answer. "" Was that what lost rogue pups did? "Actually, I'm Bera. I was wondering..." Oh goodness, how did one ask about an apprenticeship? Her ears turned slightly, uncertain, before she put on a brave face and boldly tried to finished what she had started to say. "I've come to ask if you would accept someone to apprentice in your pack. I'd like to learn to fight."

Katja the First


8 Years
10-01-2014, 10:13 AM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2014, 06:23 AM by Katja the First.)

Oh sweet bountiful Frigga, what have I gotten myself into? she asked the heavens silently as the pup spoke. Six yearlings and three children already with only four adults between the lot, and now another youth wanted to join for training. Katja studied her more closely, silver eyes piercing and intent. The earth-toned female was near enough a yearling as to not matter, old enough that it was unlikely there would be yet another set of vengeful parents out for Finnvi blood - she could only deal with one of those at a time. She was also missing much of her ears... a very old injury if Katja were any judge, but interesting nonetheless. Was this, perhaps, why she wished to join Yfir? To escape a bad situation?

Katja wasn't inclined to rescuing strays without some form of payment involved, and even a yearling would be an additional burden on a pack already overflowing with untrained yearlings. There was great potential there, though, in the sturdy youth before her. A strong young wolf who'd made the journey to an unknown pack, risking themselves on the way and risking rejection even when she made it, just to train to be a warrior.

"This is not a choice to be undertaken lightly, Bera," she spoke at last, gravely. "If you join Yfir it will not be to take training from us and then leave. You must truly mean to join us for always. Is that what you wish, Bera? It will not always be easy. You will be challenged, and you will be pushed to your limits - and past. Our ways are not always comfortable."




1 Year
10-06-2014, 05:14 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The answer she had been hoping for was not the one that she received, though obviously it was one that she needed. Her decision to join this pack of all of them had been made rather swiftly without much consideration of what the pack itself was like, and now that Katja was explaining it she could see that it as much more strict than she had been thinking. There was no free apprenticeship available here, nothing she could do to retain her independence from the pack. If she agreed to train, it was going to be as a member of Katja's pack and nothing less.

Admittedly, the thought was intimidating. Bera's expression became uncertain as she considered what all it would mean. She would forever live here within this pack, would need to make friends and even family among them in order not to feel lonely. She had no doubts she was going to miss her family more now knowing that she could not return to them the same way that she would have wished, but...she would get the kind of training she had longed for for so long. She drew in a careful breath and nodded her head resolutely. "If that's what it takes, then I'll join."

Katja the First


8 Years
10-09-2014, 05:28 AM

The child, to her credit, didn't simply brush all of Katja's warnings aside. She appeared to genuinely consider them as Katja waited silently for her answer. Finally, the young girl confirmed her decision to stay. Katja nodded with great solemnity. "We will be glad to have you, young Bera. You will have some free time for a few days as we better organize, but I intend to call the pack together shortly to assign mentors that we may begin training. Do attend. Not being there will mean no mentor, and delay your training." She gestured for Bera to join her on the Yfir side of the border before leveling a glance at her. "I will assist you in finding a den, if you wish. Come!" With that the slim alpha turned to bound away further into Yfir's territory.

- exit Katja -
