

Aria I


06-10-2013, 11:06 AM
Aria Corvi

It has been two years now, maybe more than that since Aria has last seen her brother and father. Many times she thought about them, wondering if they were alive or not. If they were dead then she thought about what it might have been from, was their death fast, slow? Did one of them die and the other went on? What happened? And when it came to them being alive, she thought many things. Was father able to provide Halis with food, or did her brother have to do the hunting? Were they even getting enough food for themselves, especially in the Winter? Did either get wounded severely from other wolves or predators? Did they have a den? Were they even traveling together anymore?

A heavy sighed escaped her jaws, the sandy brown female sinking deeper into the pool of water until only top half of her head was above water. Ears lay back against her head, a tired yet pained expression worn on her face, but one would only be able to tell something was wrong by the look in her eyes.

More memories started to pop up, this time of her mother. Oh how bad Aria felt for her, finding out your husband cheated on you then had the guts to bring that woman's child, to have you raise her pup. Aria understood how she might have felt, but at the same time she did not see how Ethelyn could not just accept the pup for its sake. Poor thing, letting the darkness in her heart spread, blinding her with rage and sickness that ended up taking her life just a year after her brother and father had left.

Eyelids came together, her world going dark. The sun had gone down awhile ago, and even in Winter this place was warm, the springs being a good place to just relax and think. Slowly her head went back, pressing against a rock just behind her, jaws parting and inhaling deeply, held it for a few seconds then finally released.

Siarvon had come back into her life. The male she met as a child, spending her free time running around and causing trouble with. He was probably her only friend back then, having been there through most of her time growing up. He had grown on her, at the time she did not realize how, just knew she enjoyed his company. But when he showed up on the borders that one day, she has had trouble getting him out of her mind. Finally realizing she had a crush on him, and that it was returning to her at a bad time.



06-10-2013, 12:57 PM


Haku was proud of his new pack. A new family, a new rank and most importantly, he got to be with Aria. Oh sweet Aria. When he looked into her sweet eyes, he was whisked away into thoughts about her. He shook his head clearing his thoughts. He found himself in a warm, humid spring. There were pools surrounding him. Steam emerged from the hot water supplied by geysers below. He saw a shape in the distance. Warily, he got closer. Soft pawsteps supported by his thick, white winter coat. Eventually the wolf came into shape. Haku padded forward his heart almost bursting.

Hello Aria.

He kept his distance, with great difficulty, as she was a higher ranking wolf. She was chin high in the spring and she looked thoughtful and distressed. Are you okay? What was wrong with his dear Aria?

Aria I


06-10-2013, 01:19 PM
Aria Corvi

She was so deep in her thoughts that the shewolf did not notice somebody approach he springs, did not hear their voice at first. Slowly she brought her head down, once again the top part of her head only visible above the surface. Are you okay? Her ear swiveled to the side, catching the familiar voice of a wolf. Quickly she turned her head, body being pushed up out of the water that would be up to her shoulders, forest green orbs falling upon a white wolf, Haku. Haku, I... She turned away from him, brows together.

She sighed heavily, lifting her head to look up at the night sky. I... was thinking, about some events in my life. She finally said after a long pause. Slowly she lowered herself back into the water, rising up until it stopped below her jaw. She did not think about such things much, which was probably why she was always in a good mood. Being in a down mood just wasn't her thing, and it was making her feel strange.



06-10-2013, 02:01 PM


Haku wasn't sure that he should proceed to ask her any further questions. She looked distressed. She was usually a happy, cheerful and lovely person. He would do anything to help his dear Aria. He climbed into the water, the warm embrace during his fur, almost like when he was a pup. He waded towards Aria and stood beside her.

Anything I can do? there was a sincerity in his voice that he only shared with his very dearest. Oh Aria. What pains you so? He yearned to ask the question but he didn't want to pursue her out make her feel uncomfortable. If she wishes th tell him, she would. The light in the sky was fading. A beautiful sunset emerging. His favourite time of the day, but he didn't enjoy it, not today.

Aria I


06-11-2013, 12:40 PM

Aria Corvi

Forest green orbs watched as the light male climbed into the pool, making his way over until finally stopping at her side. She remained quiet though, her gaze returning to their previous spot, straight ahead. She was not sure whether she should be happy he was here, or annoyed. Too many things were buzzing around in her head, not letting her think or act like she would want to.

She sighed heavily, her head turning, gaze falling upon the changing colors of the sky. Oh, the moon was helping... She whined softly, slowly blinking her eyes before turning away to look to Haku, an ear flicking at his voice. Anything I can do? He was sincere and managed to bring a small smile from the woman, but it only lasted a moment before return to the same distressed expression.

Bring me my brother, my father, and my mother together again, make us a happy family and figure out these feelings I have arising for someone. Maybe then you could help. She spoke softly, much softer tone than she would normally use.

Though she was being sarcastic, there was some real feelings in there. Aria wanted her family, wanted to see her parents and her brother come together. To love each other equally, forget the problems... to just be a happy family and move on. That was not possible though, her mother was dead, and she had no idea where her brother and father were, or if they were even alive. And her feelings, how would he solve them? You couldn't just make such things vanish, couldn't hold them back, especially when they were for a wolf that was apart of the pack now. She would see him everyday, only stirring that pot of emotions even more.

I'm sorry, ignore what I said. You just do what you want to do. She spoke up, shaking her head briefly after coming out of her thoughts. Eyelids closed, a heavy sigh slipping from her lips as she pulled her head back to rest it on the rock directly behind her.


Awesome table by Mie <3


06-12-2013, 03:04 PM

Haku listened to Aria with intense concentration. Bring me my Brother, my father and my mother and make us a happy family again and figure out these feelings you have arising for someone . Maybe then you could help. Her voice was filled with such sorrow, such grief. He wasn't sure he could bear Aria like this. She continued on, Im sorry, just ignore what I said. You just do what you want to do.

Haku's heart was just about bursting with anguish. Why, miss Aria. I will do what I want to do. I will help you as best you can. If you would let me, I would do anything for you.? He finished, a little surprised what came out of his own mouth. He looked down at his reflection in the water. What on earth? Where did that come from?

Aria I


06-15-2013, 07:28 PM
Aria Corvi

Aria felt like crap, her thoughts getting the best of her. She hated being in such a mood, being all down, but she was also starting to get sick of the covering up. She was lonely, and she kept acting like nothing was wrong in front of her pack mates. It was eating away at her! Yes she was normally a happy woman, trying to lighten up someone's day and help whoever needs it. But what about her, when would good things start happening?

Why, miss Aria. I will do what I want to do. I will help you as best I can. If you would let me, I would do anything for you. Haku's voice caused her ear to twitch, a smile forming abut blowing air through her nose. It wasn't that she didn't believe him, she definitely did, she just... wasn't sure what to say or how to properly react. Thank you Haku, it... it really means a lot. She spoke softly, lowering her head and opening her eyes to look to him with a small smile.

With a huff she readjusted herself, turning her whole body to face the male. She was about to pour some true feelings onto the male, and she hoped he would keep them to himself, more than that, she hoped he wouldn't mind and would be able to relate some how. As you know, I am usually happy and friendly to you and our fellow pack mates. I never show this side of me to your guys, don't want it to spread like a fire. She paused, her gaze drifting away from him, looking to the surface of the water. Everything may seem alright but on the inside, I am hurting. She pulled a paw off the floor of the spring to press against her chest, though he may not be able to see it.

I don't want to seem like I am ungrateful. I am happy to have been made a Borealis, to belong to a pack where we are like a family. But the truth is, in this family, I am lonely... I miss my old family, and I am confused on these feelings I have for someone. Ears pulled back against her head as she looked back up to him, searching his gaze, looking for something.


Awesome table by Mie <3


06-16-2013, 05:25 AM


Haku looked into her emerald gaze as she looked at him while she spoke. The smile on her face registered in his mind and his eyes out up just a tiny little bit. Thank you Haku, it.....really means a lot. She said. Nothing I wouldn't do ten times over. he thought quietly to himself. Aria turned her full body to face him, well the body which he could see under the steaming water. He turned his face to hers and kept them there while she spoke a mass of heartfelt words unto him.

As you know, I am usually happy and friendly to you and our fellow packmates. I never show this side of me to you guys, don't want it to spread like a fire. She paused and averted her gaze from his own green eyes. Haku nodded, as the tingly feeling returned to his stomach. She continued Everything may seem alright, but inside in hurting Some movement in the water below caught Haku's eye and he realized it was Aria's paw moving to her chest. He touched it with his own to comfort her while she continued. I don't want to seem like I am ungrateful. I am happy to have been made a Borealis, to belong to a pack where we are like a family. But the truth is, in this family, I am lonely... I miss my old family, and I am confused on these feelings I have for someone. Haku was surprised at Aria's feelings, but they somehow made sense. She would be lonely as there is so much responsibility on her shoulders, and hardly anyone to share it with. With Jupiter having pups to know the care of, she had many tasks to do. She would miss her family terribly during this period. Aria, I too miss my family, my mother and sister especially. But I left for a reason, so that I wouldn't be forced into a rank I had not earned. You should miss you family, it's only natural, maybe we could go find your brother one day. Haku looked into her gaze, the tingling feeling stronger than ever.

Aria I


06-20-2013, 01:54 PM
Aria Corvi

Her gaze grew soft when Haku had touched her chest, a warmth spreading from his paw, slowly inching over her body. He did not speak a word, and that kind of made her happy, his nods and gaze on her showing that he was indeed listening to her words. His words though weren't exactly what she was expecting, or hoping for. He said he also missed his family, but left so he wouldn't be forced into a rank he didn't earn. He left them though. Aria's brother and father left because he had cheated on her mother, Halis being the proof. And because of her hatred and feelings of betreyal, it drove her into insanity, sickness coming over her until it became too much...

She had to pull her gaze away from him, a sigh escaping her lips with a small shake of her head. You left because of a rank. My family all left me behind Haku... Brows furrowed as she was pulled back to that day. Halis telling her and mother he was leaving, and father going with him. They didn't belong there, and would rather go and have each other than stay and be hated... My father had an affair, and had the guts to bring the child for my mother to care for. She hated the both of them, even lashing out and scarring him. It became too much and they eventually left us and because of my mother's ill feelings it drove her ill and mad... until she finally gave up and passed on.

She closed her eyes ad took in a long deep breath, the weight still there that her father had caused. So you see, my loneliness hurts a bit more than it might you. At least you left to earn your place in a pack, I left because I had nobody else around. I had to move on, to make a home for myself. She pulled a paw up and out of the water, rubbing the three scars over her right eyes gently for a few moments before setting it back down.
I would like to look for my brother, I really do. But I highly doubt I will find him in these lands, since being here I have not caught even the slightest scent of him on the wind.


Awesome table by Mie <3


07-03-2013, 01:58 PM


Haku was shocked at Aria' s words. They were filled with so much sorrow, but was that, a hint of determination at the end? She says that she didn't leave her family, they left her behind. It was terrible, but it filled in so many blanks about Aria that he'd missed. His crush was seeming more real, and beautiful for that matter, than ever. It was terrible what had happened to her and her family. Her father, his nerve in bringing the pup, and his desertion. How it just have pained her mother, driving her to peace, eventually. Her brother was still out there, alive or dead. If it was what Aria wanted, then he would do anything to help her find him, whoever he was.

He listened to her intently, never loosing concentration. The sorrow in her voice made feel bad about himself. How could Aria bear this, every day. She deserves better, and if he could, Haku would do anything to give her what she deserves, in not more. Aria. Aria Corvi. You have had the hardest life I've ever known. You've had to face betrayal, loss and death on your own and on top of that, you've built a new, amazing life for yourself from nothing. I have never admired anyone more in my entire life. he stopped, his gaze focused on Aria's I would like to help you if any way I can. Whether to assist you in the future, or to help you find your past. I will do anything.

Aria I


07-06-2013, 10:40 AM
ooc: Crappy post, sorry!

Aria Corvi

Ears lay back on her head as Haku spoke, the whole time she had been talking he was listening, his attention not wavering once. She couldn't find herself to not do the same. A sad yet hopeful look came upon her face, much like a child who had strayed from home and found by its mother, expecting to be scolded but happy to see her again. His words, they were touching her heart, making a warm feeling spread through her body.

When he finished there was a small smile upon her lips, deep green eyes watery from his words. She was glad he had found her, feeling like this hole in her heart could be patched somehow by his actions. I greatly appreciate it Haku, it means so much. Her voice was warm, sadness replaced with happiness. If, it isn't too much to ask for... She paused for a moment, not sure of how he would respond, if he would even do it or not.

I would like to spend some more time with you, would like for you to come with me when I do my rounds. She liked his company, and could already it would help her a lot. He could help heal the wound in her heart, make the loneliness go away in some way, or at least ease that pain.


Awesome table by Mie <3


07-06-2013, 11:04 AM


When he'd finished, he continued to look at Aria. He didn't stop until she said I greatly appreciate it Haku, it means so much. Warmth already throughout his body when he heard that happiness had returned to her beautiful voice. I meant every word He thought. She spoke again, a little more hesitant. [/I] If, it isn't too much to ask for... I would like to spend more time with you, would like to come with me on my rounds. [/I]

Utter joy filled Haku' s eyes and he responded happily. I would love to Aria. He shifted his posture in the water slightly, freeing his paws from the mud. The tingling feeling in his stomach was encasing his whole body.

Aria I


07-09-2013, 09:34 PM
Aria Corvi

Thank you, I really appreciate it... She said softly, smiling at the male before her. Aria was truly happy that Haku wanted to help her, and would even come with her on her rounds. It would make them more fun, less lonely and depressing, preventing her from thinking negatively about things in her life. Perhaps he could help her get rid of those feelings, not completely of course, those feelings would always be there, but at least make it easier to deal with.

She lifted herself up onto all four, stump of a tail wiggling behind her as she took a step towards the white male. Leaning over she came close to Haku, pressing the top of her muzzle gently against the bottom of his. It was brief, and before he would even realize what she had done the woman had pulled away, turning her body around and already hopping out of the spring. It was time to head home.



Awesome table by Mie <3


07-10-2013, 02:59 PM


Thank you, I really appreciate it... Aria said with a warmth in her voice. Haku smiled, the warmest smile he'd ever smiled as Aria stood up, her behind wagging. She took a step towards him, water draining off her fur. She briefly pressed her muzzle under his, and looked away, going out of the spring. It took a moment for it to register in his mind, but when it did, he was the happiest wolf in Alacritia, if only for a moment. His mind buzzed with a million questions but he pushed them away and hopped after Aria. Home.

Ooc: sorry for the short crappyness