
slid yourself on over


04-05-2013, 05:39 PM
The male had remained an unknown face in the crowd for quite some time now, sliding about in the background without accident or incident. Hell he hadn't even met anyone from the pack since the initial pack meeting except one female who hadn't seemed too impressed with him at all. He had been meaning for a long time to make his presence known, to wander and meet some of the wolves of the pack but had yet to go through with that plan. But today felt different, he felt that he should finally go out and see some new faces and become a more supporting member of the pack. He had joined this pack as a hunter with the desire to eventually become and ambassador. He wanted nothing more then to meet other pack wolves, learn all the customs, traditions and going ons of everyone. He had heard whispers of some of the packs such as Tortuga and Lentajin but wanted to know more and wanted to get the information straight from the horses mouth rather then though the grape vine where many things were misinterpreted. Or sometimes changed to benefit the person spreading those lies. But he was not one to judge, he was simply here to learn. To help this pack grow and to help in any way possible. If that mean hunting and providing for everyone then he was fine with that but he wanted more strict instructions. He wanted to speak to the leader himself and learn all the ins and outs and customs and traditions of the pack he had jumped into rather blindly.

So this day he found himself near the center of the lands he had explored extensively, sitting almost exactly where Gerhardt had sat when he had claimed these lands. Cynrik had to admit, he didn't carry quite the same authority that their alpha male did. This male that had called them all together was quite an imposing sight, someone that looked like he had been born to lead. Though Cynrik strongly believed that his looks trumped Gerhardt's it was their alpha's presence that made him the king that he was. The golden boy sat easily, head cocked slightly with one ear on a pivot to see if there was anyone around. Oddly enough there wasn't... Ah well, hopefully there would be soon. The male slowly lifted his head and sang a song for their alpha, requesting his presence but in no way demanding it. That would be a bad start to the meeting... Well hopefully this one on one meeting wouldn't go the same way as when he had been Aislyn. God she had been scary... She shuddered at the thought, lowering his head and frowning. He felt bad for abandoning Valhalla like he had after the volcano but really... He had only met 2 wolves there and he highly doubted that they would remember him in the sea of faces that made up their pack...


04-05-2013, 06:48 PM

A howl rang out. Standing along the beach and staring out at the waves, the King almost missed it for his musings. It finally broke through his subconscious and he recognized it as one he had heard only once. It was a member, but what was his name? It was the quiet one, the one who'd been vastly under the radar since he'd joined. Cynrik, that was it. Shifting his weight he would allow his body to shake off any debris that might cling to his frame before he pivoted and headed toward the man who'd called. Curiosity reigned supreme among his emotions, as he was certain it had to be something important for the otherwise anonymous wolf to call for him. What could it be? A sigh was given as he drew himself up to his King-like height and stature, and arrived on the scene. It was indeed Cynrik, sitting in the middle of the packland - ironically in the exact place the King had held their founding meeting. Gerhardt took no offense to this, but did note it as a curious detail.

"Ah, Cynrik. It is good to see you," All pleasantries set aside, the King was grateful to see the man sitting here. For a while he had wondered if Cynrik had left them, just as Ghost so recently had. "Can I help you with something?" There had to be a motive behind the sudden urge for the King's presence, and Gerhardt was eager to know what it was. Rocking back onto his haunches, he reclined and allowed his tail to curl around his hips. Ears would relax to a more comfortable position as he peered at his Count, one of the original Counts of Seracia.



04-10-2013, 12:18 PM
He had been unsure of his placement at first, not sure if the king would take offense or be angered because of it. But it had seemed like the only choice at the time, the center of the lands so that his howl could be heard no matter where their king was wandering as long as he was in Seracia. Luckily, it seemed that his plan had worked and soon enough Gerhardt padded towards the golden boy. Cynrik shifted himself easily into a standing position and lowered his head respectfully to the king. He would move from his position if requested but didn't want to assume too much. Gerhardt greeted the younger male with a pleasant tone and easy words that made Cynrik smile politely and nod in agreement. "As it is to see you my king" he responded though the tone remained formal. But there was a reason for this call and Gerhardt knew it as well as Cynrik did. Slowly the young male lifted his head slightly, not enough to show any dominance but enough to speak to the King of Seracia more clearly. He had been an absent wandered for too long now and wanted to do what he could to help the king and their pack.

"I apologize for my absence Gerhardt, I've been taking some time to get acquainted with my new home" he started, hoping that there would be no issue there and that the king would understand Cynrik's need for that. "I have called you to see if anything needs to be done here. I hunted for a while as per the duty you assigned me but everyone seems to be capable hunters so I have been hunting for myself. I was wondering if there was something else you would have me do? Or perhaps a pack hunt you would like me to organize?" he said slowly, trying to measure his words out carefully even as he spoke. Seemed he was loosing his gift of speech the more he hung in the background of these new packs. Though he had his hopes and dreams of one day being a liaison of sorts between the packs he was more then willing to do whatever was needed to get there before hand and help out in any way necessary. But for now he needed some way to help, something to do. Hopefully their king would have some ideas of what he wanted done within or around the pack lands.


04-10-2013, 03:24 PM

The morning had been rather uneventful, and he had spent most of it along the beach, strolling the three sides of his territory that he felt the most secure about. It was ironic, really, how much time he spent on the beach considering it was nearly impregnable. Still, to him it was the most alluring part of his landscape, and he would enjoy it whenever he pleased. This morning had been one of those times. But now he had been drawn to the center of his territory, nearest the delta where Cynrik sought something from him. Whatever that was - the King had not a clue.

Speech remained formal and eloquent, something Gerhardt remembered admiring upon their first encounter. Perhaps when the ranks were expanded Cynrik would get to use his mouth for more than just bringing down prey. "Your absence was noted, but I am glad to know that you were inside the Kingdom." He was thrilled to know that Cynrik had not left them as he had imagined a while back. "Your enthusiasm is a welcome relief, Cynrik. You are not the first to ask me for further responsibilities. I have been in the process of rearranging and completely changing our ranking systems, but I am not quite ready to bring everyone into the loop. I will say though, that the skills you mentioned during our first meeting may yet be put to use." He would pause. "But I will digress on that matter for the time being, I would be honored if you held a pack hunt.. I feel we've been lacking in cohesion as of late, and I wish to change that as soon as possible. If you so choose, you may leave the packlands with a party of hunters, but regardless of when you leave I should like it if you all returned safely with your cache by nightfall. Agreed?" The King would wait, knowing that Cynrik could very well lead a hunting party in the Kingdom, but knowing that he might possibly wish to stretch his legs into the outside world.


Image by Ruelle.


04-10-2013, 04:07 PM
It was easy, almost familiar to be standing and speaking with the king. It was what Cynrik had been raised and groomed to do after all and Gerhardt was a breath of fresh air from what he was used to with most wolves. He was proper, formal and polite no matter the circumstances and Cynrik appreciated it more then anything in a king, especially one that Cynrik had decided to follow. He had questioned his choice to join this new pack a couple of times since first meeting Gerhardt but it seemed this simple meeting had chased all those worries and concerns away. He almost glanced away in shame when the king mentioned that Cynrik's absence had been noted but it was brushed aside as Gerhardt said that it was alright because the golden boy had stayed in the pack lands.

He remained quiet though, waiting as the male spoke, saying that he wasn't the first to ask for further responsibilities and nodding along to show he was listening and that he understood. Maybe his tongue would have a use here? At this last comment before Gerhardt's pause Cynrik's ears tipped forward to show a keen interest to this subject. But otherwise remained silent, the male seeming like he had more to say and Cynrik had no desire to interrupt him. So a pack hunt it was? Not exactly what Cynrik had been hopping for but hey it was a start right? It would give him time to get to know some of the wolves maybe and be a bigger part of this pack. They could leave pack lands? Cynrik listened carefully to the terms and nodded slowly. Once he finished Cynrik paused for a moment thoughtfully. "Agreed, but... The lady Loccian who joined at the beginning with myself and a few others... Is she still around? If so would you allow me to ask her to join us? I will do my best to keep every one who choses to join me on the hunt safe but even the most cautious wolves can get hurt by a stray hoof. I'd like to have a healer nearby, if you'd allow it, even if she chooses not to join the hunt herself." he said, words careful and measured even as he spoke them before glancing at Gerhardt to see his reaction to the golden boy's suggestion. "Aside from that I would be honored to organize a pack hunt and will do so at first light tomorrow." he said, this time a bit more comfortable with his words.


04-10-2013, 05:03 PM

Gerhardt couldn't help but wonder what made Cynrik tick. He often thought about how and why his members worked the way they did. He wished he had time to spend with each of them and learn of their history and their plans for the future, but unfortunately.. the duties of a King did not often allow for such time. Still, he knew he had been overworking himself lately, and perhaps he could talk to those he considered himself close with and at least further his relationship with them. But for now, all attention remained on the subject at hand, Cynrik. The man would go further to agree with Gerhardt's terms, but also would add on his own request, ironically for the lady Loccian. She had not showed up for the last hunt, and Gerhardt had later heard that she was not skilled in those areas. However, Cynrik simply wanted her along for safety, and Gerhardt could hardly refuse him. "A wise suggestion. She is certainly still with us, and I'm sure she'd love to go and ensure the party's safety. I believe I shall send Maverick with you as well, and Kamala if she would like to go. They could use some experience hunting with a group." He knew that they would behave accordingly, but made no mention of Valkis. Gerhardt still questioned his motives and frankly, his choices in life, and was not prepared to let his son go running off with a group of hunters for the simple fear that he might not return. Whispers of depression and insanity had reached his ears, and until he could sort all of that out he would not send Valkis out on anything more than a walk to the beach. "I wish you and your company good luck tomorrow, Cynrik." The south was plentiful when it came to prey, and Gerhardt was certain that even in the heat of summer, prey animals would be easy to come by. His pack would feast tomorrow, of this he was sure. With a flick of his tail, the king would stretch his body upward into a standing position and pivot toward another part of the territory, meaning to leave unless Cynrik had further business to discuss.

Exit Gerhardt unless stopped.


Image by Ruelle.