
Anybody out there


05-16-2013, 10:51 AM

The air had grown thick, the change was easily detectable. Moisture seemed to build up and consume the freshness like starved bacteria. The entire atmosphere seemed to shift. The lush green vegetation vanised beneath me turning into more of mucky substance as each step was taken. Soon enough the water came into view.. Nothing like a creek, nor a lake. The water barely moved. Clouded over to give it more of a brown toxic look. Tree roots burst free fom these dirty waters only to plummet back within the depths. Curiousity was what struck me now. What was this place exactly? Seemed like a rather suitable environment for the likes of my kind. The sun barely had room to peak through with its blinding rays. Shadows cascaded through out the entire place, making it far more easier to hide my thick and bulky frame. I'm assuming that the musky, rank smell will soon be easier to cope with. Or so I'm hopeing.

Muscles flexed beneath my thick, tri colored coat. Causing a sensation of ripples to become pretty visible. Emerald green eyes finally adjusting to the dim lighting, and sent to scan through out the scenery, look for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing seemed to stand out though. Appendages began to move slowly, I could hear the slurping as each paw was pulled from the thick mud. Tail hung lazily between well toned hind quarters. Twin towers twitching slightly.. The sounds of singing birds did not fill the airs here.. No, instead I could hear only the occasional bullfrog croaking, or hopping into the water. Surely someone would come out to play, to remove this rather boring feeling from my core.


05-16-2013, 11:06 AM
Her lips were warm, sweet and moist with desire. her eyes closed; a soft and moaning whisper, tracing the curve of her tongue. Breathing, deeply, the raw incense of night?relishing the heat, the damp water as it kissed her aching curves and cold, white flesh. Touching and caressing, smoothing above her pale breasts to trail their lithe fingers into the slender contours of her abdomen, and supple ribcage. The water, as it bathed the luscious bodice of her angelic physique; her tender and delicate skin. Washing the blood and the bruises ? her love and heartache; their affections, and wildly, ardent misery ? rinsing her sins, her memories, in a coercive pull of translucent mist and hotly, rising vapour.

The lithe bodice would move up to a roaming figure. The shadows almost consuming the two whole. Remaining quiet the woman would gaze cautious. The sea blue orbs wrapping the brute in a warmth of luxury. Flexing the muscles in the petite bodice of the woman; she strode forth assessing the man with gentle tones of emotions. The lush visage would twist side to side as the whispers of winds would trace the features of a godesses making. A true beauty Rosalie was. Many admire and envy to possess the figure of temptations; the feminine allure and charms. keeping a respectable distance the mysterious lady would carefully put her light weight on the haunches. The long wispy tail curling to the front paws. Waiting for anything intrueging heading her way.


05-16-2013, 11:24 AM

It was just then that my personal space within the depths of the shadows had been interrupted. Although I wasn't one to complain when further examining the others sleek, wet physique. The curves she possessed beckoning me to consume them, her sweet perfume tickling the insides of my nostrils taunting me to come closer. To envelope her tiny frail looking frame with my own masculine physique. I could hear the whispers in my ears, whispers that were not spoken by neither of us, but still heard by me. My muscles tightened and ached beneath me. Blood rushing wildly through my veins. It took every ounce of energy that I had possessed to try to push the demons inside to the side.. Not now, not yet. It was to early.

It was hard though, more so when those sea blue eyes looked straight at me, as if she could see right on through me. Her gaze alone nearly swallowing me whole, and it brought back that aching urge. Once more I had to force my body to stiffen. To stay where I was and not venture any closer. Everything about her was oh so tantalizing. My body ached of desire, my jowls watered at the thought of her very taste. The back of her neck clenched within my own powerful jaws. The struggling of her between frame fully imagined within my own thoughts. I had to pull myself back, back to reality. Before I did something that I know I wouldn't regret in the slightest. Such a temptress wouldn't be safe to long around the likes of me.

Of course it didn't take long for my own lenghthy appendages to bring me closer to her, now crossing over the respectable distance line, and into more of what was considered 'her' space. That tainted grin tugging at the corners of my own mouth as I watched her closely. Silence was all that I offered her. Not a nod nor attempt to speak. No, I was to consumed in imagining what all I could do with her.. way out here... In the middle of no where. We were basically in no mans land. No one would hear her yell for help. No one would even think about searching for her way out here... Not that I knew of.. To me this was no mans land.


05-16-2013, 12:02 PM
blackened waters of sheer chaos, and such lack of understanding would drill, drill down her very bone. pain would be the flesh to eat, and frenzy would be the embellishment of her very soul, as in silence she would seek the presence of those the odds had dare take from her. Lush curves with poreclein flesh would dance to the continous beat under the solid earth.her lithe bodice, seething; twisting, in its arachnid grace and sensuous power as it moved towards the charred man. it were wanderlust, wanderlust and infinite hunger, that accompanied Rosalie in her wild, esoteric affairs.

The Two sea blue pools would so easily slither into the mans erotic mind. Teasing him with frantic delights; holding him captive in the seas before releasing him back to the boredom of reality. Beautifully bored. So effertlessly bored.

What a mind could do in search of the key to amusent. Releasing the devils within. A sweet angel. A perfectly capable lady. Waiting to be released into the centre of bewildment.To feel a rush of excitment racing down the ramp of the unearlthy back. " well arent you a mute being?" teasing the lobes with a sensational tune of the womans cooes.The sultry; europian accent lingering in the air; calculated; to thrive into the place in the heart. With success. The sinner could very well be unleashed. No screams could be heard around here; no guidance to be relased from hell that so easily pulled us in. it was all exciting.


05-17-2013, 10:57 AM

It was now time to mask that demon that laid at my very core. To push him to the side and bury him beneath the ground. After all, it wouldn't be very fun to scare the poor little beauty away. And so for now, hidden he must stay. That crooked sneer slowly faded from my lips as I continued to watch her rather desireable form. That white pelt so vibrant it stood out amongst the dark shadows, like the rays of sun at the crack of dawn. However, the only difference was, this fae before me she did not act like the others I had come across. Her frail figure did not tremble within my cascading shadows.. Her eyes did not shine with a pleading shimmer. Nor did they widen, stricken with fear.. No she was different. Instead, it was almost as if she were the demoness of seduction beckoning for me to have a go. Pleading for me to entertain her, to amuse her. And of course I would be the last to turn down such an oppurtunity.

Her words carassed my ears. Each one dripping with a sensual venom. And I couldn't help but let lose a deep chuckle of my own. Her europian tongue having just added onto my own little fantasies. I was of a Russian decent. I did not possess a sexy twang to my words. Instead they came out rough and rugged. Even the sweetest words could sound cruel as can be. Each r pronounced with a thick roll.

Well now, when a seductress as such as yourself is gracing ones presence. It would be a bit hard to choke up some words, now wouldn't it dear?"

Words boomed through my mouth like thunder rumbling through the stormy skies, just before the lightning would strike. That lightning shone deep within my own green pools. My own thick canvas now closing in the spaces between us. Large cranium sent to lower a bit so my nose would graze just barely over her neck. Inhaling deeply her sweet, taunting perfume that caused my bosy to ache once more. Whispers now left my mouth so only she could here.

" Now tell me my dear, what brings you way out here?"


05-17-2013, 02:26 PM

engulfed by the paranormal activities circling the petite female, Rosalie would watch taunting his unfaithful soul. how pleasureably amusing. Releasing a laugh into the solistice world to allure those into her possession. To trap them in the minds of a desire they can never get. Teasing them insanly until she simply walks away.The roaming persuasion.Could this brute keep her amused enough; to stay with the unconditionble gestures of seduction. For those sensasional curves to nudge the sides of his flanks romancing him in a bucket of bloody red roses.

well well well, arent you charming?

Her purr may be curdled with the heat of such a gentle disdain it might pass as concern, concerns are all the more exciting. Griting the canines in a sign of panic, frustrated to make a mistake with the possibility of clasping the woman into the grip. It was true. It was hard to keep Rosalie as your own. Your pleasureable toy. It was a chance you'd have to risk of simply forfit onto an easier catch. A less.. satisfying being.

im seeking inspiration, a possibility of.. of, well thats for me to know and you to find out?

Driven to the edge of insanity; The masked womans seen it all, witnessed it all, felt it all. Having the the chances on her side; to take as an advantage. This brute moved ever so close to the albino woman that the shadows fear. So ever close. The long husky like tail would trace the features of every muscle reaching up to the Visage; as it bathes in chaos. The earths beat carried on; as did Rosalie. Moving away from the towering male; shes not that easy. Stepping into the screaming shadows the woman was almost out of sight. The sound of the sweet breath being exhaled;in and out. The only sounds that could be heard. Excepts the lightening that striked into the man's twin pool eyes.Interesting. Or was that supposed to be a worry.


05-17-2013, 02:56 PM

Unfaithful was a word that would describe him to a tee. A man whore was what he was, and that would probably never change. Then again you never know. Females were his prey, and the ones he adored the most were the ones that were unwilling. That didn't want all his attention, and so tempting him was a dangerous game. It was almost like playing with fire, your bound to get burned.

Her words found their way into the air once more, breaking the seconds of silence that consumed them both. A twisted smile resting upon those lips of his as he listened intently. Her smell consuming him, blocking out that rancid odors the still swamps had to offer. Charming? Me? But of course! That smile broadened as that fake personality took on its course. Masking my true, twisted identity. In all reality I was far from charming. Degrading those of the opposite sex at every chance I got. To make them feel lesser. But before I could do such a thing, I had to lure them in. But there was something about this Minx before me.... She was far from what I had ever seen, and as the minutes passed by that became more and more appearant. Perhaps she could prove to be a keeper. To be locked within a dungeon and used only by me. Or perhaps she would show to be just like the rest. Made to be used only once and then tossed to the side like garbage.
I can provide suitable inspiration if thats what you are in need of.
Now with her little a possibility of statement, that did intrigue me. What could she be out here in search for? What in this hell hole would tickle her fancy? Well, other than me of course. As she got up to move, I could feel her thick bushy tail run along the contours of my front before she was blanketed by the shadows, my own grin only widened as I followed. Now she was playing a game, that I truly adored. I could hear her breathing, I could practically hear the calm beat of her heart against her chest. No matter where she moved I could smell that sweet perfume that I now desired.


05-17-2013, 03:34 PM

Alone; solitary female predator, lush tones whispering into the chambers of wisdom, her words seething;toxic, in the formatted way of lust. Cradling the tender feel of the dangerous game. Make sure to be burned by the rules of a temptress. Engraved into the hard earth; the dainted paws leave there marks, a precense to be remembered.

oh and you think my inspiration will come with the click of a paw?

Ah the shadows never fail to drag the Tangled bodice into the depths of the growling doom. Clawing at the porcelein flesh with such violance its a wonder how such a petite woman could so easily stoop aside. The soul of a flaming fire; turning everything into ash at the touch of a feather. The simplest touch. Wild and free; sinful and loving it. Needing a little something to wash out the flares she created; to cope her so well something new could blossom out of the trembling earth.

oh m'dear loverboy, are you trapped into my curse? Or is this part of the game your so willing to play? all to exciting.

Turning back the tiara she would watch the brute following in her footsteps; enlarging them by almost double. It were as if they where connected to the bare bones.

Now now how rude am i? what shall i call you.. loverboy.

Enticingly seductive; enchantingly adorable. Always moving it would be hard to keep up with this mortal being. How long would he stay before leaving in defeat?


05-17-2013, 03:55 PM

It seemed as though now, I wasn't the only predator. She too was mockingly the same.. We were both a lot a like. And combined that could be a dangerous mixture. Like throwing a match into a tank of gasoline. Just sit back and watch the explosion. Her every word dripped of a venom that the wise would turn away from... But not I.. I craved little encounters such as this. It added onto the suspense, and filled my blood with adrenaline. Her words lingered as I pieced them together. My grin only widened to the point that it couldn't go any longer. Causing my damn face muscles to burn, before I removed it. Of course I didn't respond to her.. Not to that phrase. I'll simply prove to her that I can be rather inspirational.

It amazed me how perfect her body meshed into the shadows. How she fit so well, even with her vibrant shade. Something I hadn't expected but it certainly did hold my attention. It was as if she too belonged there. She then continued to speak, her taunting words causing a deep, and dark chuckle to rise from my throat.
Trapped? Hardly, dear. It would take a little more than the sway of a hip and temptatious words to trap the likes of me. Intrigued though, of course!
I continued to follow her deeper into the shadows. A place where I truly belonged. My body easily towered over hers, however I wouldn't consider her weak due to that simple fact. There was a darkness inside this minx, a darkness that I could connect to. And the little nickname loverboy, why the way she said it, it just rolled off her tongue causing my muscles to tighten, my body becoming stiff. That urge was back again, to take her in the shadows whether she wished of it or not. To do as I pleased with her. I could feel my canines gritting, fighting it once more. Only question was, how much longer could I resist this urge? It took me a minute to realize just what she had asked me. I was to captivated by her voice alone. And finally it sunk it, she wished to know my cursing.
The calling is Verin... Named solely after the demon of impatience, my dear
I couldn't help but offering her a wink. Followed by even more of a devious, toothy grin.


05-17-2013, 04:36 PM

Her self-destruction mirrored in the fear, the primal voracity that smoldered malignantly within her cruel, and seductive gaze. She accepts her suffering, basking in the torment, the inexplicable, rancid pain. Feeling her heart lose its fragile mortality; shedding its sweet, humane bereavement in lieu of the bloodthirsty and the divine. Apathetic and merciless, she were disassociated with her surroundings. her eyes swallowing miles of unrelenting blackness. its shadowed vestige, tangling as fists woven into the wet tendrils of her soft, silken hair. The smoothness of her figure, lush and glossing, hugged by suffocating walls of thick darkness. before finally she draws forward, seethes in a bewitching and elegant gesture; leaving her watery realm, with a feral hiss.

The names Rosalie.. Im glad to know theres males out there not so easily persuaded. Atleast you wont try anything.. oh how delightful m'dear Verin

The sultry words born from parted more entering the calm surroundings with a gentle hiss from the europian tones.
The seas locked in the orbs of a mysterious woman; they'd bury themselves deep into the souls of others pushing them to there truth and fate.. was this meeting really meant to happen or was it a twisted game to the society.
Dweling in the past; Rosalie had to thrive forth, it was the only way. Those who think she's flawless.. or even perfect are all wrong. Something within her is a curse.. or was it a blessing. No one knows this imperfection; not yet.


05-17-2013, 07:22 PM

Something about her, the way she carried herself, the look in her eyes was far from what one could consider normal. And although I like to play the sick and twisted games, something told me the white vixen before me was even more demented than I. Perhaps not in the same way, but perhaps she to has sick and unusual pleasures. The interest never once left my gaze. But this time it wasn't a game for me.. Well, okay maybe only part of it was still game. But now I also wanted to unravel her, to find out more about her... There was a lot more there than meets the eye. And then, once I piece together this puzzle with missing piece's then I'll take what I want. But as of now, this game only intensified.
I repeated it out loud, to better remember it, and then looked at her. Studying her rather closely. Was certainly a pretty name. However did not suit her in the slightest. Rosalie sounded like a flowery name, for someone sweet and innocent... No it certainly did not fit this seductress, this demoness that was in search of collecting souls. I allowed my eyes to look her up and down slowly, taking in whatever the shadows did not entirely consume. And then I proccessed the rest of her words. And with that I couldn't help to laugh, but only for a second or two before the seriousness swept over me once more.
Now now, don't go assuming. I can be rather... un..predictable.
The last part of the sentence was a bit broken up seeing as how I had to find the correct wording for it. Didn't want to sound like a complete full saying the wrong thing.
And the fact that you are pretty enticing does not help these fact
That sinister grin once more rose upon my lips as I took another step into the shadows, inhaling deeply once more. My body ached, and I yearned for something that she could give to fulfill that need. Or.. I could just take it. I pondered on that thought for a minute.. But something about her simply told me not to. A aura she gave off. I had to figure out just what the hell was up with this little dame.


05-19-2013, 11:34 AM

too much lay undisclosed for the ever so mystical siren, too many questions postponed if only for the emptiness of the confinement these new bones of hers had come to give her as a gift: these newfound rules written in her own blood, this new necessity for silence to overcome her when indomitable fury would have always taken away all pain. the memory of many mysteries still screeched within the innards of her brain, all questions once written in solitude now hushed away if only to maintain this tranquillity that had, at last, come to the her arms. Oh how the poison oh the mans soul less words drip; drip down to the very floors with such cruuelty. She loved it.

Oh, i can see it. The way my name amuses you ay? you dont think im a sweet gal?

echos sweeten the poisoned words with the temptation of swallowing the cruelty whole. Rosalie stopped; stopped on the very spot where she was prying; watching his every move in advance in th future.
The talons on the dainty paws clunching the virging soil before gently releasing.