
One Hell of a Woman


06-01-2013, 02:13 PM

The brute was no stranger to war and bloodshed, no stranger to maiming and violence. War had plagued his early years, ripping apart his childhood and destroying his home. A solider first and fore-most, then a wolf, he regarded everything in a tactical yet reserved approach. He had left the battlefield after Evelette?s win, watching with interest as the beautiful ivory dame ripped into the other?s womb. She sure held a lot of surprises. He had turned and retreated from the field, hoping to catch her on her way to Valhalla to talk to her, and see if she was okay.

Since he had met the dame a few weeks ago in a hunt, he learned then just how impressive she was. She took down the large buck with ease, her ivory bodice propelling her to give the kill bite, as the buck at turned to disengage him. She was impressive, to say the least. The battle he had just witnessed also screamed at her skill and expertise. The woman was one hell of a warrior. Her skill in battle was another piece of her that would stick with him, and today, assuming she heard his call- he?d ask her about her home. If Valhalla harbored that kind of warrior, he was interested in meeting others.

Stopping mid stride, he slowly sank back on his haunches, tossing his tawny colored jaws into the sky, a baritone note escaping his canines and calling the lady to him. One word, one note flowed from his core. ?Evelette!?



06-01-2013, 03:04 PM

Small drips of blood oozed from her minimal injuries. Blood, abdominal fluid, and hints of entrails stained her cranium, oozing from her fur and dripping from her maw, a testament to her victory. The womb had been torn from her greatest advisory, victory was hers. Her vengeance was complete. The woman would bear the scars of her betrayal until her dying day. If she had a mate, no more would she be able to bear his pups. She had ripped that chance away from him. never again would another's seed bubble with life within her body. The cruel satisfaction she felt from that scared her. She wasn't so mean, she wasn't so malicious but that woman had near led her to her death. If felt good to be freed from such things. Peace settled in her soul. She would return to Valhalla with her head held high and her eyes gleaming with a new passion to help the land succeed.

Her name would bring the dame to a halt, her gaze widening and spinning around, horror settling in the root of her soul, she didn't want anyone to see her so... mangled, so covered in blood, she was a formidable warrior, but she didn't like anyone to know this side of her. Her eyes widened as she gazed upon the large brute that had kept with her such good company. Had he witnessed such horrors? Had he seen the decimation of that woman? Fear clouded her gaze and hesitantly she turned to face him, she had intended to cleanse all traces of the traitor from her bodice before she returned home. "Adonis..." She breathed his name almost whimsically. "What...what are you doing out here my friend?" It was hard for her to sound friendly when she had been filled with so much morbid passion a few minutes prior.



06-01-2013, 03:53 PM

The lady had not kept him waiting long, and when the alabaster woman had come (ooc; hahah I said ?come?) to his call, he wasn?t a bit shocked to see the state of her. Battles were rough and no one ever came out unscathed. Even if you had fled the fight, you carried the mental scars of the challenge. Physically and mentally you were drained with every fight. The beautiful white dame had wounds, that had red blood staining her pelt, and pieces of her opponents womb scattered across her head. It didn?t bother him one bit. He stepped towards the lady, taking in her question with a smile. Stopping a respectful distance from the lady, his two toned eyes raked over her form taking in every wound.

?I heard your call for that other dame? Curiosity got the best of me, and I caught the end of your fight.? He stopped there, giving the lady a warm and reassuring smile. He hoped he wouldn?t offend her by having seen her fight. ?Are you alright, Evey?? He would end his speech using the pet name that he had coined for at their first meeting. He wasn?t put off by her appearance now, and though he wasn?t a healer, he knew a few things that would tend to wounds. Tips and tricks that he had picked up on from the wars he had fought in.



06-17-2013, 11:44 PM

Evelette could feel the woman's blood oozing from her fur, it made her flesh absolutely crawl, she wanted to bathe, the adrenaline had now worn off and she wished for nothing more than to put this day behind her and end this miserable day, but fate it seemed had another twist, taking the form of a friend, an ally and no matter how vile her hatred was bubbling just beneath her flesh, she couldn't abandon her friend and so she waited, as patiently as she was able for the male to approach her. Her muscles quaked and quivered, still thrumming from the rush of adrenaline, the rush of blood, the rush of victory, but her gaze turned soft as the large male lumbered up beside her.

A small smile would flicker across her maw. "I am fine Adonis, I thank you for your concern, it tis a few scratches, nothing that will not heal in due time. I... I suppose I owe you an explanation no?" An almost sad smile would spread across her lips as she awaited his response, he deserved that much at least, ripping out the traitors womb had not been the proudest of her moments.



06-25-2013, 11:51 AM

Indifference, he didn?t care why she did it. He knew with a heart as kind as hers it was justified. He stepped close to her, stretching his neck to gently nuzzle her shoulder in a friendly manner, if she didn?t move away from the contact. A warm smile flickered to his jaws, as he looked her over carefully, noticing her scratches in various places. They needed to be tended too. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the crimson stains that coated her didn?t come from her, and he let out a breath that he didn?t realize he had been holding. Remembering that her question needed answering, he turned his head to face her, speaking with an easy tone and smile.

?I do not need an explanation, Evey. I just need to know that you?re okay.? His eyes were warm, and soft as he looked at her, a wolf that he considered friend. ?Those scratches, need to be tended too, M?lady.? With those simple words, the brute lumbered a few steps away from her, flicking his tail, indicating his request that she should follow. He had little knowledge of herbs, but knew enough to prevent infection. First thing, first, she needed to wash herself, in water, preferably. He would take care of her, not just because she was a beautiful lady, but because she was his friend.



07-10-2013, 12:51 PM

She wasn't precisely looking forward to explaining her actions. She didn't wish to delve into the happenings of her past, but she knew that if anyone deserved the reasons why she had committed such a crime, it was Adonis, he had been nothing but a perfect gentleman too her and if he wished her words, she would give them too him willingly. She had not done what she had because she yearned for blood or the taste of power, she had done what she needed to do to finally get closure. The cards were even, laid out and despite what everyone may or may not think, fair. Morgan had not only stolen her mate, but she had stolen the pups that by all rights should have been hers, Morgan had a family even if she no longer associated with Freak. Evelette had....well... next to nothing.

His words, however, surprised her and she smile, her plume gently drifting back behind her in a true show of how entirely much she had enjoyed his words. She rounded more to face him fully and drew closer, why had no one claimed this male for their own??Thank you, I will tend to the scratches, you needn't worry, I am sorry you had to see me in such a light, I would have preferred no one seeing that.? She winced slightly as she obeyed and began to follow him. The blood was beginning to dry, forming thick clumps on her alabaster coat. ?Would you care for a swim Adonis? I know I could sorely use a bath.?
