
Stepping onto once familiar lands


5 Years
06-05-2013, 09:30 AM
OoC- I'm going off our other thread as well to start this one lol

I listened to the matriarch speak, focusing on each word intently. That grin remained upon my features as she spoke of leaving impressions on others.. I suppose when one becomes a ruler that is a rather... important thing. I never dealt with such responisiblity and so therefore I never really worried about leaving a good impression or not. You either liked me, or hated me.. And to say the least.. most hated me.
Well, you've most certainly made a good impression on this end Desdemona.
I offered her a nod of my cranium. She truly did make a good impression.. In fact a rather impressive one at that. Not only did she give off that tall and strong image, but she also had another side to her.. One that I could tell was locked deeps within her, I could see it in her eyes scratching to be let free. It was a look, that would scare anyone with brain, or common sense. This woman before me, she had her own demon inside.. Not like mine, but just as ruthless and uncaring. In a sense it sent a shrill of excitement through me. That grin never leaving. She continued to speak of a new ranking in Tortuga, my own eyes lit up with amusement.

Well now, that is something new. A good idea as well. I'm going to have to watch this punisher in action some time.

That grin, even more twisted then before appeared upon my features once more. Tortuga was beginning to sound even more better than it had before. With all these changes being made, I would be a fool to not wish to see it progress even more. I watched as the other ivory fae stood, and I mockingly did the same. A bit smaller then her, I moved slowly at first, allowing my joints to get all the cracks out before picking up the pace. Of course I didn't move to fast but fast enough to enjoy the conversation still at hand.

Actually... I do have one question. Is there a brute still stomping around here, he goes by Ulrike.. And a pup as well, although I don't believe she's a pup anymore... But she is graced with similar markings?

one part of me really didn't want to know the answer, yet again another part of me did. As bad as it sounds I wished the two of them had died off... or something, atleast then if I did decide to join back in with Tortuga I would owe no explanations... And if they are alive, dear.. Then what? I suppose we could allways peel pack there faces? Then again, maybe that wouldn't blow over to well?
My attention shifted back to Des... A lot of questions filled my thoughts. However I did not allow them to pass through my lips. But the more I thought about it the more it bugged... Where the hell would I fit in? I'm no normal. I have tendancies that could have me shunned. Sometimes I think the fact of my very existence is more of a chore, that I can't skip out on. A huff escaped my lips, as we crossed over the border of Tortuga. My eyes scanning the newly remodeled land..
My my, this place sure has changed!