

Medusa i


5 Years
06-11-2013, 03:21 PM

This place was so barren, so empty, so boring. What the hell was she supposed to do in a place like this, so wide and open and empty and dry? Already sand had found its way in her dark fur, winding uncomfortably into her pelt and making the siren itch. Medusa was not certain why her legs had brought her here, but she had needed to wander. Wandering took away the thoughts, the fear, everything. It made her focus upon her surroundings and not upon the memories that kept popping up within her pretty head. Nonetheless, it also posed a bit of danger. For instance, she now found herself in the middle of a desert, black pelt attracting all the heat the day had to offer.
Panting, the harlot reclined, relaxing and hoping that the respite would give her some relief. She would return to Ludicael in a matter of time, but for now she was content where so was. Even though it was uncomfortable, it felt better than the slight squeeze in her chest whenever she laid her eyes upon the now-tame russet leader. The midnight-colored woman feared that she had lost her, but she did not know why that ached in the slightest. What was a conquest to her? She?d had so many in her past, and yet this one she could not shake. With a sigh she would relax, hoping to clear her mind of absolutely everything.


06-12-2013, 09:04 PM

There was nothing here, so why was she here? Was there some mysterious force that pulled her here, or did Natsu, just give her the wrong directions. Vahva was a little bit pissed off now. If the male had given her the wrong directions she didn't care if he was her cousin. She would tear open his eyes to show him which direction he should have been going. It made her so angry, she grumbled to herself as the irritation bubbled. The female trumped along, until the sand stopped and she scented another wolf. Then, she could feel her social anxiety building up again. What if this time she hadn't been so lucky and it was a wolf that wanted to do harm to her. Vahva was fully equipped with pack training, but she was worried she would make the wrong judgement in her life. So she rolled her red eyes and got a bit closer before sitting down.

"Hello." Vahva greeted, it was not unfriendly, but it wasn't very welcoming either. The girl was keeping her eyes on her. If she showed any amount of hostility Vahva was ready to run away because she really didn't feel like showing up at Valhalla's borders covered in wounds in the need for help. That wouldn't be very fun, and it certainly wouldn't bring Natsu's spirit up either would it.


Medusa i


5 Years
06-12-2013, 09:29 PM

Hello. A common greeting that came from, as Medusa?s moon-colored eyes discovered, a not so common looking girl. Bi-colored optics observed the woman who had approached, and a grin decorated the midnight mistress?s face. ?Come here often?? she inquired, her words a delicate coo intended to entice. The girl before her looked exotic, divine. A bit of flirtation couldn?t hurt, for at the very least Medusa would get a good laugh out of making the girl feel uncomfortable. For now the wicked woman would remain idle, making no secret of the way her eyes roamed over her current conversation partner.
?These lands seem far too plain for a beauty such as yourself, my dear,? she complimented. Flattery was the key to somebody?s pants after all, and even if this girl was not up for such a thing, Medusa hoped to make her feel uncomfortable. It had been a while since the harlot had had a good laugh, and the best laughter came from copious teasing.


06-12-2013, 10:52 PM

Vahva raised her eyes slightly at the girl. She was totally confused at first? Was she trying to compliment her, or just plain be an idiot. It irritated her slightly, after all Vahva knew herself when it came to romance she didn't mind it coming from a female or a male, that was the way she swung. Yet, this didn't seem like she was trying to be picked up, it must have either been out of boredom or something else. As her blue hairs fell over her face Vahva brushed them off with her front paw. Well it only made her confrontation a bit awkward. She wasn't sure how to handle a wolf like this. She had thought her cousin was bad, but this was just odd. Vahva sighed and shook her head, she was done with trying to be nice to people, she was going to be herself. Those who didn't accept her could go do something worth their time.

"Hardly, a snot nosed male got me lost here. So as plain as it may be it doesn't get me any closer to my destination doll." Vahva snorted. No ill will intention but she was just plain annoyed. Too annoyed to deal with anyone looked for a 'good time' with her. The only reaction wolves got out of her when they teased was her usual snotty attitude, which was how she was naturally even when not annoyed. There was no keeping it away after all. She wondered if the other female would snap at her, if so she would plainly leave. She didn't feel like fighting, even though she could do it quiet nicely.


Medusa i


5 Years
06-13-2013, 12:02 PM

Medusa wondered what sort of woman sat before her; was she a prude? Was she an innocent maiden who would shrink back from her flirtation? Was she a lecher like herself? The serpent knew not, and therefore felt pressed to continue their interaction. There were many mysteries about the blue-tinted woman, mysteries that Medusa wanted answers to. If anything she would be entertained, no matter what the reaction was. She would either receive amusement or satisfaction; either was acceptable for the midnight mistress.
The explanation of her presence was received with a nod of her head. ?Well that certainly wasn?t very polite of him,? she said. Her voice was a delicate coo, almost childish in sound. ?And where exactly does the lovely lady need to be so urgently? Perhaps I could help you find what you are looking for,? she said. It was mostly lies, sweet nothings whispered from the lips of a snake. Medusa knew very little of these lands, and would be of very little help, but she would still try her best to keep the fascinating woman?s company.


06-13-2013, 01:08 PM

Why would she tell a stranger this, one that was so plain and black. Vavha could feel that something was odd about the girl, but she didn't bother try to point it out on the slight chance something went wrong. As her tail curled around her back paws. Vahva's red eyes looked outwards. Maybe she was going backwards? If anything this was good way to get some navigating training in. She felt the wind move through her mane, what should she tell her then? It might even piss her off more if she didn't that was certain. By the looks of it she wasn't any normal wolf, well she had to run into one, sooner or later.

"Sorry but I won't actually disclose that information to someone I've just met. My name is Vahva, and you?" Well that was a start, a name right? It was better than nothing, she had to admit that. Vahva wasn't entirely thrilled about this confrontation now, but it was experience. She would make the most out of it. And when she found Natsu again, she's smack him up side the head.


Medusa i


5 Years
06-13-2013, 02:11 PM

She didn?t seem keen to disclose information, and Medusa supposed she would have to persuade her otherwise. It wasn?t vital to learn what this woman was hiding, but the snake was curious, intrigued. ?Plotting the demise of Kings? Or do you have something else to hide? I won?t push, but one can only wonder what is so pressing for you to keep secret,? she mused. Medusa would try to pry the information from her jaws, but she would not be crushed without it. Some secrets were simply too guarded for a serpent with a tongue as unpracticed as she. Regardless, she did manage to receive a name, something which was a victory in itself.
?My name is Medusa. Where do you reside, my dear? I currently live within Ludicael,? she said. It was not an attempt at recruiting, but rather an attempt to discern what lay upon the blue-touched wolf?s mind. Was she a pack member on a mission? Was she a rogue with ambitions? What was she hiding behind her bright red eyes?


06-13-2013, 03:16 PM

Equal exchange for secrets was it? Vahva didn't mind that, even though it wasn't worth anything to her, after all they all ended up dead. She held no big secret, she just didn't wish for this girl to turn into a personal stalker and follow her to Valhalla. Specially, since she mentioned she was already part of a different group of wolves. Did this mean she was indeed going in the wrong direction? The scents were all mixed up. It was all because of this stupid old bag of bones here next to her. That was what Vahva was thinking in the very back of her mind at least. As she shifted to be more comfortable she opened her mouth to make a sarcastic remark.

"If I had been doing any of those things why would I be here lost of all things. Not like anyone cares in the first place. Before I met my cousin I probably could have vanished off the face of the earth and no one would have noticed." Vahva exclaimed out loud, the sound echoing into the empty plain desert. Her red eyes didn't even make eye contact with the girl, she simply looked out into the blazing dunes. Until standing she shook the sand off of her fur. She liked her pretty pelt, despite her being so snappy against everything. "If I had something to hide I'd make a better account of keeping it that way. No secrets here, I'm going to a pack I was born in, we may end up fighting in the future so I see no need to get friendly with those of potential rivals. Makes it much easier on the heart with those emotions a warrior simply does not need." There was no need for joy, no need for fear, and no need for friendship unless it was family who cared about you. Even then Vahva showed no interest in being friends with Natsu while he had risen her spirits slightly. There was nothing that could really make her happy again, unless some miracle brought her dead mother back to life.


Medusa i


5 Years
06-13-2013, 04:13 PM

The words that fell from Vahva?s mouth sounded pained. Medusa chuckled slightly, perhaps rudely considering the situation. ?If you want your name remembered my sweet, you must strive to make your name memorable,? she purred. Medusa would never seek such a thing in any bold way like she was suggesting, but rather the harlot would slowly but surely twist her way into the minds of many. She sought attention, and via this attention she would have her power. Unless her sun demanded something else of her, of course. ?Give the world something to talk about. You certainly have a memorable face already,? she complimented, curious if the she-wolf would take her words to heart or not.
The explanation that was given made Medusa tsk, for she did not truly understand the answer. ?Could our friendship not bring peace to our warring packs, if that was the case? Would you rather be a faceless follower, or a memorable peacemaker?? she inquired. It was all hypothetical, of course, but it was a good scenario to propose. ?Even if we were enemies, you would have nothing to fear from me. I am not the fighting sort, if you catch my drift,? she said. It was true, after all; she was more likely to sleep with the enemy than claw their throats out.


06-19-2013, 07:33 PM

It was clear that Vahva's attitude wasn't driving the female away. Not that she cared, Vahva was simply listening to her words and wondering if they were actually true or not. Had she really want the attention she had been deprived from? The girl snorted though, she wouldn't let anyone ever know she actually listened to them out of the respect her mother told her to give others who wanted to be listened to. Her blue mane vibrantly made her stand out that was good enough for her until she would run into someone she did not desire to run into. Friendship, what a bunch of bull if your packs don't have an allegiance then you shouldn't be friends with anyone. Simply breath and become loyal to the side you are on, and make sure you do all you can to protect yourself and family. That was how the cruel world was, if she spent her time worrying about complete strangers she would be completely useless to a point.

"Even if you aren't going to be my friend or enemy, I won't bother wasting my time with someone who won't benefit me. I won't waste my time for someone who will cause me pain in the future when they decide to die." She noted closing her red eyes for a moment and lowering her head. She wasn't going to be nice about it, but if someone didn't like her opinion they could just bring it up to her face. "Remember my name if you wish, but unless you plan to take a trip to Valhalla, don't expect me to pay attention to whatever you do when I leave this place." Vahva looked at her and sighed. Well now she was just shaping her own views. She hadn't learned much before coming here "But a bit of romance once in awhile is nice, no matter who it's with." Vahva smirked.