
Take a look at the one you're with


06-27-2013, 08:04 PM
Her plan had worked for the most part. His flesh grazed her fangs that were poised and ready to rip into him. Suddenly there was pressure on her distributed across her shoulder blades. A yelp slide from her clenched jaws as the air was forced from her lungs as his weight came crashing down on her. Her grip on his belly wasn't as strong as she would have liked, just simply pinching his skin but still drawing blood. Legs scrambled to get underneath her in order to keep herself from being completed pinned down. She was accustom to holding his weight, not quite so low to the ground, but her body had strengthened with time to accommodate him. Claws dug into the earth for traction as an idea popped into her head. Rolling her upper body to the left, she kept her hindquarters pressed against the earth to keep most of her belly protected. By rolling she hoped to dislodge or at least unbalance his hold on her shoulders. As soon as she executed this she would pushed herself forward, jaws agape to latch on firming to his belly. She was very aware of how easy it would be to grab a hold of his most prized possessions and end this now, but she'd rather keep those around, for her benefit not his. Should she be unable to slide forward after her roll, jaws would snap at his front left leg, intending to grab and hold until she could get out from under him. Never once did her defense waiver, tail remained tucked tightly, giving him as little to grab as possible, and while her ears were safe, she kept them pinned and her eyes narrowed, mostly out of anger. If her first attack worked then he would be forced to let her up or risk having his insides separated from him.

She was used to fighting in close quarters, with both of them being so large it was tiring to attack and jump back and attack again, she preferred to stay as close to her opponent as possible. The never ending battle with her brother and fine tuned her skills, but his as well. Typically their fights didn't mean anything, just typical sibling quarrels, but she could sense that something was different in this fight. She didn't want to know his intentions so she pushed herself harder, mind racing in cold, calculated ways to attack him. Knowing her brother as well as she did meant that this would end badly for her if she didn't come out on top. Muscles burned with effort, nostrils flared with every breath. Dirt clung to her pelt, mixing with the blood on her scruff that was being smeared across her neck. She wanted up off the ground, close quarters was one thing, but being trapped beneath her brother was an entirely different thing. Her body was in constant motion, but no uselessly as to tire herself out. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, when in reality each attack happened in seconds. How much time had passed? She didn't know or care.

Round 2/3

Attacks: Rolling her upper body to the left, she intended to either dislodge or unbalance his grip on her shoulders, thus giving her room to slide forward a few inches to get a better grip on his belly.

Defenses: tail still tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hindquarters pressed against the earth to protect her belly

Injuries: Small shallow cuts to chest. Bit to the scruff, slightly bruised shoulders from his impact

OOC- If I have the wrong leg mentioned that she would attack should her first plan fail then please let me know, I kinda confused myself while trying to envision which leg it would be if she rolled to the left XD


06-27-2013, 08:48 PM

She obviously wasn't going to go down without a fight. Most of the time, it was what had him coming back. He liked that she fought him, it made their fucking sessions that much more fun, but when she was being a brat, coming to spoil his fun and he was trying to teach her a lesson, it only worked to piss him off. Sure, he was turned on, as he always got whenever they got into the fight. How could he not, she was the hottest woman alive, especially when she was in her fighting mode. But at the moment, he wasn't concerned with fucking her. If he came out on top in this, then she could bet her sweet little ass she would get a good fucking from him. But he had to focus. He had to win first.

Obviously she hadn't been counting on his counter-attacking so quickly, her yelp of surprise telling him as much. A sneer twisted his pale jaws in satisfaction, watching her hit the ground with force beneath his massive paws. The hold she'd tried to grab on his belly had been momentary, the tips of her fangs glancing across the soft flesh, splitting it, but not causing any type of mortal injury. His quick thinking had saved him from possible irreversible harm, but he wasn't the only one thinking on his toes. Cata improvised as he tried to pin her, rolling her upper torso towards the left, dislodging his hold on her shoulders. Paws slipped from her shoulders to land on the ground beside her, no longer crushing her, but still keeping her trapped beneath him. She lurched forward, trying to make another grab towards his belly, but Demyan wasn't about to let that happen for a second time. Without hesitation he dropped his front half towards her in a crouch, stopping her advance towards her belly while at the same allowing his right foreleg to come straight into the path of her incoming teeth. Jaws clamped down at the crook of his leg, right where his elbow was. A snarl of annoyance ripped from his jaws as he extended his neck, looking for somewhere to grab on to. She tucked her tail in between her fine legs, keeping it well away from his hungry jaws. But that was alright. Any piece of her fineass flesh would do. Knowing that her shoulder blades would be a useless place to go for, since he?d over abused that certain area in their many fucking sessions, he settled for her scruff again. That should hurt, right?

Using his height again for advantage, the gargantuan man arched his neck, similar to the way horses often times did it, dipping his chin towards his throat for protection, lest she decided to rear up and grab at his throat. All the while jaws remained agape as he snaked forward, looking to take a grab from her scruff, only this time he planned on getting a tight hold, his goal to wrench her away from his leg and essential twist her onto her back, since she was already partially there. Cyan gems remained slit, but wide enough that he was still able to detect his target. Talons dug into the earth for better traction, muscles taut, plume streamline with his spine for balance. He would win this and show her just who the fuck the boss was around here.

Rounds: 3/3

Attack: Aims to grab onto her scruff, looking to use that hold to pull her away from her twist her onto her back, fully pinning her

Defense: Eyes narrowed, chin tucked, plume streamline for balance, muscles taut, talons dug into the dirt for traction

Injuries: Bite to the crook of the elbow, chest and shoulders and gashes to his underbelly

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06-28-2013, 03:30 PM
It was a dangerous thing underestimate her brother. As she lurched forward, he dropped his chest, causing her lower jaw to scrape the ground. A snarl curled back her lips. Damn him. Jaws still scored though, fangs clamped down on his foreleg, just at his elbow. It was mostly bone there, not a lot of tender muscle. Skull jerked to the left (away from his body), she intended to drag her fangs down his limb, tearing into his skin until she reached muscle about midway down his leg, she wouldn't break her dear brothers leg, just give him a little something to remember her by. As she did this, she righted herself, rolling back onto her chest but not before she felt his fangs make contact with her scruff, a growl rumbling through her chest. This would leave his grip more on the right side of her scruff rather than in the center of her neck. It wouldn't have been the first time he grabbed her there. Her scruff and shoulders were littered with scars from his bites, but a high pitched snarl of outrage still erupted from her. She was blind to see how her moved to attack her, only being able to feel each movement of his body. Mind calculated her next attack, she needed to get up or get him off her. Release his leg and jerk back, ripping her scruff even more? Or keep her hold? It was an obvious assumption that his chin would be tucked against his throat to prevent her from attacking him there. Beneath her she set her paws out wider on both sides of her body, making it harder for him to flip her over. A brief thought crossed her mind. His legs where spread wide for balance, but with her so close to him and partially under him, in order for him to reach her scruff with his jaws, at least some of his weight would have to rest more on his front paws, right? In a final effort, she reared back at a slight angle to the left, throwing all of her weight and strength into it. His grip on the righter side of her scruff gave her the ability to rear back without being stuck beneath his jaws. She intended to pull his front leg(the one she has a grip on) out from under him, across his chest. In his crouch, he left his rump in the air, without that leg to support him, gravity would attack him and send him toppling over on his side, even with his heavy weight her attack should unbalance him enough to get free, and if all went according to plan she could jump up and pin him. Or so she hoped.

God how long had it been since they fought like this? She couldn't remember. No matter how brutal they got, it still turned her on like crazy. And now that she was in her season too. God it was terrible, the only thing that kept her focused was her brothers fangs piercing her skin and his snarls filling her ears. She didn't doubt that he would be fucking her after this, she would be rewarded. No matter how mad she made him, he always came back for more. She knew exactly what it took, which buttons of his to push to keep him craving her, and now with her heat it was especially easy. The thought of their scene of on the beach flashed in her mind. A low throaty growl vibrated in her chest. She couldn't get distracted not now. She focused on her brother entirely, waiting for satisfying thud of his massive frame hitting the ground. Defenses strengthened with her burst of strength and her final move, ears flattened against her head tightly now that his jaws where so close, eyes remained narrowed, coral pools burning. He needed to learn just who his sister was.

Round 3/3

Attacks: Slide her grip on his leg down, dragging her fangs across his flesh in order to reach a more tender spot and then jerk his leg across his chest to pull it out from under him and hopefully send him toppling over

Defenses: Tail still tucked, legs spread wide even while crouched to make it harder to flip her, ears still pinned and eyes narrowed

Inuries: Small shallow cuts to chest. Bite to the scruff, slightly bruised shoulders from his impact. More bites to her scruff. Scrape to her lower jaw

Edit: Accidently hit post instead of preview before I was done, Azzy gave me the okay to finish it. Edited on 6/28

OOC- I'm assuming that his rump is still up in the air since you only stated that he dropped his front half into a crouch

The Judge


06-30-2013, 03:34 PM

Cateleya vs. Demyan

Round 1


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 7 / 10

Full points for tucked chin, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, balanced tail and firm stance.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for an efficient multiple move attack.

INJURIES: 9 / 10

Bite wound to chest.

Round one Demyan Total: 44 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 4 / 10

Full points for pinned ears, balanced/tucked tail, narrowed eyes.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for an efficient attack


Scratches on chest. Bite wound to scruff.

Round one Cataleya Total: 36 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 4 / 10

Full points for tucked chin, taut/spread stance and balanced tail.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for an efficient attack.

INJURIES: 6 / 10

Bite wound to chest, shoulders and belly.

Round two Demyan Total: 34 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Full points for tucked tail, pinned ears, narrowed eyes and body position.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for an efficient multiple move attack


Scratches on chest. Bite wound to scruff. Bruised shoulders.

Round two Cataleya Total: 40 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 7 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, tucked chin, balanced tail, taut/anchored stance.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for an efficient multiple move attack.

INJURIES: 5 / 10

Bite wound to chest, shoulders, belly and elbow.

Round three Demyan Total: 40 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 6 / 10

Full points for tucked tail, spread legs, pinned ears and narrowed eyes.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for an efficient multiple move attack.


Scratches on chest. Bite wounds to scruff. Bruised shoulders. Scraped lower jaw.

Round three Cataleya Total: 41 / 50


Player1: 118 /200

Player2: 118 /200

And the winner is...

Demyan AND Cataleya!
No one has to back down but they do have to cease fighting and call it a draw.


Demyan- Bite wound to chest, shoulders, belly and elbow.

Cataleya- Scratches on chest. Bite wounds to scruff. Bruised shoulders. Scraped lower jaw.

You guys both did a great job! I'm extremely impressed by the level of clarity you have in your posts and your perfect powerplaying scores. For both of you I would suggest making more complex attacks. For Cataleya I would suggest including an equalized stance in your defenses.


07-01-2013, 12:42 PM

Enough! He snarled, the breath being driven out of his body as his sister pulled his right foreleg out from beneath him, the lack of balance sending the gargantuan man plummeting to earth beneath him with a hard thump. He stayed on the ground, staring up at his now bloodied sister, a snarl curling his now blood-stained lips. They hadn't gotten anywhere in this fight; both of them refused to give up. Demyan was tired of it. The giant brute rolled himself back onto his paws, taking a moment to raise himself, grimacing as his injured forelimb protested against the movement before coming to stand at his full height, towering over Cataleya. Cyan gems narrowed to dangerous slits, flickering to the red woman not to far away and back to his sister. Get the fuck out of my face. He snarled huskily, audits pinning themselves against his skull. She needed to get out of his line of sight, out of range from him. Now. He couldn't stand to be around her for another second. Even the tantalizing scent of her heat wasn't enough to persuade him to want her to stay. He wanted her gone.

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07-01-2013, 01:23 PM

His words thundered in her ears. Fury radiated off them both. She still got the satisfaction of watching him hit the earth with a thud. A snarl curled back his lips, earing going flat against his skull. The grimace on his face didn't go unnoticed. She pushed herself up, dirt and blood matting her pelt. Get the fuck out of my face. Eyes narrowed, her own lips curling back in a snarl. "Fuck you." Her wounds stung, pain throbbing through her neck and shoulders. Her brother still towered over her but she still rose to her full thirty six inches, coral pools blazing, her chin tucking slightly still. She wanted nothing to do him. She wanted him as far away from her as possible. Rage seeped from every pore of her massive frame. They both knew eachother to well, were to evenly matched to get anywhere in a fight, it only ever left them angry with pent up frustration that needed to be burned. A growl rumbled from her jaws, a snarl remaining on her pretty face, blood smearing across her maw. The flickering if his gaze reminded her of the woman that had fallen silent behind the pair. She had hung around this long? Cat thought she would have surely lost interest or ran out of patience and went to find solace elsewhere. Ears pinned against her skull, waiting for her brothers next move to leave.

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07-01-2013, 01:34 PM


your body is a wonderland

Levada had watched with interest as the titans had battled together right in front of her. Each wolf powerful, but to their dismay each was just as powerful as the other. Evenly matched they just wound up bloodied and bruised. In more than just the physical way. Sometimes the ego would be hurt much worse than the body and in that sense both were injured for want to defeat the other. Levada had a bit less to fear, since the both of them were injured she could outrun either with ease. Not that she planned to.
She had been planning on congratulating a victor, instead with the tie she wondered if se would find the solace she had originally been seeking. Her body as ready as ever for a partner. In an echo of the pair's growls a whine fell from her lips as she could see the attention they gave each other dwindle. Hopefully the bigger brute would be forced to leave. She wasn't sure what words would be best uttered so her maw remained silent. Her distance was kept as well, she would just wait to be claimed now.

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07-01-2013, 04:32 PM

For once in his damned life, he wasn't looking to fuck Cataleya. She had pushed him too far this time. She had gone way above and beyond their usual fights. She gone way too fucking far this time. He didn't want to see her face, as mesmerizing and attractive as it was, he didn't want to see her. The urge to rip her a good one across the pretty little face of hers was still boiling white hot in his veins. They were too evenly matched, but neither of them had come away unscathed. His leg was drumming, the blood pounding hard against his skin as it oozed from the wound, decorating his grey coat in matted crimson. He could only wonder how dangerous he looked covered in blood, cyan gems burning with lust and the need for blood. No thanks. That's what the red beauty over there is for. He turned his attention to the red woman not to far from them, wondering if she would still be up for the little session once he got rid of his sister.

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07-01-2013, 05:00 PM

She listened to his words, amusement slowly replacing the rage that coated her features. A bark of laughter even slipped from her jaws. She swung away from her brother, turning to set her sights on the red woman, who let only a whine slide from her jaws. Paws slide forward with powerful grace, locking the woman in her sights. Audits pushed forward, a smile tugging at one side of her mouth. "If you're offer is still on the table, I'd be more than happy to oblige." Tones fell in a husky purr. Despite the pain that tugged her muscles, she was more than willing for a roll in the hay with the woman. Who knows, maybe a good tongue lashing would be perfect remedy to her wounds. She gave her brother her face. He wouldn't attack her, it would only anger him further to not be able to beat her, and he was beyond the point of fucking her. She stopped just beside the woman, her massive frame blocking out the petite dame from her brothers view. Crown tipped down, as she put on her feminine charm. With a gentle touch she offered a soft bump of her muzzle to the womans haunches, nostrils flaring as she took the perfume of her heat. Her scent was intoxicating. Coral gems peered up through lashes at the woman, awaiting her verdict.

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07-01-2013, 05:43 PM

She ignored him, moving away to focus on the red woman who's name neither of them knew. A whine slipped from the russet woman as her need screamed inside her body. Demyan was more than happy to oblige to her need, but his sister was already offering up her services. He snarled in annoyance, audits pinning themselves against his skull as he watched her stupid bitch of a sister try and seduce the woman who he was originally going to fuck. He was tempted to fight her again for the red woman, but in the end he decided she wasn't worth his time. Neither of them. He already had a partially fucked up leg to show for it, he wasn't about to fuck anything else up for a simple piece of ass when there were plenty of other bitches around this place that he could fuck. Good luck fucking my sister with that whore-ish tongue of hers. He snarled at them, turning around, careful to favor his injured limb as he made his exit. Cataleya could have her. He would find his own bitch to fuck. Without interruptions.


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07-04-2013, 01:25 AM


your body is a wonderland

At first it seemed like she would be getting the larger male that had originally answered her desperate call. She batted her eyelids at him, but the thought was quickly dashed away as it was obvious the she wolf had no intentions of letting her go with the brother. A smile fell on her lips at the thoughts of the more feminine experience. Yes, the she wolf was the better decision. She was not upset about her wish coming true.
Her larger frame blocked the other wolf rom her view, not to her unhappiness. She was fine with being able to concentrate on only one. She could feel the fire being stoked, only to be intensified with the unexpectedly soft touch of the pale nose. A sweet wimper fell from her delicate lips as the touch sent her abdomen aflame. She attempted to keep her composure, limbs barely kept from shaking in anticipation. Gladly would she take her offer. As you wish, mistress. Her words lustfully calm.

Tagged: name | Word Count: ###


07-05-2013, 02:56 PM

The woman didn't object. A soft whimper fell from her lips, her body trembled, barely noticeable. Her brothers words went ignored, he loved her 'whore-ish tongue'. As you wish, Mistress. Lusty words spilled from the womans jaws. A devlish smile curled her features. Towering over the smaller woman, her touch became more demanding, nose pushing into the woman, insisting she roll onto her back. Gentle nips cascaded her, her harsh bits saved for her brother, after all she didn't want to break the tiny wolf. A growl rumbled in her chest, it lacked hostility, taking on a wanton tone. She didn't typically choose females. But hey, why not mix it up a bit. She would persist until the woman gave in and did want she wanted. Then the fun would begin. Uninterrupted by her brother. The two would have their fun, exploring eachother for the time being, then going their separate ways, no strings attacked.

-fade to black-

OOC- Not sure how to play this one out XD

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