
Third times the charm


05-18-2013, 11:50 AM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2013, 11:51 AM by Awaken.)

?The ebony brute strode through the battlefield once again. He just never learned did he? Two defeats in a row would normally discourage any wolf from coming back in such a small time frame. But, this was Awaken. And Awaken was as stubborn as a bull. He'd wait untill his lesions had mended and immediately go right back. Most would shake their heads at his constant trial and error, but no, he'd been determined to get it right.

His ears perked forward at the sound of a drop of water, splashing against the stones. The wind shaking the trees ominously. He felt right at home among the darkness and crows. The night sky shimmered with stars and the moon lit his path. The night was almost as caliginous as he was. Ebony on charcoal with slate grey foreground. They sky was stained with a few murky clouds that eclipsed the moon occasionaly.The masterpiece of war.

Now all he needed was an opponent to tie the picture together. The large boulder at the north seemed to have qualities of a good place to call from. He scaled the side of the slightly slanted boulder to stand on top. He resembled a stone statue in the night. The only feature that broke the pattern of the monochrome warrior were his emerald green optics. ?He tilted his head back, singing the song of blizkreig ?in the form of a baritone howl.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



05-18-2013, 02:55 PM
It had been a while since she took the time to really spar. She had been busy lately, trying to wrap her head around what had happened with she and Gideon, Maverick and of course Epiphron. Their lives had been changed for the worst because of one lupine's inability to speak to the wolves that he ruled over and beside. She was still Valhalla's beta at the moment, but that was only until she was married away to a red brute that she wasn't sure whether she could ever love. Her head was filled, her heart was heavy, and she needed a release - what better way to do that than by fighting out on the battlefield?

The girl paused, hearing the low howl of another wolf. A male, and one looking for exactly what she needed. Chrysanthe howled back, lifting her head toward the night sky and releasing a high pitched howl of her own, quick and to the point - just letting the other know that he had been heard and that she was on her way. When she got there, she smiled at the green eyed brute, her ears twitching as she waved her tail and acknowledged his presence. "Chrysanthe Adravendi - I was lucky to find you here tonight."

"I'm looking for a spar, not a bloodbath - nothing fatal or permanent." She said, getting to the point of the evening. "Is that alright with you?" She was eager to get started. Anything to get her mind off of the drama that was clouding up her life as of late. She would need to focus if she was going to win this spar...
ooc: Hello! I don't think we've threaded before ^-^ 4 rounds good for you? c:
attacks: n/a

defenses: n/a

injuries: n/a


05-19-2013, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2013, 08:11 PM by Awaken.)

His ears shifted forward as another howl echoed his in the dark of night. Two war songs bellowing as one. He let a smile slip, his arsenal of white teeth showing. A poison apple gaze settled on the female that came forward, Accsepting his challenge. ?His tail lifted slightly above his spine. ?"I'm Awaken. And I should say the same to you. ?"

?Steem drifted a few centimeters from his muzzle as he spoke. ?"Understandable. Don't want to mess up anything important. I don't heave the heart to kill anyone." ?He shrugged, in a matter-of-fact tone. Now time to get this show on the road. ?A sudden rush of confidence drove out any hint of pusillanimousness.?

?He leaped from his boulder, aiming at an upward angle. His neck arched and his lower jaw unhinged. His jaw worked to armor his throat and to attack. He pulled his shoulder-blade together and forward, prepared to catch himself if he fell short of his attack. His ears pinned against his head and his tail straight out.

Attack: ?He leaped from his boulder, aiming at an upward angle. His neck arched and his lower jaw unhinged.
?Defense: His jaw worked to armor his throat and to attack. He pulled his shoulder-blade together and forward, prepared to catch himself if he fell short of his attack. His hears pinned against his head and his tail straight out.?
Injuries: none yet
?ooc: sounds great!
(edited to fix HTML issues!)

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



05-19-2013, 09:12 PM
He was polite enough. Chrysanthe watched him carefully, listening to his words and checking over and over for any sort of hint that he was lying to her. If he was, she couldn't tell - and he truly didn't have it in him to try and murder someone. This spar shouldn't do anything but help her gain some skill and blow off some steam. The young lupine needed that more than anything. She watched him atop his rock, her defenses shifting into place as she carefully evaluated both his first move and her retaliation. Her blue eyes were cut into slits, narrowed at the brute positioned above her, and her ears were pinned to her skull. The girl's shoulders were rolled to aide in protecting her neck, and her head was lowered to protect her throat.

As he came at her, she leaped to her right side, her body positioned in an open arch toward him, but not too far away from him. She was more a close quarters fighter than one that could weave in and out of fighting stances. His snapping jaws caught hold of fur and skin along her upper neck near her left shoulder, but she barely winced at the pressure. This much at least, she expected from a fight. Her jaws were open as she silently snarled, her muzzle crinkled over her nose and teeth being what was keeping the brute from attacking her throat. The princess had all but fallen into a fighting mentality, focused on the battle ahead - everything else could and would wait. It was easier now to do so, than it had been when she first started training herself. Her tail was raised evenly behind her, to balance her, and in a slight display of dominance. She was growing more confident as she grew older, stronger, and it was a shame she couldn't tackle all of the problems life threw at her with a good old fashioned throw down. At least then, even if she lost, she would have been given a fighting chance to make things right.

Her first attack would be to try and trip him up, and she aimed somewhat low, her open jaws aiming to close around the middle of the leg he was trying to stabilize himself with. At the same time she pushed forward, she would attempt to slam her right shoulder into his face or chest, both in an attempt to protect him from going for the back of her neck.
ooc: Awesome <3 good luck c:
attacks: Slamming her shoulder into his face / chest, biting at his foreleg

defenses: head lowered, jaws open, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled, tail behind her, body lowered, balanced on all four paws, muzzle crinkled with her snarl

injuries: torn fur and skin on her left neck / shoulder area

Round 1 of four


05-20-2013, 06:51 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 06:55 PM by Awaken.)

,As Awaken landed he noticed she was going for his leg. He shifted his weight, lifting it and lowering his head as soon as he got his hind legs to the ground. He pinned his ears even farther as he snapped at her face to fend her off his paws and meeting her shoulder with his, pushing back just as hard. His suspended right foot stomped back to the ground a bit wider to keep it out of range and easy to pick up again if needed. He raised his chest floor and arched his spine slightly, keeping his tail level for balance. And using the tremendous amount of muscle in his rear third to push back on his opponent. His claws dug hard into the ground to keep himself from sliding back.

He aimed a main attack to the top of her muzzle, trying to lock his top canine teeth over the top and keep her head down. He knew if he had control of the head he could contort the body as he pleased. He kept his head as high as he could without breaking his push to her shoulder to try to keep her from raising her head and doing the same to him. He kept his neck arched as far as he could to keep her from grabbing his ribcage or his throat

Snarls bubbled from his throat and bounced around in his ribcage angrily like a swarm of bees. A seldom snort of focus escaping him. He raised the fur on the back of his neck making his appearance massive due to the amount of fur he had.

Attack:He aimed a main attack to the top of her muzzle, trying to lock his top canine teeth over the top and keep her head down. He knew if he had control of the head he could contort the body as he pleased.

Defenses: -He shifted his weight, lifting it and lowering his head as soon as he got his hind legs to the ground. He pinned his ears even further as he snapped at her face to fend her off his paws and meeting her shoulder with his, pushing back just as hard. His suspended right foot stomped back to the ground a bit wider to keep it out of range and easy to pick up again if needed. He raised his chest floor and arched his spine slightly, keeping his tail level for balance. And using the tremendous amount of muscle in his rear third to push back on his opponent. His claws dug hard into the ground to keep himself from sliding back.

-He kept his head as high as he could without breaking his push to her shoulder to try to keep her from raising her head and doing the same to him. He kept his neck arched as far as he could to keep her from grabbing his ribcage or his throat

Injuries: bruising to his right shoulder.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



05-24-2013, 11:44 AM
The brute shuffled away from her attack to his leg, managing to snap at her face even though she had tried to thrust her tensed shoulder his way to stop him from protecting himself that way. Her hackles were raised, partly in agitation, but mainly from the adrenaline and rush of being in a fight. Her shoulder ended up hitting his shoulder, and the beta inwardly cursed - he was nimble, something that she hadn't expected, but would not have to take into consideration. She was large for a female, but not as heavy as she could be not quite being completely grown - still, it might be enough to use brute strength where he was using speed. Fighting fire with fire wouldn't earn her a victory - maybe she could put it out if she beat it hard enough.

When his teeth went for her muzzle, she was already pulling back from missing her mark on his leg - there was no reason to stay completely beneath him. Yet she did not simply pull away, twisting her body so that she was facing him head on, and thrusting her head upward to protect herself with her teeth. His bite was cast upon her left cheek, and his teeth sank slightly into the side of her face, sliding over bone and leaving bleeding lacerations in their wake. With a snarl, she aimed a snap at his left eye, trying to get him to back off, to move away so that she could stand up tall and keep attacking. Her eyes were narrowed with their close quarters, her ears pinned and her muzzle crinkled as she snarled. Her throat was not easily reached without her open snapping jaws being there to protect the vital area. Her back legs were squared for balance, while her front was lowered - previously to snap at his front leg, but now so that she could spring up as soon as she had the chance.

ooc: sorry this took a bit, i thought i could read a novel, take two tests and write a report in like - a day. hahahaha no.
attacks: bite to Awaken's face

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, muzzle crinkled, jaws open, back legs squared for balance, front legs bent in hopes to spring, hackles raised

injuries: torn fur and skin on her left neck / shoulder area, bite to the cheek

Round two of four