
Treat Other As You Wish To Be Treated (Claiming?)


06-15-2013, 07:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 04:27 PM by Yin.)

Their family had been destroyed, their home completely desecrated and still the twins had come out on top. They were strong; they were going to survive. The pair had trekked far from the lands of their birth in search of a new pack to become a part of. It wasn?t an easy thing, trying to find a new group of wolves to take in the two. Yin?s aggressive nature wasn?t often welcome for fear that she could turn on anyone in instant. Despite the truth held to those worries, no one was yet able to realize that with Yang at her side, Yin wasn?t a danger to anyone. He was the only one who could curb her violent tendencies, bring her back from the point of no return. They were polar opposites and yet the harmony between them was unmistakable. Where she was impulsive he was analytical. Her aggressive nature was balanced out by his calm disposition. She trusted no one but her brother while he always allowed others the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes they couldn?t stand each other but they would never trade each other for anyone in the world.

The days of their travels blurred into weeks and suddenly those weeks had morphed into months. Yin hadn?t noticed how much time had passed since they had left their homelands; it was all the same to her. Her frustration at not finding a pack that would take them was beginning to eat away at her almost to the point where she was done with searching for a pack. They didn?t need one. They?d been doing just fine on their own. But Yang was adamant that they shouldn?t give up and so Yin yielded, continuing to search for a new family with her brother. Their months long trek finally landed them in a new place, much bigger and extremely more populated than any other they had reached. They hadn?t even set paw in it and already her nostrils were clogged with the scents of the new place, so many wolves it was hard to distinguish who was who. What kind of wolves lived here? Were they too scared of Yin?s power? She could hardly care. Those who feared her were better off without her. They clearly didn?t understand what kind of ally they could have on their side. The ivory she-wolf and her obsidian twin brother approached what she assumed to be border of the lands. The soil their paws struck was dark, charred and the smell of blood permeated the air. Yin recognized the scent almost immediately. A battlefield. Their parents had taken them to one back in China as pups, to show them what kind of damage their kind could cause if they fell under the wrong paws. She would never forget it.

The place was barren, void of any sign of life. Old skulls and rotting carcasses dotted the landscape, offering up a clue as to what transpired across these bloodied lands. What kind of place was this? Did the wolves here live a life of war? Did the rest of the land look like this, soaked in blood with the decaying bodies of the unlucky to decorate it? Yin was uneasy, her nape bristling with agitation, talons kneading at the soil, her icy and sea green eyes surveying the landscape around them. At her side Yang was the perfect picture of calm, his body completely relaxed as he allowed his darkened skull to tilt towards the heavens, a smooth howl slipping his from ebon lips to reach out and hopefully find the ears of any nearby wolves. After a moment he dropped the call, his gaze settling on his sister. She leveled her dual-toned eyes on her brother, pressing her porcelain frame against his. He returned the gesture, pressing his nose into her shoulder. She took a breath, pressing her own nose into his shoulder before turning away, her gaze refocusing on the battlefield, waiting to see if anyone would decide to show up and perhaps enlighten them on where exactly they were.

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06-15-2013, 07:18 PM
Yang walked onto the crushed grass, thoughts of his old home upon his mind. Maybe he would find a new home to call his, as long as he was with Yin, everything would turn out right. He stopped in the middle of the barren land and let loose a smooth howl from his ebony maw. It faded to a light whisper before stopping. He could feel the tension coming from Yin beside him. Be calm sister. First impressions are some of the most important. Her bulky frame leaned against his, like it had many times before. He leaned back, a little comfort in the uneasiness of the moment. His gaze stayed strong, unwavering in the dawn light. He licked the top of Yin' s head lovingly and looked around for any sign of life.


06-24-2013, 08:13 PM
The brute walked calmly at a normal to slow pace. White lines ears were perked up as ther audits turned this way and that. No sound was heard except the sounds of fighting going on off into the distance. Wishes of safety did Thane give as he listened. How one inflicts lain on another for pain in return...what goes around comes around. Sometimes Thane wondered what would happen if he himself had to fight. At four tears of age he himsel felt quite old but was far from it. Perhaps the make's mind was just beyond its years. Aqua he eyes blinked as he looked back forward. Lest he be killed even. The brute hasn't seen Ookami in a while but he had seen their children frolicking about. Their pups were growing into yearlings yet all still at two months of age; on the verge of three months.

A smile appeared on the wolfs maw as he thought about his beloved and children. He wouldn't put his life in danger unles if it was sacrificing his own for another. But then what would happen to his children...his mate? Fatherless...and a widow; such a displeasing thought. With a shake if his head the brute focused on two figures ahead. His aqua blue gaze averted to the sky as a shadow cast over him. A golden eagle flew well above him at ease and quiet. The smile never ceased as he knew his best friend and companion was right by him. Thane was quiet amused by the fact that a few feathers were missing on the eagle. Ryker probably got to Cyril again and "preyed" him.

As Thane neared the pair he noticed how similar yet different they looked. It sort of reminded him of his sister Hureia and himself. He was black with white lines ears while she was white with black lines ears. Yet both carried the same dark gray x pattern down their back; and the dark gray legs. White lines ears perked up once more as he stood before the two wolves.

"Hello, my name is Thane Tsarev. May I ask of your reason to be on such treacherous soil?" he said before having Cyril perch on his shoulder.

The golden eagle then intrlduced himself as well.

"Tis a pleasure, Cyril Tsarev is my name." he said before giving a small respectful bow towards the two.


06-26-2013, 11:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 04:26 PM by Yin.)

Her brother spoke calmly to her, allowing his own frame to press against hers in return, his tongue dancing across her crown in a gentle caress as he reminded her that first impressions were everything. He had a point, but then again she wasn't out trying to impress anybody. If they wanted her and her brother in their pack, than they would have to take her as she was or they wouldn't take her at all. She had no problem walking away from a potential pack if they had a problem with the way she was. She would always have her brother and that was all that mattered. She didn't need anyone else.

The moments seemed to drag on, turning into what felt like an eternity before an incoming breeze hit the siblings, bringing along with it the scent of an unknown male. Yin automatically bristled, a low growl rumbling in her chest. The scent was unfamiliar, but it smelled like pack. The brute coming towards them belonged to a pack. What could he possibly be doing out here, in a place riddled of death and destruction? Did he not have a home to go to and a family to tend to? The ivory woman watched with wary, mismatched eyes as an obsidian, grey marked brute padded towards them. A call from above caught her attention, crown tilting upwards to spot the golden figure of what appeared to be an eagle. The massive aerial predator swooped down, coming to rest at the man's shoulder as he introduced himself as Thane Tsarev, the bird Cyril Tsarev. She watched the unusual pair, bi-colored gems flickering between the two. Since when did eagles travel with wolves?

My name is Yin and this is my brother Yang. She gently bumped her brother with her shoulder before turning back to the duo. Where are we? He smelled of pack, so obviously he lived in the area. Surely he would be able to provide some information as to where they were and just exactly what kind of wolves lived in these parts.

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07-06-2013, 06:21 AM

After a little while of waiting in the skull ridden lands, the scent of a male and an ....eagle?, wafted upon Yang' s nose. Yang surveyed the area carefully, ears twitching and nose flaring, he looked around. It wasn't long until he sighted the pair. The brutes scent was of many wolves, signifying he was of a pack. Whatever was he doing here? Yang looked at him,not threateningly, but not completely welcoming either.

The eagle above uttered a shriek and continued to fly towards him and Yin. The eagle showed no sign of attack or unkindness, so Yang relaxed a tiny bit. The dark haired brute stopped a few wolf-lengths away and intoduced himself politely. Hello, my name is Thane Tsarev. May I ask of your reason to be on such treacherous soil? The eagle introduced himself aswell as Cyril Tsarev, and performed a short bow.

Yin wasn't long in replying, introducing them both to the duo and asking them where we were. She bumped him on the shoulder while saying this. Yang chuckled and smiled quickly before saying As you have already heard, I am Yang and this is Yin. We do not know where we are exactly, but we would enjoy some information about these lands if you wouldn't mind sharing. Yang bumped his hip into her side as a gentle reminder to be polite and respectful. He held his blue gaze to the brutes with a smile.


Ezekiel I


07-06-2013, 04:16 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


Since Ezekiel had come to Alacritia, it was safe to say that no one rested in peace. His claws stained slightly brown from uprooting the dead, he'd sought out every grave and tomb in the lands and claimed the contents as his own, stealing their flesh and bones and devouring them without mercy. Nothing was sacred. Nothing was missed. Only the echoes of the tortured souls cursing his name.

The massive bearded vulture glided over the battlefield, riding the currents on wings reaching a little over nine feet in span, obsidian upon their tops and lighter upon their bottoms. The shadow he cast was large, pitch, and threatening, and on this day it fell with ease upon the congregation of socializing lupines.

Sharp ears had captured their dialogue and only now did he take the time to reply, deranged and dry cackles slipping from his beak as he circled above them, just out of range from any physical contact even by jumping.

"Treacherous? Treacherous?

Oh how tasteless you are!

I should set you good and straight

with a well-placed scar!

"An oasis in a desert

that's barren of bones--

how dare you insult her

in such disrespecting tones!"

It was then that he spotted what he deemed a scrawny and insignificant bird upon the dark wolf's back and immediately clacked his beak with disgust at such a creature.

"And this? What's this?

This turd-like little thing?

Missing a few feathers?

Why not a whole wing?"

Ezekiel's wings flapped once or twice as his gaze remained fixed upon his new adversary, gliding flight becoming quicker and a bit more frenzied above them, dark shadow still cast down below. The bearded vulture held an extreme distaste for other birds, and this was by no means any different. The others could wait--for now, he had a threat to eliminate.


07-06-2013, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2013, 08:12 PM by Thane.)
His small friendly smile appeared once more as he stood there. The dame introduced herself as Uin and her brother as Yang. She then asked where they were. Waiting a moment he let her brother Yang speak. He introduced themselves once more before asking for some information of these lands.

"It is a pleasure to meet you two, Ying and Yang. And we are now in the Battlefield. As for information on these lands I have that. There are a few packs around here. Things have been changing so I am not sure if there has been something new happen but I reside in Valhalla. I also know the name of the other packs but not too much information. All I know is if my own mainly. If you seek information of Valhalla that is what I can give you two.

White lines ears perked up as Cyril looked up. The brute's aqua blue eyes turned upward towards the sky. A shadow had fallen over them as a cackle had reached Thane's ears.

It was a bird; a rather odd one yet interesting. It mocked his choice of words and threatened to give him a scar. A small smile appeared on the Maka's face. Rather amusing wasn't it. He said something about insulting. Insulting who? The battlefield? Of course this may be the burd's dinner plate he was insulting. Then did it aim it's words at Cyril. The brute looked at his companion; he wasn't missing that many feathers. Just a few from the pups playing with him.

The pair sat there before replying. Thane took a moment or two to think if what to say. Processing each word through his mind and planning out his sentences.

" If it is a scar in which you seek; then why don't you lay one upon me with your beak." he said, trying to rhyme as the bird did.

Then did he clear his throat and talk without rhymes.

"I do hope you have a good reason to be flying around here mocking me and my choice of words. Then turn to my friend and insult him as well. It is rather amusing how you say those things but I could care less. I speak for myself but my friend speaks for himself as well. Before I turn back to these two is there anything else you have to say? My ears are open. I expect more of those rhymes and perhaps an insult here and there." he say with a smile.

"turd looking thing? I must say that's a new one Master Thane." Cyril said with a chuckle

"And to answer your questions on my feathers they have fallen in the small jaws of puppies. But I'm quite fine with sparing a few feathers to that cause. I quite enjoy being tackled by those little fireballs way deep deep deep deep deep deeeeep down." he said before turning to smile at Thane.


07-07-2013, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 04:25 PM by Yin.)

It was unusual for the white dame to ever speak up before her brother, but he was taking far too long for own patience and so she spoke up first, introducing herself and her brother to the man named Thane, who smelled of pack. Moments after she'd spoken Yang spoke up, introducing themselves again as he asked Thane if he could provide them with some useful information about the land that they had set paw on. But before the dark man before them could answer, a giant bird came flying into the area, circling the trio of wolves and eagle, spitting out rhymes that made absolutely no sense, to her at least. Haunches folded beneath the large woman, mismatched gems flickering up the rhyming bird, watching as it harassed the man Thane and his companion. Well, there went finding out about the lands. Yin rolled her eyes, bumping her shoulder back into Yang in return for his hip bump, her annoyance beginning to boil in her blood.

Talk like this


07-07-2013, 02:57 AM

After Yang had spoken before, a large bird shadowed the trio of wolves and has moved them with rhymes and insults. Yang looked calmly up at it and smiled. What could a few insults do in the face of many, and a spoonful of feathers missing, for a good cause as you hear. Yang chuckled and looked back down again. Thank you for information. What else can you tell us of this 'Valhalla'? Yang looked into the brutes aqua gaze. He could feel tension on his fur coming from his sister. He shifted a few paws so he was right beside her. He intertwined his white tail with her black to comfort her. His sky blue eyes locked on to Thane.

Ezekiel I


07-07-2013, 02:27 PM

The male paused and began an attempt to rhyme, but Ezekiel would have none of it. Halfway through the male's speech, the gargantuan bird intervened to cut him off, scoffing harshly and beating his wings more forcefully to send gusts down to the lot of them.

"No, no, no!

Just stop right now!

How dare you slander rhyme

with the intelligence of a cow!

"A fool, an idiot--

a loser you are!

With that slow of wit

I'm sure you won't go far!"

A secondary barrage of words reached him, and he cackled, a hiss in the undertones of the crackling sound. What an absolutely bland and stupid set of individuals. Unintelligent and lacking wit, he was uncertain how these lupine creatures survived--especially this bunch of them with their downright thick skulls. He glared down at the dark brute with malice.

"Reason? I need reason?

When you insult my home?

Slander and threaten it

when it feeds me my bones?

"No, let's reconsider--

switch to an analysis of you.

Look at you there,

with no clue!

"Acting like some saint,

with 'patience' undying,

unaware of reality

and those you've left sighing.

"So don't act like you can read me

like a wide-open book

when you can hardly read reality

with such an illiterate look."

Quite frankly, Ezekiel hated individuals like this. They believed themselves to be saints or ultimate predictors of one's personality when in reality, they knew nothing. They were almost unrealistic in their very creation and severely lacking any depth. If there was one, and only one personality type that could be seen through like glass, this dark brute's would be the one. He had also blatantly ignored the other wolf, caring not for his stupidity, either.



07-07-2013, 02:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:57 PM by Thane.)
The bird replied with disdain towards his rhyming. He even threw in that Thane had said it with an intelligence of a cow. That brought a small smile to his face. Amusing were his words but no hurt did they inflict. Then the bird continued to call him a fool, an idiot, and a loser. Then saying that he won't go far. Straightening up did he prove the bird wrong. He had gone further than he had since he lost his family and pack. They're all dead while he is still here and alive prospering. Listen did he as the male kept his white lined ears perked up. Coward, the bird stayed high enough to avoid an attack. And threaten to inflict a scar did he but did not. Cowardice and abrupt choice of words. Then it kept talking; saying something about him acting saintly and about reading him like an open book.

With the smile on his face did he reply; thinking everything through once more.

"And what makes you think cows are stupid? Cows can be smart. But I judge my own intelligence thank you very much good sir. And then you call me an idiot an a loser. I thank you for your honest words and I shall take those words as if they were a compliment. So thank you. It isn't I who thinks of myself an idiot but you. And I have no care in how you view me. Whether it be related to a cow or an idiot. And next is how I act. Hmm funny how you say I act 'saintly'. It is not saintly but calm and collected. I like to keep myself organized to my own liking. And who said that I read you like an open book? And you say I won't go far while I've gone far in my own life since the past. How can you judge that sir? I have no care to what your interests are for it is not my business; but the way you have intruded in on us spitting out every thought you have out your beak." he said calmly without so much as a raise in tone of his voice.

Then did Thane catch Cyril mutter under his breath.

"Oh, the pigeon has more to say. Great." he said before receiving a glare from Thane.

Turning to Yang did Thane then answer his question.

"I would be delighted to tell you. The current alpha is Chrysanthe Adravendi. She is a great leader and I can assure you that she rules Valhalla well. We are a pack that is open pretty much to anyone and we're very welcoming. Any wolf may join and it doesn't matter who you are, what you are, or your skills either. If you can't hunt maybe you can fight. There's always a place for someone and their own little niche in the pack. Your skills are accepted for how they are but we like to see others improve as well. Aim for the better is what so think. Keep on trying and get better and better. But I myself can assure you that I myself quite enjoy the place. I've been living here for a few years; and due to Cyril's few missing feathers I have even been blessed with a family. But most of all Valhalla is a family, a big family. Pretty much no matter hat name you come from the pack stands together and we support one another. I can't really describe that part since it's sort of unique in it's own way. But we stand strong together and proud. If you have any questions or have an interest in joining I can accept you or the betas can. U less if you would like to talk to the alpha herself. If you have no interest it's perfectly fine and I respect your decision. But in case you would like to speak to the betas they are Aislyn and Cormalin. I'm the delta but I am able to accept wolves into the pack as well. So what shall it be Yin and Yang? Any thoughts? Comments? Interests? " he said with the never ceasing small friendly smile.


07-07-2013, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 04:24 PM by Yin.)

This situation had completely backfired on them, or at least for Yin anyways. Instead of getting the answers that she wanted, she was being subjected to listen to the pointless ramblings of an idiotic bird as it attempted to insult the man Thane and his companion Cyril. Jaws gritted together, daggers gnashing against one another, audits flattening against her skull. Why wouldn't the damn bird shut up and get the hell out. She was tired of its damn rhyming. It had to business being here; it was only taking up her time, wasting it instead of actually making it worthwhile. Her brother's voice piqued up beside her. Of course he would want to talk to the damn bird. Couldn't it just leave already? She would've snapped the damn thing in half if hadn't been flying well out of reach.

Pale lips curled back over ivory daggers, a growl working its way from her larynx, mismatched gems flickering up to the stupid rhyming bird. A sudden brush at her side and the feeling of her brother's tail intertwining with hers told her that he could sense her tension. His touch calmed her somewhat, but it didn't make her irritation at the flying bag of feathers. Audits rotated with attention, pulling her gaze away from the singing bird as she focused on Thane, listening intently as he described his home Valhalla. I would be delighted to tell you. The current alpha is Chrysanthe Adravendi. She is a great leader and I can assure you that she rules Valhalla well. We are a pack that is open pretty much to anyone and we're very welcoming. Any wolf may join and it doesn't matter who you are, what you are, or your skills either. If you can't hunt maybe you can fight. There's always a place for someone and their own little niche in the pack. Your skills are accepted for how they are but we like to see others improve as well. Aim for the better is what so think. Keep on trying and get better and better. But I myself can assure you that I myself quite enjoy the place. I've been living here for a few years; and due to Cyril's few missing feathers I have even been blessed with a family. But most of all Valhalla is a family, a big family. Pretty much no matter hat name you come from the pack stands together and we support one another. I can't really describe that part since it's sort of unique in it's own way. But we stand strong together and proud. If you have any questions or have an interest in joining I can accept you or the betas can. U less if you would like to talk to the alpha herself. If you have no interest it's perfectly fine and I respect your decision. But in case you would like to speak to the betas they are Aislyn and Cormalin. I'm the delta but I am able to accept wolves into the pack as well. So what shall it be Yin and Yang? Any thoughts? Comments? Interests?

Jeez pack wolves talked a lot when asked about their packs. The only important parts about his speech that she'd caught was that the alpha was named Chrysanthe Adravendi and that he or other higher ranking wolves other than the alpha could accept the siblings. When he asked if they had any comments or concerns, the pale she-wolf turned to look towards her brother, having done sufficient talking for the day. It didn't sound like a very appealing pack, but then again, not many packs appealed to Yin anymore. Frankly she was tired of trying to join packs, but she would see what her brother would say. She could find herself apart of this Valhalla soon if her brother so decided that they could fit into their ranks.

Talk like this

Ezekiel I


07-07-2013, 04:39 PM

The male began to launch into some boring lecture that the bird had absolutely no time nor patience for, and he simply wasn't going to have it. If this brute thought he could endlessly lecture the avian, he was both stupid and wrong.

"Out, get out

of my battlefield, you fiends!

No loitering here

on this bloody scene!"

Immediately after his dialogue, blood-curdling, ear-piercing screeches tore from his larynx with insane volume, making any further dialogue nearly undecipherable with the pain the horrendous noise would likely bring to the ears of the other. He was going to have them driven out of his battlefield, and that much he was sure of. There was no point in them being here if they weren't fighting. In addition to likely killing their ears, the gargantuan, Roc-rivaling bird beat his massive wings to send further irritating gusts down at them, swooping back to his safe altitude to deliver beat after beat upon them.



07-11-2013, 03:38 PM

Yang ignored the menacing bird as best he could, tuning into what Thane had to say which was quite a lot. I would be delighted to tell you. The current alpha is Chrysanthe Adravendi. She is a great leader and I can assure you that she rules Valhalla well. We are a pack that is open pretty much to anyone and we're very welcoming. Any wolf may join and it doesn't matter who you are, what you are, or your skills either. If you can't hunt maybe you can fight. There's always a place for someone and their own little niche in the pack. Your skills are accepted for how they are but we like to see others improve as well. Aim for the better is what so think. Keep on trying and get better and better. But I myself can assure you that I myself quite enjoy the place. I've been living here for a few years; and due to Cyril's few missing feathers I have even been blessed with a family. But most of all Valhalla is a family, a big family. Pretty much no matter hat name you come from the pack stands together and we support one another. I can't really describe that part since it's sort of unique in it's own way. But we stand strong together and proud. If you have any questions or have an interest in joining I can accept you or the betas can. U less if you would like to talk to the alpha herself. If you have no interest it's perfectly fine and I respect your decision. But in case you would like to speak to the betas they are Aislyn and Cormalin. I'm the delta but I am able to accept wolves into the pack as well. So what shall it be Yin and Yang? Any thoughts? Comments? Interests? Yang listened carefully, his ear pinned to Thane. All in all, this pack called Valhalla seemed nice. Judging from what Mr.Tsarev had told the balanced pair the Alpha, called Chrysanthy Adravendi, seemed just. He seemed to be happy in the pack. One question was bugging Yang though. Where would Yin and he fit into this 'family'? After a quick moment of thought, Yang said to Thane: Valhalla seems wonderful, I must say, but if I and Yin were to seek acceptance and received it, how would we fit in? What are the laws d the pack, the guideli- Yang was cut off by the shrieking and beating of wings that the dreadful bird had started. Out, get out
of my battlefield, you fiends!
No loitering here
on this bloody scene!
Yang stared at the greedy, mischievous bird and shook his head. lines. Perhaps we should continue our conversation elsewhere, perhaps near your border? We could perhaps see what your lands are like. Apart from my questions, your pack seems wonderful, and we'd like to join. Yang quickly rested his muzzle upon Yin's head, ebony upon milk white. His emerald gaze upon Thane's.


07-22-2013, 10:47 AM
White lines ears turned back towards the two wolves. All of the commotion with the deranged bird in the background was a but distracting. Yet the brute droned it out as he listened to Yang speak. But only before then did the bird scream at them to get out of the battlefield. A small growl of annoyance emitted from the man. He could be here if he wanted to. Who was this bird to be calling all the shots? Aqua blue eyes never left the brute before him. Thane would ignore the bird from now on. Turnin towards his companion did he see Cyril ignoring the bird as well. Then came Ying's words. He proposed the idea of continuing this on the borders. That was a splendid idea. And then he said they would like to join. With a nod Thane agreed; it would be best to finish their chat without a yapping bird all up in their business and it's screech in their ears.

"That sounds like a splendid idea. I also think it's best to continue our chat without the background noise hm?" he said before taking a few steps away from the pair.

After a foot or so, Thane turned around to look back at them. A smile on his face is what showed as Cyril flew off his shoulder into the sky. The golden eagle would ignore the bird as he flew above his master. Beak up and eyes glued on the prize, his friend.

Hopefully they would reach the borders after the ringing of the bird's screech in their ears finally stopped.

-exit Thane and Cyril-