
A Curious Angel


05-16-2013, 05:23 PM
The angelic furred dame placed one paw into the light, cautious as always, and slowly appeared from the shadows of the trees. Looking around, she cast her startling silver gaze over the landscape around her, surveying it for anything that might serve as food, or something that would make her food. She also kept her gaze aware for others of her kind, knowing better than to intrude if she were interupting something. Her thick ivory pelt shone like the lights with which she shared a name. The raven feathers in her long tail danced in the wind, a ballet with the leaves and grasses. The woman kept her large, lean frame low to the ground and crept forward until she was sure she was alone. Standing up, she held her deceptively delicate cranium high and once again cast her moonlight coloured pools to the area around her. A smile graced her beautiful face, her orbs catching a glimpse of a lake with which she could quench her unbearable thirst from her journey. Stepping with fluid grace towards it, she stood on it's bank and lowered her head. A long salmon tongue snaked from her dainty maw, lapping at the crystal clear water until she felt better. Lifting that beautiful, perfectly sculpted face from the brim of the aqua, droplets of water fell from her jaws for a few breaths before she shook them away. She cast that dazzling silver gaze around her once again, and waited for something to happen.