



05-21-2013, 12:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Despite her worry that the strange, unstable male wolf might return, things seemed to have begun to calm down around the Glaciem territory. She had begun to branch out, had found herself a small little den in which to start stocking her plants for the few healing mixtures she had learned while Asheni had still lived, and was doing what she could with what she had. She knew it was only a matter of time before she would need to begin branching out and doing as her healing instructor had said, to seek training from other healers, but for the time being she was still trying to reassure herself that things were relatively safe just beyond her borders.

Her wanderings on this day brought her past those borders and into unfamiliar territory, and surprisingly she felt somewhat safer. If this place was unfamiliar to her then surely it would be unfamiliar to the crazed wolf who was plaguing her home? The small, creamy white wolf traveled cautiously but swiftly, her head low and her steps light. Dark brown eyes glanced left and right as she skirted the base of the mountain, and did a double take as she spotted an opening in its side. Curious, she ventured slowly within, wondering what types of plants she might find within.

It seemed she had chosen the wrong cave to step into. The snows and soft earth gave way to stone under foot and no green plants seemed to jump out at her from within. Standing with her back lit by daylight outside, Mercianne sighed though was not discouraged. There appeared to be plenty more cave to explore. Feeling hopeful, she stepped quietly and slowly inside and continued to walk forward, letting the dark interior of the cave fall around her as she moved.