
baby blue sedan


05-17-2013, 10:23 PM

It had been a couple days since Deteste had joined the Ludicael and he had been dutiful member. Jupiter had not given the vagabond a specific duty but he had made a habit of patrolling the pack borders three times a day in early morning, sunset and and late at night once Laxago had dozed. He had made a home for the girl in a secluded area where others would not stumble across or disturb her. Social interactions were not her best asset and the girl was morose from their current interaction with the pack's Sol, Jupiter. It was true that meeting Jupiter had changed Deteste in ways significant to Laxago, who couldn't deal with anything other than consistent stability. His new trust, and perhaps friendship, in the alpha had stirred awareness within Deteste that he did not particularly understand. It had been long since he had had anything remotely warm without great effort on his part. At least in the relationship he shared with Laxago. He was unhappy. Before it had been a reality. Now it was a choice. Regardless of these new inquisitions Deteste remained solitary and mute. And above all he would never stop taking care of Laxago for he could not allow such a fragile soul to perish when he had taken the lives of so many others without cause.

It was sun down and an amber light filtered at a slope through the thick mangrove canopy above. On his obsidian pelt the light glowed white and silver. His pace was leisurely and as was his affect. A relaxed grin lifted the corners of his parted jowls between which his hot breath became mist in the cold approach of autumn night. He did not remember the last night he felt such peace. Though his behavior had been rather timid regarding interaction with other members of the pack, as seen in his patrols centered around zero or little territorial traffic, he was content. Reaching the midst of his patrol Deteste began to wonder when he would be able to see Jupiter again. Their first interaction had been rather formal and the strict business of it had only been accentuated by Laxago's appearance. Deteste desired to aquire a more trustful and informal understanding with Jupiter but most of all he wanted to ask how he could make himself as useful as possible.

Aria I


05-18-2013, 08:36 AM

Aria Corvi

She was walking the borders of the pack lands, going through her rounds when she came across a familiar scent. It belonged to a wolf who had recently joined, someone she has yet to talk to. It wasn't that she was trying avoid him, Aria loved meeting new people, she just couldn't catch him at the right time. It was something that kind of bugged her but instead of letting that happen she turned finding him into a sort of game, to see if she could find him before he found her. Yes!

She jogged along the borders, keeping her head low to the ground, emerald orbs scanning the land around her in case the wolf popped up somewhere. Her nose was working hard to pick his scent out of the others of her pack members, but once she found it a smirk grew on her lips, a light chuckle escaping her jaws as she took off into a faster jog. She stayed onto his scent, keeping a look out, she did not want to lose him again and definitely did not want him too find her first.

In a matter of minutes she could smell the difference in his scent, going from faint to strong, as if he was right before her. She slowed down from her jog to a walk paws moving carefully over the earth, weaving in and out of the trees, emerald eyes scanning them for an signs of the male she was looking for. Step, step, step, step, stop, sniff around. He was here and close, smirk turning into a large toothy grin. I got you now. She chuckled on the inside, maneuvering carefully around the trees now, making sure the wind was blowing towards her so he would not smell her before he saw her.

Coming up from behind a tree to the back side of the male, Aria moved carefully, stepping out and watching his every move. It was only when her whole body was out from behind the tree that she made a move, her body lowered to the ground then lunged forward with a bark. She landed just outside of the male's lunging reach, her stump tail wiggling behind her and a laugh echoing in the forest. She knew he would want to lunge at her out of defense, protect himself from a wolf coming out of no where. Hopefully Jupiter had told him about her Beta Female, Borealis Aria, that she was a lively female who liked to have fun at times. Greetings, I don't believe we have properly met yet.

So she tried remaining calm, keeping her head up but out of a friendly manner, ears forward and a smile on her lips. Her body remained relaxed, hoping the male would realize she was the Beta of the pack he had recently joined.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-18-2013, 12:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2013, 12:39 PM by Jupiter I.)

welcoming the male known as de into the pack was turning out to be one of the best decisions that jupiter had made so far. with every passing day he'd been pleasantly proving to be a dutiful member. she'd picked up on his scent regularly being laid upon the borders and every time it had brought a smile upon the sol's features. lady luck had shone upon her recently, as it seemed. to have picked up the amazing wolves that she did over the course of the last three quarters of a year was a miracle for the usually-unfortunate sol.

a distant bark startled her from her rest, head jerking upwards and eyes flying open. she dragged herself to her paws, not having been conscious enough to register the tone of the exclamation. mercury was nowhere to be seen, so he must have wandered off somewhere. all she knew was that the noise belonged to aria, and the thought of the lass in danger struck fear into her heart. she stifled the emotion and surged toward the noise with courage. as she drew within relative proximity, though, she forced herself to slow. the wind swept no scent of blood in her direction as she had expected, and no cries of battle echoed through the mangroves. curiosity piqued, she made her way fluently forward, ears erect for any sign of distress.

instead, jupiter heard aria greeting someone, and the sol relaxed instantly, a silent puff of relief leaving her ajar maw. her pace became leisurely as she advanced upon the pair, classifying them now by their smell as she focused on seeking their identities instead of sensing their blood. aria had not been beta at the time that de had been welcomed into the pack, so he more than likely had not been informed of the promotion. jupiter had been doing her best to get the word out to all of the ludicaens, but the male had somehow evaded her as he had aria.

the alphaess came upon the scene, shuffling her paws noisily on the roots of the mangroves, which at the borders began to mix with other species of similar wood, to alert them of her approaching presence. "greetings, loves," she saluted, breathing finally normal again, as it had been earlier labored from her rushing adrenaline borne from the surprise and dread she had experienced. "it's nice that you two finally get to meet. aria, this is de. de, this is aria, our borealis--our beta." a genuine, affable smile was upon her features as she glanced from the lass to the lad, interest in her optics.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-18-2013, 01:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2013, 01:29 PM by Deteste.)

As Deteste reached the end of his circuit he decided to sit and rest awhile before returning to his duties at home. Though he was in no way bitter regarding Laxago's condition he was not exactly eager to attend to that melancholy environment. Deteste sat with a centered posture watching the amber rays that glowed gently between the trees begin to fade. His slightly labored breaths slowed and once cooled his jaws closed and Deteste entered a state of alertness in the method of continuing his patrol through other means. A cool breeze snaked through the mangroves, tugging backwardly at Deteste's shaggy, coal fur. Since he had joined the Ludicael he had been able to take better care of himself. His long days of traveling were over and the calories that had been burnt in the great distances he covered now settled on his wiry muscles returning to Deteste the build and physical capabilities he had had in his youth. But now he was older and that strength was fatally paired with his experience and intelligence. In the fading sunlight Deteste looked much older beyond his years. The many scars that crossed his body where chalky and more evident in the angled sunlight, his thick fur did little to hide his tattered right ear.

A disturbance in the woodland drew Deteste from his thoughtless but alert state of mind. He sensed no deviation in the scents around him but he was aware that the wind was not blowing in his favor. Deteste rose to his feet and turned in the direction of the movement he had sensed. He had spent long years as an assassin and was sensitive even to minute details in his surroundings. Calculating that an enemy would not so bold or so interested in a scout Deteste retained his calm affect. The sandy pelt of his counterpart did little to camoflage her against the dark wooded mangroves and as her bark formed, Deteste side stepped playfully in response to her lunge. Though Deteste had decided to play along with the stranger he was still unsure of her identity and he took this with a grain of salt as he had purposefully avoided contact with other members of the Ludicael.

I don't believe we have properly met. The girl's comment and tone confirmed that she was a pack member. Deteste watched her carefully in order to understand her affect. Her body language could have been understood as narcicism but her superior method of carrying herself implied rank. Deteste dipped his crown dutifully and addressed the comment after producing a relaxed chuckle. We have not. My name is Deteste. This was the first time in years that Deteste had introduced himself using his full name and he was whip - lashed by the slip with surprise, hesitation and dread. It was the name that had been given to him in the gang he had associated with as a youth and it's meaning did not carry well. Since he had left the lifestyle he had introduced himself only as De, for he could not find it in himself to seek another name. Greetings Loves Deteste's head turned sharply in Jupiter's direction. Though their interactions had been few and short he recognized her immediately. In scent and voice. Jupiter's presence quickly snappped Deteste out of his thoughts. He dipped his crown a second time, lower and more gracefully in respect of the Sol. Hello my Sol he spoke the timbre of his deep voice as nearly knightly.

our beta. So this was the rank of the sandy wolf beside him. Aria. Deteste, with some hesitation but without allowing the hesitation to show, turned again to the maiden and watched her curiously. She was certainly a friendly and playful character. Deteste again returned his focus to Jupiter, who in the moonlight that now filtered through the canopy above glowed in an excellent vermillion orange. In this observance Deteste notice something else. Swelling. Jupiter was clearly not overweight but appeared as if she could be sick. But she was not. Deteste's nose unwittingly wavered in the alpha's direction and in the final part of his investigation he found his answer. She was pregnant. Deteste was unsure what to think of this. He was filled with many sudden and contradicting emotions. At first he felt a great desire to protect Jupiter and her growing children but the feeling was quickly twisted by a sense of disappointment that he did not understand. What did he expect, he tried to ask himself, and why did it matter if Jupiter was... with a mate? He had Laxago and she was more than enough to take up his time. Deteste cleared his throat as if the action would clear his thoughts as well but it didn't work. Though his reaction was still mixed, the overwhelming emotion was the desire to protect Jupiter and her children and in an attempt to free himself of the confusing he tried to focus on that specific feeling.

Aria I


05-18-2013, 02:06 PM

The moment she jumped out the male seemed to have known she was there, that was good. She was hoping he would have noticed her somehow, show he had good ears and/or nose. He side stepped her playfully in response, causing a smirk to form on the girl's dark lips which only remained there when he had dipped his head to her with a chuckle. He introduced himself as Deteste, with this she also dipped her head, emerald orbs settling on him, she was about to introduce herself to him but then a noise and voice interrupted. Jupiter had come to them, Aria dipped her head to the Sol with a smile as she introduced the two, telling Deteste that she was the pack's beta.

Morning Jupiter, I hope you aren't running around too much. She motioned down towards the Sol's belly, lifting her head with a gentle smile. Aria had noticed the shift in the Sol's mood, and she had been giving off strange hormones, the only reason she had believed she was pregnant was because her belly had been growing. The idea of pups being brought into the world was absolutely amazing for the shewolf, and with Jupiter's coat she was sure that they would be beautiful even if she didn't know who the father was.

Pulling herself from these thoughts Aria turned to Deteste with a smile. The Sol seems to have beat me to it. I am Aria Corvi, the Borealis, or Beta, of Ludicael. She re-told him even though Jupiter did. Just a heads up, I like having fun so I do apologise ahead of time if at any point I manage to annoy you with my behavior. Gotta keep everyone in a good mood, ya know? She figured it would be a good idea to let him know, that way he didn't have to experience it first then end up taking his frustration out on her.


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Jupiter I


7 Years
05-18-2013, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2013, 06:38 PM by Jupiter I.)
- perhaps the concept of a soon-to-be mother to nearly forget that she was pregnant was an odd one, but in all honesty the past day or so after finding out about the life she nurtured within her wound had coupled with the slight denial she still felt for it and her concern for the pack. the lady was terrified that her pregnancy would be taken advantage of by any enemies she had to attempt and overthrow the leadership of ludicael, and though she knew she shouldn't worry, it had been severely difficult to suppress the bad habit.

- she put on a smile at aria's comment, gaze drifting over to what seemed like an uncomfortable deteste and then returning to her beta. her head drooped bashfully. "i've been trying," she chuckled, everything projected outward laden with nonchalance despite the fact that she felt like the two individuals before her and the trees in her surroundings were closing in at rapid rates. the lass shifted her weight and settled upon her haunches, ears forward as she observed aria interact with the male. hopefully they would grow to be friends, as more close relations were needed in this pack for it to survive.

- jupiter felt as if she should explain herself to the two of the most loyal wolves in her pack. if not reveal the identity of the father, then to at least make it clear she held no mate and that they wouldn't have another alpha soon. she too cleared her throat almost a little awkwardly, and gave a sheepish beam. "to be clear, though..." she confessed, stealing a celestial-eyed glance down at her slightly-visible baby-bump, "...i'm still the only sol. an excruciatingly unlucky sol, but still the one and only." she paused, and then quickly added, "of course, i have no regrets, though." it'd be horrible if they thought she didn't want the children, and jupiter couldn't have that, now, could she?

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-18-2013, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2013, 07:15 PM by Deteste.)

Deteste remained somewhat silent as he sorted through his juxtaposed thoughts. Clearly his friendship with Jupiter had created a great emotional confusion for Deteste. What was most difficult was that he understood that the confusion stemmed from the fact that he had never had a friend before. Though Laxago was undoubtedly his friend, for Deteste it was as if she hardly existed. She had been gone for so long. Much longer, Deteste remembered, than she had ever really been there. However this understanding only made the confusion worse for Deteste was unsure what emotions were true and which were temporary but so many of them were borderline perceptions. He respected the Sol religiously. As a leader and as an individual. But admiration would be a more accurate description of what he felt and such admiration bordered on emotions that he dared not yet approach. Especially when everything was subject to change. Jupiter's pregnancy had skewed Deteste's vision of the maiden as an independent and powerful woman. Though through the confusion that clouded his perceptions Deteste understood that there was still much to learn about the Sol that he had devoted himself so fully to and more so he understood that pregnancy was temporary and Jupiter would be her complete self again once the pups were born. At least this was how things were expected to happen. Laxago had changed completely after the birth of their first litter.

Deteste was aware of the idle speech exchanged between Jupiter and Aria but had nothing to offer himself and thus remained quiet until he was specifically addressed. He smiled, regardless of his troublesome thoughts, he found that it was difficult not to feel uplifted within Aria's presence. Your playfulness graces me, Borealis. I assure you, your play does not annoy me. Deteste offered another relaxed chuckle though his attention was quickly drawn away by Jupiter's cough. I am still the only Sol. Deteste was unsure exactly what Jupiter meant by this comment but he felt somewhat relieved. Though he had no idea why he felt such relief, he welcomed the alleviation. He watched Jupiter carefully as she continued to talk. Once he understood that the pregnancy had been a surprised, Deteste also became aware that the timing was a burden on the Sol. Deteste was unsure what Jupiter's worries were but he planned to do what be could for her.

I understand. Deteste nodded to provide a physical expression of his understanding. and I hope you understand, Sol, that you may call on me for any need. His words were spoken with sincerity and seriousness and Deteste parted his jowls to offer a kind, unavoidably toothsome smile to the woman who in her state, he understood, must feel vunrable and out of place. I have a soft spot for little ones. Deteste paused, Perhaps I can be your royal babysitter. It was joke but also a serious offer. He understood the great responsibilities of a single parent. He had raised his sons practically on his own given Laxago's state which had been much worse at the time of birth. He wanted to make sure that regardless of circumstance that these children would not share the same unhappiness his own faced. Especially if they were kin of Jupiter.

Aria I


05-19-2013, 12:24 PM

Aria Corvi

Aria chuckled at the Sol's response, of course she would try not running around too much while pregnant, but she did have a pack to run. The Borealis just hoped that she would try taking it easy, not stressing herself or the pups growing inside of her so tat they will be born as healthy and strong pups.

Her attention was sifted back to Deteste when he spoke, ears perking up as he commented on her playfulness and that it didn't annoy him. That was good, it meant she could go on with being herself while around him, maybe drag him into her good moods and lift his spirits every now and then when they encountered each other.

To be clear, though... The Sol's voice caused Aria to take her gaze off the male and focus on Jupiter, head tilting to the side as she wondered what it was she had to say. I'm still the only sol. an excruciatingly unlucky sol, but still the one and only... of course, I have no regrets, though. The Borealis gave a nod of her head, even though it seemed like the Sol was trying to tell them she did not regret what she was carrying. How could someone regret bringing life into the world? And she wasn't really concerned about there being another Sol, if there was then she knew it would be a good wolf.

With Deteste's words, Aria stepped forward, agreeing with him. You can trust us with your children, I would love to help you with them. She smiled, giving a nod of her head. We could watch them if you wanted a break from the little trouble-makers. She added in after Deteste mentioned him being the royal babysitter, a light chuckle escaping her as she thought about little pups running around her legs.

Aside from the children, you have the pack to back you up in case somebody wants to come running in upon seeing you pregnant. She figured Jupiter would become more worried as her belly grew, wondering whether somebody would try fighting her for the pack since she would be in a very vulnerable state. Whoever thinks they are slick will have to go through me to get to you. Her legs spread and lips pulled back over her fangs, a growl instantly rumbling in her throat as she displayed a not so threatening aggressive Borealis. Ears were forward and her stump tail wiggled behind her, head held straight out.

Of course she could put up a more threatening show but right now she was just messing around, trying to get a laugh r even smile out of the two wolves. She thought this was a good thing for Ludicael, and she wasn't going to let some wolf try taking over because Jupiter was vulnerable.


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-22-2013, 02:07 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

at deteste's and aria's words, jupiter felt her chest ache with immense gratitude for the two wolves, thrumming almost painfully with positive emotion deep inside, as she had felt when marvel had told her he would be damned if the pups didn't know their father. such support nearly brought tears to her eyes, and she blinked hard to fight away and stifle even the possibility of it. "thank you both. i can never thank you two enough." she looked first at aria before drawing her gaze to deteste, and beamed warmly, a chuckle leaving her. "the father is... honorable. he's not abandoning me." there was an odd tone of pride that radiated from her voice, making it clear that she was proud of who the father was, even if she had never meant for him to have children in the first place. "but should it arise, you two will be the first that will fill a babysitting position," she laughed, shaking her head with disbelief at her luck at having such glorious members on her side.

despite everything, there was a part of her that had nearly blatantly refused detesete's offer without a second thought--laxago. from their first encounter, jupiter had easily been able to judge that she was a jealous and relatively possessive individual, or, rather, she had come across that way. what would such a paranoid creature do when her mate was assigned to even temporarily watch over the pups of the female she'd initially been suspicious of? jupiter suppressed a sigh, glancing momentarily back at deteste. the sol knew that she would need to meet the lass at some point and put them at good standing, but the sol had hardly even so much as scented her since she and her mate's acceptance, so she could only assume that de knew where she was. or had they separated completely? she'd have to at least ask at some point...

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-01-2013, 03:11 PM

A toothsome smile widened at Deteste's jowls. Deep laughter rumbled from his wide chest at her battle-ready stance. Aria was a friend and a gentle soul. Deteste respected her for this. He would do anything for the Ludicael. Any who challenged Jupiter or threatened the fate of the pack would undoubtedly be forced to deal with De beforehand. Though his ways were changed he knew that the killer he had once been remained. Nothing could change his identity. Even as he thought of it his mouth grew tight and a sense of alienation from his body began to fathom. He had been split in the past between his more wholesome self his schizoid attributes. Through Laxago he had learned to manage himself and keep the worst at bay. He had almost forgotten, forgotten just how bad it used to be. Laxago. He could almost see her standing there. Her snowy white pelt tugged gently by the wind. Youth and strength restored to her previously skeletal frame. He had not seen her for days now and he struggled to decide between his pack duties and tracking her trail. He believed she would come back but for now he could not think of it.

thank you both The sol spoke. The sudden pull of awareness caused Deteste to take a sharp breath. The tightness subsided and as Deteste caught Jupiter's warm gaze he was able to relax again. However he could see the hesitation behind her words and the doubt in her gaze. For a moment it puzzled him. He had been extremely loyal to Ludicael and done what he could to serve purpose for the pack. I am separated from Laxago. timbre serious. He spoke before he completely understood. Laxago was jealous but she would never harm Jupiter's children. But if it was necessary for Jupiter to be aware of his personal affairs, in the sake of trust, then he would allow such.

Aria I


06-06-2013, 11:52 PM
Aria Corvi

Aria dipped her head to Jupiter as she spoke, it was great to now she would allow her and Deteste to baby sit, she would love to watch over the Sol's beautiful children. But then De's voice cause her jaw to drop slightly, but she quickly regained herself and gave a sympathetic gaze. That is unfortunate, I am sorry to hear that. She spoke in a gentle tone, giving a small dip of her head to him. Clearing her throat the shewolf took a step back and to the side, her gaze shifting from Jupiter and Deteste. I'm gonna get going, should check the borders. It was pleasure meeting you De, I shall talk to you guys later. With that she flashed them a grin before trotting off towards the borders.



Jupiter I


7 Years
06-07-2013, 12:15 AM

Not speaking of the subject that had just been broached, Jupiter paused to allow for Aria's departure, nodding politely to her, gaze following the lass until she disappeared. It was then that she turned her eyes back upon Deteste, head tilted minutely to the side and her brow furrowed with concern. After a moment of staring at him she rose to her paws and paced a little, optics thoroughly averted.

"So, you're not... hiding her?" she murmured, her words disappointed and low but audible. She moved around a bit more and then settled upon her haunches with a sigh. "Alright, time to brainstorm more den ideas." She'd been relying on whatever super-confidential hiding place Deteste had found for Laxago as a place to safekeep her pups for their birth if the two would not mind her presence. But this...? She couldn't comprehend such a failure on her part. How had she not noticed? Sure, the scents had been relatively older, but...

Suddenly noticing her selfishness, she shook her head and with an apology upon her features swept her path of sight back up to her loyal member. "I'm sorry, I was just going to see if you were keeping her someplace I could use for the pups. There are plenty of places, though, so I'm sure I'll find one. But... yes, I'm sorry about Laxago. You alright?" She wanted to be absolutely certain that he was stable and comfortable with his own decision before she dropped the next bomb on him, that of which she already had to stifle from blurting now. Jupiter shifted her weight patiently into a more comfortable position, eyelids fluttering for a moment as she felt a kick, but otherwise her movements were unchanging.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-07-2013, 10:51 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 10:52 AM by Deteste.)

Deteste watched quietly as Aria departed. His lips pursed and his front teeth caught on them. The small movements of anxiety. He had not thought much about the separation so that Laxago's disappearance would not drive him insane. He watched in the direction that Aria had parted many minutes after she was out of sight. He could hear Jupiter's movements and as he fought to control his thoughts and emotions he felt hypersensitive of his awareness. This was an attribute that had helped him as a killer for hire. A sensitivity to absolutely everything. He could hear and feel every minute movement in Jupiter's pacing. Beyond that the gentle shift of her swollen belly. Beyond that the earth bellowing gently with every step made by the Sol.

So you're not hiding her? The sol spoke. It was only then that Deteste turned to look at Jupiter. Regardless of her nervous pacing, and the disappointment he could not clearly decipher in her speech, her crown of cream reminded him of the Ludicael and the value the pack had claimed in his heart.
Every member had shown him kindness. There was more in the world for Deteste now. More than Laxago and his bloody history. He looked up the Sol once more. His affect now calm. He would wait until she had finished speaking all her thoughts before addressing the forming misunderstanding between them. Laxago had instilled years of patience in Deteste and he would apply them here with Jupiter. A woman who had lived only half his total years and yet had stumbled upon so much responsibility. He understood the specks of immaturity in Jupiter, so few as they were. And he loved her more for it. In a year, in two, or sooner she would become a powerful but kind leader. But also a mother and independent woman. He had never seen such depth and such beauty before and his only desire now was to preserve it.

He breathed deeply before addressing Jupiter and took a moment to closely observe her. This was an intimate moment. Deteste had not before seen the Sol as emotionally vulnerable as she was now. Their interactions had been, for the most part, so formal. With the flutter of her lids she looked even smaller. He had revered Jupiter almost as an immaculate being but here they were. Her trust surprised him greatly. He still considered himself a stranger to the Sol and to the Ludicael. She knew nothing of his past and very little of his personal faults yet she was investing such important things in his discretion. He breathed again and smiled kindly, but tiredly at the Sol. She left, Jupiter. Without consulting me. I have tried to trace her within the confines of the Ludicael but she left many false trails and I.... I have duties here. I was not exactly hiding her, but the den I kept her in is out of the way and difficult to find and discern. I only wished for her to have the isolation she desired. It will be a safe place for your children. I will lead you to it and expand it for your needs. He swallowed dryly, unsure how to answer the second question honestly for he was unsure about his own emotions. I will be okay. he spoke, his voice smaller than he intended, I thank you.... for the trust you have in me. I am here to serve you, Sol. I will not falter.

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-07-2013, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 04:57 PM by Jupiter I.)
His eyes--those intent blue eyes--examined her with an intensity unmatched, her skin crawling at the slightest as she tried to comprehend the magnitude in which they peered into her. The emotions he communicated through his optics were a cool, concealed mix of things she couldn't begin to decipher, and her heart quickened slightly under his observations--a natural reaction to one who almost felt like she was being judged or scrutinized for something she knew not of. Jupiter's muscles drew taught and tense without her permission, and though the change was minute, hardly a shift to another creature, to the Sol it felt as if she'd quaked.

The opinions of her pack members mattered to Jupiter and the very prospect of one of her most loyal being displeased with her in some way was foreign, frightening, and dreadful. He offered a kind smile and she took it without hesitation, mentally holding the gesture close to reassure herself she had not upset him in some way, and allowed her stalwarts to cease their tightening and relax.

Words came forth from his lips and in response, pity came forth to her conscience. She suppressed it from her features, as pity seemed to always come across negatively for some reason. She paused as he mentioned the den, but as he concluded his dialogue, she shook her head.

"I shall seek some other place before I resort to yours. For her to return to the den should she regret her decision and finding me, pregnant with pups, inside of it..." she trailed off momentarily. She was unsure whether or not Laxago would be driven to violence with her assumptions, but for all she knew by the time (that was, if she ever) returned, the lass may be crazed. She diverted her attention to his own mental health, a gentle smile upturning the corners of her lips. "Aid me, my dear Deteste, but do not serve." Gentle gaze flicked over his form and then to the earth, an appreciative grin striking her features. "You are, like the rest of the pack, close to my heart. Ludicael is all of our homes, but I'm glad that more binds us than the lands we live in."

She pursed her lips, dial lifting to peer in the direction Aria had gone, countenance laden with thoughtfulness. She winced at another kick but the expression of brief pain faded. Ouch, that one kind of hurt, she mused inwardly, but their activity was pleasing and showed that they were still healthy and, most importantly, alive.

"Aria and yourself get along well, so it seems. And so do we, obviously." The Sol spoke with her path of sight turned away from him but she now glanced back, warmth written upon every crevice and plane of her visage, but there was a definite mask of professionalism solid upon her face. "Deteste, should you feel up to it, I would want nothing more for you to lead beside me as Sol."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-08-2013, 12:59 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2013, 12:59 AM by Deteste.)

I shall seek some other place Spoke Jupiter and he was grateful for her understanding. It would certainly be difficult and confusing for Laxago if the last familiar place to her was occupied by the Sol and her children upon her return. He had made a habit of keeping the den daily and laying out a small meal within in the event of her return. Though he found himself eating his late night dinners alone. Entangled in these thoughts he struggled slightly to return his attention to the Sol. Her gentle affect calmed him but as she spoke he found his heart fluttering violently against his chest. Aid me my dear Deteste, but do not serve. He was unsure what she meant by this statement but he was certainly honored by her kind, personal words. Deteste could not possibly see himself not serving the Ludicael in anyway. If he was not serving the Sol he was certainly serving the realm and all that it stood for in his eyes.

I do not serve only you Sol, but the realm it's self and I never do otherwise. Perhaps service is not the best word but I am proud to be a part of the Ludicael. his voice was strong and it had been long since he felt so lively. He reflected inwardly as a short silence fell between them. Jupiter gazed the direction of Aria's departure and Deteste gazed further, as close to the horizon of his home as was possible. He had not had a home before and he believed he was fortunate to have found one so beautiful. He breathed deeply and allowed a toothsome smile to stretch across his jowls, expecting the increasingly serious conversation began to devolve especially once Jupiter mentioned his new friendship with Aria. He hoped to see her again soon for her light-hearted disposition was a pleasant thing to be around.

He focused on the Sol once more, her attention simultaneously returning to himself. He had intended on commenting on Aria's playfulness but the striking seriousness of Jupiter's gaze allowed no thought or speech to cross his mind. He did not know what she had in mind and he found that his heart fluttered again. A plethora of mixed emotions left him unsure how to express himself but his lips tightened and he made sure to show that his entire attention was focused on Jupiter's next words. Words that would nearly shatter him in disbelief. He swooned and breathed out as if the wind had been knocked out of him. Sol? He had followed Jupiter with such reverence that in this moment he could not grasp the idea of being her equal. This was not a position he had exclusively desired, not that he was unhappy about Jupiter's request, he had only meant to whole heartedly serve the Ludicael. I would be honored Jupiter. his voice was tight but he looked at her with deep gratefulness. He felt renewed but also very old in the same moment. I will do everything for our Ludicael.

He strode closer to Jupiter and bowed deeply, his forelimbs folding beneath him. But as he rose he stood tall and a husky, powerful howl poured his jowls growing in amplitude and complexity in each moment. In Deteste's youth this was the greatest token of respect one could offer to another wolf. It had been many years since he lad last sung such a song and in his current age such an act was greatly out of character for him. But in his heart and this moment he could not help the desire.