
sing me to sleep


05-21-2013, 05:28 PM

((threading by myself... don't judge me >.> powerplaying allowed because I said so!!))

She had stayed with Secret as instructed, a silent guardian who drifted along behind the older and now far thinner female. They had rested only upon Vi's command it seemed, the red female hunting for the pair and keeping a strict schedule. She wanted to be home as soon as possible, she hoped he would wait for her. What he had said... She didn't want those to be the last words passed between them, the weight that had settled down upon her was almost suffocating as she thought about loosing her brother. The goddess was gone, she had left them with nothing but each other and their blood. He was her world, her anchor and her life. Though the pair had drifted apart after the goddess had chosen her apparent favorite she needed him. So as soon as they hit the boarder she was gone, slipping into the shadows of the evening without a word of glance tossed to the black female who had been her traveling companion for the past few days. She moved swiftly, long legs carrying her along the edge of the boarder to see if she could catch the scent of her brother that was more recent then the one they had followed home. She would scan the whole boarder, unsure that if she howled for him that she would be able to keep the panic from her tones. There was no room for weakness here and she didn't plan on showing any unless it was needed. So she would follow the scent markings that lined their boarder, even with her lengthy pace it took a number of hours before she returned to her original spot. Secret hadn't waited for her. Sharp gaze turned inwards, there was no way she could track him within pack lands but she had a vague idea of where he might be.

She broke into a lope, slender head carried parallel to her spine as tail licked at her heels behind her. The night sky was in full swing tonight, a bit of green beginning to spread like a crack across the sky. The waterfall could be heard in the distance and she slowed as the earth began to steepen. Dainty paws found grip and foothold without a second thought as long legs heaved her slender weight further and further up. She could have taken some more time and gone a ways around to where the climb was less treacherous but she didn't seem to think she had the time. Breath was coming heavily by the time she reached the top, legs trembling slightly from the excretion but as gaze moved further down the river, further away from the roar of the waterfall she saw him. The black brute looked no different then a rock but she knew him as soon as her eyes fell upon the shape. Panic seemed to settled at the sight and pace slowed to a lengthy walk, head lowered now despite her higher rank then the massive brute. But somehow it was like they were pups again, Kylar trying to convince her to sneak away to do some innocent star gazing or watch a meteor shower. It was like it had been when they had been young and close, before the goddess had pit them against each other and tensions had run higher as they had attempted to throw each other under the rock slide to win her affections. She missed being on his side...

"Kylar?" Voice was soft, tentative and hesitant as ears flipped forward, expression open and concerned. His back was to her... Was he asleep? She wanted to slide up beside him and curl into his thick coat but she had learned not to wake him when he was sleeping. Shoulders slumped as eyes trailed over his massive frame, the silver markings that adorned his coat. The same black coat the goddess had once worn. If not for the utter despair she had felt for the last few days anger would have risen inside of her. He had always been so much closer to her even though he had been the one more eager to leave then she. He had never tried for her live, never had to work for her affection. She had been forced to work for it and because of that she believed herself to be above him when they had been teenagers. And now all she wanted was to be with him...
