
Out For A Stroll!



7 Years
06-07-2013, 12:37 AM

The dark silver grey pup sprinted through the snow, tail wagging high in the air, making snowflakes dance around it and she scampered up a small incline and down the other side, panting laughter bursting free into the winter air. She absolutely loved snow. It was so new. So wonderful! It made her energy spike. There were so many games you could play in the stuff.

She tried to leap the log that lay across the trail. Well, she almost made it. Surreal wriggled, then wrinkled her nose. She was firmly beached, one end back where she?d come from, front end on the side she was wanting to go, and her belly directly on the middle. Her front paws scrabbled for purchase on the bark, and she even managed to pull herself forward a few inches. She sagged on the log a little, then tried again. A little further. Another rest, then she continued trying.

Finally, with a tremendous heave, she slid over the edge and tumbled to the ground. She sat there a moment, then stood up and shook herself. Then she looked over her shoulder at the obstacle. She?d done it! Her tail flagged high with delight. Then she took off at a trot. Snow fell around her as she broke from the forest into a meadow, one of many meadows and plains that dotted the landscape of Valhalla. Her mother had deemed them just old enough to go out in pairs, as long as they didn?t go too close to the coast, or try to cross the boundary river.

Surreal knew she?d get into some measure of trouble for being out alone, but the pull of adventure was too much to resist. And Gabriel had become so? Surly. She tried to integrate him into the fun, but he didn?t seem to enjoy any of them. It made her tail droop a little. Maybe she was taking the wrong path with him? He never really did play much, and he seemed to hate getting dirty. Maybe the snow would cheer him up. It was so, clean. It smelled wonderful, fresh. Like water and air put together. In fact, Mother had said that snow was, in effect, just that.

Maybe she would try talking to Gabriel. Ask him what he wanted, instead of trying to drag him into play. She slowed to a stop and planted her rump in the snow, pink tongue darting out of her dark muzzle as she panted, puffs of mist pluming from her open mouth.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


06-20-2013, 11:33 AM

The thing that Cairo loved most about Valhalla was that it was filled with love. And the delicate and playful yips and squeals of children, they were perhaps the best proclamation of that. Even those conceived out of love were decorated in the most elegant of devotion. They were given evident truth and loving words. Cairo never wished to see a child fall, and honestly, he would never stand idle to witness such things. Head turned. lightly to the side, as he saw the small figure of a young child moving, of playing. Smiling, the lord moved, aiming to come before her, and hoping that his presence would not be rebuked. Surreal was a child of Erani, and he was quite fond of her entire litter. Of six. It was incredible, and he was more than happy that at long last the woman had finally found someone to love. She had found someone that cherished her. That truly could devote themselves to her. To see such perfect love, o, it was darling. Now, in his weakness, he had not been able to spend as much time with her children, or even with her, as he had once wished, but he prayed that, regardless of this, he would be forgiven and still trusted.

"Surreal," He called her name, allowing a nice smile to linger over him and encompass him in the warmth he wanted her to feel, "How are you. today?" He emitted his best traits, and honestly, wish the age that he had, had come a new sense of understanding. Cairo had become the complacent grandfather figure to post. The old man, bent on making everyone smile. Was that really such a bad way to go out? Knowing that everyone had witnessed smiles? Knowing that everyone was happy with the life they had led. He was happy with the life he had led, even with the imperfections and the deaths. Even with the successes and the failures. He had not made himself less of a man without seeking redemption, and it was something he could die thinking of. Though, truth be told, he knew in his final moments, he would recall anyone and everyone that he had ever loved.



7 Years
06-21-2013, 08:34 AM

Surreal was making plans to make Gabriel happy, and hadn?t really noticed the approach of the huge male, until his voice made her blink and look around, then up, up into the aged sapphires of his eyes. Mismatched eyes blinked. He was the sad male from her first ever meeting! She hadn?t caught his name, but he knew hers. She bounced to her paws , tail batting the air, sending snow flying as she greeted the male in the usual pup fashion; tackling into his forelegs and rubbing against the thick winter fur.

?Hello! Today?s nice, so? I guess I?m good, too! How are you? And how do you know my name?? Her head tilted far back on her neck and shoulders, trying to see his face. However, where she was placed, she could only see broad chest and thick fur. So she danced backward a bit, bringing his face back into view. Silver tail whirred side to side as her jaws parted in a happy pant.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


07-12-2013, 07:17 PM
A chuckle rumbled from the man's lips as the vivaciousness of the young child. She was warm and eccentric, much like her mother. Letting his laughter drift off into a neutral croon the old man would quickly answer her, not willing to force her to wait any longer when already he was being quite the odd host. "I know all of Erani's children, I am Cairo," whether she knew of him or not would be discovered shortly, and oh what long legacy he had, what a thing he was leaving behind. A tale definitely for the telling.

"Why are you out playing alone, Surreal?" the earthen man was quick to question the silvery woman and to find an answer from her. Hopefully, he would be able to get some kind of reaction from the girl and find out if she was just snooping around, or figure out if she was truly just being an innocent, viable young child.



7 Years
07-12-2013, 08:37 PM

The silver pup liked this male?s laugh. It was far better than his sadness. When the male introduced himself, she seemed to recall her mother saying something about a Cairo. Oh! This was him! A flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye. She whirled, snapping. Her tail whipped just out of reach. She spun again. And bumped into his leg. Stumbling backward, she sat back, reminded of his presence. Alone? She wasn?t alone anymore. Mismatched gold and blue eyes blinked up, bright with curiosity.

?Welll? I was actually taking a walk! My little brother doesn?t want to play. So? I went walking. And then I met you!? The short, detailed explanation was ended with a hop and a bounce to pounce a snowflake that had just drifted past her nose. Little tail whipping back and forth behind her, she searched for that one snowflake, among millions upon millions of snowflakes. Fruitless effort. So she gave up, and her attention returned to Cairo. ?So, whatcha doing out here? Are you taking a walk too?? her gems grew wide with curiosity. Maybe they could walk together! That would be nice!

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


07-25-2013, 02:25 PM

children were so often and easily fascinated by the strangers of things. they found that there was something unique in the prospect of meeting others and cairo had to admit it was a refreshing change from complete and total ass hats that seemed to bridle the world. Cairo offered a warm smile down to the child and he chuckled lightly at her bubbling words and frothing language. she was such an excitable little thing wasn't she? Inky lips lifted in a small smirk and he stood back up from where he was seated, "Not everyone likes to play, but i'm glad you came out to meet me. i love knowing who it is that Valhalla houses," and who i'll be leaving behind.

Cairo stretched out his hard limbs and peered down at the child wondering how to answer her. Yes, he was walking, more so just to enjoy his lands again, to feel as though he was a part of them like he had been so long ago, "in a way. connecting, more so," he offered her an explanation, and though it was far from the best and probably not all too understandable, Cairo hoped it gave her some semblance of understanding and reasoning. He didn't want to confuse her, not in the slightest, and he also didn't want to put too much into the youthful mind. Wisdom came with age, to usher it so early on brought ramifications.