
just let go



06-18-2013, 07:28 PM

Her positive reaction to his second wink of the day was pleasing to him. He was glad that she had loosened up a bit, but still seemed to retain her more serious air at the same time. Alessa was much different than any other female he had met - she seemed immune to his charm, which he found so much better than those who flushed every time he spoke, and yet she was unmistakably pleasant to be around. The change was welcome to Killian.

The question she offered him didn't take him by surprise. After asking about her past, it was only fair to assume she would want to know about his as well. He sighed before speaking in a quiet, slightly pained voice, struggling to subdue his anger. As you've probably guessed, I had a home once. It was a big pack, and I loved my family... He trailed off for a moment, staring down at his damaged paw. It was never easy to think about them without hurting something. It was why he had been after the rabbit when he hurt himself earlier. But something about Alessa's presence quelled the anger enough to keep him calm.

It's just sad how even those closest to you can betray you at any moment. He spoke these final words with much more confidence, a faded fire in his eyes.


06-18-2013, 08:08 PM

She could tell he was a rather flirt of a boy, that wasn't anything that was terribly important or even attractive about him. He'd been trying to make a pass or two at her, but Alessa wasn't the kind of girl to start fainting over the fact that some boy was throwing pretty words at her. Anyone could do that, so why should she start freaking out about every single one. It was a waste of her time and most of the time they only said pretty things to girl because they wanted something from them that she wasn't about to give up to anyone. She didn't think that Killian had those kind of intentions, since after he was rather injured at the moment and he would've made it rather obvious if he had. So she had nothing to worry about from him.

She could hear the subdued emotion in his voice as he began. He had had a big family, one that he loved very much. That must be nice, having an actual family to come home to at the end of the day, someone who would worry about your safety and would like to know how your day went and how you were feeling. Alessa had never had that and she wasn't sure if she would ever be able to experience what it was like to have an actual pack and a family. She watched him in silence as he glanced down towards his paw before he spoke up again. It's just sad how even those closest to you can betray you at any moment. She could see a subdued fire flaring up in his eyes, telling her that the subject about his family was something sensitive. Don't I know that... she murmured quietly, her mismatched eyes meeting his own ruby ones.

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06-18-2013, 08:34 PM

Intently, she had watched as he told his brief story to her. This type of concerned, serious attention was something he wasn't used to. A mellow nervousness caused his tail to twitch a few times, but otherwise was unnoticeable. Killian had perfected the art of keeping his cool around others - now he only needed to do so while he was alone. He prayed that Alessa, with her strong intuition, wouldn't see through his facade.

Killian focused on Alessa as she responded somewhat sadly it seemed to his final statement. His head tilted slightly to the side and his eyes narrowed as he wondered if he should ask about it. When she told him she didn't have a home, he hadn't guessed that she had experienced a betrayal similar to his. He figured now was as good a time as any to bring it up.

You don't have to tell me... But what happened to you? His voice was gentle and warm. She had been a shoulder for him to lean on literally, maybe he could do the same in another way and repay her for her kindness. Perhaps they had more in common than either of them realized.


06-18-2013, 09:52 PM

She could feel a wave of nervousness radiate off from him, his flickering tail confirming her suspicion. She'd encountered her good lot of nervous wolves during her travels and she could see the ticks that signaled that. But she made herself ignorant, pretending that she didn't notice the fact that he was nervous. She was good at hiding her own emotions, but able to read other people like nothing. It was a good skill that she'd acquired during her lonely traveling times.

He seemed rather curious about her response to his story about his family, his head tilting to the side quizzically, ruby eyes narrowing as he watched her. Would he ask her about her own family? She could the see the questions swirling behind his eyes and wasn't surprised when he asked her what had happened to her. She'd never talked to anyone about her life, much less had any type of conversation. His voice was gentle, warm, inviting. She knew she could deny him if she wanted to, continue to keep her story to herself, but he had shared his story, albeit probably not the entire thing, and she felt like she could talk to him. I was abandoned by my mother at six months old and I've been on my own ever since. she shrugged, letting gaze fall to her paws. Her story wasn't anything super horrific or traumatic, but it had certainly affected how she viewed the world and how she lived her life.

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06-19-2013, 07:22 PM

Killian let his head fall softly on the snow covered ground as he heard and considered her reply. Her shrug and her voice were an attempt to make the statement seem casual, but he could tell by the way she looked immediately to her feet that her past got to her more than she was willing to let on. They already had more in common that he had guessed originally. He shook his head, his eyes closing gently. I'm sorry to hear that. I know life alone can be... difficult. His lids opened again, and he focused his ruby gaze on hers. I know how tough it really is to have family turn its back on you.

Of course he did. He knew it all too well. And it was only fair now to share that with her. My family was really close, especially my older sister and I. But my sister... she was mistreated by the son of our pack's leaders. I paid him back, a smirk flashed briefly at this, but no one was too happy about that. When they exiled me, even my sister looked at me with shame in her eyes and walked away. Nothing had been harder than that. His smirk changed to a grimace before he turned his head away from the female. He wouldn't share anymore. She didn't need to know how angry he was, how hell-bent on revenge. That would wait for another day, if one ever came.


06-19-2013, 10:51 PM

She watched him from the corner of her eye as his head lowered to rest against the lightly snow covered ground as he listened to her reply. He was the first person ever that she had told about what had actually happened to her. Everyone that had ever asked before him would always get the same answer: I don't want to talk about it. The would usually apologize after that, saying that they hadn't meant to bring up something so personal and be nosy and she'd usually shrug and say it was ok before they changed the subject or she excused herself and went on her way. No one was ever aware of how the abandonment of her mother really made her feel. Not even Killian now, though she was sure her mannerisms, avoiding eye contact, would probably tip him off that this subject wasn't something she usually liked talking about.

She allowed her own head to fall towards her paws, resting against them gently, mismatched gaze flickering to him as his eyes closed, words falling from his lips. I'm sorry to hear that. I know life alone can be... difficult. I know how tough it really is to have family turn its back on you. She allowed her mismatched gaze to meet his ruby one, voice quiet. It can...but you learn to deal with that is given to you. At least I did. I guess, but I didn't really have much of a family to begin with, so it wasn't such a big deal. Again, she was blowing it off. Making it seem as if it didn't bother her that much. And in truth, it didn't, not that much anyway. She'd come to terms that the woman who had given birth to her didn't want her. Oh well. She wasn't going to spend the rest of her life moping around and being depressed because she was unwanted. Big deal.

My family was really close, especially my older sister and I. But my sister... she was mistreated by the son of our pack's leaders. I paid him back, but no one was too happy about that. When they exiled me, even my sister looked at me with shame in her eyes and walked away. She'd been abandoned by her mother, so what. Killian had actually had a real family, with parents and siblings. He had had a sister who had really cared about him and who he really cared about. He'd just been trying to look out for her and she had turned her back on him for that...Alessa rose to her paws, a feeling unlike any she had ever felt before filling her chest as she padded to Killian's side, allowing her limbs to fold beneath her as she settled beside him, placing her crown beside his paws, nosing his cheek. I'm really sorry... she whispered, allowing her gaze to follow his, watching as the wintery water made its way down the stream to eventually join some rive or lake.

Talk like this



06-24-2013, 06:55 PM

Killian had done enough lying himself to know this - Alessa was not fine with the things that had happened to her. They had made an impact on her life, and what had happened was a major disappointment. However, she had very clearly come to terms with everything. Her first reply seemed only a confirmation of his suspicions. She accepted it and was moving on, but what was Killian doing? Wallowing in it. Pretending it didn't hurt on the outside, while craving revenge on the inside. He would probably never be able to let go and the images of his past would haunt him until he got what he desired. He shrugged in response to her words, knowing that she was right but unwilling to say more.

It was her reaction to his story that stunned him out of his angry daydreaming. Before he realized what was happening, Alessa had risen and settled beside him, nuzzling him gently. This was more than the simple support and help she had been offering before, yet he didn't want to over-think or assume anything from it. He let himself relax, taking comfort in her presence and touch. No one had ever heard his story before, and he hadn't been remotely close to anyone since leaving his home. The last time he had been this close to someone was with his family, his sister probably. And while her presence had always been the one that was familiar and comforting, the idea of it repulsed him now. He doubted he would find any better comfort than this.

A pained smile crossed his maw at Alessa's apology. Nothing for you to be sorry for. Like you said, you learn to live with it. The water they watched flowed on no matter what happened to it. They would have to do the same, and that was something both were aware of. He returned her favor with a brief nuzzle to her cheek as well, then let his head rest beside hers. His voice rang out again, more powerful this time, as he attempted to change the subject. So, Alessa, what is it you like to do when you aren't helping strangers?


06-25-2013, 11:13 PM
What was she doing? She never stayed around to have conversations with those she helped. And if she did, it was only until they were feeling better before she took off. Either to find else someone else to help or simply to move on to the next territory. But she wasn't doing that now. Killian was feeling better. He had said so just a few minutes ago. So why was she still here? He was more than capable of helping himself and keeping himself safe. And yet she didn't feel the urge to move, to go off, to get to the next place, to end the conversation with him. As opposed to others in the past with whom she never really wanted to have a conversation with in the first place, Alessa found herself actually rather enjoying his company and the conversation she was having with this guy, even if it was on some pretty heavy stuff. Stuff she never spoke to anyone about before and perhaps that he had never before either. Could it be that she had found someone who could finally understand where she was coming from?

Her reaction, having stood and come to rest by his side, nuzzling him, was something she was sure he hadn't been expecting. How could he when she had been so seemingly distant moments ago? She could feel the shock register through his body before it melted away, relaxation taking its place as he accepted her presence beside him. She had never done anything like this before. Ever. Physical contact like this with another wolf was forbidden for her because it often times led to bonding and that lead to forming a connection with someone. Forming connections with people was something she didn't want to do. She wasn't looking to be abandoned for a second time. But Killian had been abandoned too, just in a slightly more different way. The two shared a similar past, but could that mean that they would be able to perhaps make a friendship out of it? Maybe even more? Killian was still holding on to his past, that much she could tell, whereas she had already come to terms with it. She hadn't forgotten it though; she never would. She just didn't harbor it in quite the same way as he did.

Dual-hued gems flickered up to his fa?ade, noticing the strained smile that creased his lips as he dismissed her apology, returning the favor with a brief nuzzle to her cheek. You didn't deserve that. she whispered softly, allowing her cheek to press against his as he attempted to change the subject. She took a moment to think, allowing the silence to stretch between them before answering. Wander usually. Find something to eat. In all honesty nothing. A flick of the ear was her lazy version of a shrug. She didn't know how to do anything except wander, so when she had time to herself when she wasn't wandering, it was usually focused on feeding and resting. Basic things really.



06-26-2013, 03:24 PM

As he rested beside her, he felt his heart slow to a normal pace and the rest of his body relax. Thinking of his past got him way too worked up. He had learned to accept it, but what Killian needed was to learn to let go of it. He needed not to burn with rage every time he thought of them, he needed to be at peace, but he feared that it wouldn't be possible until he got his revenge.

Alessa's words put him at ease and drew his thoughts back into the here and now as they had done all day. He knew he didn't deserve it, which was why he would pay them back, but she didn't need to know that yet. Her response to his question was boring, but seemed like it fit her well. It fit any wolf that had been abandoned at their age well in his opinion. He laughed. "I can't say I'm surprised. There isn't much to do when you're alone." He sighed, tilting his head to glance at her. "If you weren't alone, what would you like to do?" Maybe he could entertain her somehow. They needed something to lighten the mood, after all.


A small creature sat perched on a branch above the wolves, watching them with curious brown eyes. He was intrigued by them - he had seen many wolves in this area, but seldom had he seen any so unique. With their pelt and eye colors, they both stood out. And yet, their presence together seemed strange. To him, they looked polar opposites, but something had drawn them together. Little Smee felt a pang of jealousy, first at lacking the uniqueness these two obviously had, then at lacking company. Martens were solitary animals, but once in a while it was nice to have someone around. Unfortunately for him, any others had disappeared from the area, other hiding from the wolves or eaten by them. The lack of food had driven them out as well, and was beginning to get to Smee. He needed a better way to hunt, a better way to track, and it seemed to him that he may have found the solution to all of his problems. He eyed the brute below intently, convinced that he would be able to help, before climbing carefully from his perch to the soft, snow-covered ground below. He kept his distance, sitting back and waiting patiently.


Killian noticed the animal making its way down a nearby tree and narrowed his eyes as he examined it. It had a vibrant pelt, mixed of browns and oranges, and resembled a combination of a weasel and a fox. It was small and seemed nonthreatening, but Killian knew better than to assume. It seated itself a few feet away, watching them, and the brute decided to keep an eye on it while he waited for Alessa's response. He wouldn't let a crazy rodent ruin his good day.


06-26-2013, 03:54 PM

The relaxation that had settled upon Killian seemed to deepen; she could sense it. It seemed her presence was working not only to help him physically, but also emotionally perhaps. That made her feel good, a warm feeling spreading across her body as she rested against her companion. An amused laugh rumbled from the boy at her side. Apparently her answer was amusing to him. I can't say I'm surprised. There isn't much to do when you're alone. If you weren't alone, what would you like to do? She rolled her eyes, allowing her body to roll to the right side as she relaxed beside him, frame extending, paws brushing against his right shoulder, mismatched gaze on his ruby one as she responded. Well if I wasn't alone, I guess I would like to rough house, practice my fighting. Maybe learn about herbs if someone could teach me. If I had a friend that is. Which I have not had ever.

And then Killian's attention seemed to wander, but this time it wasn't because he was lost in thought. Something had caught his attention. Rolling back onto her stomach, Alessa followed Killian's ruby gaze, her dual-hued one noticing the small, rodent like animal that was perched across the small ravine, its earthy eyes intent on the both of them. It was an interesting little creature, its fur a combination of reds and brows, resembling her smaller cousins the foxes, but at the same time looking like some kind of weasel. She didn't know exactly why it was sitting there, staring at the two lupines, but it didn't seem like it posed any kind of danger. It was a lot, lot smaller than either she or Killian, but if it tried anything, both of them could easily end its life between their jaws. She turned away from it, returning her gaze to Kilian as she waited to see what he would say to her response.

Talk like this



06-26-2013, 05:08 PM

Alessa had rolled away, but maintained contact with Killian as he spoke to her. She seemed to be cheering up already, which made the brute glad to see that he was achieving his goal. He listened attentively to her response, entertained by the difference in the things she wanted to learn - fighting and healing. Only one of those he knew how to do. His expression became entirely serious as she spoke her last words, a feeling of sympathy flooding his veins. "You have a friend now," he said gently, again giving her a quick nuzzle to the cheek.

Suddenly Killian grinned, moving swiftly to his feet and crouching playfully before her, tail swaying back and forth behind him. "We'll fight then?" He was eager to get her mind off of the no friends thing and onto something that would keep her happy. He was sure she would scold him about his paw or something, but he would pay her no heed if she did. He was determined to do this for her. He bounded a few yards away, looking away from her momentarily to glance at the small animal that still sat observing them with an inquisitive gaze. It truly seemed to be only curious, but intent nonetheless. He decided that once this rough housing was done, he would take a moment to see what it wanted.


06-26-2013, 06:49 PM

This was wrong. Completely and entirely wrong. She shouldn't be lying here with him, making conversation, exchanging stories about their lives. She shouldn't be having any kind of conversation with him. She should've only stayed around long enough to make sure that he was going to be okay before taking off, like she always did. And yet here she was, completely relaxed at his side, having what she thought what was a normal conversation. Why was she doing this? She was doing exactly what she'd always told her not to do. This was bad. Or was it really? Killian could be different. Just because he had been abandoned by his family didn't mean that he was going to abandon someone else. But she didn't know it. It wasn't written in stone. And yet she couldn't help but hold a little hope that maybe Killian would become something to her, whether a friend or something more, as long as he hung around. And didn't leave her. But all of that seemed to be wishful thinking. She had to be realistic about the situation. Probably after today she wouldn't run into him ever again. Just another passing stranger with a name and a story. Or would he be?

The serious expression that took over his dark face caught her attention, bringing her from her thoughts as he spoke. You have a friend now. He reached out, giving her cheek a quick nuzzle. Everything froze and time seemed to stop. A friend. Killian had just called himself her friend. A friend. Killian was her friend. She had a friend. Her first friend in her entire life. Was he joking? His serious expression told her otherwise. He was dead serious. Her friend. My first friend... she murmured softly, pressing her muzzle to his own cheek, the tip of her salmon tongue lashing out to present him with a little peck. Was he aware how monumental him becoming her friend was to her? It was completely unbelievable.

And then he was up on his feet, crouching before her, tail swinging in a playful manner behind him as he encouraged her to a session of rough housing. Obviously, his paw was feeling pretty alright at the moment, but she still didn't think he should be up and doing so much activity with it. Did you forget that you just hurt your paw? A gentle smile curled her kissers as she craned her neck towards him, one eyebrow lifting in question towards him in mock disapproval. She really appreciated the effort he was putting in to make her feel better. It was beyond sweet of him. She spared a glance towards the little creature, noticing that it was still watching them before she turned back towards Killian, a part of her knowing that he wouldn't really care if he was hurt or not, probably insisting that they rough house.

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06-26-2013, 07:54 PM

The feelings he was having around her were completely new. She made him feel comfortable and happy, he just wanted to do the same for her at any cost. They had only just met maybe an hour ago, and yet Killian know that he wanted Alessa in his life for a long time - as a friend, or maybe more. As he had previously noted, she was a beautiful wolf. But in this short while together he had come to find that she was even more beautiful on the inside. Was it possible that these feelings were only there because of his weakened state, though? No, of course not. He was feeling strong now, and if anything he had only become more aware of his feelings toward her.

He watched a series of emotions cross her face and wondered what she must be thinking. Whatever it was, it was far too complicated for him to interpret until he said that he was her fried. Alessa appeared shocked immediately, a look that transformed to a joy unlike any other. Killian stilled as she presented him with a kiss and he heard her quiet murmur. Was he really her first friend? Part of him found it hard to believe - she was so kind and giving that any wolf should love her - but he knew it to be true no matter what his heart thought should be right. Her happiness was infectious.

As he assumed she would, she was quick to mention his injury. He shook his head swiftly and grinned. "Oh this?" He lifted the paw off the ground, then set it back down. "This is fine. I only pretended it was hurt so you'd hang out with me." His sleek voice was accompanied by a wink as he began slowly circling her, still careful not to set too much weight on his paw. They were going to play this game whether she wanted to or not.

thank you wolfie!


06-26-2013, 08:22 PM

Emotions were rolling through her, things that never graced her being. She was a rather emotionless creature when it came to others, finding that she had no reason to feel anything towards anyone. The only exception was when she helped someone; that was the only time she ever felt something stir inside of her. She had associated that stirring in her chest to be something close to satisfaction, but not quite. Helping others made her feel good about herself, like if she really could be someone worth while. But the feeling only lasted while she helped. Once she finished, the feeling vanished and she was back to feeling like she meant nothing to no one. But with Killian...she truly felt like she mattered to someone. Not a whole lot, given that they had just met each other about an hour or two earlier, but she felt like maybe he did care about her. It wasn't concrete, her belief, but it was something that she could hold onto. Hope. Something she hadn't come by in a long time.

As difficult as it was for her to admit, she had to admit to herself that she enjoyed his company. Even when they had been talking about their pasts, she could feel the kinship between them. They were similar in that aspect and she couldn't but feel something towards him. He was her friend now and she hoped that he would be her friend for a long time, maybe one day be something more than just her friend. But she wasn't about to get ahead of herself now. He was her friend. That was all she needed right now. A good friend. Had she found that in Killian? He stilled at her touch, as if welcoming it. Huh, she figured he would've been a bit more taken back by her response to his acknowledgement of his friendship with her, but it appeared not. Could he feel something between them too?

Of course he was going to dismiss her referral to his injury, she could see it coming a mile away across his visage. He grinned as he lifted his paw, displaying to her as he stated that he'd just faked his injury in order to lure her in. She rolled her eyes, a quiet laugh rumbling in her chest as a smirk twisted her pale lips. Oh, is that the case now, is it. Is that the new pick up line guys use now? Pretend to be hurt and all the girls will swoop in to help. He winked at her, beginning to circle her, though he was still slightly favoring his right paw. She could tell he was egging her on, trying to get her to rise so they could play, but she wasn't about to give in just yet. She wanted to see how far he would go to get her to join in. To see just how persistent he could be.

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06-28-2013, 10:30 AM

He was trying to draw this out, get her to make the first move, but she wasn't biting. Her question made him chuckle as he circled her, trying to decide what to do. "It worked on you, didn't it?" Killian hadn't rough housed with anyone since his sister, and even then it was more serious training. He wasn't sure that he really knew how to play-fight, but he was intent on trying. He wanted to give something back to Alessa in exchange for her help, and to show her that he truly was her friend and that he cared deeply for her. Just words weren't enough in his eyes. "Ready?" he asked with a smirk, cockiness lacing his words.

Killian padded swiftly around to her side and paused, giving her a moment to set herself. To this point she was acting as though she was expecting him to do nothing. He didn't anticipate much preparation from her, but it was only fair to give her the chance. After a few seconds, he took off, aiming to knock her onto her back and grab her ear gently to assist in the take-down. He wondered as he moved if he was planning to be too gentle, and if she was more prepared than he though, but shrugged the thought off. He knew she'd be worried about his paw and take it easy on him. He barely took a second to consider whether or not the small rodent-like creature still had its eyes on them, assuming it most certainly did.

ooc;; Sorry so short!

thank you wolfie!


06-28-2013, 01:53 PM

It worked on you, didn't it? A real grin spread across her pale lips at his antics, his chuckle infectious. Maybe I just wanted to play along. He was really trying hard to get her to feel more welcome and comfortable with him and she realized it was working. He was trying to show her that he was really her friend and she found herself believing him. Friends played together, rough housed, didn't they? It seemed like a plausible thing to do. Then again she wouldn't know since she'd never had a friend before. She'd never rough housed in her life, but she figured it wouldn't be something to hard to catch on to. At least she hoped so. He continued to circle her, asking her if she was ready. Alessa nodded, another light chuckle escaping from her pale jaws. Ready as I'll ever be. she teased him, bi-colored gems intent on his earthen figure.

He came around to her side, right where he had been originally, giving her several moments of preparation. She didn't do much, simply lied there, allowing her body to relax, the instinctual tension melting from her muscles, a gentle wag taking hold of her plume as he came charging towards her. There wasn't much force behind his charge, knowing that he still favored his right paw despite being able to get around rather fine. He came barreling into her, his teeth clamping down on her ear, tugging her on her back, just as she figured he'd intended to. The creamy peach tinted she-wolf allowed herself to roll with his attack, her body rolling onto her spine, trapped beneath his, not making any attempt to fight back as a peal of giggles erupted from her jaws.

OOC: s'fine, mine's not too long xD

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07-02-2013, 07:30 PM

Killian hadn't expected much of a reaction from Alessa, but he had expected more than this. His attack had fallen on her with complete ease, as she rolled exactly as he willed her to and began giggling uncontrollably. He scowled for a moment, cursing himself for being too predictable, but he couldn't stop a grin from forming on his maw and he couldn't hold back the laughter that escaped him.

While part of him wished that she had fought back the other part was glad she'd played along. This was exactly where he wanted her. He moved his maw near to her ear and whispered "You're no fun." His words were followed by a gentle lick on the cheek before he stepped away, putting a few feet between them. If she wanted something else from him, she'd need to make a move this time. A tiny smile remained plastered on his face while he awaited her reaction.

thank you wolfie!


07-02-2013, 07:42 PM

She had never played around with anyone before, even as a child. She was the only child in her lonely family. If her mother had had other children beside her, she would've never known. Not that she cared anyway. In her mind, she didn't need a family. She was doing just fine on her won. She didn't need her mother, or anyone else for that matter. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. But then...there was Killian. Her new friend. She liked the sound of that. Killian her friend. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, she was sure of that. And if she was being honest with herself, she didn't want him to go anywhere. She really liked being around him. And that was uncommon for her. She never enjoyed another's presence. But she certainly did enjoy his. How could a boy that she had just met scarcely an hour ago now be her friend and a wolf that she wanted to have in her life for a very long time? Things were definitely changing for her and for once, she didn't think they were for the worse.

She could tell that her reaction had frustrated him, his scowl evidence of that, but it was soon replaced with a grin, followed by laughter that mixed with her giggling. Giggling. That was something no one would have ever heard from Alessa. She didn't giggle. She didn't laugh. She didn't show any kind of emotion to anyone. And yet she was laughing with Killian. Obviously, there was something about him that just was able to break through the wall she'd constructed to keep everyone out. A smirk tugged at her lips as he whispered to her that she was now fun, her heart thundering in her chest at the gentle kiss he gave her before moving away, leaving several feet before him. The cream, peachy she-wolf rolled back onto her paws, bi-colored gaze intent on the brown boy as she charged towards him, rearing around as grasped him around the shoulders, daggers pulling at his left ear as she growled playfully. Well that wasn't very nice of you. She gave his ear a gentle tug before releasing it, placing a kiss on his cheek before pushing off him back onto her paws, turning away. She flicked her ivory tail beneath his nose as she paced off to put distance between them, turning back around, dropping the front half of her body forward, tail wagging invitingly behind her, mimicking the posture she'd seen pups use whenever they wanted to engage in play.

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07-10-2013, 06:42 PM

Killian simply grinned as she tugged at his ear, then pranced away, hoping to actually play. He wanted to stay here and continue to spend time with her all night and all day tomorrow if he could, but he worried that he would get too close too soon. Frankly, the idea petrified him. He didn't want someone he cared for to abandon him again, so he decided they needed a few days apart. It would give him time to clear his thoughts, and maybe figure out what he was feeling.

He stood up and shook his head slightly. "I think it would be best for me to leave now, actually," he said with a shrug. "I have to leave you wanting more, right?" He flashed a smile and a wink her way, before turning and moving swiftly in the direction from which they had come, barely aware of the marten that followed close behind hoping to get a word in with him.

-exit Killian-

thank you wolfie!