
LokixNnoitra Puppies


05-16-2013, 03:55 PM
Right soooo they havent officially mated yet but as soon as Nnoitra seals the deal Loki is gonna be preggers! Shrap and I both want a pup, but I have no opposition to purchasing more if a bunch of people would like one! I need a rough estimate though and Ill see what I can do! <3 Please post here if you are interested ;)

ALRIGHT, as of now Shrap and I are thinking of five pups, but that depends on how sexy yall's applications are! I will throw up the pup images as Shrap finishes them buuuut I figured I would toss up the template and let you guys get started!

Appearence: Pick a sexy Shrap image number


05-16-2013, 03:58 PM
Ooh me!!:):):)

Aria I


05-16-2013, 04:02 PM
Me! I need a wolfy in Tortuga to complete my collection! XD


05-16-2013, 04:11 PM
Possibly me :3 I'm debating on it



5 Years
05-16-2013, 04:26 PM
Me please! :3 PUPPIES!


05-19-2013, 09:48 AM
Name: Chihiro
Gender: Female
Appearence: Choose after eve has
Personality: Although smart, she isn't the most adorable of the litter. She is quite odd in her hobbies, like plants and the land. She is fascinated with all the different pack and ranks and hopes to obtain a high rank one day.
Alligance: Good neutral.
Health: Slightly oversized paws but apart from that great



05-20-2013, 11:06 AM
Possibly me!

Name: valentine
Gender: Female
Appearence: ill Choose whats available?
Personality pup: A creature bursting with fire; lightening up the faces of those who are down. She's always the curious type venturing where shes not necissarely supposed to go to. Meeting those she shouldnt.
Personlity Adult: A sedctive woman; the curves of a flowers; the looks of mother nature. Such a splendid beauty cant go to waste, can it? though a flirtatious maidan shes very intellegent and wont get herself into things that she can no fix.
Alligance: Lawful neutral. [for now]
Health: Apart from having bloodlust, shes all good.


05-20-2013, 03:58 PM
Name: Devya
Gender: female
Appearence: *waits for eve to pick* She however will be tall, though no taller that her mother, and lanky like her parents, her curves will be feminine and alluring, muscles lean and strong, her face will be long and narrow, with sharp features. Idea: eyes will start as green and fade into a light blue, her pelt mostly black with a white strip up her muzzle that spreads to her ears before fading away at her scruff, one of her back paws dipped in ivory ((hope this is ok to add?))
Personality: Like that of her mother, she has learned the art of turning lies into realities the minds of others, she gains their trust in order to get what she wants, often taking time to follow through if necessary. As a puppy she will look to her father for his leadership skills, having the determination to follow in his paw steps. Others will have to earn her trust, which is not so easily given, but no one should really trust her, she may portray one face of kind and caring, but she'll turn around and throw you to the wolves so to speak. As she grows older, she will have a bold attitude, often wanting to be more in the pubic eye and center of attention. She will develop a desire for power, but it won't all go to her head, allowing her to make smart decisions, but with the drive to climb higher and higher.
Alligance: Nuetral evil
Health: all good and heathly:)

may add to this after work:)


05-21-2013, 09:43 PM
Name: Seth Famine Jaegar
Gender: Male
Appearance: #4
As a puppy, Seth's going to be very obsessed with his fathers image. He's gonna wanna be just like his daddy. However, as he grows up, his personality will dive into darker waters, and the boy will become a bad little boy. Prone to mood swings, and aggressive tendencies, he'll have few friends. With a cold nature, and manipulative mind, he'll be loyal to Tortuga, but also always looking to grow and expand power. Ultimately, I think, Seth will have respect for his parents, though he will try to eventually surpass their intelligence,and status. He'll be a ripe little sociopath. (Hello, Mr. Take over the world)
Allegiance: Lawful Evil
Health: Born blind in left eye.


05-21-2013, 10:29 PM
Adoptable Sheet
Click this link! ------>

Alright So Eve and I have decided to change up the application a bit to make it harder, a role play sample will no longer be needed, instead there will be other requirements to meet.

Pup application info

They must all have Jaeger as a last name.

Pup Number: Pick one you're interested in. It can be more than one to widen the chance of you getting one if you didn't get the one you wanted.
Name: You have to pick something evil sounding/demon name. Eve liked the idea :P
Gender: Pick! It's your character :P
Personality: It can be anything you want, just don't make an idiot considering both parents are intelligent creatures. At least 2 good paragraphs for this please.
Appearance: Write out a detailed description of your wolf's looks/stature. They must be rather thin and lanky.
Alliance: Anything you want. Preferably something along the lines of the parents.
Health: This is up to you, just nothing too crazy.

With that being said, I'll also write out brief descriptions of each pup below for you in case you can't determine the colors of the eyes and such.

Adoptable 1

This pup is pitch black with Nnoitra's eyes. Right being light blue and the left being dark blue. Paws are white and the insides of the ears are dark gray. Nose is black.

Adoptable 2 Evelette

Base coat of white. Green eyes, black stockings, black tipped tail. Nose is a mixture of brownish pink and black.

Adoptable 3

Pitch black pup, one white black paw, a white stripe that fades up the bridge of it's nose and back onto the neck where it fades completely. Eyes are green on the outside and slowly turn to blue near the pupil. Nose is black.

Adoptable 4

Base coat white. Black front stockings, black tipped tail, and a black stripe that runs up the bridge of the nose and behind the head fading on the neck. Nose is a light brown. Right eye is orange and left eye is white.

Adoptable 5 Shrapnel

Base coat white. Black stockings on all legs. Black tipped tail, black tipped ears. Blue gray markings around the eyes. Right eye light blue, left eye green. Nose is black.

Adoptable 6

Base coat black. White patch around left eye. White ring around the bottom of the tail and white patch on the rump. Right eye is green and left eye is gray. Nose is black.

Pup Number: ?

Eve's application

Pup Number:2
Name: Pestilence
Gender: Female
Personality: Remarkably intelligent, this tiny spit fire prefers the silence over the sound. She will be slow to temper, relaxed and at ease most of the time, but once you have managed to weasel your way upon her bad side... you won't ever get out. She never forgives and she never forgets. If you betray her, you will never return to her good graces. For the most part shes calm, quiet, contemplative. She dosen't enjoy needless fighting and prefers to meticulously plan out her method of attack. Battle tactics and situations that call for a strong, steady mind, she excels in.
Appearance: Eyes the color of the most toxic poison they will take after her mother. An ivory pelt will adorn her until you reach the top of her tail and the stockings of her feet. The fur will drastically change color to a glorious obsidian masking her paws and the tip of her tail in ink. She will grow into sinewy muscle, not built for combat or brutal strength, agility and speed will be what she relies upon. She will grow to a middle ranged 33' but her torso will be lanky and limber, stretching to nearly five and a half feet.
Alliance: Chaotic Neutral
Health: Perfect

If anyone wants to buy one more pup (Since Eve and I are broke) that's basically your way of getting a puppy if Eve and I approve.


05-21-2013, 10:39 PM

NAME ? Sorin Jaegar

GENDER ? male

APPEARANCE ? {keep in mind this is his fully developed adult appearance & design three.} The male will possess more of a skeletal physique than that fit for a titan, retaining the lanky and supple figures of both of his parents that?ll enable ease with mastering agility rather than brute force; however, he will not entirely lack muscle and will build up a decent musculature as he develops. Once he has blossomed into an adult, the prince will breach an average apex of thirty-six inches yet a mere mass of one hundred and twenty-five pounds, making him on the lighter side. His coat will be a blend of his mother?s purely sable and his father?s purely white ? the darker hue dominating the canvas of his short and course fur, leaving splashes of white in its wake extending from the bridge of his nose to the nape of his neck in resemblance to the simplistic design of a skunk, as well as painting a single ?sock? upon his left hind. The dullness of his coat is made up for in the beautiful heterochromatic eyes that mark the most stunning aspect to his entire appearance, the codominance of his parents? genes portrayed in his verdant eyes which house a cerulean ring around their pupils. As far as facial features are concerned, Sorin resembles a hound with his elongated snout and narrowed visage, only contributing to his thin appearance.

PERSONALITY ? Cold-hearted to the core, Sorin will house no room for sympathy; thus, his destructive nature will hold no limitations and he?ll continually take what he pleases when it appeases him, completely disregarding the thoughts, wishes, and feelings even for those held dearest to him. Unlike the strategic and intellectual mannerisms of both of his parents, the deviant will prove to be their perfect contrast as he is entirely impulsive and rarely ? if ever ? considers the outcomes and repercussions of his actions. His impulsivity will stem entirely from a temper that is nearly impossible to quell, for the prince will only experience emotions to their fullest potential; his ?happy? will never truly be just happy ? it?ll be ecstatic as well as his anger will never be a minor rage ? it?ll be a vehement wrath.

ALIGNMENT ? chaotic evil

HEALTH ? physically healthy as can be!


05-21-2013, 10:58 PM
Pup Number: 3 or 4
Name: Devya Jaeger
Gender: Female

Personality: Like that of her mother, she has learned the art of turning lies into realities the minds of others, she gains their trust in order to get what she wants, often taking time to follow through if necessary, she will some amount of patience. As a puppy she will look to her father for his leadership skills, having the determination to follow in his paw steps. Others will have to earn her trust, which is not so easily given, but no one should really trust her, she may portray one face of kind and caring, but she'll turn around and throw you to the wolves so to speak. As she grows older, she will have a bold attitude, often wanting to be more in the pubic eye and center of attention. She will develop a desire for power, but it won't all go to her head, allowing her to make smart decisions, but with the drive to climb higher and higher. Her actions and thought processes are cold and calculated making her the perfect opponent, both in battle and in life.

#3 her lush pelt is nearly entire a rich black like that of her mother. Her back rear paw will be dipped in ivory, along with an ivory stripe that runs of her nose to neck before fading away, it will be the purest of white against the blackest of black. Her eyes are oddly color, rimmed in a bright green before blending into a deep blue.
#4Pelt is made up of mostly ivory, the purest of white. Front legs are dipped in ebony, along with the tip of her tail. A ebony stripe will run from her brown nose behind her ears before it fades away at her neck, blending with the ivory hairs. She will be the only one with odd colored eyes, one a rich orange and the other gray, unlike either of her parents.
-Aside from the coloring of her pelt and eyes, she will be tall, though no taller that her mother, standing at about 35 inches and weighing about 115-120 pounds. Limbs will be long, bodice narrow, her curves will be feminine and alluring, muscles lean and strong, her face will be long and narrow, with sharp features. She won't be quite as thin as her parents, keeping a little more weight on herself than her mother, but she will still have a runners body, built for speed rather than strength. Her pelt will be slightly longer and thicker than her parents and not quite as course in texture.

Alliance: Neutral evil
Health: Perfect

I am not poor and could most certainly afford a puppy;) and would certainly be interested in doing so if you guys agree

Also Im not sure if you wanted a new application, or the previous one edited


05-23-2013, 02:11 PM
Pup Number: #4
Name: Seth Famine Jaegar
Gender: Male
As a pup, Seth will be quick to please. Always following his daddy around, trying to understand everything and anything. Generally he'll be pretty friendly as a pup, but will hold a darker side in. This side will be noticed if he gets into trouble or as he catches small animals and torments them. As he nears adult-hood, he'll bloom into a sociopath. Charming and cunning on the outside, he'll be a master manipulator.

As an adult, he'll be prone to some violent mood swings, but they're few and far in between. As he has grown he has developed a fixation on power, and doesn't tend well to orders. He'll have dreams to have his own pack someday, a pack full of minions to order to do things that sees fit. Love-wise, he won't be the most faithful and will most likely have many sexual partners, before settling with that one girl who can keep him in check.

(Hello, Mr. Take over the whole world)

His base coat is white, taking after his father. The ivory substance is broken only by his unique markings. These markings consist of, a stripe of black protruding between his ears, and down his face. His front legs are black, and his tail tip is also black. These black areas are where his mother bleeds through. He will have a slim but muscular, the muscles will be well toned, and well exercised. Perhaps the most unique feature, is his eyes. The right is an orange color, and the left is a silver color, which he is blind in.
Alliance: Lawful Evil
Health: Blind in Left eye.



6 Years
05-26-2013, 09:47 AM
Pup Number: 1
Name: Valkis Jaeger
Gender: male
Personality: Valkis is rather unamazing as a child. He is watchful and aloof, learning by example rather than his own mistakes. He is a character not set to lead nor to follow, lacking the right credentials to really do either. Even as a child he always had a dark side, found in his devilish smile given in reaction to rude pranks and likewise. His dissent from rules and regulations of life with a group viewed in the way he turns up his nose at others' compliance to demands and the way his eyes go intensely dark when told to do something.

Age brings him courage to speak out, blossoming into a rather vocal character who loathes most of society. He finds himself much happier being a vagabond, coming and going whenever he so pleases. Valkis much enjoys playing cruel tricks on others almost as much as he loves to lead strangers astray. Charming and charismatic(perhaps only in his own opinion), of course he also enjoys making the ladies swoon.
Appearance: When you look at Valkis you don't think of a warrior. He's not brawny or thick in any way. Full of dry muscle and with legs that go on and on he is built like a messenger. Born to run. Valkis does not appear threatening, making him generally easy to be around. His most threatening asset is his height and even then he is not nearly as tall as he could be. Standing an average 36 inches to the shoulder he equally towers over some and is dwarfed by others. For his given size his weight is on the low side, being the type who forgets to feed himself.

Valkis has a relatively short coat of fur, only thickening slightly in the winter. His coat is predominantly black in coloration, sporting white mittens as his only markings. Given his shorter coat style, he favors the warmer portions of the year and in the warm summer months his coat can become heavily sun bleached turning a red color.

Most of his appearance seems to be stolen directly from his father but in essence his parents looks do not differ too much. At the base of his long thin legs are large paws with well arched toes, designed to grab the ground like cleats.
Alliance: Chaotic Neutral
Health:currently great.



9 Years
Extra large
05-26-2013, 01:12 PM
Pup Number: 6

Name: Narfi Jaeger

Gender: Female

Personality: As a child the female will be very observant, watching her siblings like a hawk. She will right away look for their strengths and weaknesses, looking for who is the weakest for her to play with and who her competition will be so that she could take them on and over power them. She will play with her siblings in a way that will get her in trouble a lot, pouncing and biting, shoving them out of the den. It may seem mean in the mind of others but to her she is just trying to get rid of the weak so that the strong can survive. If she isn't doing neither of these things then she is always trying to look good for her parents, being kind to her siblings when they are around, helping them out. This is where her Schizo may begin, she will do what ever it takes to get something she wants, even appearing cute and cuddly, but once she gets what she wants she will turn on the person.

As she grows older Narfi won't really change, she will still push the small ones around and take on those equal to her. She will follow her parents around a lot, trying to gather as much information from them as possible. Taking on lessons on how to fight, how to hunt, and even dabble in the art of healing. She will learn how to speak to others, how to act around different ranked wolves and loners. She wants to know as much as possible, that way she can do whatever it takes to get what she wants without people getting suspicious. This does not mean she wants to become a leader someday, yeah it would be nice but it isn't her goal. It may change though, depending on what her parents would like her to do.

As a teen Narfi will fall further into her Schizo, she will hear whispering in her ears, see wolves following her. She will even believe that the dead are talking to her, trying to help her gain power. These voices will bring her to form a new personality, one that most males can't resist. A helpless female looking for help, shy, quiet, friendly. She will come to call this personality Nia, and will use this part of her to get what she wants. (may form more than 2)

Overall, she will use her personality disorder to get what she wants and being trained in fighting, hunting, healing and politics, she will attempt to gain some sort of power. Using her brain, looks and strength to get ahead of others.

Appearance: Not exactly tall and lanky like her parents. Narfi will be of medium build, standing at thirty-five inches and weighing around one hundred and twenty pounds. This female will have strength and speed, having the muscular build to fight when needed but the agility to jump out of action. She will be able to run a good distance without getting tired while also being able to maneuver around or over various obstacles, and when it comes to fighting she will be able to stand her ground. A lean, beautiful, yet powerful woman who can definitely take care of herself.

When it comes to appearance she has a base coat of ebony black, medium length fur. Her coat is long enough to keep her warm in the winter, but short enough to keep her cool during the hot days of summer. Patching her left eye and rump are unique white markings among her family, looking as if somebody dipped their paw in a white substance and pressed it against her eye, and looks as if she sat in the same stuff. There is also a white ring around her tail near the tip. From her mother, Loki, Narfi has a toxic green right eye and storm grey left eye.

Alliance: Neutral Evil

Health: Schizophrenic/Dissociative identity disorder

Other: Have the gems & super active probably too active XD Would really love to try playing her, never had a Schizo wolf before, and am excited to see how she turns out, if accepted.


05-30-2013, 04:35 AM
Pup Number: #1, #3 or #6
Name: Cadabra Jaeger
Gender: Male if #1 or #3, Female if #6
  • DECEPTION: A master of illusions, Cadabra always has a trick up his proverbial sleeve. The quick, easy way to describe him would be to say that his personality is "undefined". Unlike a normal wolf, Cadabra has no obvious personality. His behaviour is, instead, dependent solely on the situation and what he's attempting to achieve or gain. When attempting to corrupt the mind of a pup, he maybe be impressive or entertaining, when trying to woo a female, he may be suave or gentle, and when dealing with an enemy he may be violent and frightening, but none of these incarnations are "him". These are mainly characters he takes on in order to meet a goal. He does not have multiple personalities, rather, he owns multiple puppets and he uses these puppets to get his way. Depending on the situation, he may even use each "puppet's" name as an alias instead of his own name.
  • TRAPS: Cadabra is an excellent saboteur, able to set traps and lay deceiving scent trails, as well as throw his voice to lure others into danger. Attempting to track him is a fool's en devour, unless you're an expert tracker. Scent masking, track covering, and camouflage are tools ready and waiting in his repertoire, also making him an excellent spy.
  • ASPRIATIONS: Cadabra has no large goals in life. He's a very "eat the apple instead of planting it to grow an apple tree" sort of guy. He wants what he wants now and never later, and his ability to plan ahead stops at setting traps. This pattern of see-want-take makes him rather shallow and childish, although, wolfkind should probably breathe a sigh of relief that a wolf with his capabilities doesn't have his heart set on destroying Alacritis. However, being so shallow makes him easy prey to any evil mastermind who wishes to use him as a pawn.
  • LIFE:
    - As a pup, Cadabra used his talents to be annoying to his brothers and sisters. He would switch between always telling the truth, always lying, and telling half truths in order to keep them confused and never knowing what to expect from him.
    - This behaviour continued into his teens, and he began to expand into traps and espionage. As his social circle grew, so did his skills of deception. His "puppets" began to solidify into individuals with different names.
    - As an adult, Cadabra regularly left his home for long periods of time in order to woo rogue females with his more sensitive and charming "puppets", mate with them, and then leave them, once in awhile leaving with a stolen pup. Being a little bit of a narcisist, these stolen pups usually took after him.
Appearance: Cadabra is tall and narrow. Other wolves could easily joke that you can only see him if he's standing sideways; if he turns "frontways" he'd disappear. His legs are long and end in large, round paws. His ears are tall and pointed, and his face is lean and narrow. His eyes are narrow and slanted, and have a bright, wily gleam to them. While his body is covered in short, cropped fur, his neck and tail are fluffy and scruffy. Instead of appearing to be thin, he is covered in lean muscle. His body is springy and light, allowing him to move with silence and agility.
Alliance: Chaotic Evil
Health: He was a little weak and wheezy as a pup.


05-31-2013, 02:58 PM
Pup # 1- Peabody
Pup #2- Evelette
Pup #3- Secret
Pup #4- Roamer
Pup #5- Shrapnel
Pup #6-Azzy

Pup Number 1- Cadabra Jaeger goes to the lovely Peabody.

Pup Number 2- Pestilence Jaeger is eve's :3

Pup Number 3- Devya Jaeger belongs to Secret. (You have permission to pay for the pup so there can be six puppies :3)

Pup Number 4- Seth Famine Jaeger is Roamer's.

Pup Number 5- Grimmjow Jaeger Is mine

Pup Number 6- Narfi Jaeger is then Azzy's.

Eve and I both loved Trynx's and Aly's forms that were filled out, but unfortunately Eve and I had the worst time picking players. But if either of you are still interested you're free to pay for the pups. If so let us know and we can come up with a design for them and everything. Then it'd be eight puppies :D xD


05-31-2013, 04:18 PM
Yaaay! Thanks so much!! Quick question . . . who pays for extra pups? I went to the store to pay for mine, but saw that Eve has already paid for two extra . . . which I understand would mean five pups are paid for. And then I see you've said Secret can pay for hers . . . I have enough gems on this account, so paying is definitely not a problem for me, but I don't want to pay for a pup that's already paid for, you know? Pea is a little confused. XP


05-31-2013, 05:34 PM
Eve paid for two extra pups, and Secret offered to pay for another meaning six pups total. So you got a free one.


06-03-2013, 08:41 PM
-squeals and runs off to purchase pup-