


05-19-2013, 01:43 PM
because i really wanted morphine to have a litter before she died and the original male who was going to father her children died {thanks shrap XD}, morphine and seraphim are going to have a one night stand that'll result in morphine's pregnancy. i will definitely be playing one in the litter {the only female in the litter: artemis}; however, raii will not be, so there will be two of the puppies left without players. because i am unsure as to whether or not anyone would desire to play one of these puppies, i'm going to skip adoption forms for the time being just to see if anyone would actually play a puppy. so if playing a morphine & seraphim baby sounds appealing to you, please just respond to this thread saying so.

i am going to provide you with a background on how the puppies will be treated because morphine's litter will be taught very differently than a normal litter.

first off, i will say that there is not a lot of creative freedom for the designs of these puppies since both morphine and seraphim are purely white. the traits of the puppy that you can decide upon are the colors of the eyes and the puppy's stature. the eye color could range from morphine's white to seraphim's green, a mixture of the two, or a very pale purple from morphine's father, and blue from seraphim's. the puppy's adult stature could be anywhere above 28 inches and below 38 inches, but they will all be fit and masculine due to their vigorous training morphine will put them through.

each puppy will be taught that there is no such thing as love - only devotion. morphine will not show her children much affection; she will only "cuddle" with them to keep them warm when they are young. i plan for morphine to treat and train her children akin to spartan children so that they may grow up to become strong warriors and show no mercy upon the battlefield. power will be something morphine will treat as a necessity and she will urge her children to join packs and either climb their way up the social ladder, stepping on others to get there through deception, or to just forcibly take thrones where they see fit. morphine will be quite strict with her children and will punish them with violence if they do not adhere to her training or fit her ideal child. they will grow up without a father and without a pack, but they will stick to their siblings and mother until morphine believes they are ready to fulfill their destiny that she created for them.

that's about all i can think of for now! so if playing a puppy sounds interesting, please post below! i will only resort to applications if more than two people show their interest.


05-19-2013, 02:01 PM
Eve would be very interested in taking one if that would be alright with you <3



5 Years
05-19-2013, 04:41 PM
Gimme Gimme!



05-19-2013, 08:46 PM
I'm actually pretty interested. I've really been desiring a truly chaotic evil character, but can't ever seem to truly produce one. That'd certainly be interesting future plotting.


05-19-2013, 08:59 PM
alright; that means that there will be an app to fill out.
uh, hm. i'll make these due before i go on vacation in june - so about june fourth. that should leave you all with more than enough time to fill it out c: plus, morphine and seraphim haven't even finished their breeding thread yet, so xD

please provide the following information; leave no blanks and be descriptive enough with each field <3


name || --- elysius {keep in mind that the puppy will be male & the last name is elysius xD sounds like ee-lih-see-us}
alignment || ---
physical description || can be puppy, adult, or both.
personality || vivid description please! adult, puppy, or both.
roleplay sample || adult or puppy.


05-20-2013, 11:36 AM

name || Fialan elysius {keep in mind that the puppy will be male & the sast name is elysius xD sounds like ee-lih-see-us}
alignment || Lawful Evil
physical description || can be puppy, adult, or both. Purely white like his parents, with the exception of a black splodge on his right thigh. He has a large build and strong muscles rippling through his fur.
personality || vivid description please! adult, puppy, or both. As a puppy, says serious and exact. He dislikes disorganization and anything out of place. He has a short temper but tends to keep calm when possible.
roleplay sample || adult or puppy. As he emerged from the den for the first time, a gastly wind wind thrashed him around. He dug in his claws and growled. What is this unseen monster? I must tame the beast! Every time a first of wind touched his sensitive fur, he enjoyed around to meet it. He would not give up! For hours he tried and tried, but eventually had to admit defeat. His brother and d
Sister seemed to not mind, so why should he? He padded over to play with his siblings, only to find his sister alone. Unaware of his brother sneaking up behind him, ready to pounce.
At the last second, he heard a breath of air, carried by the wind to his ear.b Maybe it as on his side, not against. He jumped on his brother, pinning him down to the ground. He struggled, but was no match for his steady build. He yawned and came off, padding sleepilly back to the den, happy that he'd won.


05-20-2013, 09:30 PM
name || Szayel (Sah-zay-el) Elysius
alignment || Lawful Evil
physical description Szayel is a creature of masculine beauty all wrapped up in a male body. Thick sinew lies underneath a pristine white pelt. The boy doesn't vary much from either of his parents. When properly cleaned nothing stains his pelt and is the whitest of ivories and some times can seem almost silver under certain lighting. If given the chance he would blend in perfectly with any snowy environment save for his eyes and the little spot of coat on the end of his snout.

The only color the brute has is a a very pale purple color for eyes that almost seem silver if looked at from an angle. If not for his masculine body one might think him to be a female. Rigorous training has prepared him. As an adult he grows to be thirty six inches and weighs a hundred and thirty seven pounds. Not the biggest creature alive, but enough to be absolutely intimidating to those smaller in stature.

A smile is never seen on his face. A serious expression encompasses his visage. It's quite obvious that he is a killer, a warrior, a soldier. His very appearance clearly states "do not trifle with me."
personality || What isn't explained in his body language or posture alone it's definitely apparent in how he talks and acts around others. His personality fits perfectly how he looks. He is everything the perfect warrior should be. He does not question orders. His loyalties are unwavering. Tell him to do something and he will do it, but only if you're someone he respects. Anyone else is low life scum and is to be ignored. He has no feelings, no depth to the world, no soul in a sense. Killing is just a means to survive. it's kill or be killed. If you stand in his way he will strike you down.

Try and crack jokes and he'll A. Ignore you. or B. Insult you where you stand and call you an imbecile. He's a very intelligent creature. Words more deadly than the venom of a snake. His voice alone can make another cringe. They hold an icy monotone to them that holds no friendliness and no compassion. No mercy and no love. He learns quick that there's no time for fun and games. Only death and even more death. The perfect assassin. He refuses to be anything less.
Roleplay sample Lavender eyes watched his next victim as he hid among the shadows. Scent was perfectly disguised. He smelled like one gigantic herb. It wasn't the time to make mistakes though. He could never make mistakes. This was to be perfectly executed. If he failed it would be severely punished, whether he punished himself, or if it was by the one who had given him his duty to begin with.

Lips pulled back and snout wrinkled into a silent snarl as he stared upon the peasant. What an idiot. Standing there without even realizing his death was merely feet away. With one last dirty look from amethyst eyes the man dashed forward. Powerful legs propelled him towards his target. The assassination was quick and painful for the other. The other male let out a blood curdling scream before incisors sunk into his eyeballs and raked downwards while his massive body knocked him into the dirt. Motions remained controlled as he then crushed him with his body weight before his head snaked to his throat. After that it was over in a heart beat.

Trachea got ripped from the male's throat and screams died away into soft gurgles as the blood flowed freely staining his pelt, the other male's pelt, and the ground, before he pulled away content that the idiot was dead. tongue escaped his jowls and swiped the blood away before he left the scene not leaving a trace of his scent behind. No one would ever know who did it. The perfect murder.

[ooc: And of course this is only a brief summary :P If I do get the pup everything will be much more descriptive]


05-23-2013, 01:30 PM
name || Dorian elysius
alignment || Chaotic Neutral
physical description || Dorian will be an almost replica of his mother. Ivory pelt with misted grey eyes. His build will be slender and lanky, built of compact sinewy muscle. He will stand at a shorter 33" a good middle ground between his mother and his sire and will bottom out at a rough 115. Hes incredibly lanky extending to an almost five feet in length.
personality || Dorian will be the epitome of of the world callous. Nary a word will escape his larynx that isn't bathed in sarcasm or spoken with a sneer. Arrogant, haughty, a complete narcissist, self-absorbed and caring for only fleeting, desperate pleasures, the male will care little for anyone or anything, his mother being about the only exception, he will have the smallest of soft spots for her solely because she was kind enough to push him from her womb, but even his adoration for her could be questioned.
roleplay sample || Dorian sneered at the bitch beneath him, her ample body taking each heavy thrust of his cock. Her lyrics sang to him, speaking of love and devotion, how she would become his wife and her body would be forever his. In response, he sunk his teeth into her shoulder, ripping through skin and muscle, tearing flesh and writhing in both the taste of blood and her body squeezing him like a vice... fucking virgins. She whimpered in pain and he released deep within her and slid from her back, licking his lips, savoring the last of her coppery taste. The woman collapsed in a huff upon the earth, looking up at him with stars in her eyes. He sneered.

"Dorian, that was incredible! When we are married, we must do this often! Could you not bite me so hard though? That last hurt... oh but puppies! Puppies Dorian! I will be a mother and you..." Her voice became white noise to the lengthy male. He paced towards her, deception and lies disguised under the veil of a charming smile and a soft glint that gleamed like a beacon in the depths of his eyes. Without warning, he snapped forward, coiling his teeth around her larynx and snapping the ample organ like a twig, he was sure not to nick the jugular, he didn't want her filth staining his coat.

"Marriage is for insipid fools. You are nothing more than a cheap fuck. A greedy whore whose heat demanded a cock. I can't have you carrying my spawn Sweetheart, say hi to the devil for me will ya?" Dorian sneered down at the dying creature, her limbs propelling uselessly in the air, her body seizing before falling still. With a heady laugh, the male would turn, vanishing back into the woods from whence he came.


06-04-2013, 08:47 AM
*throws pokeball to capture szayel and dorian*
thanks for the apps you three! and i'm sorry rina but yeah there were only two slots but morphine may slut it out in the future just to pass along the elysius name lol so you can save this pup for any future litters if you wish c:

if eve and shrap could get a profile for these two up before June 27 (due date) then i would appreciate it and i'll PM the birthing thread to those accounts when it's up <3



06-04-2013, 06:47 PM