
Is this goodbye


06-10-2013, 04:11 PM

She could see it now. The edge of Valhalla. The scent of her Alphas lingering, giving a clear border. It was so different from when she first stood at Valhalla's gates, waiting for permission to enter. A different land. A different time. Different wolves. So much had changed, some for the better, some for the worst. She had learned much, but she didn't feel as though she knew enough. Erani still had not had her rank returned to her, and Preston? Well his whereabouts were unknown. The pack was left pretty much without a healer. Though Erani still jumped up when someones live lay on the line. Like Cairos. Would he ever recover? She doubted it. He was old, his heart break had shown clearly in his eyes. Was it possible to die of a broken heart? Maybe? She didn't know. There was no answer to give or to be provided.

Lifting her skull, her muzzle pointed to the sky, she parted her jaws, releasing a melody, calling for the ex-Healer. She wouldn't leave without saying good-bye. But could she even leave at all? She had made this place her home. Though it appeared to be falling apart around her. Maybe Erani could provide her some clarify, put her mind at rest. Or maybe she should give Chrysanthe some time to right things. No matter what she would wait. Resting her haunches on the cold earth, she waited. She hoped Erani would be able to find her. The snow would make both she-wolves difficult to see, invory pelts disappearing into the scenery around them. Valhalla had become a winter wonderland. Would her prospective home be the same?

"speech" thought



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2013, 06:45 AM

She stretched lengthily on her side, toes stretching apart as she yawned widely. Rolling to her belly, she glanced at her children and mate, before rising and padding out of the den and making her way to the pool of water. She pressed her weight down on the thin layer of ice and lowered her head to lap a refreshing morning drink. A howl filtered down the ravine, from toward the borders, and she raised her head, droplets of water dripping from her chin. Rayne? What was she doing at the borders?

Erani turned from her drink and padded out of the ravine, walk turning to a lope as she reached the main path. She weaved her way through the territory until she came to a halt before the healer. ?Rayne. What is it?? Deep blues gazed at the younger female with gentle concern and interest. She?d been asleep the last time Rayne had come to visit, and hadn?t had a chance to speak to her yet.


06-12-2013, 07:02 PM

It didn't take long for the ivory wolf to find her. A smile tugged at her lips upon her arrival. "Erani." She could see the concern and interested in her eyes, clearly she wanted to know why Rayne was so close to the border. "I'm not sure I belong here anymore." Tones were soft and sad. She looked at the ex-healer, confusion glittering her expression. What was happening? The pack seemed to be falling apart at the seems. "The constant change in leadership. Our Lead Healer isn't even around." Lips twitched in barest snarl as she spoke the last part. Preston. Where was he? He should be here, should he be needed. Dual toned eyes shifted back to Erani, desperate for an answer that would soothe her. "What is going to happen?" It was a question with endless answers. Could the ex-healer fix it?

"speech" thought



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-18-2013, 05:54 AM

At first Rayne seemed fine, greeting Erani with her usual smile. Erani returned the smile, but as Rayne began to speak, her smile fell, and the deep blue pools became icy. She cut across Rayne?s complaints with the midnight voice that chilled. ?I thought you had more loyalty in your heart than this, Rayne. I wouldn?t have taught you if I had known you would think of leaving Valhalla. We are a family, us Valhallan wolves. Families Quarrel, families scuffle. But They come together again, make up, and are stronger for it all.? Deep icy pools pinned the younger Healer?s gaze.

?So our Lead Healer isn?t around. Would you leave Valhalla without any healers except one who has no rank? Chrysanthe won her fight with Syrinx. Do you have so little faith in her? I trust Chrysanthe. I trust her with my future, with Valhalla?s future. And even should Valhalla fall, I will go down with it. And I know that Chrysanthe would rather die than let Valhalla fall to pieces.? For all her voice had that midnight anger, it never rose above her normal volume.

?Have faith in Valhalla, Rayne. They are family. However scattered the current is, Valhalla will always stand together in times of need.?


06-26-2013, 05:59 PM

Words colder than the winter breeze hit her as though Erani had attacked her, like her fangs had pierced her skin. Ears flattened against her skull, posture shifting to sit up a little taller as her crown tipped forward, chin tucking against her throat. Everything rang out in defense. The ivory dames words had been harsh, cracking like a whip, though she never rose her voice. Anger began to flare up in two toned pools. She had only asked for guidance, not to be verbally assaulted. "Surely you don't think so little of me." Words rumbled in her chest, taking on a hardened edge as her defenses shot up. "I have no doubt in Chrysanthe's ability to lead, but you can't deny that restlessness of the pack that had yet to be eased." Her tail flicked behind her against the earth, twitching sharply. The exchange was becoming heated, each angry with the other for their own reasons. The ex-healers words stung. [i]I wouldn't have taught you if I had known you would think of leaving Valhalla.[i] Those words rung in her head like an alarm, loud and clear. She had never been one to cry in front of someone, and she wasn't about to start now, no matter how much it hurt. "I did not ask for your anger, but your guidance as my teacher." It was hard to keep the growl out of her voice, the hurt and anger from her eyes. She never could hide her emotions well.

ooc- shortness, crappiness

"speech" thought