
when you love me sometimes


06-03-2013, 02:46 PM
Quote:It had been a while since Prospero and her had parted ways, her had fed her and cared for her all fall but then the snow had begun to fall and she had slid away while he slept. She didn't want to be a burden on the already troubled male. But a few weeks into their separation she began to realize how much of a mistake she had made. She was lonely, hungry, cold and alone. She found herself traveling the east often, keeping code to where she and Prospero had made a home together in hopes that she might one day see him again, apologize for everything she had done and he would tell her that everything was alright. He was the sole reason she could even function at all on her own. She could hunt mice and voles but that was about it and the winter was harsh. The dampness of the ocean colder then any wind she had ever experienced before. The slowly growing female made her way towards the entrance of the cave was the wind blew from the ocean, chilling her to the bone on this particular days. Tiny frame seemed to rattle with every step. A dripping could be heard from within the cavern and slowly her head slid around the edge to gaze in at the darkness within. "Haw?" she called cautiously, orange gaze trying to find any movements that might come from another creature within. She took another step forward, this time barking, the echo reverberating and magnifying her voice as too big ears curled forward to catch the sound.



06-03-2013, 07:00 PM

The winter had fallen upon the land of Alacritis, the warm air and green land was replaced with freezing cold, and fluffy white snow. Orion's yellow, blue eyes gazed across the land. His tail swayed gently as the brute made his way across the snow covered grounds. The sunlight seemed to be only there for show, it did not seem to warm anything up. Tail swayed gently and his head raised in to the sky, there were clouds floating above him. It looked wonderful and Orion could feel the cold winds run right through his thick fur.

As he lowered his head his ears perked forward picking up the call of a.....a...a PUP?!? This was odd, was it lost, well obviously if it is calling out. Or the thing's mother was near by and the pup had no idea. Orion did not know the out come to what will happen, all he knew is that a pup should not be out and about all alone like this. Orion let out a return call to let the pup know to stay there and he will be coming. Also that he was no threat.

Orion went in to a fast walk, the pup did not seem far and he was right. The baby was only about a few miles from him, he let out a friendly smile. "Hello there little one, i am Orion. Who may you be sweet thing?"He asked tail swaying slightly.

Walk "Talk" "Think


06-07-2013, 03:12 PM
Quote:((Translation: My name is Kangi. Whats your name?))

Large ears flittered as a call came from behind her rather then inside the cave as she had been expecting. Head soon turned to follow the sound and a strangely marked russet and black male came into view. He seemed pleasant enough but the young girl still turned and backed herself towards the cave entrance so her back was more protected. He spoke, words washing over her uselessly as she stared at him. She caught a few words in there that she vaguely recognized, enough to gather that he was asking for her name. But she and Prospero hadn't gone over introductions yet... How did she do this? "Mitakuyepi Kangi..." she said, voicing the same words she had used to introduce herself to Prospero what felt like so long ago. "T?ku en?čiyapi he?" she asked, tail waving lightly behind her as she looked hopefully up at him. No... That wasn't right, he was like Prospero... He didn't know what she was saying. Gaze was cast to the ground again as she frowned, brows knitting together as she tried to fish through her small vocabulary to figure out what she needed to say to get him to understand. "My name Kangi... Who you?" she asked, brow still knitted together as she looked up at him again.
