
The Wonders of the New World


06-05-2013, 09:16 PM
Allaire bounded about, playfully running after the falling bits of cold from the sky. She had never seen anything like it. It was lovely the way they swayed until hitting the ground. But it was also a bit unnerving, she could not fathom how cold it had gotten, it was almost like the world was ending, but knew that it was not, for when this 'snow' that first started to fall Allaire had tucked tail and ran to Jupiter panicked about the cold white stuff. The Alpha looked baffled at first, and then burst out laughing, telling the little girl that at time time of year. And now Allaire was looking at the stuff in wonder, her wide green eyes taking it all in, she wanted to catch one and see exactly what it was!

Ever since Allaire had come into the land, she had meet many new faces and seen many new things; something call a thunder storm, a rain fall where pretty lights fill the sky and a large boon shakes your bones, and something called 'fall' where all the trees lose their leaves. But nothing could compare to the wonder that filled her now as she watched the world around her turn white. And the snow itself is lovely, Allaire was told that every single one was different, that no two are alike and she wanted to see that for herself, so here she was bounding about trying to see just what those snowflakes looked like.

The more time Allaire spent with Ludicael the more it showed that she knew so little. She had at first thought that she was knowledgeable at life, that she had learned most of what she needed to know, until she left her parents desert and crossed the continent and joined this pack. Now she knew that she had known so little, lived a sheltered life, now she wanted to know all the things that she did not, she wanted to experiences everything life had to give her, she wanted to learn all the things that she missed when she lived in the barren land of the desert, but first, she needed to learn about this snow, and about 'ice' and anything else that winter brought to lands that where not deserts. And she was ready to face the world head on and see what life is going to give her.


06-06-2013, 06:33 PM

It was an extremely rare event but Deteste was resting quietly within the Ludicael borders. He had had a small meal after his last patrol and sought to see Jupiter or Aria somewhere in the pack lands. Without Laxago's constant calls and needs he had an exceptional amount of free time. He was not used to his and he could not patrol the territory at every moment, as much as he would like to. However, he also sincerely enjoyed the company of the Ludicael and he craved it. He explored his surroundings at a leisurely pace, sniffing and looking for a place where he could sleep and keep warm. A place where he would not be reminded of Laxago. Before he could delve in thought regarding the woman Deteste's attention was drawn by the rustle of movement in the near distance. He thought perhaps Aria was sparing or playing with another member, though he could not smell her, and he loped over to investigate.

As Deteste came near he quickly found out that it was not Aria playing in the snow but another woman. Small-bodied and possibly quite young. There were quite a lot of females in the Ludicael. He could nearly consider himself a bachelor he thought and laughed inwardly. He stood in the distance with a nearly coy affect. Her movements were so youthful and playful that he desired to let her be. But he could not pull himself away. Her play warmed his heart and he did indeed desire to meet more of those that he shared his home with. He cleared his throat audibly and loped nearer to the girl. Hello. he spoke with a smile, enjoying the snow? he inquired before tilting his crown skyward. The large flakes became entangled in his obsidian coat and melted as they rested on his maw.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


06-09-2013, 04:24 AM
She had not notes the large black male, she was so absorbed in catching the snow that she nearly jumped out of her skin when his voice filled the quite surroundings. She landed on her feet, her green eyes wide, but quickly softened as a happy gin filled her muzzle. Allaire had not meet anyone from the pack other then Jupiter, and this male looked nice, he had almost a fatherly look in his face, much like her father used to have. "Yes, I was told by Jupiter that every 'snowflake'," She said the world slowly, like it was still new to her, and frankly it was. "was different, but I cannot seem to get a close enough look." The little girl scrunched her face at the sky, her green eyes narrowing, almost like she was challenging the sky to do it worse. "I have never seen snow before, rain yes, and that mostly recently, this new world is so full of wonders." She sat down then her face full of joy, she was so happy she had left her parents home, for if she had been a good little girl she wouldn't have seen the wonders of the rest of the world, like this snow.

"Ima Allaire, a Lobo." She smiled at the black male hoping that he would stay and play with her, for she had been getting awfully lonely, she wanted to see everything and everyone but she had yet to, but this male had stopped to talk, maybe he wanted to be her friend, she did want new friends, that was one of the main reasons she left her birthplace in the first place, that and to explore the world after hearing the birds talk about the other places they have been. Her tail started wagging with the thought of a new friend, her young mind happy at the idea, her green eyes shinning, her young mind racing with ten thoughts at once nonstop.


06-15-2013, 07:32 PM

His smiled widened, and he could have laughed, as he witnessed the girl's surprise at his presence. I was told by Jupiter that every snowflake was different. And so they were. Deteste had knowledge of this but had never taken the time to truly observe or acknowledge the fact. He paused a moment, looking up as the girl did to watch the flakes spiraling down from the frozen sky. If you come closer, and take a look at my pelt you should be able to see quite a few intact ones. They stick to our pelts but it's especially easy to see them on someone with a coat as dark as mine. He stiffened his posture so that he observation, if the offer was taken, would have a formal air. He understood youth and though their interaction was truly friendly he did not want the girl to have any reason to feel shy.

Allaire. It was beautiful name and well suited to the beautiful girl who carried it. She was a wonderful asset to the Ludicael. He was still amazed that so much kindness could be found in one place. He dipped his crown in acknowledgement before addressing his own identity. I am De. The second Sol of Ludicael. He did not mean to conjure respect or special attention with the title but only wished to be completely open with Allaire. He chuckled softly, his deep voice crisp in the icy air, as he watched her tail waver gleefully about. He wondered if she desired friendly play. He had a soft spot for the young and he had much spring in his step left.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.