
Rekindling the Fire


06-07-2013, 04:05 PM

It had been a few days now since Luce had her puppies, that she had been given the name Seraphine and was welcomed into the little family. Though she was shy at first, even more so around the pups, the little girl was getting better with them. She would lay beside them to keep them warm with her new mother. Watch them closely when Luce would nap. She wanted to be a good sister, protect them from the bad guys.

Today Luce was resting with the pups, and Seraphine was relaxing on a large rock just a few feet away from the den. With paws crossed over each other she gently lay her head over them, a heavy sigh escaping her jaws. Because of her shyness the pup had remained in the den or very nearby, only coming out to rest on the rocks but only for a short time since the weather had gotten cold.

Within minutes it had begun to snow, but to the pup all she knew was white stuff was falling from the sky. Slowly her head lifted off her paws, mismatched eyes focusing on a flake and once it touched the ground she would pounce, only for it to vanish. Hey, where'd it go?! She barked, head tilting to the side.



06-07-2013, 07:58 PM
Dragneel had been here for a little while now, he had wandered around for some time. Wondering, never finding anyone to attach himself to and fill this hole that was ripping into his heart. The boy was small as it was, so he found himself enjoying doing what one said, and he hated to think for himself. Though, he was too intelligent to be a slave in the back of his mind it wasn't like that. He may have been small but he had beaten a bear before, maybe not killed it, but the scar that ran across his muzzle proved it. That and the fact he was still alive today. The time it started snowing it only reminded him of the way things had been at his home up to the north, out of Alacritis' lands. Senselessly he had followed his brother here, and this was where he was, unable to find something to cling to pathetically like he had hoped.

Suddenly Dragneel heard a voice, a small one. He turned his face towards the noise, showing off the white patch on his dark reddish fur. With a flick of his black tail he began to crawl forward from which the source of the sound had been. The small white flakes falling on his fur, some of it melting and some of it sticking. He flicked his ears when he realized it was a pup. A scarred one at that, the curiosity in the boys eyes shined brightly as he flicked his tail. "It's snow." he replied monotonously as he watched the little white flakes fall to the ground.


06-07-2013, 09:17 PM

Seraphine watched the white flakes fall from the sky, body crouched low to the ground, rear slightly up with tail slowly swaying. She watched for a few moments, curious as to what the stuff was. But once one landed right before her, the she would moved. Back legs pushed her body forward, forepaws stretched out before her, eyes never leaving the flake for a moment. But when she landed, the pup removed her paws, eyes scanning the ground only to fin that the thing had vanished.

It's snow. A deep voice spoke, causing the little pup to jump, body whirling around, mismatched eyes focusing on a male not far from here. He had come out of nowhere, obviously surprising the girl. All she could do was crouch there in surprise, ears back against her head. Sn... snow? She asked softly, her gaze leaving him for a few moments to look up to the sky, a few snowflakes landing on her nose and face.

She finally looked to the male, ears slowly rising off her head, pointing towards him. Is snow good or bad? She asked him curiously, slowly rising to her full height. If the snow was bad then she would tell Luce, make sure her brothers and sister stayed inside the den until the snow stopped. She didn't want them getting hurt by it. If it was good, then she would try collecting it, bring some to Luce and hopefully she would like her little gift.



3 Years
06-08-2013, 01:55 AM
Family. It was something that he didn't really understand in a way of words, but he knew that it was important. He knew who they were, and in an empty naive sort of way he loved them. Bi colored eyes blinked, and he wiggled his somewhat floppy ears. Not quite old enough to leave the den, but more than capable of doing so anyways, he wandered from where he was supposed to be, nestled in a little cluster with his siblings, and after the missing warmth. The last of his siblings, his family, was a little bigger than him but not nearly as massive as the presence that he knew as his mother. When he stepped out of the den, his breath caught in his throat for a moment, and he wasn't really sure what to think about it all. Everything was so large and unknown, he faltered... before taking that first hesitant step outward.

Followed by another, and then another, each more confident than the last.

Finally he had a wobbly puppy stride about his steps, that still had him tripping over his feet from time to time, but something welled in his chest and he would someday get to know it as pride. He was proud of his first endeavor into the unknown. The gray pup wiggled his nose as something... cold and... wet, landed on his nose. It was falling from somewhere above him, and he stared at the flake as if it had wronged him, and then watched it trickle into nothing. What is it? His thoughts were a messy mixture of French and English and things that he was experiencing and didn't have words to connect them with yet. It was hard, being so new to the world... Twitching his little nose, he then sneezed.

He immediately cued in on the stranger's voice once he spoke, and he stared at him oddly, the first lupine that he had ever seen that wasn't his. He wasn't family, he was a stranger, and he wasn't really sure what to think of those he didn't know. Honestly he was a bit flabbergasted that there were others out there that seemed to be like his mother that weren't his mother. "Cold." He whispered, his voice devoid of emotion - but it was a fact, a realization, that snow was neither good or bad, just cold. Cold like when his siblings moved and his mother snuggled him closer - but different, there was something that made his skin prickle and his bones shake. It was a different sort of cold, but he knew that was the word for it.


06-08-2013, 12:46 PM
Dragneel was fascinated by these creatures, so small, was he like this when he was younger he wondered. Not knowing about the world, the pain, none of it. All they needed to do was listen to those who told them what was right what was wrong. It'd be the perfect opportunity to create a serial killer in the world, but the mind was a delicate and fragile thing. His unsettled red eyes softened when he looked at this girl, when the male showed up his ears perked as the runt lifted his head. Yes, snow was neither good nor bad, it was cold. Dragneel blinked for a moment and his attention turned back to Seraphine. "Snow, is neither good or bad, just as your sibling said. How you see it is up to you." The snowflakes fell onto his pelt. Some onto the ground and melting into droplets of water. "Snow is very cold water, it turns into this white stuff. When it touches something warmer, it returns to being water. If it's cold enough it sticks and covers the land like a blanket of fur. If you stay out in it too long, you'll get too cold." His ears flicked wondering if the pup was even listening to his explanation. Why was he giving her one anyway? His red eyes opened wide with realization. She had wanted to know, so he told her. This was the one he had been looking for, but how could he listen to something so innocent. Where was her mother in the first place.

"My name is Dragneel, what do they call you two little ones?" Dragneel asked. Sitting down with his small body, they weren't old enough to exactly be far from the den. He wouldn't be surprised if their curiosity is what got the better of them. For a servant like he was, curiosity was something that still filtered through the back of his mind. He wagged his tail, attachment, and serving, that was his purpose for his enjoyment. This small female pup had caught his interest far quicker than any other wolves. The marks on her fur she was unaware of, in which there was no need to be aware of. Faithfully, his heart was already being torn to follow whatever this female wished of him. But, there was still her parents that he would have to face. Yet if the female wished him to leave then he would, if she wished him to be kind to her parents he shall. Anything she wanted, if it so pleased her.


06-10-2013, 11:34 PM
ooc: Terrible post is terrible XD

She listened, waiting for the male to tell her if the snow was good or bad. But when it took him a bit, and his attention seemed to fall onto something else, the girl followed. Mismatched orbs followed his gaze, falling upon the small pup of grey and white, her brother Aeron. Aeron! Her small voice squeaked, paws quickly carrying her over to her sibling, standing beside him with worry clear in her gaze. You should be with mother, it's cold. She told him, trying to be stern but came out more as a whine.

Her attention was taken away from her brother though, twisting her head, perking up her good ear to catch what he told her. He told her that snow was not good or bad, it was what she thought it was. Seraphine thought about this for a moment, her golden and blue eyes looking down at the ground, pressing her paw into the white stuff. It doesn't hurt, so I guess it's not bad. She thought, looking up at the male as he continued to speak.

Snow was cold water, and when its cold it turns into this white stuff. Her head tilted to the side at this, but still listened. When it touched something warm, it returned back to water. And if it's cold enough, it sticks to the ground but if you stay in it too long then you will get cold. To her, it was interesting. She had never see such stuff before and what this guy said made her want to see it happen.

With that in mind she stood as still as she could, holding her head up, eyes locked onto her nose. Within seconds a flake slowly made its way down towards her, finally landing on her nose. She held her breath, eyes going wide as she watched it grow smaller and smaller until it finally vanished. Her jaw dropped when she seen this, lips pulling back, jaws coming together to form a large toothy grin. That is cool! She beamed, jumping back with her stump tail wiggling behind her.

My name is Dragneel, what do they call you two little ones? His voice interrupted her little moment of excitement, causing the pup to turn towards him with a shy smile. I'm Seraphine, that is my brother, Aeron. She told him, paws carrying her over to her brother, brushing her side against him.



3 Years
06-14-2013, 08:02 AM
The tiny pup stared at the large male, his mismatched eyes watching words pour from his lips. He... was trying to explain what snow was but it was a lot to grasp for a boy that hadn't left his den more than a handful of times. Yet he knew that last sentence was true, because the longer he stayed out here the colder he got! Her chiding though seemed to be ignored by the little brute, and if he was any larger and more capable he would have shrugged.

She thought the males explaination was cool, he thought it was confusing, but didn't say anything about it. She looked so strange, her lips pulled back like that, a sparkle to her eyes. Seraphine was smiling, and he wasn't sure why - he himself rarely found the feeling to want to express himself that way. Yet he didn't think anything of it, nodding at the big male that he now knew to call Dragneel. He shivered idly, and pressed against his older sibling when she got close to him. Maybe he would waddle his way back to the dens after all. "J'ai froid." He mumbled, but didn't make any movement to head back.

"Dragneel, ami?" He wanted to know whether the big male was their friend now that they had all introduced themselves.


06-21-2013, 07:15 PM

Dragneel's ears perked with the curiosity of the two. While Seraphine's brother was interesting, this was sort of a family in which he didn't understand. One that loved each other, he had always been off on his own. He flicked his tail and looked up, this meant their den was nearby didn't it. Seraphine was the one, as he struggled to understand the words that came out of Aeron's mouth it was a tongue he did not understand. Another language, something he and his brother knew was a strange language not like the one Aeron had been speaking. Though it sounded like he was asking if he was a friend or not? If Seraphine wished it he would be Aeron's friend. He looked to the female pup and flicked his tail. "Mistress Seraphine, I'll do whatever you ask from this moment on if you wish. I only want to make you pleased, as well as those you wish to protect I will protect." He bowed a little bit, a pup of this age did not understand loyalty yet, but he could make her understand.

"You tell me to do something and I shall do it, because I am loyal to you and enjoy serving and guiding. If you have any questions I will answer them to the best of my ability." Dragneel tried to put it in simple turns turning to Aeron and giving a little nod. He was a friend, as long as Seraphine wanted him to be at least.



06-26-2013, 10:37 PM
ooc: Sorry, have no muse for this thread. End soon?

Seraphine lowered her head when she felt her brother press against her, shivering, and her ear perked up when he said he was cold. With a light sigh she lifted her head to look to this male, Dragneel, as Aeron asked if he was a friend. When he began to speak her head tilted to the side, his words reaching her ears and making her a bit confused. She didn't really understand why he wanted to do as she said, but a he went on he made it seemed like he just wanted to keep her happy and protect her and those she wanted protected.

Being young she would not fully understand his intentions, only think that he wanted to be her friend and follow her. Dragneel, I would like you to be our friend... I am still new here and don't know anyone but Luce and my new siblings. She finally spoke up, her voice soft and gentle. She was still shy.
