



05-20-2013, 01:54 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 01:55 PM by Ardent.)
Alright guys, I removed some members from the staff team, no, this does not mean I'm mad at you, at all, and I do not want to see any talking about it whatsoever. It was done solely out of trying to organize things, and if you guys have so much time being taken up in real life, well, Alacritis should not be a burden in the first place. Don't take it as a punishment, you really haven't lost much.

Continuing, jobs are going to be more specific for most admins. the list is as follows.

Lutara & Andy are Admins or Creators
Fray is a co-admin & director of coding
Dione is Director of Maintenance
Shrapnel is Director of Treasury
Seren is Director of Organization and Assistance
Nyx is Direct of Biographies and acceptance

What do these titles entail?

Lutara & Andy, you will be in charge of covering any bases missed by the rest of the team.

Fray, you just keep carrying on. Thumbs up, bro.

Dione, you will pay attention to the maintenance board and also help clean the board, archive threads that are older than 14 days. You have complete power over this and it is yours to handle.

Shrapnel, you have complete and total control of the gem store. As there is no claiming store, there will be no one beneath you, and you will be handling this by yourself.

Seren, as director of Organization and Assitance you are in control of making sure that the player database is updated and new bios are added to it regularly. We might just accept a character, but you need to file them away. You might also remove any members that have gone inactive, and set their characters all to inactive.

Nyx, you are in charge, primarily, of accepting members. You should be doing so at least once every night, or every other night. You do not have to add them to the player database, though if you choose to thank you, for that is Seren's job.

These 6 currently make up the admin team. If you were removed it was because there was nothing logged for you having done anything for over 15 days. If there was something, it was for a thread of yours, and after thorough consideration it was felt that this was best. you may earn your spot back at a later date. no ranting or belly aching about this, if you have a legit problem, contact Lutara on Skype.


Regarding the gem claims They will be back when i, again, have full time to devote to you guys. This summer means ill be home 15 hours a day and here until 4AM okay? I promise everything will be finished, done, prettied, and sexied, just give your poor admin a minute? <'3 you still have andy, you still have me, I'm just not in the cbox :D